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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" I followed you, I noticed you hurt your shoulder and wanted to make sure you didn't bleed out on your bed or something," Ellie giggled, helping Vinny up then sitting him on the edge of the tub, " tweezers please," she said politely opening her hand for the tweezers.
"I totally had it under control." Vincent muttered, trying to regain some of his dignity, it wasn't easy though, as he was sitting shirtless at the edge of a bathtub, Ellie standing over him like a mother hen. Reaching down and picking up his dropped tweezers, he handed them to her, blushing slightly. "But I appreciate you wanting to help." Vincent added, taking a chug from his bottle of vodka, the alcohol numbing the pain somewhat.
Ellie smiled working skillfully, pulled the bullet out in one swift motion then quickly applied antiseptic to the wound before gauzing it up. "How is it that when ever I'm not around you manage to injure yourself?" Ellie teased finishing binding up the wound.
Arens felt some vibrations in his pocket..it was his let's say a phone.

He picked it up "hello...oh I understand I am on my way"

"Well duty's calling, say bye to vincent and say I am sorry for beeing an ass. I will come back soon" said Arens to Spooks as he was lowering the money on the table and leaving the place.

He got out of the cafe and vanished.
"Fuck." Vincent cursed as the bullet came out of his shoulder, wincing a little. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I know that you'll always patch me up in the end." He teased right back, poking her in the cheek, "Or maybe I just have a knack fro getting myself injured." He added lamely, looking at her with a wry smile. Before the situation could get awkward, he stood up and looked at Ellie's delicate work in the mirror.

"Thank you for helping me, by the way. It feels much better." He told her, running a hand over the bandages, giving her a grin, "How's Mrs. Morse doing?"
"Good, she's calmed down and said anything you want in the store you can have, free of charge," she smiled walking over to him. " Vinny...about us...I-I understand if it was just A heat of the moment thing back there but... I meant every word said... I love you with every fiber off my being..." She bantered on, looking down fiddling with her hands.
Vincent, who had been washing the blood of his face and was drying it with a fluffy towel, slowly lowered it and stared at her. His smile hidden by the towel. Ellie looked so nervous and adorable in that moment that he couldn't help bit smile. Truth be told, it had been a 'heat of the moment' thing, as she had put it, and Vincent had never really thought much on the topic of romantic relationships. And frankly, it scared him a little.

He hand't been romantically involved with anybody since his 'evil days', and even then, he wasn't sure if he could rightfully call it romance. Up until now he had never thought himself more than likable, just the friendly, talkative manager of the Cafè that people liked chatting with. And yet, here Ellie was, telling him she loved him.

"Ellie..." Vincent said, hesitating a little, "I... I don't want it to seem like I'm leading you on, because I'm not. And I don't want to be responsible for breaking you heart, but I have to honest with you, do you understand?" He paused, studying her face, waiting for her to answer.
((Since I wasn't here ill just say my character was calmly drinking tea in filthy clothing kkkkkkkk, and really Cryo, you made my character hug someone, horrible))
Vincent put a finger under her chin, gently lifting her face up to look at him. He took a deep breath. "I would very much like to have a relationship with you, Ellie." He told her, smiling softly, looking into her eyes. "But I have to know that you understand that I may not be able to return your strong affections towards me right away. It's been over a century since my last relationship, and that was just a fling. I'm not really sure how to go about being... romantic, but I am very sure that I really like you, Ellie." He murmured, hoping the witch wouldn't reject him to harshly.

Girls liked med who could make them feel special and safe, and do romantic stuff for them and Vincent couldn't do that. Now that he had told her that, she was sure to regret ever choosing to love him in the first place.

But that's okay, Vincent thought sadly, Ellie deserves someone who can do those things for her.

@Col Muahahahaha)
Ellie looked at him for few minutes then pulled Vinnys face to her's their lips connecting. She pulled back smiling softly at him pressing her forehead to his, " I don't mind, I'll wait as long as you need me to...And in the mean time I'll love you enough for the both of us," she smiled at him lovingly.
Feelings of warmth and happiness filled Vincent when she said that, and he couldn't help the goody grin that somehow found it's way to his face when he kissed him. "Well, in that case, let's see where this takes us." He murmured, his voice husky from the sudden emotions. Vincent smiled softly at her, running his thumb over her cheekbone affectionately.

"But I think I have to go put on a shirt now, if you don't mind. Should your grandmother come up here and find us like this, I'm pretty sure she'd kill me." He chuckled, unintentionally ruining the moment.
" Are you kidding me? I'm pretty sure she's already started making plans for a wedding!" Ellie laughed leaving the bathroom, waking back downstairs, A happy goofy grin on her face the entire time, giggling as she sat a barstool.
Shaking his head, at her joke, Vincent went over to his bedroom and opened his closet. At least I hope she was joking.

Choosing a simple black tee, he pulled it over his head and followed Ellie downstairs, and deciding to get himself something to eat, he casually greeted Jun on his way to the kitchen. Noticing his the look on his face, he stopped. "Jun... Is there something wrong?"

Vincent had caught Jun with his mouth still open, standing just beneath an awning of hydrangea flowers. "Your ghost friend," the shade replied, uncertain, "just dumped two bodies in that garbage truck. Granted they were buried beneath all of the rubbish, but I'm not sure if they're entirely dead..."
The demon blinked, not having expected something like that. "Well... they probably are, don't you think? Doesn't garbage trucks usually crush the garbage to tiny little bits? Who were they, and why did Spooks do such a thing?" Vincent asked confused and a little worried, eyeing the ghost wearily. "For that matter, what the hell happened while we were gone?"
At the demon's reply, Jun paled, cream colored skin bleaching to an unhealthy hue. His normally dark ocher eyes looked brilliant now against the contrast as he looked at Vincent. "True," he agreed, "but those were Hunters. They were the same ones that followed me from yesterday. Vincent, would you believe that the mansion you attacked was their main hideout?"

Jun continued, trying to connect his thoughts together. "It seemed like they didn't notice the cafe when they arrived, but why would two stray Hunters be here while the main force was under attack? Wouldn't they want their entire unit with them?"
"Ah! Jun!" Ellie smiled holding his umbrella. " Just the shade I was looking for! I think I owe you something," Ellie smiled holding out the umbrella for him. " Sorry if there's a little potting soil on it, I acidently knocked a pot over in my room and soil went everywhere," Ellie giggled sheepishly.
"Before we left for Ellie, Ase said something about there being multiple hunter hideouts in the city." Vincent told him, "She would't tell me where any of them were though." He added bitterly, clenching his fists, the angels betrayal still stinging a lot. "And I don't think the mansion was their main hideout either, the place was filthy and run down. I can't imagine they would all meet up there." He added, thinking.

"But, if they were the same hunters from yesterday, don't you think there is a possibility that they were looking for you? I mean, your kind isn't very well known, are they?"
Jun listened thoughtfully to his words, nodding every now and then. "It seems that way," he replied after Vincent had finished, "though I have no reason why. There aren't too many shades in this area. Of what I know, I'm the only one present in this part of the city. We tend to pick more remote areas," he gestured to himself before sticking out a hand and watching it fade away in the sunlight, "given our nature."

At Ellie's approach, he broke into a small smile, hand retreating back to his side. "I'm glad to see you unhurt," he told her, honesty in the words as he took the umbrella from her, "seems like you were taken care of nicely." His eyes slid once to Vincent and then back to her. There was something close to a smile in his eyes as he continued, "No need to worry about the stain. I can probably find a spell to get rid of the patches."
Vincent, who was deep in thought, spoke up after a while. "The took Ellie and the other witches for a reason, which means they must be worth something to them, right? What if they...?" Vincent trailed off and shook his head, smiling at the two of them. "Ah, forget it, it was just a stupid thought. Do any of you want some tea? The Cafè is closed today, obviously, but that does not mean we can't still have hot beverages!"

Looking towards the kitchen, he added, "Ellie, why don't you go fetch Seera? I think we've all earned some relaxation."
"Hmm..." Ellie thought when a look of enlightment crossed her face. "They couldn't...B-but its only a fairy tale," she murmured, her eyes widening as she bolted inside the cafe.
He smiled fondly at Ellie's innocent reaction before following the two inside, umbrella breaking open as he made his way up the steps. "Something warm would be refreshing," he said casually before tapping Vincent on the shoulder. His voice dropped low enough so that only Vincent could hear as the cafe bustled into life before them. "I can look into things, if you wish. I don't want anyone," Jun's gaze swept over the crowd, taking in each individual, "to be at risk like that again."

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