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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Alexander looked to Graeme "I'd tell her what she needs to hear, that It'll be fine, I'll help her, I'll protect her. but Mostly I'd just hug her tight and let her cry it out on my shoulder"


Akira's head felt like a muddled mess something was at the back of it pushing, something dark. But when being around someone else like Mazus or Alexander it backs off, she can still feel it but she can think clearer... 'Should I ask Mazus about whats wrong with me? Would he have any idea?' @Dnaleri017
RegalWindstar said:
Alexander looked to Graeme "I'd tell her what she needs to hear, that It'll be fine, I'll help her, I'll protect her. but Mostly I'd just hug her tight and let her cry it out on my shoulder"

Akira's head felt like a muddled mess something was at the back of it pushing, something dark. But when being around someone else like Mazus or Alexander it backs off, she can still feel it but she can think clearer... 'Should I ask Mazus about whats wrong with me? Would he have any idea?' @Dnaleri017
"Knowing Mazus, he's already on it." Graeme threw a key and went through the portal and took a few moments before walking into the cafe.

(Well Mazus is an angel which is oldee than any creature so he probably would have at least an idea of what was wrong. So you can ask if you want.)

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Alexander opened a portal to his Castle and left.


Akira spoke up "Mazus.." She sniffled "Something is wrong with me, Its always been there but got worse when my father died. Theres..a dark presence inside my head, I don't know what it is But I can always feel it. But when that woman appeared the one who killed my father, it got stronger. Once I was away from there it lost that strength... what is wrong with me? Who am I? Am I... a bad person?"
"I know what you mean," Vincent told her, sighing. He got up and went to the kitchen, rummaging around for a minute before emerging with another bottle of whiskey, and a glass of cranberry juice. Handing Maria the bottle, and Estelle the juice, he collapsed in the couch again. "I think that the little... situation, can be resolved quite easily, but not while any of us are in the state we're in. I think we should all just wind down for a bit." He told her truthfully, taking a swig of his glass.


Oliver blinked as Mazus popped away. That was quite rude of him, he thought. Looking around the apartment, he found it pretty scarce. His yellow eyes finally settled on the couch sitting in the living room, and he walked over to it, before sitting down awkwardly. What did one do, while in an angels home? It felt like blasphemy, just being here really, and he was sure he would get an earful should the other imps ever hear of this. Shrugging off his thoughts, he leaned down and pressed his cheek against the soft fabric of the couch, closing his eyes. He could worry about all that tomorrow. Right now, he just wanted to-

(And that's all for now, folks! Good night!)
(And with night comes Spooks.)

"I have to give in eventually huh?" Spooks said as she looked out her window. "I'll just have to make sure that I won't give in when they're around..." She said as she turned away from her window.
RegalWindstar said:
Alexander opened a portal to his Castle and left.

Akira spoke up "Mazus.." She sniffled "Something is wrong with me, Its always been there but got worse when my father died. Theres..a dark presence inside my head, I don't know what it is But I can always feel it. But when that woman appeared the one who killed my father, it got stronger. Once I was away from there it lost that strength... what is wrong with me? Who am I? Am I... a bad person?"
Mazus stroked Akira's hair. "You're Akira. You're neither good nor evil. You are you. The choices you make is what defines who you are."

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RegalWindstar said:
@Dnaleri017 Akira smiled at Mazus "Thank you"
Mazus nodded as Graeme walked in. He looked like Alexander down to the smallest detail and sounded like him too causing everyone to believe he was Alexander. He walked up to Akira and held out his arms. "What brings you back so quick Alexander?" Mazus looked at him puzzled. "Didn't you need to meet Prince Graeme?"

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Maria sighed walking out of Vincent's apartment Estelle behind her, " Do not say anything, do not do anything, just look down and try and pretend your sorry," Maria instructed her voice cold. Estelle nodded taking Maria's hand making her sigh, with all the stupid stunts she pulled it was easy to forget that Estelle was still just a little kid. Walking down to the cafe with Estelle still holding her hand she looked at Akira and Alexander, biting the inside of cheek when she saw him to hold back from punching him, " Hey, sorry about your dad," she said to Akira.
Akira launched herself into Alexander's Arms "Alex! You're back!"Her eyes starting to tear up once again when she heard Maria speak of her father. She turned her head to see Estelle and her eyes started to glow purple she turned to Maria a hollow echoing dark chuckle escaping her "Of course you are? Isn't everyone?" she sneered. Her hands crackled with Dark energy she was itching to kill Estelle "Oh well everyone except for her. Oh no not her. She'd rather be a rude rotten little brat picking fights." She laughed again her one white wing flickering black for a second.

@Dnaleri017 @Elfia Nightwing

(I underlined Alexander since we all know its really Graeme but the chars dont)
" True, she's a annoying little brat and i would love to dump her in a river somewhere," Maria narrowed her eyes at Akira's change, " But she's the granddaughter of the Head Coven Master, which mean unless you both want a war between fairies and witches you can't harm one strand of her freaky hair," Maria explained pushing Estelle behind her in case.
Akira glared "If it wasn't for you Witches my people wouldn't have learned Dark magic, my father would STILL be Alive. Its both your kind and my own fault hes dead. If my people didn't learn Dark magic, my mother and father wouldn't have had me I killed both of my parents because of your kind" She sneered. The room grew cold as a butterfly made of dark magic flew in landing on Akira's shoulder her wings going a pitch black. "Forget all of you" she hissed and turned walking to the door "I'll kill them all, Those damn traitorous fairies, those damn evil witches!"

(The butterfly on her shoulder is a creation that her kingdom of fairies are talented in: Creating creatures. *hint hint nudge nudge* *points to Akira's father's killers* *points to what was mentioned by Alexander before, she can be swayed but shes neither light or dark unless she spends too much time with one of the two*)
Maria glared at her running after Akira grabbing her by the shirt slamming her against the wall, " Ok, that's it, It's true that a witch taught dark magic to the fairies but before you go and start accusing races you should know that that same witch was physically beaten and tortured by your kind until she did! I'm sorry your parents are dead, but that doesn't give you a right to hop aboard the crazy train and start killing people!" Maria tightened her grip on Akira glaring at her, " My parent's were killed before I could even open my eyes! I don't know anything about them! But you...you have memories! You know what it feels like to have your parents read you bedtime stories, you know what it's like to have your mom kiss your forehead, you know what it's like to loved!!" Maria yelled slamming Akira against the wall again. " So stop playing the victim and stand up for yourself for once!! Without your crazy boyfriend, without the cafe, Prove to me that you aren't just another spoiled princess!!" she finished her cheeks bright red from anger as she caught her breath.

Akira lowered her head and chuckled blasting Maria off her with dark magic, it wasn't Akira's normal magic that was for certain. the butterfly was flying around her head sprinkling dust on her Akira created a dagger in her hand laughing "Oh do you hear yourself.. love this love that. I loved my father yes, he didn't love me though I was only his little trophy daughter to marry off, a bargaining chip. My mother fell deathly ill when I was born so oh no I never got to have my mother kiss my forehead my own father forced me to stay out of her room so I didn't catch it too because he needed me. You are just as wretched and wicked as the rest of them!" She sneered. Twirling the dagger in her hand she inched forward. Dark runes and designs appearing on her skin slowly spreading.

(Dammit ppl realize the butterfly is the huge problem here derniiiit. *sits waiting* Also making Akira angry won't get her to snap out of it, it'll just make things worse.)

@Elfia Nightwing
Maria sat up looking at the butterfly, Where did that thing come from...Doesn't matter looks like it's controlling her, She sighed standing up, " Alright, you wanna fight?" Maria glared at her fireballs appearing circling around her, " Lets fight," she growled throwing her first fire ball at the butterfly incinerating it.
Akira screeched holding her head when it was destroyed the dagger dissapearing and her one wing flickering back to white for a second. She fell to the ground still screeching the Runes on her skin fading away "What did you do?!" She hissed trying to throw magic at Maria but feeling too dizzy from the butterfly being destroyed. A bunch more butterflies flew in when she started changing back and went to surround her only for her to jump away back to normal "What are those things?! Butterflies?! What is going on?" She looked to Maria for answers one of her eyes once in awhile flickering while she kept having to dodge butterflies. @Elfia Nightwing
" Shit, Go back inside!" Maria yelled at her throwing more fireballs at the butterflies. She turned to Akira, " What are you standing around for?! Crap...." She groaned taking Akira's hand pulling her with her as she ran to her apartment.
" Because I have no fucking clue whats going on!!" she responded magically sealing her door when they got inside so that those butterfly things couldn't follow them inside. " Were safe...for now," she sighed running her hands through her hair sliding down to the floor.
Akira sighed one hand holding her head "Theres that pushing at my head again, damn my head hurts" she slid to the floor next to Maria pulling her one knee up to her chest. Each time the butterflies rammed the door she flinched and her eyes flickered. @Elfia Nightwing
Maria sighed kicking the door, "Begone!" she commanded erasing the last of the butterflies. She glared at Akira, " Do you have to sit so close?" she asked scooting away.
Akira looked at Maria looking a bit hurt and sighed "Sorry" 'what'd I ever do to her?!' she thought. She stood up and walked to the door "The Butterflies should be gone, I don't even know why we were running from Butterflies anyways... mmm Alexander was back wasn't he?" her eyes lit up at the thought of Alexander. She made a small hum noise "I should just go back, Alexander is probably worried. Besides its damn well obvious you don't like me. I don't have any idea why though." She reached for the door handle a little nervous something nagging at her to stay inside for now @Elfia Nightwing
" Don't," Maria said " The second you walk outside those things are gonna attack you again," Maria looked at her " And maybe the reason i'm being bitchy is in just one day I got dragged on a crazy rescue mission, had to deal with a 14 year old with a authority problem, a fucking mountain of complaints from the head Coven office because of my 'unethical relationship' with a angel, had to deal with a fucking demonic fairie princess trying to kill me and just got attacked by fucking butterflies," Maria sighed racking another shaky hand through her hair, " So i'm sorry 'your highness' if i'm a bit snappy,".
Akira looked at Maria in confusion "Demonic Fairy Princess trying to kill you? What do you mean? Also please do not say 'Your Highness' I got enough of that at the Palace, Augh I hate that. Why can't I just be called 'Akira' thats it 'Akira' how hard is it for people to simply say my name?!" @Elfia Nightwing
Maria looked at her narrowing her eyes," You don't remember trying to kill me?" she asked standing up going to her cupboard, taking out Ase's secret stash of wine taking a swig, she held the bottle out to Akira.

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