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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Even though Vincent was quite annoyed at his assistant manager, his nice guy instincts kicked in. "Congratulations!" He said with a small smile, sighing. "So, can you show us where they are, then? We haven't got much time!"

Vincent felt his heart clench at the thought of what those savage hunters might be doing to his friend, and bit back a panicked yell. Don't worry, Ellie! We're gonna save you.

@Elfia Nightwing
"Mmmm...." Ellie shifted on the cold floor using the last bit of her energy to push herself so she was sitting up. She looked at the tattoo etched angrily on the back of her hand. A antimagic tattoo...she thought to her self. Sighing she curled up in a ball ignoring one of the gaurds as he opened up her cell to drop of some mush that would be her meal for the day. Granny, I'm sorry....she thought to herself tears falling down her face. " I can't beilive I'll go with out ever letting Vinny know how i feel," she whimpered qiuet.
"i cant show you Vincent ,you know that!" she said sitting up a quite stern look on her face now "I'd be breaking all the rules if i did!" she stood up and began walking towards the door. "Leave it to the Angels,Its best for everyone" Ase said stopping at the door.

Vincent felt her words hit him like physical blow. He looked at her, his eyes filled with disbelief and betrayal. He slowly shook his head, and walked out of the room, towards the stairs. I have to get out of her, or I'm going to loose it again. As he walked through the door leading to the stairs, he punched the wall, hard, and cursed loudly trying to let out some of the rage he was feeling towards his friend. I need to get my stuff together. They can't have gone that far, they're only humans after all. If I leave now, I might manage to find them before it's too late. Entering his apartment, he began to gather together supplies.
"Vincent," a Frail old voice said softly behind him. It was a frail elderly lady with the same eye color as Ellie, her grandmother. " Is it true, The hunters, they took Elinor?" she asked sadly gripping hard on something. A picture of Ellie when she was younger with her parents.
Tears streamed down Ase's face but she remained silent as she left the Cafe. Ase fell to her knees as she closed the door now crying . a Bright beam of light hit Ase and she disappeared.
Vincent jumped, turning around. "Mrs. Morse!" He exclaimed, dropping the backpack he was holding and walking hurriedly up to the old woman, wrapping his arms around her frail form. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Morse, I tried to get to her... but..." His words left him, and a lump formed in his throat. he released her from the hug, looking down at her sad, old face. "I'm going to get her back." He promised her seriously, not even wondering or caring how she got into his apartment.
Ellies grandmother patted Vincent's cheek, "You always were kind to her.....no wonder her feelings grew the way they did," She sighed holding up a small pendent folding it into Vincents hand, "When Ellinor was born, I placed A tracking spell on her, the last ping it gave me Ellinor was in a abandoned Manor on the outskirts of town,please....Please bring my Little Ellie home," the old women pleaded grasping Vincents hands.
Vincent felt a tears pressing in the corners of his eyes and blinked them away. He would not cry in front of this kind lady. He grabbed the pendant hard, squeezing it like a lifeline. "I will, Mrs. Morse." He said, his voice firm. I just hope she believes me. Giving her another hug, he grabbed his backpack and put the pendant in his pocket.

"If you want to wait here until I bring her back, and I will bring her back, you can stay..." Vincent trailed off, looking around his apartment, there were dirty dished in the sink, books strewn around and clothes crumpled on the floor. This was no pace for a lady. "... downstairs in the cafè. Seera is there, and she's a great cook and really good company." He offered, walking to the door, holding it open for her.
As Vincent walked back into the main area of the Cafè with Mrs. Morse, he looked at Qu, contemplating. Tightening the hold on his backpack, he walked up to him.

"Hey... Qu, I know you don't really know Ellie all that much, but would you like to help me get her back?" He asked, hoping for a possitive response. Even though he would go regardless of the kitsune's answer, it was always good to have backup.

"Sure Vincent, haven't been a good fight for some while now, sounds like fun" Qu replies finishing off his tea and picking up his staff.
Arens opened the doors of the cafè, looking around him he saw few interesting characters. He closed the doors and sat down on a free chair.When he sat he felt some weird

waves telling him that something interesting is going on in this cafè.
Vincent smiled at Qu, gratefully. Turning around to head for the door, he stiffened. There was an elf sitting there. This day just keeps getting better and better, he thought sarcastically. Walking up to the elf he smiled tightly. "I'm sorry sir, but we're not open today," He told him, forcing himself to sound pleasant. "My friend and I are just about to... head out, and there's not going to be anybody here to wait on you, I'm really sorry."
"Oh I see I am sorry didn't see the sign. Well I can see on you that you are in middle of something important. I wanted to relax a little bit in here, but can I be of any help to you?

I would tell you about what's my job and what I actually do but I don't know you so only thing I can do is offer you help" Arens was speaking with very calm voice with almost no expression on his face, but smile.
Vincent was very tempted to decline the mans offer, his arms tingling from the memory of what his people had done to him. But thinking back to Mrs. Morse's face when she had almost begged him to bring her granddaughter back made him change his mind. "I... We are going to rescue a friend of ours from the monster hunters," He told him, "It's probably going to be extremely dangerous, but if you would like to help us, that would be great!" And put me in your debt was the unspoken words. Vincent steeled himself and reached out his hand. "I'm Vincent Buckley, the manager of this joint. The girl we're saving is our waitress."
Arens reached his hand "My name is Arens I come from a land far away,but we will talk later. Now lets rescue your waitress, you just tell me what I should do to help you and I will do it." Hmm and I thought this day can't be more exciting.
Vincent flinched violently at the elf's light touch. He mentally scolded himself for being stupid. "We are going to the large abandoned manor on the outskirts of the city," He told his two companions as they exited the door. Vincent locked it behind him, just to be safe. "We're going to have to take the buss, actually, so please act normal and don't attract unwanted attention from the humans." He added, rolling his sleeves down and pulling out his elastic, letting his hair fall down to his neck, hiding his ears and his wounds, his most noticeable nonhuman features.
Ellie looked up from her huddle in the corner to the sound of someone opening her cell, "Come on witch, it's auction night" he huffed grabbing Ellies arms placing her in handcuffs and binding her feet so she couldn't run. " If you try anything," she felt something sharp poke her in the back,"...." Ellie looked down. " Good, now that we have a understanding get a move on!" he yelled at her pushing her forward.
Getting out on the street Arens noticed that he will draw lot of eyes wearing all white so he said: " Lads excuse me I will just change my clothing". Then he ran away from the looks of people and changed his clothes in a second. Now he was wearing black/red shoes, black pants with 2 pockets, and a black hoodie covering his white hair. He actually looked really modern and cool , somehow he didn't look weird because of his height. After changing he went back. "Shall we?"- said still having comfortable and calm voice, smiling at them.
Vincent blinked at the elf's, no Arens', new clothing. He looked down at his own attire and shrugged. He was still in his work clothes, so he didn't think he would attract any attention and even if he did, he could just say he was going home after a long days work. Shrugging off his thoughts, he continued walking, leading his companions to the nearest bus stop.
Jun's fingers tightened about the roll of newspaper resting against his lap as he stared out the window, watching the scenery pass with glazed eyes as the bus rolled forward. He'd taken a seat in the back, pointedly ignoring the curious stares turned his way.

Why would someone be dressed in long sleeves and pants in this summer heat? The gloves he wore on both hands also made an odd image for the seventeen year old as he'd taken a seat in the back. As the bus chugged along, Jun wondered about earlier. There'd been a noise earlier, like a muffled 'boom' of some sort that had made him stir uneasily in his apartment. Upon intuition, he'd taken the first bus leading to the cafe.
" Sold! for 240,000$!" the auctioneers voice ringed out. Ellie stood close to the back of the row of girls. She was fiddling with her fingers tears rolling down her face. "Vinny...Ase....everybody I'll never see them again..." she whimpered softly to her self. " Shut it!" one of the guards poked her with his sword causing her to flinch and stay quiet, the tears still rolling down her face.
Sitting down at the buss stop, Vincent gestured for the Elf and the Kitsune to do the same. I hope we get there in time. Vincent thought, looking around frantically for the buss. It would be here any minute now, but Vincent was already starting to get impatient. With good reason too! They could be doing all sorts of unmentionable things to Ellie right now! The demon's hand clenched around the pendant in his pocket, it's magic shooting up his arm. Needing something to distract him he turned to the elf, his eyes wild.

"So... what is your job, exactly?"
Distracted by his thoughts Jun found the bus ride much shorter than expected as it pulled before a pair of familiar apartment complexes. He glanced between them, spotting the alleyway from yesterday, and stood to shuffle behind the others who were departing. As he stepped off the last step Jun started to raise the newspaper over his head - which again drew stares from the remaining passengers - but the action was stopped short as he spotted the group waiting on the bench.

"Vincent?" he said in surprise, recognizing the demon from before. "You look..." His sentence trailed, noticing the apparent tension that hovered over the group. "Did something happen?"

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