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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"All this time i thought it was stupid legend.." Ellie scolded her self, pulling out a large spellbook from one of the cafes bookshelf's that looked at least 200 years old.
Vincent looked at Ellie's retreating form curiously, before turning around to face Jun again when he felt a tap on his good shoulder, a soft smile in his lips. "If you feel you would be safe in doing so," Vincent replies, his voice a soft murmur, "I know we all would be really grateful. Just... don't put yourself in any dangerous situations for our sakes, okay? I don't want you getting hurt either, buddy." Patting the shade's back affectionately, he began walking up to the bar.

"What would you like? We have tea, coffee and hot chocolate. Or pherhaps something stronger?" He asked, getting behind the counter, his voice going back to it's usual friendly 'bartender mode.'
"Ah hah!! I knew it!!" Ellie gasped as she looked at one of the pages in the spellbook. " the hunters have outdone themselfs with stupid choices this time..." She murmured, as she closely analyzed the book.
"Feel free to share with the class, Ms. Morse." Vincent called out, turning on the coffee machine, grinning at her.
Keeping his words in mind, Jun nodded in reassurance before taking a seat beneath the hydrangeas once more. "Just... coffee?" The order ended on a question as he heard Ellie's exclamation come from somewhere in the back of the room.
" I think figured out why the hunters wanted Jun and all those witches, It says in this old spellbook, that witches and shades were born from the same demon, Sarethi when she first came to the human world. She used dark magic to turn human girls back then into the first ever witches hoping to use them as a army to take over the human world, but that failed when she realized that even with their magical abilities, they were just as frail as ordinary humans. Then came her next try, the shades. Sarethi used forbiden dark magic to give shadow's a human form, the only drawback like Jun, was they couldn't go out in the sun since at their core, they were still shadows. Anyway they angels soon found out about Serathi's plans and her use of dark magic and locked her away in the deepest most secluded part of Hell so that she couldn't cause anymore trouble. The book say's the only way Serathi could come back to this plane is with the body of A witch holding the blood A shade, but the angels took great care in making sure the two races never intermingled , and they created A back up plan in case, they made it so that shade blood is the worst possible poison to witches," Ellie explained closing the book, " maybe that's what the hunters want, to bring Serathi back to this plane,".
There was a loud, shattering crash as the cup Vincent had been preparing for Jun crashed to the floor, it's black contents spilling everywhere, seeping into the wooden floorboards. The demon stood deathly still, his eyes wide and his breath caught in his throat. "D-did you just say... Sarethi?" He whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

(I have literally no idea where I'm going with this. Love you idea, though, @Elfia Nightwing)
" Vinny?...." Ellie sprung up walking over to the demon being careful of the broken shards of glass and hot coffee. "Vinny?...D-do you know Serathi?...." Ellie asked confused, her eyes full of worry.
(I now have an idea of where i'm going with this. Boyah.)

Vincent looked into the worried eyes of the girl he had come to care so much for. He couldn't tell her the truth, not now that they had established their relationship the way they had. He would lose her if he did, he knew, forever. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he forced his voice back to normal. "Oh, of course! All demons know of Sarethi, we're all from hell, you know?" He told her, lying through his teeth and giving her a dimpled smile. Though it did not reach his eyes.

"I was just surprised to hear you say her name is all." He continued, looking away and down to the mess on the floor, "Oh my, it seems like I've made quite the mess, huh? Well, I better start cleaning it up!"

Crouching down, he began carefully collecting the pieces of shattered pottery in his hands, trying to keep them from shaking. "I'll bring you a new cup as soon as I'm done here, Jun."
" O-oh..." Ellie looked a little taken back, but walked over to the bar taking a seat next to Jun, " Anyway... what if the hunters weren't not only taking witches to sell, but to experiment on to try to find a way to bring Serathi back to the plane," Ellie offered laying her head on the bar, her light cerulean hair spilling across the bar. " It would explain why they were so interested in you to Jun...".
From his corner Jun remained unresponsive to Vincent's light hearted manner, staring at his hands folded neatly before him on the table. At the moment of his existence Jun had been told from passing whispers that his kind had always been referred to as 'the cursed'. Not true ghost but not entirely undead either, shades lay stranded somewhere in the middle, lost between both worlds. In the sun he remained invisible but that didn't necessarily render him insubstantial and allow him to bleed through walls as ghosts did. Consequently, on the other side of the spectrum, he still required actual sustenance to survive, not the flesh of others. He also couldn't kill; inexplicably, it just didn't feel right, like trying to walk and swing the same arm simultaneously. It wasn't natural.

Jun had believed because of this tedious existence, he'd been shunned from most of society. Thankfully, shades were of a solitary nature, allowing him to exist by himself for the most part.

And yet... He looked up, taking in the faces of everyone. Though he didn't quite know everyone, the atmosphere of the cafe alone when he'd first stepped inside had brought about a comfort he'd never felt before. Granted, an angel had been in near rage at the time, but it had still been exciting.

"Her words make sense, it seems," Jun murmured softly to himself, "Seems we are the cursed ones."

Seeing Ellie approach, Jun straightened immediately, trying to wrestle a semblance of calmness. "Possibly," he replied as she arrived, "Guess my life is just at much at stake as yours is." The sentence was more cynical than intended, though he meant for it to be joking.
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Vincent, having managed to clean up the worst of the mess, poured Jun's coffee in a new cup, before pouring one for himself, adding a sizable amount of Soul Residue into it. He sighed as he saw the low contents in the jar. Damnit, we never got to go shopping, did we? He thought bitterly and after a moments thought, he added a bit of moonshine to calm his nerves. "Hey, Ellie, what do you want?" He called out, his voice a little higher then normal. Vincent coughed to hide it.
" Milk tea...." Ellie answered stiring, her hair spew out over the bar catching the light, making it gleam unnatural shades of blue.
Finishing up Ellie's request, he grabbed the three cups and carried them to the other side of the bar, sitting down next to Ellie, kissing her on the cheek. Sliding the cups to their rightful owner, not noticing accidentally managed to switch his and Jun's cups, he leaned forward, resting his head in his hands. "So... do you guys have any idea when Ase may be coming back?" He asked, now feeling a small amount of guilt after seeing Ellie's sad face.
" Who knows, she could be gone for a few more hours, or days or weeks, remember when she disappered for 3 months on some special angel mission?..." Ellie sighed taking a sip of her tea.
The shade shook his head helplessly as the white blonde bangs settled back on his brow. "Ase is...who?" he asked, wrapping both hands around the cup, quietly enjoying the warmth seep through his hands.
" The angry angel you saw trying to blow up Vinny the first time you came here," Ellie explained smiling faintly at the memory.
"Yeah..." Vincent sighed, "But this time I think I really hurt her. You weren't here, Ellie, but she refused to give me the locations of the different hunter hideouts, and I didn't really take that very well."
Jun sipped his tea, the scent tickling his nose. He'd had milk tea before but this one tasted...strange. Bitter? He couldn't quite place his finger on it as he stared down into the cream colored contents. Oh...the cream was blue. "What...What is this again?" he asked Vincent, blinking heavily.
" Vinny...You know how angels are about their secrets....I'm sure Ase wanted to help but she couldn't break the rules..." Ellie smiled reassuringly at him, " I'm sure once she comes back, she'll be hiding behind the bar drinking wine, trying to hide from her paperwork..." Ellie giggled taking another sip of her tea.
Vincent nodded uncertainly at Ellie, hoping she was right before he looked over at Jun, his head tilted in confusion, "It's just milk..." He trailed off as he looked down at the contents of Jun's cup, and gasped. "Shit. Jun, did you drink this?" He asked, quickly switching the cups. "I must have accidentally given you my cup! I'm so sorry. Oh holy hell!" Vincent scanned the shade, worried. He had no idea what would happen if Jun had ingested the soul residue.
Content enough to let them talk Jun's brow furrowed as he tried to figure out the tea, taking another taste.Instead of a hesitant sip like before, he swallowed a mouthful, the cup near drained when he settled it back on the table. Though he enjoyed tea occasionally coffee had always been his preference because of its caffeine content; the effects were almost near immediate given his state as a shade.

He frowned at Vincent when he took away the cup. "But it was tasty..." he protested, and Jun was surprised to hear his own words. It was unlike him to disagree to small things such as this. "Ah, my body feels heavier." Before their eyes Jun's normally pale complexion seemed to grow more substantial as the shade stood to his feet and teetered to the front of the room. "Hey, Hey...have you ever seen a shade juggle?" When Jun turned to face them, his cheeks were as red as the table cloths folded on the tables. "Where's your...Where are some cups," the shade gave an undignified hiccup, "for me to practice?"

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