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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

The customers were fine, if a little shaken up. Vincent offered them all a free hot beverage of their choice to help them calm down and that seemed to do the trick, after delivering the drinks, he proceeded to making his way back to the counter, his body aching. Qu was still sitting there so he decided to chat with him for a while, trying to calm down himself.

"Hey, You okay, friend?"

"Demonic" Qu sighed with a chuckle at the earlier spectacle. "And I am fine, but thanks for asking".
Vincent sighed and poured himself a cup of hot tea. Pulling a stool out from under the counter, he plopped down on it, facing Qu. "I hope you don't mind the company. I'm not moving for at least ten minutes." He informed the man, taking a big gulp of his tea, enjoying the feeling of the scalding hot liquid running down his throat . "I'm sorry for loosing control like that, by the way. Totally unprofessional me, huh?" He joked, cracking a smile.
"May I ask, what are those wounds from?" He muttered, his eyes solely focusing on his cup of tea.
Vincent cocked his head to one side. "The wounds on my arms? Do you mean how I first got them, or why I had to re-stitch them today?" He asked.

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Ellie was uncharacteristicly quiet the whole Hac tended to her wounds deep in thought It's been a while since Vinny lost it like that...she thought. "sorry Hac..." she murmured taking her hand. @xXGodoftheGeeksXx
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"How did you first get them?" Qu replied lazily, a delighted smile rising on his face as he drinks from his cup.
Vincent stiffened, slightly. He had hoped the man would chose the easier alternative. He looked down at his arms and ran a finger over Ellie's handiwork. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you." He said, looking up. "It's kind of a long story though, so get comfortable."

Vincent took a deep breath, and began his tale.

"I was very cocky when I was younger," He began, swirling the steam from his teacup around with his finger, "Thought I knew everything, and was better than everyone. You know the type I'm sure. I wasn't very... nice either. This was several decades ago, long before I came here, mind you. I would often boast about my 'accomplishments', about how many innocent children's souls I had stolen, how many families I had broken apart, those kind of things. And I wasn't stupid, I knew what kind of negative reactions I would get when I told the stories, and I was kind of looking for trouble I suppose." Vincent took another sip of his tea, watching Qu closely. This was not something he normally liked to talk about.

"My point is that I wasn't a very good person. And people knew that. I didn't care though, I was powerful and strong, and nobody could tell me what I could and couldn't do. For years I continued my ways, not giving a damn and doing as I pleased. Well, eventually a group of elves managed to corner me. I had killed one of their young, you see, and elven children are some of the rares beings in this world so the elves guard and treasure them greatly. These elves were driven by fury, they wanted revenge."

Vincent grimaced, thinking about his younger self made him feel sick.

"I won't go into detail about what they did to me, it would spoil your appetite and probably make you quite nauseous, but I assure you I deserved every minute of it. After four months of torture they actually let me go, but not before doing this," He held out his arms, "They flayed my arms open and cursed the wounds to never heal, never close. They were courteous enough to give me some spell-thread and a needle though. As you can imagine, my personality greatly changed because of this and the rest is history I suppose." He finished, taking a big gulp of his tea, studying Qu intently, waiting for a reaction.
"Vinny?" Ellie whimpered as she finished up running out orders to her costumers, she stop for A moment standing behind Vinny and the new costumer.
Vincent jumped at the sound of Ellie's soft voice. Breaking away from the one-sided staring contest he had been having with Qu, he turned around on his stool to face her. "Yes, Ellie, what do you need? Was Hatchiin able to fix your forehead?" He asked with a smile.
"Yeah... It's ok, probably won't even leave a scar," she smiled " I just wanted to say thank you, for saving me"she smiled patting his head as the last of her costumer's paid and left.

Kaname had been making his way down a random street, qhen his nostrils caught hint of a wondrous smell. Not being from around these parts, Kaname wasnt quite sure what to expect. After all, he hadnt seen many shops that could have anything to do with food. As any curious person would, Kaname changed his sense of direction and followed the smell.

Oddly enough, Kaname came to an open door at the end of a rusty alleyway. If he knew any better, something was off about this place. As many times as he had been up and down the streets since he lived here, he had never seen this place. Comw to think of it, it was his first time coming down this particular direction at night.

Slowly making his way inside the small shop, Kaname was almost bljnded by the lights. Gritting his teeth, Kaname halted on the opposing side of the doorframe, having shut his eyelids over his irises and merely walked in.
"Don't mention it." Vincent said with a smile, "You would probably have done the same for me." He perked up as he heard the door open and looked at Ellie with a goofy, excited grin. "Ooo, New customer!"
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Ellie smiled at the new costumer, "Hello sir, welcome to Magic Brew cafe!" she smiled walking to the man. "Can I interest you in a cup of tea?"
"Or coffee," Vincent piped up from behind the counter, his body to sore to move much right now, "We also offer several different ingredients to make the coffee taste amazing to most species!" He added proudly.

Kaname slowly revealed his bluish-purple gaze towards the two of which addressed him. A cafe? Shifting his gaze to glance at the others in the room, Kaname grew both curious, as well as bothered. Numerous species in one room? Who's idea was that? Shaking away the thought, Kaname returned his gaze to the two workers. His voice was low, and almost blank. "Tea." Taking his gaze back to the rest of the cafe, Kaname removed himself feom the door and settled to sit at the bar. Once seated, Kaname placed his left elbow on the table and rested his head in his palm.


Qu shrugged at the odd man's behavior, 'tell me a story then go off without a reaction, odd, oh well, can't be helped I suppose', he quickly went back too his tea, now cold, after the minutes wasted in the air.
Vincent gave a sharp nod and a grin, getting to work. "What kind of tea would you like? And do you have any special requests for it?" He asked the newcomer, duly noting his bored expression before he turned to Qu, "And would you like a refill?"

Vincent was a little disappointed that he had to cut his conversation with Qu short, but business was business. Besides, he could always talk to him later.
Ellie smiled brewing a fresh camomile tea, pouring it into a cup for the new costumer at the bar. "here you go, mr...?' she smiled placing fixing in front of him so he could add whatever he wanted to his tea. She nodded at Vinny I got this one, she qued at him. It was nice seeing Vinny conect with someone so quickly.
"Sure" Qu said with a sigh as he, once again scanned the room, the place had considerably less customers than before, shrugging, he looked back too see a brand new steaming cup before him.
Vincent smiled at Ellie, gratefully. He turned back to face Qu, his face apologetic. "Sorry about that, sometimes I have to just cut off an interesting conversation, it comes with the territory." He gave him a wry smile and slid a new cup over the counter.

"Anyways, where were we?"
Qu glanced back at the man, "I believe we were on how you got your arms injured, but, it seems that is a sore subject, would you like to ask me anything?"
Vincent snickered. "Pun intended?" He asked jokingly, "No, but in all honesty, I don't really mind much anymore."

Thinking about Qu's question he pursed his lips in thought. "Only one question for now I think. Where did you start your journey?"

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