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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"do you plan on giving your self a concussion on top of the hangover?" Ase teased rubbing Marie's back "i'll get you another whisky just to be sure yeh?"

"do you plan on giving your self a concussion on top of the hangover?" Ase teased rubbing Marie's back "i'll get you another whisky just to be sure yeh?"
Oliver glared at the pink haired witch, a pout prominent on his lips. "I'm not anybodies imp!" He growled, crossing his arms over his chest, making angry steam come out of his ears to emphasize his anger, "I'm my own imp! Nobody owns me, except me. I own me!"

Vincent had to bite the inside of his cheek, hard, to keep from bursting out laughing. "You're your own imp, alright." He mumbled, poking Oliver in the cheek before walking over to the bar, his shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter.

"I am!" Oliver shouted after him, stomping his foot making his shoe light up, "I'm a person, not a slave. I'm not a pet." As he said that, his tail began snapping behind him, making the air crackle.
Maria glared at Oliver, " If you don't shut your mouth in the next five seconds I will turn you into ant and step on you," She glared sparks flying off her as she got angrier.

Ellie smiled poking Vinny's cheek looking up at Akira and Alexander walked into the cafe," Oh...Hi," she said meekly avoiding eye contact with them both.

Estelle sighed looking at the two fairies her hair squirming nervously.

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"Well, you're a violent, radical, candyfloss-envious bit-" Oliver suddenly froze, his eyes going wide. He could feel his entire body begin to heat up, as he felt a sharp pull behind his skin. "Meep." He said, clasping his hands in front of his mouth before his body went up in flames, leaving a scorched, black mark as the only evidence that the imp had ever been there.
" Thank god!" Maria sighed closing her eyes, Estelle looked distress at Vincent her her charcoal colored eyes full of confusion and distress over her friend, "What happened?!" she squeaked.
"He was summoned back to hell." Vincent deadpanned, sitting down at the bar, putting his cheek into his hand, leaning on his elbow, "Probably something important. By the way, it would be wise not to antagonize him about being 'anybody's'," He told the room quietly, "In hell, creatures like him, are generally considered as pets."
Ellie looked away backing away.

Maria glared at the two," is it a apology for acting like a crazy douchebag since day one?" She asked lamely.

Estelle was still focusing on the spot when Oliver disappeared her hair wiggling sadly.
Alexander sighed "I am sorry for that, I don't have much time to explain this. So please can everyone sit down?" Akira held onto his arm her head leaning against him "Please everyone be civil and let him explain. We can judge him after" her grip on his arm tightened "And If I don't like what I hear I'll kick his a** myself okay?" her face had a scary smile on it. Alexander cringed and looked at the other pleadingly "Please don't let her kick my a** anyone but her!" @Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic
Maria raised her hand, " Can i kick your ass?" she asked sweetly flinching when Ellie smacked her behind the head, " Fine, we'll hear you out Alexander," she sighed looking at them a tad coldly.
Alexander led them to a table and sat down Akira by his side "First off I'd like to apologize for everything i have ever done to all of you.. But I need you to understand it..wasn't really me. I've been corrupted by dark magic for a long time which is why I have limited time, eventually it will take over again. The reason I learned dark magic was to protect Akira. Long ago back when we were kids her father Entrusted me to protect her. Thing is, there is dark fairies after Akira, the same who killed her father." Akira flinched, Alexander continued while giving her hand a reassuring squeeze "Akira was not born by normal means, She was created by those Fairies as her mother could not Conceive. Unfortunately her mother payed the price for Akira's life by falling ill and losing her own. Her father Banished those Fairies to the dark forest, a place all Fairies are forbidden to go. He banished them because Akira's mother fell ill he blamed it on them."

Alexander sighed "I'm sure Akira told you of those marks on her yes? I lied to her about them. I had to get the Coven master out of the way to protect her, they keep the darkness in her under wraps and keep her from being detected. Its unfortunately fading. Speaking of the Coven master, I released her. I do apologize for what I did Maria but it was necessary to protect Akira. I did it for love, I know that does not justify my actions but I hope at the very least it'll help you to consider forgiving me though I do know I don't deserve it." he paused and then started again "Akira is neither light or dark, good or evil. However the people surrounding her are a huge influence. If any one who practices dark magic gets near her she will start to lose herself. I couldn't risk it neither could her father. He realized I was corrupting, he was ready to kill me when he saw even my corrupted side wished to protect Akira so he allowed me to stick around. We came up with a plan to drive Akira away for her own safety until the Fairies were killed. We knew she'd run if we got too protective if we forced her into an arranged marriage."

Akira kept watching him her eyes darting to the others her mouth opened like she wanted to say something but she couldn't. Alexander continued "Unfortunately my other..side was after her, something we didn't predict. But it helped drive her further and further away. We knew the runes would start fading around her birthday, thats why I struck the deal with her. We were going to do the ritual at the ball again to continue protecting her until she could take her place as queen or we forced the Dark Fairies out..or killed them if it came down to it. We never got a chance however as the Dark Fae attacked, killed Akira's father and further put her in danger of losing herself. Luke as well.. I got news of him and Akira I am sorry but Luke is badly injured and might not make it. He was in on it all too, though him hating me was real. Again I truly am sorry to all of you, especially you Akira. Me and Graeme are planning to get rid of those dark fae... Which is why I'm entrusting Akira to you, please protect her in my place I beg of you." At the end he bowed his head in pleading something a prince was not supposed to do something his parents would be ashamed of, but he did it for the sake of Akira like everything hes done has been.

@Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic
Maria glared at him ,"That's all fine and dandy and amazing but," she stood up, " Where is Madame Bernet!?" she yelled at him.

"Right here Maria," Sophia smiled in the door way of the cafe, she had changed out of her tattered ballgown into a business suit. She walked over to Maria patting her head," Now calm down ma cher, before you burn down the building," she smiled causing Maria to pout before hugging the elderly lady tightly, " Madame..."she whined. " Grandmere!" Estelle smiled running over to soft hugging her tightly. " Estelle!" Sophia smiled switching into french to talk to Estelle, smiling kindly at the little girl. " Madame Bernet..." Ellie sniffled tears running down her face as she ran to hug the elderly lady too. Sophia smiled patting Elinor's back as all the of the witches cried on her. " There, there now girls calm down," she smiled kindly.
Akira breaking out of her shock at the news Alexander just spilled to everyone slapped him right across the face, Alexander brought a hand up to his cheek and Akira grabbed him by the collar "You idiot, you F***ing idiot!" Tears were streaming down her face and she buried her face in his shirt. Alexander put his one hand on the small of her back and the other on her head "Sorry Akira, I'm so sorry." @Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic

Akira sat up Alexander's hand still on her back "Why did you never tell me? Why would you keep all this from me?" Alexander sighed "Your father made me promise and... I thought it was for the best you didn't know so that you could live in peaceful ignorance." He ran his fingers through her hair "I love you Akira, I'm so sorry that I thought I knew what was best for you and acted without consulting you, I'm so..so sorry" Akira sighed and wrapped her arms around Alexander in a hug "I forgive you, I love you too Alex." She whispered shyly "Thank you" (Are either of you even still awake? D:)
"My, my, we have drawn a crowd, haven't we, Mr. Vincent."

The demon looked up from the emotional reunion between teacher and students, glancing around confused. When his eyes fell upon the front door, his face stretched into a smile, "Mr. Laureate, Mr. Zedkiel, I'm so happy you could make it." He exclaimed honestly, walking over to the pair.

"Yes, it is not as if we really had any... option." Laureate drawled, smirking wryly. He allowed Vincent to take his coat, and lead them over to the bar before bowing his head respectfully in the direction of the head witch. Truth be told, the old vampire had been quite concerned as to the intentions of the hunters before coming here, and while he and the rest of his clan preferred to keep to themselves, he had been secretly wishing for someone to rise up against the threat. The vampire looked around curiously, taking in the room. He had heard much about this cafe since the ball, a result of him digging for any information about the establishment he could find, and he had to say... it wasn't exactly what he had expected.

From the way the old witch, he believed her name to be Cromwater... no, Cromwell, had gone on about it when he had asked, he had been expecting chandeliers and marble columns, not some run of the mill, small town cafe. Though, if he were to be honest with himself, he thought as he inspected the bar counter, duly noting the numerous cracks and blemishes in the wood, he found the cafe to be quite cozy.

Zedkiel surveyed the room suspiciously as he sat himself down on a barstool. Never before had he seen such an array of different species compiled in one room, and getting along nicely too. He didn't know why, but he felt it to be a little blasphemous. "Witches, gorgons, demons, fairies and angels," He murmured, his voice hardly audible, "What's next, hm? Werewolves?"

The front door flew open again, slamming against the wall with a bang. "Woops, sorry 'bout that, Buckley!" Boomed a rough voice, before a large figure stepped into the cafe, a grin plastered on his face, "Sometimes it's hard to control me own strength, ya know?" The figure stepped into the light, allowing Zedkiel to see him properly, though he could have guessed the species of the man and his companions on the smell alone and the irony of the situation was not lost on him.

"Haven't seen you since that posh ball, how be on?" The werewolf alpha boomed, before walking up to Vincent with heavy steps, his ginormous boots thumping against the wooden floor, and slapping him on the shoulder nearly sending the demon sprawling. Zedkiel groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, ignoring his friends laughter.

(Look who showed up. Let's get this thing going, shall we? Also, sorry for being gone so long, my mother's in town.)
Ellie smiled politely at the were wolf alpha,"It's good to see you again," she smiled as she walked to stand at Vinnys side. She gave him a encouraging smile taking his hand in her's gently.

Maria sighed sitting doen next to Sophia gazing at Elinor and Vincent. " I know it's hard Maria," sophia murmured softly so only Maria could hear her, " I don't want her to get hurt again..." Maria murmured back a image of Ellie , broken and crying clutching her a picture of her parents, dressed in black mourning clothes. "He won't my dear...he loves her to much to let anything bad happen to her," Sophia smiled as she looked at the happy couple," A lot like that angel of yours," she continued. Maria glanced over at Ase teasing Estelle about something and smiled lovingly," Yeah," she smiles resting elbow on the bar placing her head in her palm.
Ase looked around at the people who had entered the Cafe 'what in gods name is going on?' she thought to herself. she moved over to Maria slowly "hey is there some kind of party ?" she asked taking the seat beside her. "the cafe shouldn't even be open this early"

@Elfia Nightwing

Excalibur walked to a table in the far corner of the room and sat down watching everything unfold. one of the werewolves was watching her every move.

The demon looked up from pouring about fifteen separate cups of coffee, a smile on his face from chatting amiably with one of the younger werewolves. He was a pleasant guy, if a little shy, and Vincent had enthusiastically been prodding him about anything he could think of. As he glanced at Maria, his smile dimmed, a frown making it's way onto his face as the implications of the decision now before him, hit home.

If he told her, there was a very real possibility that she would run right back to her father and tattle about everything she'd learned, leading to the demise of his little 'rebellion', though, if he didn't it would eventually come out anyway, with her dating one of the main people involved. And then it would almost be unavoidable that she'd turn against him for keeping it from her in the first place.

Vincent rubbed a hand over his face, duly noting that he needed to shave, before doing the only logical and wise thing he could think of. It was the only way he could not be held responsible should the angel decide to tun on them again, and it was, he thought, the smartest decision he could make. He gave the pink haired witch a dimpled grin, handed her two cups of coffee,

And pussied out.

"It's up to you. You know her better than I do, anyway."

(cheeky grin)
Coward,Maria thought giving Vincent a look. She sighed looking at Ase taking her hands, " Well... All these people are here, because Were starting a rebellion to fight the hunters," she said softly squeezing Ase's hands. " And the other angels can't know about this..." she looked down, nervous for Ase's reaction.
Ase laughed at maria smiling "yeh a rebellion huh ha ha" she smiled "so who's birthday is it do i know them?" she looked at all the people who had entered "yeh a rebellion pfff"
" Ase...I'm not joking," Maria looked Ase seriously, " The angels aren't doing anything about the hunters, and now with this Serathi in the mix we can't wait around for them," she took a breath looking down again, " Everyday more and more innocent people are dying, men, women, even children are being slaughtered for no reason, just because they weren't born human, I want you to help us and be involved, but I need to know you won't run off and tell the other angels about this," Maria finished, her eyes searching for anything in Ase's face to give away her emotions.
"Maria" Ase sighed . "you have a team of sixty maybe less, the hunters in this city alone have at least two hundred. Once you fight the hunters a full out war will break out . nobody Maria nobody will be safe." Ase said sternly. "this is completely illogical , you are playing right into the hunters hands . They want a war and that exactly what your giving them."

Excalibur looked over at the wolf that was looking at her. @Cryobionic
" So we just sit around and wait for them to kill us?!" Maria asked yelling a bit to loudly attracting some attention, she blushed slightly lowering her voice, " Look, I'm not asking you to lead us into battle, I just need to know you won't turn us over," She sighed.
"fine but its in repayment for you letting me stay with you" Ase sighed resting her head on the bar looking at Marie

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