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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"What would be the fun in that?" Oliver grinned, jumping through and landing expertly, his shoes flashing. "Besides, I didn't think your mother or that angel of hers would approve." He quipped, looking around. The room was cozy, and he noted that it was a little messy. He didn't judge though, as he figured that if he were to have a room all to himself, it would look ten times worse. Besides, cleaning was boring.

"So this is how witches live, huh?"


Vincent looked up from his position on the floor and smiled. "Hey you." He murmured, his voice raspy from the alcohol. Pushing himself up into a sitting position, he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Your pink haired witch friend came over and yelled at me yesterday, so we ended up sharing a bottle or two." He chuckled, trying to ignore the nausea welling up withing him from the room spinning. "What time is it?"
Estelle pouted jabbing a finger into the imps back, " I just wanna make one thing clear, Maria is NOT my mom! If she was i would have ran away a long time ago!" she exclaimed plopping down on the floor kicking a old magic tome away from her. " Hey what's you name again? I knew it but i forgot, it was the same as a character in a book i like i remember that," she chattered on her hair wiggling only a little bit.

" Almost time to open, aren't all of leaders we from the Coven's ball coming over today?" she asked picking up the empty bottles throwing them away. she yawned stretching up so that her newly acquired scar showed on her forearm. It hurt a lot less then it did yesterday so Ellie was happy about that at least.
"Geez, I meant no harm, girl." Oliver said, lifting his palms up in surrender, giggling slightly, "And it's Oliver. Yours is Stella, or something like that, right? I didn't actually get a chance to talk to you yesterday, it got pretty messed up, huh?"

The imp walked across the room and plopped himself down on her bed, grabbing a pillow and throwing it up in the air before catching it with his tail. He could still feel the angels magic stabbing at him, even through the wall. It was off putting.


"Damn it," Vincent muttered, getting up from the floor with the help of his overturned coffee table, "You're right, it's Wednesday, aint it? I have to go take a shower, it wouldn't do to chase away our ally's with my stink." He joked halfheartedly, sending a wry smile Ellie's way. "What did you do yesterday, by the way? I can't remember." He asked, rubbing at his eyes.
" Estelle," she replied her hair wiggling in distress, " Yeah that crazy fairy lady," she pouted,playing with a strand of hair as it wiggled in between her fingers "She's nuts!" she sighed.

"Eh?" Ellie looked up from where she was cleaning a bit, " O-oh..after you kinda went upstairs i went home..." she looked down, " Since Maria was here she probably already told you about our problem," she sighed.
"She certainly seems that way," Oliver giggled, throwing the pillow up in the air again, falling backwards on the bed with a thump, letting the fluffy thing hit him in the face, "Anyway, I kinda came here to relieve boredom. So you wanna go paint the city yellow or something?" He asked lightly, kicking his legs back and worth, "I know how to make dynamite." He added, as an afterthought.


Vincent walked in the direction of the bathroom, "She did, yeah. Let's talk about it after I'm clean," He said, really wanting to have that shower now. He knew it would burn like crazy, of course, however, that was a much better alternative to being grimy and disgusting. Stopping just outside the door, he turned around with a smile, "And please stop cleaning my apartment, you silly witch." He laughed, walking in and closing the door.
Estelle perked up smiling," Why didn't you say so sooner?!"she laughed getting up.

Ellie blushed turning bright red, " Then you clean it!" she yelled laughing throwing a old magazine at the closed bathroom door.
Oliver reached up and grabbed the pillow of his face, looking at her surprised. "What? You really wanna go cause mayhem with me?" The imp tilted his head curiously before jumping up, "For real?" He hadn't actually been expecting that. He had thought she would run off to her guardian or something, complaining about how he was trying to corrupt her. Which wasn't a lie, if he was being completely honest. Though, now, looking at her eager eyes, he wasn't sure she needed to be corrupted at all. The imp smirked.


Vincent's laughter was muffled by the door, which he was pretty thankful for.
Estelle smiled going over to her closet pulling out a big black bag, unzipping it to show a full supply a prank supplies from itching powder to high quality explosives," Maria tried to take this from me...but she only took my decoy bag," she smiled her hair wiggling with vigor with the thought of blowing stuff up.

Ellie pouted sighing sitting down on the couch. " Wait...Maria can't handle handle whisky..." she sighed rubbing her head, " Oh no..." she sighed.
Oliver walked over and let himself fall down on his knees in front of the bag, studying the contents with large eyes. "I've never even seen most of this stuff," He exclaimed, reaching in and pulling out a handful of small explosives, "Stella, I think I love you." The imp said, his voice faint, looking up at her with over dramatic pouty lips and large shining eyes.

Getting to his feet again, he walked over to the window and jumped out of it, landing on the tile slabs with a small, hollow thump, before turning around and reaching a hand inside, grinning. "Let's go create chaos!"
Estelle smiled grabbing her broom running out of the window before jumping of the roof flying off on her broom holding the bag, " Try and keep up Twist!" she smiled waving at him.
The imp laughed, running after her, before speeding up just before the edge and jumping, soaring through the air towards the flying witch. When he got close enough, his tail shot out and wrapped itself around the back of her broom, leaving him dangling up side down, laughing like a maniac. "Try and stop me!" He shouted, his giggles ringing though the air in a high pitched tone, sounding like really messed up bells.
Estelle smiled flying over the cafe squeaking when she saw a flash of light blue hair in one of the windows, " Ellnor!!" she smiled brightly hr hair wiggling happily and she raced to the cafe crashing through the window causing Ellie to scream in surprise, " Estelle?!" Ellie cried out looking at the small witch emerge from the ruckus her hair puffy and squirming in distress but she had the biggest smile on her face, " Big sissy Ellinor!!" Estelle smiled running to Ellie giving her a big hug.
"Holy shiiit!" Oliver yelped, the impact of the window sending him lurching forward, his tail loosing the grip on the broom making him go rolling across the floor, crashing into the wall with a bang. "Whoa, the worlds up side down," He giggled, his eyes crossing slightly, "Hey, Ellie, 'ts nice to see you again." He called, his tail waving in greeting.
Ellie sighed looking down at Estelle, " You weren't of to cause trouble were you?..." she asked lamely. Estelle looked up at her with hurt in her eyes, " How rude Ellinor! I was just on my to help orphaned puppies when I saw my most favorite mentor and wanted to say hi!"Estelle pouted her hair wiggling defensively. " Uh huh..." Ellie smiled at her smirking, " Then why do you have your black bag of mischief?" she asked causing Estelle to pale, " .....Please don't Maria! She'll turn me into a billy goat again! Or a pelican!!" Estelle cried her hair wiggling in distress and fear.
"She turned you into a goat?" Oliver asked, getting up from the floor, shaking his head to clear it of the dizziness, "Cool!"


Vincent emerged from the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. He had heard the crash, and the excited exclamations from Maria's charge, and figured out what had happened pretty easily. Looking at his now ruined window, he lowered the towel to hide his grin. "You're paying for that," He told the kid witch, trying to sound convincing. "Where did you two come from, anyway?" He asked curiously, walking across the room and into his bedroom to grab a shirt.
" It wasn't cool! you know what grass tastes like!? Grass tastes freakin' horrid!!!" she exclaimed looking at hugging Ellie harder." I don't have any money," She said lamely looking at Vincent. Ellie sighed looking over at Vinny, " Sorry...She's always been kinda a handful," Ellie smiled patting Estelle's head causing her hair to wiggle in happiness.

" Maria apartment! She's hungover and molesting her lady friend!" Estelle laughed her hair wiggling in joy,
Oliver looked at the young witch with an appalled expression, molesting an angel? "Ew, Stella." He scrunched up his nose, trying not to think about it, "Just ew."

Vincent chuckled, pulling on his work shirt before emerging back into the living-room. "She's hungover? Glad to know I'm not the only one," He commented lightly, the shower having taken away the edge of his nausea. "But I think we should get down to the cafè, really. My apartment isn't a daycare."

The demon looked at the imp with a raised eyebrow, and Oliver made a face at him. Vincent replied in kind.
Ellie smiled taking Estelles black bag as she reached for it, " Hey!" Estelle called out as Ellie walked downstairs," Confiscated," Ellie smiled walking out of sight. Estelle pouted looking at Oliver, " It's true!! Their so lovey dovey its gross!" she looked at Vincent, " Has Ellie molested you yet?" she asked seriously.
Vincent snorted, walking past Estelle, patting her head, before following Ellie downstairs, chuckling silently. As he emerged from the staircase, he walked over to the witch, who was already at the bar. "So what's in that bag?" He asked curiously, throwing an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her a little.

Oliver looked around Buckley's apartment, then grinned at Estelle. "I can't believe-," He started, but was interrupted by a rogue, uninvited giggle, he frowned for a second, punching himself in the chest, "-That they left us up here alone. Are they out of their minds?"
" You don't wanna know," Ellie smiled tapping the bag lightly sending it back to Maria's apartment. She rested her head on his chest smiling blushing lightly.

Estelle smiled yawning stretching out like a cat, her hair wiggling out of control, " Yeah," she snickered going to the rubble to dig out her broom," Have you ever ridden a broom before?"she asked Oliver smiling.
"We should probably call her and ask if she's noticed something missing, huh?" He asked, resting his cheek on the top of her cerulean head, closing his eyes. This was nice. He knew he would need as much energy as possible for tonight, when the leaders would get here, and when he thought a little more about it, he should probably slip out of the cafe and find something to eat. He frowned a little. Someone.

"Let's get some coffee," He said, not wanting to think about it any longer. Pulling away from the witch, he smiled at her, before going over to the coffee machine, beginning the familiar process of blending the ingredients into the ground, "By the way, Estelle cannot be here when the leaders arrive tonight." He mentioned lightly. After the emotionless fiasco with Akira yesterday, he shuddered to think about what would happen, should she be let loose around them.


"I haven't," Oliver said, looking at the broom longingly, "Except, of course, our little escapade earlier, that was pretty fun," He smiled, "But I have ridden a helhound before, and tell you what, that's pretty damn exhilarating, especially when you know that if you do something wrong, you might get your head bitten off!"

The imp's face fell for a second, his mind going to entirely other places than the cafe, but he soon pulled himself together, grinning up at the witch again, showing off his teeth.
" I know... Don't worry she'll get bored and fly away to torment some poor pixies or something," Ellie smiled taking Vinny's hand in her's lightly," It'll be ok...you'll do fine," she smiled reassuringly. "But...there is the matter with Madame Bernet...." Ellie looked down sadly.

Estelle smiled holding out the broom for Oliver," Wanna try it out?" she smirked.
"I know," Vincent sighed, sitting down at the bar before sliding a cup over towards her, the dark liquid steaming, making the area fill with the scent of freshly made coffee. "Maria and I discussed it a little last night. We've agreed that Akira shouldn't know. She's not trustworthy at the moment, you know that, right? The prince have her wrapped around his dainty little finger, and there's really nothing we can do about it." The demon lifted the coffee cup to his lips, closing his eyes contently as the scalding hot liquid hit the roof of his mouth.

"As for Madame Bernet, do you think the prince has her locked up? Didn't Akira mention a castle of some sort? Are there even any spells to undo the transformation on the impostor?" He wasn't really expecting any answers to his questions, having asked them mostly to himself to help his brain get into thinking mode. He looked up at the witch regardless, pursing his lips in thought over his cup.


"For real?" Oliver exclaimed, going wide eyed, he reached out and grabbed the handle eagerly, but flinched and let out a yelp when he felt the enchantments on the broom shoot up his arm, "Ah, I don't think your mop likes me." He commented, holding it between the claws on his fingers, not wanting to get shocked again, "I think maybe... it's sensing that I'm going to crash it into a wall or something."

He handed her the broom back sheepishly, doing a little impulsive dance as he did so, "How about we just stick to you riding it, and me hanging on, Dodger?" He grinned.
Estelle sighed," That's no fun..." she sighed hopping on the broom, " Well you comin'?" she looked at Oliver tilting her head so her black hair spilled over on one side.

Ellie shook her head," No..If their a really good shapesifter then they can go undectected for months and years at a time," Ellie looked down staring at the cup of coffee, " It was Madame Bernet who help reconnect with my granny when my parents died....My mom and my Grandma had a really bad falling out before I was born....My grandma didn't know how old I was until we met," Ellie looked down sadly,"We have to find her..." Ellie said holding back tears.
Oliver walked over to the broom, his tail wrapping around the back of it. "I wanna be up side down again," He explained with a grin, "By the way, have you ever tried something called 'hot-dogs'?" He asked her out of the blue, "I did when I came here. They're these really weird looking things, and they're delicious. They don't taste like dogs, but they are delicious." He added, running his tongue over his teeth, giggling when he felt his missing one. He was pretty hungry, now that he thought about it.


Vincent scooted his chair over so he could hug her, "Don't worry, we're going to find her," He told her, patting her head and giving her a reassuring smile.

But inside, he wasn't so certain.

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