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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

(@Metaphysics Vincent, Qu and Arens just finished rescuing Ellie. Meanwhile Jun is outside of the cafe cornered by hunters while Spooks, Seera and Mrs. Morse remain inside, unaware of the danger.)

Within the time it had taken for a gun to be aimed point blank at his head and for Jun to be backed slowly away from his original position, Jun realized the cafe remained invisible to human eyes. Good.

Lest he wished to draw attention toward the building Jun forced himself to stop glancing inside and began to remove his gloves ever so slowly. It was suspicious enough to make the other hunter draw a second gun forth but quickly Jun tossed the glove to the side. Softly, it hit the side of the window. Then he removed the other and did the same, the leather hitting the glass with a light 'pang'.

"Stop moving, brat," one of them snapped and he did...just short of the puddle of light at his back. It was possible to fall backwards and disappear but he had no way of knowing how fast the hunters would react and pull the trigger.

Speaking of triggers, one of them was clicking back the chamber, a gentle 'click' echoing between them.

Inhaling slowly Jun raised his hands and then in a curiously calm voice asked, "Have you slept today?"

Before either could move Jun dug his heel into the floor and flew forward, hand outstretched. It covered the face of the man, and upon contact his knees immediately buckled beneath him, eyes rolling into the back of his head. Before he hit the ground, Jun was already swiveling toward his companion, ducking beneath the gun and literally face palming him into silence. Like the first hunter, he fell bodily to the floor, gun rolling out of his hand.

There had been little sound to the commotion as Jun touched a cautious toe to one body, then the other, checking. Confirming both were unconscious, and would be for the next hour or so, Jun hurried to the front of the cafe and tapped anxiously on the door.


@Scattered Ambitions
Spooks quickly floated through the door and opened it. "Hello and welcome to the cafe!" He greeted as the doors swung open.
Given the fact that the two bodies - now looking quite dead at the foot of the cafe - were in plain view for the ghost to see, Jun couldn't help but return an expression of confusion, perplexed by the ghost's casual manners. "I...er," he started dumbly, not knowing what to say.

"Hunters," Jun finished stupidly, pointing at the unconscious pair. "They were just - I mean, they followed me here." Ah, there. The ability to form coherent sentences was starting to return to him. "I don't know what to do with them. They're asleep right now and will remain that way only for a bit of time. I don't," he rubbed his arm, unsure and suddenly self-conscious, "do well around blood."
"Mmhmm get in and sit..I got this." Spooks said as he went around the man and gently nudged him in. Then he turned around and smiled. "Hunters, hunters, hunters...hmm..." He said as he thought of what to do. His eyes spotted a dumpster and he smiled before possessing one of the hunter's clothes and lifting him to the dumpster before doing the same to the other one. He then watched as a garbage truck picked it up and emptied its contents.
Well that wasn't hard only thing I had to use was enchanted touch, thought Arens.

Now when he saw Vincent and Ellie kissing his eyes started glowing, he started to look in the distance.

Pictures of him and his love started to come onto his mind.

His wife was kiddnaped a year ago by a guy called "Big Claw" but we will come to that later.

"Oh Elizabeth I miss you" Arens said out loud without even noticing

Enchanted touch - Empowered touch which gives you ability to knock someone out with just touching them.

NOTICE- If opponent is strong enough he won't get knocked-out but will still feel it like he got punched.
Vincent, Ellie, Qu and Arens got off the bus just in time to see a garbage truck drive by the alleyway.

It had all gone quite smoothly after they had wound Ellie and the witches, Vincent thought with a goofy grin, shaking himself he led the group towards the alleyway, thinking about the days adventure. After finding her, they had freed the other witches, who had all given the men tearful, hugs of gratitude, and Vincent suppressed a snicker as he thought of Qu's face the moment one of the witches had hugged him. He had a feeling the Kitsune would have killed him if he had seen him laughing.

The witches, after hearing that the mansion was cleared of hunters, had all scampered away before any of the men could stop them. Vincent had shrugged, figuring their own ways of getting home, Ellie had agreed with him.

The bus ride home had been a rather anticlimactic end to their adventure, Vincent mused, entering the alleyway, but a necessary one, he concluded. They couldn't very well walk home after something like that, and Vincent still had a bullet lodged in his shoulder, which he had decided not to tell anybody about, not wanting to cause more stress in the group. The bus ride though, had been hilarious.

The humans had not known what to either do or say when they saw their little supernatural clique, and Vincent couldn't really blame them as they were quite the sight to behold. Qu sitting sitting there, as blank as ever, but with blood and dirt covering his clothing, Ellie, her hair ruffled and a flushed, happy, red grin on her face, Arens, still in his 'cool clothes' covered in blood with a look on his face Vincent couldn't recognize and Vincent himself, dried blood staining the entire lower half of his face, splattering his goofy grin in red, and holding one of Ellie's hands in his own.

The bus driver had almost refused to let them on, but Arens had done something to him, and he had relented, a far off look in his eyes.

And now here they were, standing outside the familiar Cafè, Ellie vibrating at the thought of seeing her grandmother again. Taking a deep breath, Vincent reached out and grabbed the door handle, swinging open the door and walked into his home.
Vincent flinched in pain, turning around to face Arens. "What do you mean? What are you feeling, f-friend?" He demanded, looking around suspiciously.
"I don't know I am not that good trained but I can feel that something bad happened here. Maybe not in the cafè but somwhere near" - told Arens looking serious
Spooks went back to the cafe with a small smile. "Oh, I see you guys are here! Come in! Quickly!" He said as he gently nudged the four into the cafe. "I just finished taking out the trash!" He added with a small wink.
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Vincent turned around, seeing his waiter, and his face broke into a large smile. "Spooks! It's good to see you again, friend! How was your vacation?" He exclaimed, letting himself be pushed into the Cafè along with his three companions.
"Delightful! There was this choir of ghosts that played a haunting melody...haha....get it? Seriously there was and they were good. Not bad for French ghosts actually." He said. "But I think I might go to London next time, anyways what happened?" He asked as he shut the doors behind him.
"Spooky!" Ellie smiled hugging the ghost nuzzling him with her cheek. "Ellinor!" Mrs.Morse called and Ellie looked up, tears soon rolling down her face, " granny..." She whimpered softly running from Spooks to her grandmother tackling the elderly woman in a big hug sobbing in her shoulder. " I was so scared!" She sobbed as her grandmother stroked her hair. " It's ok my love," she soothed. She looked at Vincent at mouthed " thank you" at him.

( This is probably the last post imma be able to make for a few hours cause I'm at work but ill get off soon :P just pretend Ellies there reuniting with everybody)
Vincent chuckled at the ghost's joking nature before his shoulder started throbbing painfully, deciding to give his old friend a short rundown of the events so that he could excuse himself quickly. "Well... the hunter base in the old, abandoned manor is now officially cleared, and we got Ellie back safely." He said, gesturing to the witch with his good arm, smiling at the tearful display of emotions between her and her grandmother.
"Sorry to interupt your reunion, please can I get one black coffee with no milk" Said Arens calm, while lowering to sit on the chair.
Vincent stared at Arens in disbelief. "Are you... serious?" He laughed out loud, and not waiting for a reply he turned to Spooks, his eyes filled with mirth. "Spooks, would you mind getting Mr. Insensitive bastard here a coffee?" He asked, shaking his head, "I have to go put away my stuff, so I'll be back in about twenty minutes." He told the room, and began walking towards the stairs, his backpack dragging against the floor.
"I got it!" Came the muffled reply as Spooks wiggled out of Ellie's hold and zoomed into the kitchen. Moments later a floating tray carrying coffee drifted towards the man's table. "There you go!" Spooks said as he exited the tray.
"Thank you, I really didn't want to be insensitive just I had a hell of a day and I don't know when I will be called back to work." said Arens with quilty look on his face

(eng isnt my native so srry if I didnt write the emotion correct. I wanted to make emotion that you can see i feel bad about what i did)
Vincent unlocked the door to his apartment and threw his bag into a corner with a sigh. Walking across his living room floor, he stopped in the kitchen to grab a bottle of vodka from one of the cupboards. He took three shots, and walked over to the bathroom. He opened the door the the bathroom and stepped inside. After turning on the lights, he grabbed a pair of scissors from the top drawer under the sink and cut his shirt off, not wanting to deal with the pain of trying to wrestle out of it.

Vincent studied the wound in the mirror, his shoulder now swollen and tender to the touch. He had to get that damn bullet out, and he only had twenty minutes to do so. Picking up his ruined shirt, he rolled it up and bit down on it, steeling himself for the pain he knew he would soon face. He grabbed a pair of tweezers off of the sink and went to work.


[QUOTE="Gravity Shifter]"Thank you, I really didn't want to be insensitive just I had a hell of a day and I don't know when I will be called back to work." said Arens with quilty look on his face
(eng isnt my native so srry if I didnt write the emotion correct. I wanted to make emotion that you can see i feel bad about what i did)

(The word is guilty.)
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"If you just jam the tweezers in there, your gonna lodge it in there deeper," Ellie offered smiling as she stood in door way.
Vincent jumped, dropped the tweezers and spun around quickly, his eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights. As he turned, his left foot caught on the fuzzy bathroom carpet, making him trip backwards into the bathtub.

"Holf Heh! Yoo scefd mh!" He exclaimed, the shirt in his mouth muffling his words. He spat it out and tried again. "Holy hell you scared me! Where did you come from?"

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