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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Ah, no worries man, it's me who should be sorry. I'm too curious for my own good sometimes, you see." Vincent said with a chuckle, blending some dogs breath into a cup of steaming hot tea and handing it to the ghoul who had asked for it, dropping the money into the drawer of the cash register and closing it with his hip.

"Anyways, I have a serious question for you, Qu." Vincent said, turning to look at him. He locked his crimson eyes with Qu's golden and held them. "Have you run into any monster hunters on your travels? I haven't been outside this city in quite a few years, so I wouldn't know. The situation here is getting pretty dire, are other places experiencing the same problems?"
Ellie squeaked looking down " I can't...with all of the stress the hunters are causing.... I dont' wanna put more on him..".
"I'm saying tell him! I haven't told Craig. All I'm saying is that you need to keep your focus! Stop getting all lovestruck and focus on the job! We should get back out there before someone notices we're gone."
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"I wouldn't know, most of my time in most of the cities is either spent searching through the sewers, or in cafes similar to this one." "But I do remember a place, maybe eighty days back walking, all I saw were flame spitting mutants and some monster hunter dueling it out in some city sector, I was on a rooftop, so I couldn't hear much, even with my greatly increasing hearing, but every way I looked all I saw was the same thing, I left as soon as possible thought" Qu sighed, reminiscing about his past adventures as he drinked from the heavenly beverage that was his tea.
"Ok..." Ellie sighed putting her smile back on when she returned to the floor with Hac. She was doing pretty well until she got stuck with a hormone charged pack of werewolfs, she sighed ignoring most of their crude remarks and jokes trying to get them out as fast as possible. " it must be close to breeding season..." she sighed under her breath.
Hach put her hand on Ellie's shoulder. "I've got the wolves, Ellie. You might want to clean up that coffee before either Craig or Vincent notices." There was so much coffee spilled, it found it's way into Craig's wild hair. He was definitely going to be pissed when he wakes up...
"thank you Hac," Ellie smiled and grabing a rag and started wiping up all of the coffee, cleaning up the blood on the floor and the bloody rags while she was at it. "Sorry Craig..." she whispered cleaning up his hair, it was surprisingly soft she thought.
Vincent nodded, thinking hard. He poured another cup of tea for a customer, sprinkling frogspawn on top absentmindedly. He thought back to the letter he had received this morning. Mr. ? was absolutely right. Things were changing, and not for the better. Ha had a feeling today's attack was just the start of something much bigger. The thought unnerved him greatly. They had to find a way for this nonsensical hunting to end and soon. He handed the cup of tea to the customer, not really paying attention.

Suddenly a blinding, hot pain spread over his arm and he almost screamed. The customer he had handed the cup to had grabbed his arm hard, looking at him with a worried expression on her old, warty face it was the burly witch from yesterday.

"Dear swamplands, Vincey!" The witch exclaimed, pulling him closer to her, studying his wounds. Beads of sweat began running down Vincent's forehead. "Was it those pesky hunters, sweethear'?" She asked.

"P-Please let go of my arm, Mrs. Cromwell." Vincent squeaked, and to his relief she did, but not before giving it a sympathetic squeeze which almost sent him to his knees.
Taking a moment to collect himself he turned he turned back to the witch, who was sipping her tea, looking at him with a mix of sympathy and puppylove. He suppressed a shudder. "Mrs Cromwell, I appreciate your concern, but refrain from manhandling me." He snapped, surprising himself with how mean he sounded. The witch frowned, but didn't say anything so he turned his attention back to Qu.

"So, need a refill?"
He nodded and pulled a bandana and bulky sunglasses out of out pocket. He pit them both on and finished it with his hoodie. "....dawn's gonna be here kinda soon, so..." He looked over to see Hatchiin. "How's Hatch doing?"
"pretty good but,..." the pack of were wolfs had gotten even more roudy and raunchy sinch being passed on to Hac to the point they were starting to anoy other customers to. " I must say I'm impressed she's mad it this far with out slapping any of them," Ellie admited
"Yeah....they're annoying the shit out of me!" He growled.He clenched his fist. They were soooo annoying, and they wouldn't stop saying dumb flirty shit to Hatch. Craig has always known the Hatchiin's biggest pet peeve was getting hit on by idiots and douchebags. "I guess she is doing pretty good going this long with hitting them." He sighed unclenching his fist.
Qu glanced at the man and gave a swift smile, "Green tea with two spoonfuls of honey", He said, sliding is now empty mug towards the wounded man.
Ellie sighed walking over to the werewolfs, "excuse me sirs, your being a little be to loud and distrurbing the other costumers in the cafe, if you could calm down a bit it would be greatly apreciated," she said professionally and slightly coldly.
"Coming right up!" As Vincent mixed in the honey he watched the young pack of werewolves across the room. He wondered for a moment if he should limp his way over to them and ask them to keep it down, but it looked like Hatchiin and Ellie had it under control. He smiled at the sight of one of the werewolves being scolded by the small witch and slid the mug over to Qu.

"So how are you liking the city so far?" He asked, while watching the pack and the girls in the corner of his eye just in case.
"Its quieter than I am used too, but seems to be a nice place" Qu says nothing else, and starts sipping his tea.
Just then there was a large crash from where Millie was talking to the wolfs. One of them had transformed at being scolded by her and had knocked over the table sending broken glass everywhere, and the witch back a few feet fresh blood pouring steadyily from a fresh cut on her forehead, causing her to her focus on the werewolf. The wolf circled dangerously around Millie, his eyes trained on her like a target that he was ready to tear to shreds, when suddenly he pounced at her, fangs posed to strke her neck.
Vincent's reaction was spontaneous. Before he even had time to think about what he was doing, he had fully transformed into his demon form, crashed into the werewolf and slammed it into the wall to the left of Ellie.

"If you so much as touch her, I will rip you to shreds." He snarled, his now coal black eyes filled with rage. He grabbed the werewolf by the neck, his claws puncturing it's skin. He slammed the creature into the wall again, a wet cracking sound coming from it's head as it's skull caved in. He threw it back towards it's pack and pointed at the door. "Get. The. Fuck. Out."

The werewolves didn't argue.
Vincent walked over to Ellie, the sound of his hooves scraping against the wooden floor echoing in the now dead silent room. As got to her, he crouched down, his black eyes turning soft. "Are you okay?" He asked, reaching out one clawed hand to help her up.
Ellie nodded laying her burying her face in his shoulder," your gonna reopen your wounds.... you dummy demon..." Ellie whispered the blood a slight trickle down her forehead now.
Vincent felt his bones shift painfully under his skin as his body began transforming back to his disguise form. He hugged her tighlty. "No I won't. I think you did to good of a job for them to open." He told her, chuckling softly into her hair. "And even if they did, it would be worth it." He stepped back cupped her cheek with his hand. Frowning slightly he gently wiped away a trail of blood running down her nose.

"You should go to to Hatchiin and ask her to patch you up," He told her, looking around the room and removing his hand from her face. "I have to clean up this mess. And I'm not just talking about the glass. The customers look terrified." Giving her one last smile, he kissed her cheek and made his way over to console the customers.

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