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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"hmm?.." Ellie looked over after she finished shopping for seeds to find A human slinking around the market disquised as a vampire. Why's a human here?....she thought to herself. she was a few feet from returning to Vinny when suddenly a loud explosion was set off sending debris and fire everywhere. " Hunters..." Ellie whispered falling to the ground.
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions](How long has it been since Vincent and Ellie left to go shopping?)

(About an hour. :) )
(Also, I'm going to see a movie at 4:30 and the movie is 1 hour and 35 minuets long, so I won't be able yonpost until it's over. If you guys open the cafe before I get back, then just pretend im there, cooking. M'k?)
"And then Ellie came while I was-" Vincent was cut off as a large bang made him go momentarily deaf in his right ear. Mr. Allan fell to the ground bleeding from a cut on his cheek. "Mr. Allan!" Vincent yelled, jumping over the stand to see to the injured old man. "Mr. Allan, are you okay?" Chaos had erupted in the market, the explosion having ripped a hole on the roof, exposing the market to the streets above. Hunters began streaming in from above, killing everything in sight. Vincent rolled Mr. Allan under his stand, shielding him from view, his bracelet snagging on a rogue nail sticking out of the wooded legs of the stand, snapping off his wrist.

Jumping back to the other side of the stand, Vincent ran in the direction of the seed stand, pushing people out of the way, frantically trying to find Ellie, hoping to whatever deity that was listening that she was alive.


[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions](Also, I'm going to see a movie at 4:30 and the movie is 1 hour and 35 minuets long, so I won't be able yonpost until it's over. If you guys open the cafe before I get back, then just pretend im there, cooking. M'k?)

(That's cool, brah.)
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"Vincent!" Ellie called out coughing from the smoke and dust. " Vincent!" she screamed again pushing through the crowds of panicked people. " Eep!" she gasped falling down over something on the ground, her charmed bracelet smashing against the ground breaking the charm. Ellie whimpered backing away when she saw what caused her to trip. A dead body of a young werewolf. She couldn't have been more then a few years older then her," No... please no..." Ellie whimpered backing away unknowningly into a group of hunters.
Vincent looked around frantically. "Ellie!" He screamed, pushing more people out of the way. A hunter came towards him, lunging at him knife in hand. Vincent grabbed him and snapped his neck, throwing him to the side. "Ellie, where are you?"

Activating his demon sight, he scanned the area. There! He caught glint of baby pink! Running towards it, he finally saw her, backing away from a girl, tears streaming down her face. Vincent's face paled. "Ellie no!" He screamed as he saw the group of hunters. He began running towards her, but was tackled to the ground by two hunters. Vincent began fighting them off, his adrenaline going haywire.
"Vinny!" Ellie screamed struggling as the group grabbed her dragging her away with other witches. She kicked at them, and bit them but was finally knocked out with a pipe to the back of her head.
As Vincent saw Ellie being dragged away and knocked out, his rage erupted, forcing his body into it's true form. Vincent roared, devouring the nearest hunter, and ripping the other one to pieces. He ran towards where he had last seen Ellie, looking around, breathing heavily. When he couldn't see her anywhere, he snapped, killing every hunter that came to close. The other shoppers, seeing that the enemies numbers had begun decreasing, began fighting along side him. Even old Mr. Allan, who had woken up, bit the head of one of the hunters, laughing as he did so.

It wasn't long before the market place was rid of the hunters, and Vincent transformed back into himself, the red hot anger that had been blinding him now dwindling away as he ran around the destroyed market place, searching for his friend.
When Ellie finally woke up all she could see was darkness. Blindfolds? she thought to her self,as she focused on her surroundings she could hear other voices mostly girls, crying and whimpering, but of of all she heard footsteps, They would go for a few seconds then stop before starting again getting closer to Ellie. As the foot steps got closer she could here male voices now to. " A little to skinny if you as me but I'm sure on of our buyers will be interested," One chuckled.

I know where I am....she thought paling. There had recently been rumors of hunters kidnapping young witches and performing auctions, selling them to slave trade traders, currupt compaines, even to kingdoms to be magical slaves. Finally the footsteps reached her. they took off her blindflod and she flinched at the sudden burst of light to her eyes. " Oh! This is a good one, Look at those eyes, royals always go crazy for the ones with freaky eyes," one of the men smiled. Ellie frowned, glaring at the men. "Come on, now sweety lets see a smile on that pretty face," another man smiled reaching for her face. Ellie bitt down on his finger hard causing one of his friends to back hand her against her face. "Don't damage the good!!" another hunter barked at the one who slapped her. The first one who spoke clicked his tongue " It's got a bad tempe, but we can arrange for the to be fixed," and then the all started laughing moving on the next poor girl. Vinny...Ellie thought sadly a stray tear escaping from her eye.
Bursting though the doors of the cafè, Vincent ran in, panicking, Mr. Allan hot on his heels. "They took her!" He screamed to anyone who would listen, his voice echoing off the walls of the cafè. "The hunters took Ellie!" Vincent collapsed against the nearest wall, breathing heavily.


@Scattered Ambitions

Ase banged her head off the bottom of the table she was sleeping under "ow ow ow" she repeated as she rubbed her head. "can you keep it down gezz" several bottles of wine rolled and clattered as she got up "Ahhhh my head i have a really bad migraine"
"Ase!" Vincent gasped, crawling over to her. He grabbed her hands and pulled her out from under the table, a demented look in his eyes. "Ase they took Ellie!" He said panicked, his hands clenching tightly around her hands. "The hunters, they bombed the marketplace and th-they just... took her."
Ase cringed at the sound of his voice "do you have to shout". Ase stood up and almost fell back down again but she found her balance on time. *hiccup

"alright who got who"
Vincent looked pleadingly at Mr. Allan, who had taken a seat at one of the nearby tables. Mr. Allan appeared to take pity on the trembling demon, and cleared his throat, getting Ase's attention. "I believe I can be of some assistance. My name is Edward Allan, I run the Reptile Ingredient market stall down in the underground?" He said, standing up and offering the hangover angel his hand.

(Imma make a character sheet for Mr. Allan, I think.)
Qu jumped at the loud screaming noises, Fucking Hell, he took one last opportunity for a yawn and clambered downstairs, too see a frantic Vincent talking to a Lizard/Man (Im Guessing), "Vincent, thanks for waking me up" "And can I get a Green Tea please, two honey" Qu let his usually quite voice ring out with a sigh.
Vincent, needing something to do before he had a full-blown panic attack, made his way over to the counter in silence. He made Qu's tea on autopilot, before speaking, his voice shaking. "The underground market got bombed by hunters. Many of our fellow creatures died and Ellie got kidnapped."

Mr. Allan nodded in agreement. "Yes. The little witch was dragged away, unfortunately. Along with many others of her kind." He added, a sad expression on his deformed face.
"Who's Ellie" Qu asked, a blank expression simply resting on his face, he accepts his tea graciously and turns back to Vincent, waiting for an answer to his question.
"S-She's a waitress here. She's the cute witch who looks younger than she is." Vincent answered, his voice soft, "You must have seen her, she made you your first cup of tea when you got here yesterday, remember?"
"you shouldn't get involved the angels will deal with it" Ase sighed rubbing her head "if you rush in you'll die"
"I don't trust the angels." Vincent sneered, irritated. "We have to do something, we don't even know if she's alive! We don't know what they'll do to her!" Vincent exploded, throwing out his arms. "We have to get her."
"why dont you trust the angels?" Ase asked sitting down at the counter "as you say we dont know if shes alive"
"It's a long story," Vincent snapped, "And not one we have time for right now. Do any of you know where the hunters might have taken her? Qu, have you seen anything on your travels?"
"i know all the hunter bases around this city and its outskirts" Ase said laying her head on the table. "i recently got promoted" Ase began to blush a deep red

"to Archangel"

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