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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Estelle stared at the man blankly, " I'm just telling the truth, god dad was right, fairies are way to emotional," she sighed shaking her head.
Akira removed Alexanders hands "You are a spoiled rotten stuck up little rude insensitive B***ch!" she screeched at her. Alexander shot Estelle a glare ready to murder her "Choose your next words carefully Witch" (Bold words were spat venomously)
"Yes, well," Vincent's reply was cut off by a grunt of pain as he pressed the needle into his skin, penetrating the sore flesh, "It's not like we didn't already know the guy was a waste of oxygen, all things considered, this was kind of expected. The question is," grunt, "what do we do about it? Is there something we can do about it?"

The demon snatched the bottle from Maria's hand, drinking deeply from it. "Does Ellie know? Does Akira?"

Had this been any other occasion, Vincent would have probably apologized for being rude, insensitive and for the fact that his apartment was a mess. But he had just gotten back from metaphorical hell, and he really wasn't able to think straight. Right now, his good guy instincts were almost gone. He just wanted to pass out.
Maria nodded " Ellie knows,...Akira is a different story..." she sighed talking back the bottle " I can't do anything, he's got the real madame Bernet locked up somewhere and if i so much as move in the wrong direction who know's what he'll do! And nobody in the Coven's gonna believe me since that fake's parading around as her," she sighed taking a another drink handing the bottle back.

Estelle looked at them her hair raising like snakes about to spring, her normally charcoal gray eyes were now a dark burgundy, " Why don't you try it, Fae?" she said with just as much venom on the word fae as Alexander did with witch.
Alexander created a bunch of Tiny dragons, hawks and boars of dark magic along with a sword and lots of dark soldiers. Akira made a bow with arrows and wolfs. Both of them scowling at the witch. Alexander spoke "I can call all my soldiers here, I could call my whole damn kingdom if I wanted, Apologize to my Fiancee you insensitive little brat or I will not hesitate to KILL you."
Vincent tugged the stitches into place, finishing the last one with a relieved sigh. He threw the needle on the table between them, and fell back onto the couch.

"Then we need to prove to them that the person impersonating the Coven Leader, isn't Madame Bernet at all. Once we do that, we can get the backing of the rest of the coven, and move in to save the real one. And we have to do it behind the backs of both the prince, and Akira."

He brought the bottle to his lips and finished the rest of it, looking at the bottle regretfully. "And we're going to need more whiskey."
Estelle looked at them both her eyes fixated on theirs when suddenly her eyes flashed bright red the turned back to normal, she looked at the now frozen Alexander and Akira running up to Vincent's room sticking out her tongue at them as she closed the door with a slam. " Ok...so don't be mad Maria...But I may have just made your 'not friends' really angry," she smiled sheepishly. Maria looked as Estelle opened the door, flames appearing on her again when she told her what she did. " ESTELLE!"she screeched flames flying off her.
Vincent burst out laughing. "This is Madame Bernet's granddaughter then?" He asked, trying to collect himself. The strain from having just sewn his arms back together again, and the alcohol was making him irrational. He knew he should be appalled at the child's apparent lack of manners, but for some reason he found it hilarious. And from what Maria had just told him, he didn't really care at all if the prince got frozen.
Alexander growled breaking the magic on him and Akira "I have to go Akira, will you be alright?" Akira looked up and nodded "as long as that little brat doesn't come back... Alexander what... what is happening?" Alexander held her close "I promise I'll explain later Akira, Until then please stay here with Vincent, please." He leaned down and kissed her "Before I go I'm sorting that brat out though" He rushed on the path she went until he came to the door he knocked loudly "Hey you little brat! If you can hear me, I won't forgive you for being insensitive when Akira just lost her last remaining parent or provoking and picking a fight with either of us. if you EVER go near Akira again trust me I WILL KILL YOU!" He stomped off and went outside using a key to get to Graeme's Manor
Estelle looked at Vincent her eyes lighting up in excitment " I know you! You're Ellinor's boyfriend! I remember because a bunch of older witches were goin' on and on about how she was makin' a fool of herself by dating a demon!" She smiled her hair wiggling happily. Maria sighed in frustration, pinching the bridge of her nose, " Vincent, Estelle Bernet, the bane of my career," she sighed. Estelle looked at the door as Alexander banged on it, " That guy's a fruitcake," she murmured.
Graeme paced his room waiting for Alexander to show up. Right as he was going to give up on him Alexander appeared. "Took you long enough. Now then, I need every detail of what happened right before, during, and right after the attack." Graeme snapped his fingers and the room became different, there was a wall full of weapons of unknown origin or use, and a large table with a door to the left. The placr was lit by magic fires in the room. "Also, from this point forward we use my tactics until we at least catch or figure out the killer's location. Using an army or anything to do with royalty will arouse suspicion." Graeme threw a knife behind Alexander onto the wall with expert aim. "Welcome to mercenary work Alexander."

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Akira made herself a cup of coffee and sat at the counter, now that Alexander was gone she felt more alone than she ever has. She couldn't manage to be strong not anymore, she cried softly not even touching her coffee. So many thoughts running through her head 'Why? Why is everyone keeping things from me? Father, Alexander, Luke. Heck I bet Vincent and the others are too. Why? Why did that woman kill my father, what did she mean. What do I do? Should I go on the run again? Should I hunt her down and kill that murderer? What..what should I do? I wish Vincent Graeme or Jun was here.'
Mazus returned to the cafe. "Akira, you're sad... what is the problem?" Mazus stood beside her and stretched a wing around her to shield her for comfort. He has worry in his eyes. Over the course of being here he understood emotions and how to deal with them to an extent.

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A little taken aback, the demon in question burst out laughing again, ruffling the kids hair, duly noting it's weird consistency. "You're bold," He commented with a small smile, "I like that, it's refreshing." Looking up at Maria, he smirked, "This is the bane of your existence? You should meet an Imp I know, he would drive you up the wall."
Alexander rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah okay. I guess you need to know who this woman is that killed the king right? You don't know do you? Akira's mother couldn't bear children so Akira's mother and father went to a group of Fae who practiced the dark arts for help. They created Akira in her mother. Her father banished them immediately after to the depths of the dark forest. Akira is.. unstable, even more so after her father was killed at the ball infront of her eyes, she is neither light or dark, good or evil she could be swayed to either side. If they get their hands on her, she.. will lose herself... Like I lost myself." He looked up at Graeme he looked like the old Alexander his eyes filled with warmth "Graeme, thank you for protecting her. I wish I still could but all I can do now is hurt her, I don't have much control anymore."


Akira looked up at Mazus and clung to him "My father at the ball.. he.. he was killed some woman came talking about how she created me that I'm hers she said my parents were weak. Alexander, Luke, Father were all keeping a secret from me I still don't know what is going on. Some little witch was in here she... she was being so.. rude provoking us saying my kind was too emotional, then when we snapped and were going to fight her because she was trying to start one she froze us and ran to Vincent. Who do I trust anymore Mazus? Who am I? What do I do?" she sounded so fragile, panicked, she looked so lost and sad tears streaming down her cheeks her eyes pleading for help, guidance, forgiveness, a reason to not give up.

Estelle pouted as Vincent ruffled her hair causing it to go all frizzy, " Don't think of tryin' to hook up with me to!" she her hair wiggling in distress. Maria sighed, " Did your imp almost blow up the Eiffel tower? Did your imp manage to set up a illegal hellhound fighting club? Did your imp almost start a war between the werewolves and the Coven OVER A STICK OF GUM?!" Maria asked her voice rising in frustration. Estelle crossed her arms looking at Maria pouting, " It wasn't a stick of gum.. It was a pack," she muttered.
"I don't know, I only met the kid today." Vincent deadpanned, looking down at Estelle with a raised eyebrow. "And he's not my imp."

Falling back into the couch, he sighed deeply. HIs head was spinning and it was kind of hard to focus, a result of old Jack playing tricks on his mind again, no doubt. Then, realizing something, he looked up at Maria, "Akira's parent died?"
RegalWindstar said:
Alexander rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah okay. I guess you need to know who this woman is that killed the king right? You don't know do you? Akira's mother couldn't bear children so Akira's mother and father went to a group of Fae who practiced the dark arts for help. They created Akira in her mother. Her father banished them immediately after to the depths of the dark forest. Akira is.. unstable, even more so after her father was killed at the ball infront of her eyes, she is neither light or dark, good or evil she could be swayed to either side. If they get their hands on her, she.. will lose herself... Like I lost myself." He looked up at Graeme he looked like the old Alexander his eyes filled with warmth "Graeme, thank you for protecting her. I wish I still could but all I can do now is hurt her, I don't have much control anymore."

Akira looked up at Mazus and clung to him "My father at the ball.. he.. he was killed some woman came talking about how she created me that I'm hers she said my parents were weak. Alexander, Luke, Father were all keeping a secret from me I still don't know what is going on. Some little witch was in here she... she was being so.. rude provoking us saying my kind was too emotional, then when we snapped and were going to fight her because she was trying to start one she froze us and ran to Vincent. Who do I trust anymore Mazus? Who am I? What do I do?" she sounded so fragile, panicked, she looked so lost and sad tears streaming down her cheeks her eyes pleading for help, guidance, forgiveness, a reason to not give up.

Graeme looked at Alexander. "The dark forest hmm? That place is nasty..." Graeme pulled up a chair and sat down. "Anything else you can think of? The more knowledge we have here the better chances we have at winning. Right now I'd say if we charged in right now we have about 5% chance of winning." Graeme pulled up a map with a large empty spot. "This is a map of our realm, everything is mapped out except that forest."

Mazus held Akira, "if you wish I can take you to my apartment, it would give you a night of peace. I warded it from all forms of magic and tracking. You'd be invisible to the world for as long as you wish to stay at my apartment. Aside from Oliver's joking, which I'm sure he can save for the cafe, you would have no disturbances. I am your guardian afterall. I will do whatever you wish if it helps."

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" Her dad!" Estelle answered, " He got killed right in front of her apparently," she continued, her hair wiggling happily, " And I like that imp, he's funny" she smiled. Maria looked at Vincent sighing, " Well, what do you wanna do?" she asked him.
Alexander thought for awhile "about a dozen of them attacked. I'm not sure if they have gathered more than that but they did take down over 60 Soldiers guarding the Palace."


Akira hugged Mazus "I just... I'm just going to wait here for a few hours for Alexander, if he doesn't show up, can you take me far, far away from here Mazus? If Alexander doesn't show up I want to leave and never come back. I don't wanna trouble anyone else anymore."
RegalWindstar said:
Alexander thought for awhile "about a dozen of them attacked. I'm not sure if they have gathered more than that but they did take down over 60 Soldiers guarding the Palace."

Akira hugged Mazus "I just... I'm just going to wait here for a few hours for Alexander, if he doesn't show up, can you take me far, far away from here Mazus? If Alexander doesn't show up I want to leave and never come back. I don't wanna trouble anyone else anymore."
Graeme cursed under his breath. "Skilled assassins. I'd say with that factor we have a 3% chance of winning. Have one of your soldiers bring me a report written by you of any further information when you get it. As for me, I'm going to do some scouting of the forest." Graeme pointed at thw blank spit if the map. "You better go take care if Akira, I'm trusting you can handle it. If not I'm sure Mazus can.

Mazus folded his wing closer. "Until he arrives I shall remain here." Handing her a small feather pendant he spoke again. "Keep hold of this and I can aid you the minute you speak my name."

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"Honestly?" Vincent asked, sighing, "I wanna curl up on this couch and sleep for another century. Realistically, though, that's not going to happen any time soon. I figure we leave Akira alone for now, if she sees the kid, she might kill her, and she's probably really emotionally unstable." The demon frowned, thinking."What do you suppose we should do?"
Alexander sighed "Mazus will have to take care of her awhile, I have things I must prepare. I'll have my soldiers blend in with commoners, servants to scout Akira's palace. That way we can find out how Luke faired... I hope he isn't dead aswell otherwise that might Send Akira over the edge ever further. After I am done however I will go back to Akira"


Akira smiled at Mazus "Thank you Mazus" she took the pendant gently her dainty hands wrapping around it "I Truly do appreciate it, You're a good friend." tears were still in her eyes but she seemed a bit calmer.

" Right now...I honestly wanna go and find Alexander and beat the living shit out of him," she sighed sitting back down on the couch, " But, with Akira's situation I don't have the mental will right now to care," she admitted.
RegalWindstar said:
Alexander sighed "Mazus will have to take care of her awhile, I have things I must prepare. I'll have my soldiers blend in with commoners, servants to scout Akira's palace. That way we can find out how Luke faired... I hope he isn't dead aswell otherwise that might Send Akira over the edge ever further. After I am done however I will go back to Akira"

Akira smiled at Mazus "Thank you Mazus" she took the pendant gently her dainty hands wrapping around it "I Truly do appreciate it, You're a good friend." tears were still in her eyes but she seemed a bit calmer.

Graeme stopped Alexander, "One question. If you were to go comfort her now what would you say. She needs you now so if you can't go," Graeme shifted to look exactly and sound exactly like Alexander, "Then I will."

Mazus stood silently letting Akira sob and hug him.

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