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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Well I never talk about my job, but I see you are a good guy so I will tell you a short version of the story" said Arens now with more serious look.

"You see" he started "where I come from there is a lot of magic involved so there must be someone who will control it because there are people who use magic for doing bad things.

So I am some kind of police." Having a smile on his face said Arens.
Vincent nodded at Arens. "That's good, I guess. We'll have an officer of the law with us on our rescue mission!" He joked halfheartedly before a soft voice reached his ears. Looking up he saw Jun, the young man from yesterday. He quickly got up and walked over to him, managing a smile, if a bit forced. "Jun, it's good to see you again." He said, before pulling him into the bus stop, away from the curious ears of the humans. "Look," He said, lowering his voice to a harsh whisper, "The underground market got bombed and Ellie was kidnapped by hunters in the chaos. I don't have time to explain it all right now, but if you're headed to the Cafè, Seera and Mrs. Morse, Ellie's grandmother, are there and they can tell you everything."

Looking at his two companions, he gestured to the bus. "Come on, we have to go."
Arens looked at a guy who talked with Vincent and felt that he is a good guy but with lot of secrets. He looked at his eyes and entered the bus
The information struck Jun into silence, the shade running a troubled hand over his face. Torn between accompanying them or not, Vincent's words seemed to make the final decision for him.

"I'll remain here in case anything happens," he said, complying. Briefly he noticed one of the member's glance in his direction before looking back at Vincent. "I hope you can find her."
"I hope so too." Vincent agreed before getting on the bus, letting Arens and Qu on first, he payed their fares, and they found empty seats in the back of the bus. As Vincent was sitting down, he noticed that quite a few of the human girls were looking at Arens and Qu, giggling. He figured their whole attire must have made them look mysterious or something, he didn't really know. Leaning back into his seat, he closed his eyes, thinking about Ellie. Don't worry, we're coming for you. Just hold on.

(@Gravity Shifter I got you some female attention.)
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Arens sat down and few girls giggled at him so he winked at them so he gets in his role of being a human and not drawing attention. Yea it was bit weird that Arens doesn't ask any questions, but he is like that. If he can help he will do it without asking questions.
(Im joking, my character had a hood up that goes down over his nose and is carrying a staff, I don't think "Human Girls" would like a guy like my character, clothing wise at least)
Col said:
(Im joking, my character had a hood up that goes down over his nose and is carrying a staff, I don't think "Human Girls" would like a guy like my character, clothing wise at least)
(I fixed it for ya, brah.)
Watching the bus depart the area Jun couldn't help the troubled feeling inside his chest. But there was very little he could do given his circumstance except keep his promise. With that in mind he stepped into the alley, lowering the newspaper as shadows blanketed his shoulders. So preoccupied with his thoughts, he didn't notice the figures slip in after him until they were nearly upon him.

Just as he neared the door something cold touched his temple as a low voice, spoke. "Thought you looked familiar." Amusement laced the voice but it was far too chilling for Jun's comfort. He'd almost made it to the door, but rather than risking those inside he started to back away, facing the dark, clothed pair.
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"Ey boss I'm back!" A voice said as a floating hat and suitcase walked through the cafe's doors. The suitcase and hat went behind the counter and disappeared under it. "So what'd I miss everybody?" The voice asked.
Staring at literal gun point Jun felt an involuntary shudder run down his back at that moment. As a natural shade he tended to notice when others of his kind were near, be it ghoul or other ghostly apparition. The sensation lingered, drifting into the...

He fought not to widen his eyes or stare in the direction of the cafe, but the entity responsible for the shiver had seemed to pass through the very doors he was trying not to look at. Luckily, it seemed the hunters now advancing upon and forcing him back took no notice of the cafe.

There was a way for him to escape, but still - wasn't anyone in there?

Seeing a hat and suitcase walk through the door, Seera sighed. "Lots of things. We got a new waitress, yesterday Ase and Vincent went to the underground market and got attacked by hunters on their way back here, and all of Vincent's stitches were ripped open, then everyone was late today, and Vincent and Ellie went back to the market, and it got bombed, apparently Ellie was kidnapped, and Vincent, and an Elf, and a Kitsune went off looking for her."
(Okay, I'm back.)

As the buss pulled up at their destination, Vincent very nearly ran out the door. Looking around widely, he spotted the house. A large, dark abandoned mansion, standing on a hill a little ways away. Activating his demon sight he could see about a hundred souls or so, all human with an additional twenty that were not, and his eyes widened as he could see a lone, baby pink one mingled in with the rest." He nudged Qu, telling him this, his whole body vibrating.

Now that they were here, he had no idea how to actually enter without getting blown to bits.
" $ 50,000!" "70,000!" "$90,000!!" the men kept yelling out numbers as Ellie looked down tears running down her face, No one's coming...I'm gonna die a slave...she thought to her self whimpering.
Qu gives a quick nod to Vincent and strode out of the bus directly towards the mansion, he removes a slim knife from his waist and closes his eyes, sniffing the air, suddenly, like a bullet, the knife he was holding flies towards a wall, a large explosion goes off where he threw the knife, putting both hands atop his trusted staff, he shouts "C'mon Vincent" and runs into the burning wreckage.
"Wow, I go on vacation and all this happens. Sheesh." Spooks said as he materialized. He put the hat away and sighed. "Alrighty, need me to go help them then?" He asked.
Vincent took off running after Qu, Arens following closely behind him. He let out a whoop at the explosion, not really managing to hold in his boyish amazement at the big bang.

As they neared the mansion, a few monster hunters who hadn't perished in Qu's explosion began running towards them, armed and ready to fight. Vincent grabbed one of them and slammed him to the ground, breaking open his skull with a swift stomp.
Qu spun like a graceful dancer through the group of badly trained hunters, his staff making quick work of the straggle of hunters.
Ellie looked up at the loud boom, everyone confused and looking around for the source. She smiled to her self as the hunters around her scampered to regain control. " You dummy demon..." she smiled affectionately.
Vincent, momentarily distracted by admiring Qu's fighting style, didn't see the bullet heading for him before it was to late. Letting out a yelp as he felt a sharp, searing pain in his left shoulder, he was knocked backwards, to the ground. Snarling, he looked at the man who had shot him and attacked him. The man didn't even have the time to scream before he was ripped to shreds, Vincent's long nails and sharp teeth making quick work of him.

Vincent began taking out the other hunters heading his way, stopping one of them from tackling Arens by kicking him in the face, hard.
Qu had already knocked out or killed around half of the remaing monster hunters, and the rest wouldn't come near him so he decided to go provide Aren some support, see if he went near Vincent he might lose his head.

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