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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"w-well..if you need anything just holler for me, my names Ellie by the way," she smiled setting the menu in front of the new man, and went to take care of the rest of her costumers. She smiled at Vinny as she cleaned up tables, moving to the back to get more sugar.
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"In a large cavern, perhaps eighteen years walking west, there are many tribes in this cavern, I was born into one of the weakest ones, life was hard, we were forced too serve are overlords, the cat people, but, that is all I really remember is pain and suffering, no coherent memories left" Qu looked down, memories blurring through his head.
Vincent reached out a hand to pat him sympathetically on the shoulder, but thought better of it as he remembered the mans reaction to his handshake. He lowered his hand, settling for words instead. "And you've been a nomad ever since." He said this as a statement, not a question and nodded to himself. "It must have been rough, yes? Walking from city to city, not knowing where if you were going to find a warm place to sleep every night, or even reach civilization for that matter." Vincent spoke from experience now, but Qu didn't need to know that.

"I respect you."
Qu went to reply, but a voice rang out commanding the mans attention, Qu shrugged and stretched, his surprisingly lanky arms dangling above him, pulling his hood down, his scarred face open to vision for mere seconds... he panicked, quickly pulling his hood back up, hoping no one had saw him.
"Yeah, I know!" He called back, turning to face the kitchen door, "We bought some at the market, but it got ruined in the attack!"

Vincent turned around again grumbling something incoherent under his breath. He picked up his now ice cold cup of tea and chugged it down when he thought of another question.

"How long are you planning to stay in the city?" He asked lightly.
She sighed taking inventory of everything they needed that was out or running low," I guess i can go back to the market and pick up what we need..." She sighed to her self.
"Ah, a logical answer." Vincent countered with a smirk. "Where are you staying? You have to remember to be extra careful, as the hunters here are quite... bold." He gestured to his beaten form with a sarcastic smile.
Ase slammed the door of the cafe open the sound of her knuckles cracking echoed through the cafe, She had a fiery aura to her. "Vincent Buckley i have come to help you pass over into hell!" she began to make her way over to Vincent slowly.
"Ase!!" Ellie squeaked happily running to thr angel hugging her tightly "Everyone was worried sick! were have you been?!" she looked up her, her eyes red ad her face wet with tears.
Vincent frowned. That didn't sound safe at all, and would surely result in the hunters finding him. He didn't think he could, in good conscience, let the young man walk to his death. An idea had formed in his mind, but he hesitated before speaking.

"Well... should you ever want a warm place to sleep in, our doors are always welcome to you, okay?" He told him with a smile. There. Now the possibility of his new friend getting beaten to death wouldn't bug him the rest of the week. Or, not much anyway.

Vincent's eyes went as wide as saucers when he heard the door slam open, and he quickly scurried to his feet, backing away with his hands held in up in surrender. Ase had arrived. And she looked pissed.

"I don't wanna go to hell! It stinks there!" He said, trying to ease the tension with a joke. It didn't help.
Mindless of the events taking place at the cafe, a young man of slight build was making his way in the direction of the building. Head down while one arm pumped in the air to maintain his brisk pace, Jun anxiously clenched the handle of his umbrella as he continued down the sidewalk.

By all means he had not intended to come this way. The roads were unfamiliar and he didn't recognize any of the street names as he passed. But he'd been forced to turn the other way, shepherded in the opposite direction as he'd noticed the two suspicious looking figures at the corner. Though he had not recognized them, the pair had looked in his direction the moment he had neared them, and upon instinct Jun had turned heel and started in the opposite way.

Fighting not to look back, Jun dove into the nearest alley, nearly chocking on the stench that welcomed him, and leaned against the side of the stone masonry to catch his breath.

...Or hold it. The smell was unbelievably foul. Who would ever think of holding a business he -

"I saw him go this way."

With a start, Jun grabbed the knob of door that had somehow materialized before him (how long had that door been there?) and with his bright, red umbrella lowered before him, stepped into the Magic Brew Cafe.
Ase pushed Ellie away from her "OH DO YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKING VINCENT!" she shouted now standing in front of him "ANSWER ME VINCENT!"
"Eep." Vincent said, backing away again, this time only managing to take two steps before his back hit the wall. He swore he would have that wall removed at the first opportunity.

Vincent looked into the red face of his assistant manager and swallowed. "Look, I had no other choice! They would have eaten you alive if they caught you!" He defended, crossing his arms over his chest, ignoring the tugging of the stitches.

His senses picked up another presence in the room, but he ignored that too, focusing only on Ase.
Ellie looked at the new boy in the cafe and walked over to him " You might wanna get behind a table... Angry angels are not something you want to get in the middle of..." she whispered to him. @thistle
Ase's fist glowed a bright white before she punched a hole in the wall right next to Vincent's face."DON'T MOVE I'LL TRY AND MAKE THIS AS QUICK AND PAINLESS POSSIBLE."Ase pulled her fist out of the wall and gripped Vincent by the collar with her opposite hand .
The first thing he noticed was the room was far, far too bright for his comfort. And there were voices - a...a commotion of some sort.

An angry commotion.

Someone nearby spoke to him then, but with the way the light was angled he was unable to lift his umbrella and make eye contact. Hearing her advice, he shuffled off to the side and tried to be as unobtrusive as possible.
Vincent let himself be dragged towards her, he had no other choice. If he moved to much now, another wave of pain was sure to shoot up his arms. He decided to just agree with whatever she told him for now, and try explain the situation to her when she had calmed down.

If she ever did.

Vincent resisted the urge to groan.
"Ase...p-please try to calm down... your scaring all of the costumers...M-my grandma got more of that special witch wine you liked so much...." Ellie said moving slowly to the angel her arms up to show she meant peace, " A-and i'll make those yummy Fairy honey cookies you like," she offered.
"huh really.Ellie your the best." Ase replied dropping Vincent to the ground.the light surrounding her faded "why didn't you say so sooner " Ase made her way over to a open seat at the counter "come come, fill my glass Ellie."
Ellie sighed in relief as the tension fled the room, "Coming right now Ase," she smiled making the bottle appear, pouring it to the rim of Ases glass. "you arn't hurt are you Ase?" she asked picking up the Fairy honey about to get started on the cookies smiling at Vinny You owe me one, her smile said.
Vincent sat on the floor, dazed. "What the in the name of the seventh layer of hell just happened." He muttered to himself, stunned. Two seconds ago he was fully prepared to take another beating!

He stared up at Ase with big, shocked eyes. She was seated by the bar, busy downing a glass of wine. He shook his head slowly, trying to make sense of the situation. It didn't work.

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