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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Isn't it odd that everyone overslept today?" Vincent asked casually, holding the door open for Ellie, "I mean, I get that yesterday was a night for the books, but everybody? It's such a weird coincidense. And you're Always on time." He added, walking out into the dirty alleyway. The sun was just shining brightly, even at this hour, so he squinted his eyes, looking at her.
" W-well to be honest i don't really remember falling asleep, I remember having a cup of tea while putting back the family spellbooks," Ellie shook her head "But after that nothing...".
Vincent halted slightly, then began walking again. "I don't even remember going to bed myself. I didn't even finish all off my paperwork or anything. Weird, right?" He told her, waving at Seera before closing the door behind him, locking it.
"Well, It's probably just a coincidence!" Vincent said lightly as he began walking down the alleyway, At least I hope it is. As they walked, Vincent stumbled a little, narrowly missing stepping in cat poop. "Jesus, those cats are so rude." He joked awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.
"well.. animals don't really like demons right?" she asked, as she skipped a little bit trying to keep up with Vinny's stride.
"Hey, that's not true! I owned a ferret once!" Vincent laughed, slowing down a bit. "It constantly tried to bite by fingers off, but I still say it was out of affection."

As they rounded the corner and walked out of the alleyway, their ears were instantly assaulted by the loud city sounds, cars honking, people chattering and babies screaming. Vincent wrinkled his nose as they walked by that infernal bakery. "Hey, I forgot to ask," Vincent said, lowering his voice a bit, "Have you ever been to the underground market before? I can't remember if you have."
"Once... A long time ago with my parents..." she looked down going quiet, her parents were a bit of a sore spot and she hardly ever talked about them. Actually the time they went to the undeground market was the last thing they did as a family. "But I think it's my first time with you Vinny..." she smiled at him, her smile laced with sadness.
Vincent, seeing her sad face, stopped walking. Tilting his head to the side, he put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from walking. "Hey... Are you alright? Did I say something wrong?" He asked, worried.
" N-no!" Ellie looked shocked taking Vinny's hand, "It's not your fault, it's never your fault!" she said a little to loudly causing some passerbys to look at them. " It's just..." Ellie buried her face in Vinnys shoulder, " I'm scared... I'm gonna fall apart and become that broken girl again..." she whimpered.
Vincent stiffened, not having expected this sudden onslaught of emotions. Not knowing what to say, he awkwardly wrapped his arms around her petite form, patting her back a little. "H-hey now, don't cry, it's gonna be okay, alright?" He stammered out, cursing his pathetic attempt at consoling her. Seeing a nearby empty bench he led her over to it, smiling reassuringly at as pair of concerned looking humans. "Do you wanna sit down and talk about it for a while?" He asked the pile of shaking girl in his arms, patting her head.
Vincent stepped back a little, scanning her. He had no idea how to answer this question correctly, so he just began telling her the truth. "Ah.. um, I see an honest trustworthy witch with pretty eyes. Who's not afraid to speak her mind and is incredibly brave." He told her, hoping she would be happy with the answer, thinking a little he added, "I also see an incredible kind and caring soul. It's pink, by the way."
Vincent smiled at her confusion and pointed at his eyes. "I have demon eyes, right? I can see your soul if I want to. All creatures except for vampires have souls. And all souls have different colors. Yours is baby pink." He explained, smiling at her.
Ellie smiled blushing slightly, " I see...pink," she repeated. "Vinny there's....Something I wana tell you....something i've been putting off," she began her eyes shining brightly.
(I'm so sorry about this, but I feel like being an evil, evil bastard. Don't hate me.)

Vincent looked up at her, curiosity clear on his face. He was just about to ask what she wanted to tell him, when his eyes strayed over her shoulder and to a store window. His eyes widened when he saw the clock hanging on the wall in the store. "Oh my god!" He exclaimed, seeing the time, "I'm so sorry, Ellie, but would you mind saving that for later? We have to run, or we're gonna be late!" With that, he grabbed her hand and pulled her after him, running down the street towards the market.

(Again, so sorry. *evil laughter*)
( bwahahaha its cool bro)

Ellie sighed giggling holding on to Vinnys hand tightly, You really are a dummy demon...She thought happily laughing.


They got to the market safely, did the usual door procedure, the goblin, Mr. Saltwick, giving Ellie quite a fright to Vincent's amusement. As they stepped inside the market, Vincent looked at Ellie with a serious face, handing her a copy of the shopping list and with a dark, dramatic voice said, "Welcome, Ellinor, to the underground market!"
Wow....It's quite amazing" Ellie smiled running to a stand " AH! ive been looking for these venus flytrap seedling forever!" then to another one, " What?! A original Blackwig cauldren!? I thought they were are lost!!" she smiled up at Vinny her eyes shining with excitement "this place is amazing!!"
"Isn't it?" Vincent felt his heart warm a little watching the waitress run from stand to stand in amazement. It was adorable. Looking down at the list again, he bought a basket from a nearby stand and began making his way after the excited witch, picking out merchandise as he went. It went quite a lot faster as he had been here yesterday, buying the exact same stuff, he got a few weird looks from the stand owners, but he just grinned at them.

"I heard they have a stand dedicated to seeds from rare and died out flowers here somewhere." He told her, picking up a magical snowglobe with miniature dolphins swimming around in it, intending to give it to Seera as a "thank you for holding down the fort even if you're the cook" present.
Ellie squeaked her face turning to one of awe " really?!" Ellie smiled brightly turning away from a stand that sold rare enchantment scrolls.
"You know what, the market isn't so big. Why don't we split up? It goes faster that way, the seed stand is that way." He smiled at her excitement and paid for the snowglobe. After he had put it in the basket he walked towards the reptile ingredients stand and started going over the bags of toad warts, looking for a good batch.
Laughing at her enthusiasm, he turned back to the warts and after finding a good bag, he started rummaging though the cobra eggs.

"Why, Vince my boy, weren't you here just yesterday?"

Looking up, he smiled wryly at the stand owner, an old Aswang man by the name off Mr. Allan, whose breath stank of rotten meat. He was a lovable fellow, though.

"I was, but I and my assistant was attacked by hunters outside by the entrance. The wares were unfortunately lost in the commotion." He told him with a regretful sigh. The man gasped.

"That's troubling news indeed! I thought I saw you limping a little, friend. Tell you what, Vince, you tell an old man what happened, and you take those ingredients for free. I always loved being able to supply the rumor mill!"

Laughing at the mans boldness, Vincent began telling him about the attack.

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