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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Yeah." He said, running his hand over his face, "I'm just a little on edge from earlier I guess. I was worried that had seen Jun disappear into this building. There is nobody out there though." He reassured her with a smile. "I'm just being paranoid."
On the side Jun spooked, not expecting the sudden movement from the demon. "Vin..." He rethought about it, having only heard him addressed as 'Vinny'. It felt too personal on his tongue and after a moment, Jun corrected himself. "How long has this been happening?"

Jun glanced once more at the clock and realized how close sunset was. He'd have to leave here soon, and though he'd escaped unseen, there was a chance those men still lingered outside. Considering the umbrella in his hand he turned to Ellie. "Do you mind if I leave this here? I doubt anyone will want this."
"Oh, the hunters have been around for years, actually, but they were never really much of a problem until now. We don't know what's causing it, but something has made them grow bolder and more vicious. And they are multiplying in numbers too." He told the shade boy honestly.
The words made an uneasy shiver crawl down his spine. "All the more reason to leave it here," he said, looking at Ellie. "I have no experience with these hunters," it sounded odd now to finally put a term to the men from earlier, "so if I remain unseen for most of the day, hopefully I won't be spotted. Plus I'll have a reason to return."

The smile at the end of the sentence faded as he returned his attention to Vincent. "I'll keep an eye out for them, possibly even give a warning if I spot them on my way here."
Vincent smiled at Jun. "I appreciate it, man." Standing up he let his voice ring out over the room. "Okay guys! Closing time! Get back to your castles and cottages, and we'll see you tomorrow night!"

A few groans was heard from throughout the cafe, but nobody really protested. With the help of Ellie and a slightly drunk Ase, they managed to get everyone out the door safely, closing it behind the last customer.
A look of gratitude entered the shade's face just as he disappeared. "Thank you," he murmured, knowing neither heard, before following the crowd out.
At the announcement if closing time, Kaname stood up from his seat and stretched his arms. Taking a moment to blow his breath, Kaname followed a few feet behind the crowd. Too many people wasnt his thing, and he sure wasnt starting today to make anything his new thing. Placing both hands behind his head, Kaname patiently waited to exit the door and go on about his day, most likely to sleep in as usual.

"Awesome, Ellie." Vincent gave her two thumbs up and a dimpled grin. "I'm going to go upstairs to finish up some paperwork. You have a set of keys right? Would you mind locking the door after you when you leave? Qu, you can just sleep wherever you find most comfortable, Okay?"


(And going to bed IRL too.)
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"Alright don't stay up all night talking to each other," she giggled locking up as she grabbed her coat. "good night Vinny!" she called out as she closed the door.
(Sry I wasn't here for the closing night, I was out, my character is sleeping in one of rooms)

Vincent opened his eyes, confused. He was in bed, fully clothed, with no memory of going to sleep. I must have been really tired yesterday. He thought as he yawned. Flipping over on his stomach, he stretched his body out like a cat, curling his fingers as he felt his back pop. Though I guess that's not really that strange, considering what happened.

Looking at the floor, he saw a small stack of Ase's half finished paperwork, and sighed. He had decided to do it for her anyways, figuring he had to make literally pushing her into a manhole up to her somehow. Speaking of Ase, he would have to ask her where she had been all of yesterday, plus he had to head out to the Market with Ellie too. He did not look forward to that, but there really was no way around it. The Cafè had begun seriously lacking in supplies, and some of the customers were complaining.

Vincent flipped over to his side, looking at the small, digital clock on his nightstand. 18:30.

Wait what?

Vincent let out a little yell as he scampered out of bed as fast as he could, I overslept! Holy Hell I overslept!

Throwing on a fresh set of work clothes with a speed he didn't think possible, he stormed out of his apartment, the door slamming against the wall as he ran down the stairs.
Seera was already in the café. Everyone was late today. "Shit Vincent, your gonna be in trouble today." She sighed and started making some food in case she had to run out, so that someone could continue making food.
Vincent ran into the kitchen, panting. Looking around, he saw no one but his blue haired cook, giving him a stern look. He ran a hand though his hair, or tried to, it was messy and slept on and his hand got stuck on the knots.

"Um.. Hi, Seera!" He said, giving an awkward wave, "Where is everybody?"
"They're not here yet. And, until they get here, I'm going to have to cover for them. You have to go shopping, and there's no way I'm letting you go on your own, so lets get going."
Ellie burst through the door gasping for air from running, " I'm sorry Vinny, my alarm didn't go off and I-" she began her cheeks flushed from heat.
"Holy hell, who put a curse on this day?" Vincent muttered, trying to untangle the worst of the knots in his hair, "Ellie! Great, you're here. I'm afraid we just have to get going, we both overslept it would seem." He said sheepishly, giving up on the mess on his head and opting for just tying it back with an elastic. "Seera, you're sure you got this? The customers are going to start arriving in about..." He looked at the wall clock, "Two hours. We should be back by then, but if we're not, don't overexert yourself, you remember what happened the last time you did so."
"Y-yeah...Oh! That reminds me!" She smiled digging through her bag, " It took a few hours but I finally found the right charm for our problem!" Ellie smiled happily, pulling out a bag with about 50 bracelets in it. " This charm will make you invisible to anyone who means to cause you harm, I made enough for all of the saff and costumers," she said as she handed one to Vinny , and one to Seera " The only downside is the bracelet has a time limit of three hours before it has to reset for 1 hour,".
Seera nodded. "Yes, I remember, and yes I will be fine. Now get going, so I don't have to open before you get back." She gratefully accepted the bracelet. "Thank you Ellie."
Vincent clasped the bracelet around his wrist, feeling the magic from the spell on it tingle out to his fingertips. He grinned and grabbed Ellie in a hug, spinning her around. "This is great! You're awesome, Ellie!" He exclaimed, before putting her back on the ground. "Alright! Let's get going!"

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