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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Maria quickly pulled the angel to her kissing her deeply placing her forehead against Ase's, "Let me make this clear Ase, you are not trouble or a burden, you are amazing and smart and caring and funny and better person then I will ever be during my life," Maria wrapped her arms around Ase's waist pulling them even closer.
Ase stood in shock after hearing Maria's words."..w..wh..why...." she stuttered out over a long period of time. "how can you stand me?" she asked still in shock.
Maria smiled " Because i love you, you silly angel, i love how you give it your all, i love how your always first to drink, i even love when you get grumpy when your hungover," Maria kissed Ase lightly as the elevator opened on her floor, " I love you Ase," she smiled lovingly.
"Maria ....." Ase smiled hugging her tightly "Maria i love you!" she cried out over her tears of joy. "your the best you know that!"
Maria laughed hugging Ase back leading the sniffling angel to her apartment,"Come on, if you keep crying I'm finishing my paperwork tonight," she smiled walking into the apartment, walking over to a cabnet to fish out two wine glasses and a bottle of port.
Ase sat on the bed and took the glass "Marie...there's something i need to tell you" Ase sighed looking into the empty glass.
"my fathers very ill" she sighed looking into the liquid. " i don't know if i should go see him or not....does that make me a bad person?" she sighed getting lost in thought ."it does doesn't it , i'm a terrible person!"
"Not really, the guy abused you your whole life!"Maria said bluntly finishing up her glass pouring more, " If you want me to go with you i can," she offered.
"i'd like you to come with me ,but its hard getting non angels into heaven." she sighed "i'll get the paperwork from hq and get you a pass . but it could take a few days. but i might be able to make it a week long pass if im lucky" Ase smiled as she began to cheer up. " ye how about you come stay at my house for a week Maria!"
"i'll make sure of that" Ase smiled leaving her glass down kissing Marie deeply.

Excalibur sat at the bar after listening to the plan she looked around noting all the creatures reaction. @Cryobionic
"... Is what I just told my friend. Which I'm sure you all heard." He said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. The werewolf alpha, Cynric, guaffed, making the demons cheeks redden slightly. "Anyway, it's a lot more serious than just a couple of hunters, they're preparing for war."

There was a few shocked outbursts, but most of them didn't look surprised. Vincent sighed, leaning back on the bar, placing his elbow on the wooden surface, "And, they're attempting to summon a demoness by the name of Serathi. This has been done before, and the supernatural population nearly diminished."

He could see their guests faces beginning to pale, and he didn't blame them. Serathi was well known among most of the races, and her name was feared. "We've tried going to the angels for help, though they are doing nothing. It's like complaining to a brick wall that think it's better than you, and they have become unreasonable, refusing to hear our pleas. Therefore..." Vincent trailed off, looking at Ellie for help, squeezing her hand. This was a lot harder than he had expected.


Oliver was trembling.

He hugged himself tightly, his eyes wide and his pupils were dilated due to the adrenaline surging through his body, his brain telling him to flee for his life. But he couldn't.

"Are we to assume you understand the seriousness of this task, Mr. Ocuamal?"

The raspy, dry voice made his left ear twitch, and he looked up, nodding sharply, his tail curling and stretching out rapidly in a gesture of fear behind him. "I understand." He squeaked, nodding again.

"And we can trust you to get the information to him as fast as possible?"

The owner of the voice, a dark shadow, leaned forward into the light, but the shadows around him did not vanish. Instead, they grew darker, more menacing. Oliver nodded again, squeezing his eyes shut. Even though he knew the shadow was on their side, the imp was not particularly reassured. The leader of the Brimstone order was, and had always been, nightmarishly scary.

"You may leave."

Oliver sucked in a deep breath in anticipation of what was coming, as he felt his skin begin to heat up. It wasn't really bad, when you were expecting it. He opened his eyes again, just managing to get a glimpse of the shadow rising, and something glinting deep within the darkness, before his body was consumed in flames and he was whisked away.

He dearly hoped his shoes would not be affected by the flames.

(I'm back. :3)
Ellie smiled turning to the crowd her eye's shining with confidence," So it's up to us," she continued squeezing Vinny's hand. " If we just continue turning a blind eye to the hunters and this threat,not only will all of us be killed, but the humans, too. Serathi doesn't care about the hunters goal or mercy, all she cares about is causing as much destruction as she can," Ellie turned to Vinny smiling, " But, there is a chance, if we all team up and work together, we can stop the hunters and Serathi," Ellie finished the cafe quiet from the small witch's speech. Sophia smiled proudly at her former student before standing up, " You have the Coven's support," She said her voice echoing through out the cafe.

( WB ^.^)
"the demon Serathi can not be defeated by anyone who stands before me.if she is restored you rebellion will fall." Excalibur said looking over at the demon. "you do understand what that means correct." @Cryobionic
"And you already know you have ours." The werewolf said loudly, grinning as the rest of his pack supporting him with yells of acknowledgement, raising their beers with smiles on their faces. Vincent waved at them, laughing. "I do not know if the rest of our nest agrees," Came the soft voice of Laureate, "Though I would rather fight than lay down and die. It is the most honorable thing to do." Zedkiel nodded in agreement, not saying anything.

Looking at the girl, Vincent tilted his head, "I respect your concern," He told her, "Though, I know the demoness, and I know how she works. Should it come to that, we do have at least one upper hand on her."

The demon turned to Akira and the prince, who were huddled up by a table, looking very lovey dovey. Vincent raised an eyebrow. "What about you? Can we trust you not to stand against us?"


@Mr Swiftshots

(thank yoooou.)
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Alexander and Akira looked up "As long as you don't attack us or side with our Enemies then you have us as your Allies." They spoke at the same time

"I gave you a job, when you were sleeping on the streets," Vincent murmured softly, looking at the female fairy, "Don't forget that." The demon turned away, sending a smile towards Ellie. "This is going rather well, huh?" He said in a low voice, grinning as he heard the werewolves hoot among themselves.


@Elfia Nightwing
Akira have a small scoff at Vincent and murmured "A job would mean nothing if you decided to side with people who want our heads. We would not hesitate to fight back if you did" she sent a glare Vincents way. Alexander put his hand on her shoulder and stood up with her "Lets get some fresh air Akira" Akira's eyes flashed purple before she let Alexander lead her outside the cafe.

Ellie smiled up at Vinny, " Yeah, we might actually have chance," she smiled squeezing Vinny's hand lightly. She looked up at up lovingly before looking at at the cafe, all the different species intermingling happily and peacefully.
Vincent frowned as he heard Akira's snide comment, but let it go. He didn't think she would appreciate him voicing his thoughts. The fact that I hired her at all, should prove that I'm not about to go against them. Rolling his eyes he sat down at the bar with a huff, reaching under the counter for the bottle of whiskey he knew was standing there, Though of course, I'm kind of regretting that decision now, he mused, filling up a glass before offering it to Ellie, forcing his face into a pleasant smile, inwardly wondering what the couples reaction would be, should they find out his relation to the enemy.
"Yeah, don't worry about it," He smiled, filling up a glass for himself, "Just can't figure out this whole 'Akira' thing, is all." The demon lifted the glass to his lips, enjoying the tingle that erupted in his mouth as the drink hit his tongue. "Are you okay?" He asked, lowering the glass.

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