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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Akira sighed smiling at Mazus "I'd prefer if you stay here Mazus, I'm afraid my father has a.. dislike of your kind I'm sorry. She walked up and gave Mazus a hug. "Thank you, But I shall be fine. Its just a ball what is the worst that could happen? If anything does happen Alexander will protect me." @Dnaleri017
"Well, he's pretty damn bad now," Vincent countered, starting to get frustrated, "I don't care what he used to be, or how he used to act, the fact of the matter is that right now he's a bad person! What will you do when he turns on you again? When he refuses to let you leave this ball?"


"Incarnate?" Oliver repeated, looking up at her. "That's pretty cool, I guess," He said hesitantly, letting go of her hand and starting to walk away, pretending to miss her question. He didn't really feel like telling the lady that he had nicked an old, cool looking book from a weird looking witch he had met on his way here. That would probably just be suicide, plus he ahd given it back to her, eventually.

The contents of the old book had been very interesting to say the least, and he had been quite enthralled with the story about the forgotten lady, and how she had forced Serathi down to hell. Now, he of course, knew of the demonic bitch, but he had always heard that it was the angels who had done it, so to read something like that and then seeing the exact same person just hours later, was quite a shock.

(nudge nudge)
Ellie looked at Oliver confused before walking to bar sitting next to Vinny as he argued with Akira about going to a ball with Alexander. " Well, Maria could probably help out, she has to go to this ball to, something about maintaining good relations between the fairies and the Coven," Ellie offered.
Akira slammed her hands on the counter catching everyones attention "YOU DON'T KNOW HIM! I DO! I've seen glimpses of him again, hes there I TRUST him!" the way she said that it sounded a lot more like trust actually meant love. "You just don't understand... he used to be so different." (Flash back time, shes telling them all this btw *^*)

------Memory lane-----


Alexander sat in the great tree in the garden munching on an apple when Akira came out looking for him.

"Alexander?! Alexander! Where are you?" he had to stiffle a laugh while in the tree watching her search for him. He didn't succeed

Akria rolled her eyes "Get down or I'm coming up" Alexander laughed again "Akira you can't climb, so I think i'll stay up here." he bit into his apple smirking

Akira growled and flew up to him standing on the branch. Alexander quickly shifted on the branch as to make more room for her "A..Akira! You idiot what are you doing?!" Akira glared at him "What does it look like I'm doing?" Alexander sighed "Get down, you know your not supposed to be flying around. Your not used to controlling your wings." Akira rolled her eyes and bounced on the branch "look I'll be fine" the branch cracked and she froze Alexander cursed under his breath "Akira, do not move...whatever you do don't move!"

Akira looked at him panicked "Alex.. I'm scared" Alexander moved closer to her reaching out "It'll be fine okay? Just don't move I'll get you down." The branch cracked again and they both started to fall Alexander quickly got his wings moving stopping his fall, but Akira already fell to the ground he couldn't get her in time. He searched for her scanning the ground "Akira? AKIRA!" he heard a small whine from one of the bushes and flew down quickly pushing through them finding Akira with a scraped knee, dirty with leafs and twigs in her hair. He walked over and brushed out the twigs and leafs with his hand and gently picked her up "Lets get you to the physician you reckless idiot."

Akira blushed "Wh..what are you doing? Put me down idiot!" Alexander raised an eyebrow at her sighing "I'm taking you to the physician, knowing you I doubt you'd be able to walk. I'm not taking any chances you probably have more injuries than what is visible. I'm sorry I didn't protect you this time Akira" Akira smiled at him "I was the idiot here, you can't protect me from myself Alexander." Alexander smiled at her "I'll just have to get strong enough to protect you from everything and everyone."

He then chuckled "I got a new nickname for you." Akira raised her eyebrow "What is it?"

"Little bird..."



Akira sat in her room angry 'Why does Alexander have to go with father on the hunt? What if something happens to him?!' she thought

She paced her room 'maybe I could sneak along with them. Hopefully....maybe but how?' "AUGH!" she let out a scream of frustration

"Hey Little bird, what are you hiding up here for" Alexander stood in the door way smiling at her. Akira sighed "Do you really have to go on the hunt with my father? What if bandits ambush you or..or wolves or.." Alexander walked up and hugged her. "I promise I'll be fine Akira, trust me."

Akira sat on her bed as Alexander walked out the door and down the stairs, she knew she couldn't stop him. She heard the horses outside she made up her mind and rushed to her Balcony and shouted "Alexander!" he turned and looked to her so did her father. Akira jumped off the Balcony and Alexander flew up quickly and caught her lowering her down to the ground. She wrapped her arms around him hugging him tight

"Please is there nothing I can say or do to make you stay?" Alexander leaned down "I'm afraid there isn't little bird." Akira looked at him sadly.

"You are so darn cute" Alexander spoke to her fondly, he leaned down and kissed her "Think of that as my promise that I'll return. I do have to explain why I did that afterall" he said with a wink rushing off to the horses leaving a shocked blushing Akira behind

"I'll wait for you Alexander!" She shouted after him as the hunting party started to move "I'll return Akira!" He shouted back.

She watched them all ride through the gates with a smile on her face, she knew now Alexander would be back.


Akira sighed Pausing "...he.. after all we'd been through he sadly did change but there was something wrong... his eyes..."


Akira walked up to Alexander putting her hand on his shoulder "There you are! Where have you been? You missed the maids face at our prank!"

Alexander turned around and grabbed her arm pulling her close "Akira, You should stop playing such childish pranks. You could get hurt. Don't worry I'll protect you, I'll always protect you, you are mine." Akira tried to pull away "A..Alex please.. your starting to scare me. This is a good prank haha you got me... Alex?" Alexander sneered "This is no Prank Akira, why are you trying to get away? I said I'll protect you, you are in no danger Princess."

Akira screeched and pulled harder "LET ME GO!" Alexander smirked at Guards just passed by without even helping Akira "You're my Fiancee Akira, its what your father decided. He also said I must do whatever is necessary that I think will protect you." Akira tried and tried to get away, Alexander dragged her along behind him before they got to her room, he shoved her inside and locked the Balcony door, then he locked the door into her room when he left. "I'll come get you for dinner my little caged bird." Alexander walked away. Akira banged on the door "SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME OUT OF HERE! ALEXANDER! ALEXANDER! PLEASE ALEXANDER!" she fell to the floor sobbing. "Please...."


Akira looked at Vincent "Hes a good person, even when he changed he still wanted to protect me he still cares for me and that old Alexander the REAL Alexander? is still there! HE IS STILL THERE! I know no matter what he'll protect me, I know I'll be fine I TRUST him!"
Vincent got up from his seat and grabbed his bag. "Fine." He said quietly, not looking at her, or anyone else in the room. He was done, she wouldn't listen to him anyway and he wasn't going to waste energy he didn't have on making her. Swinging the bag over his shoulder, he began walking towards the stairs, intent on getting to his apartment to let of some steam, and to fix his ruined arms.

Without saying anything else, he walked up the stairs and unlocked the door, slamming it shut behind him, and locking it again.


Oliver, who had perched himself on top of the bar, let out a long whistle. "You really know how to make a scene, don't you, princess?" He commented wryly, leaning back against the wall, smirking. "Tell me, out of curiousity, of course, why do you cling to a lost man and push away people who are trying to help you, hm?"

The chaos that had errupted in the room was absolutely delicious. Oliver knew it wasn't right, and he knew it was probably really shitty of him to do this, but he wanted to stirr it up more.
Ellie flinched at the sound of the door slamming getting up not looking at Akira, " I'm going home," she said softly picking up her bag walking out without another word. She got out of the cafe's view before she let the tears stream down her face.
Mazus stood beside Oliver "whenever you're ready I'll take us to my apartment."

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Akira turned on Oliver and lifted him up by his collar her right eye turning a dark purple and her voice coming out sounding like an Echo "SHUT UP! HE IS NOT LOST! I can bring him back I CAN!" the hand holding Oliver up sparked with dark energy Akira abruptly let him go and the door to the Cafe opened, Alexander was back, she calmed down going back to normal and she walked up to him smiling. He held out a beautiful blue dress to her, gloves, shoes and her crown, he himself already looking Dashingly handsome. She blushed and he smiled at her "Go get changed Little bird then we can go" Akira clutched the articles of clothing to her chest and rushed off to the bathroom. She came out awhile later dressed up but her hair still down looking plain. Alexander sat on one of the stools brush and hair ties in his hand, he motioned her over and she sat infront of him. He did her hair up in a ponytail the part closest to her head looking like a little fan.
Aria and Nikolas slipped into the cafe through the back door, and darted into the kitchen. Niko stood watch, while Ari rifled through the drawers. "Where are they? Damn it.......Dad's going to be mad." Niko turned around. "They're not there? Shit." At that moment, Seera, quietly opened the back door, and walked into the kitchen, only to see her siblings. "Ugh. Why are you here? It's not about the knives, is it?" Simultaneously, Ari and Niko turned, and slamming the drawer that was open, grabbed her in a hug. After a moment, they let her go. "Unfortunately, dad wants his knives back, and they're not here. You wouldn't happen to know where the are, would you?" Sighing, Seera stepped out of the kitchen, and was about to say something, but instead could only stare. "Did you go to hell while I was sick?"
Looking at Mazus, Oliver rolled his eyes, "That's it, she's a lost cause. It would be better just to put her out of her misery, if you ask me."

As the door to the kitchen opened, Oliver jumped and turned around, surprised to see a blue haired lady standing there, looking quite shocked herself. "No..." He answered, his brow furrowing in confusion, "I just came from there, actually. Who're you?"

@Scattered Ambitions

Seera shook her head, surprised. "Um, my name is Seera Calax. I'm the cook here. Who, may I ask, are you?" She looked around, for something. "On another note, have any of you seen Vincent? I think he took something of mine."

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Alexander and Akira looked back at them "We'll leave you to deal with this, that lady doesn't look dangerous" Alexander said helping Akira up off the stool at the counter. "Twirl" he commanded and Akira did so. "everything looks in place, you look great little bird." He held his hand out to her "Shall we go?" Akira blushed grabbing his hand "Lets go Alex, before my father ends up coming himself" Both of them shivered in fear and laughed as they did so at eachother. Akira smiled back at everyone "We are going now, we should be back in 6 hours or so" Alexander took out a golden key throwing it infront of them it dissapeared and a portal opened. Alexander stepped in first and Akira went after him
"Buckley had a temper tantrum and stormed upstairs." The imp quipped, swinging his legs back and forth from his position on the bar, before waving at the dysfunctional couple. So this was what life was going to be like from now, huh? Oliver wasn't sure if he could last a week. So much drama and shouting. But then again, it was kind of fun.

"Oh, and I'm Oliver." He said, suddenly remembering that the lady had asked. Gave her a huge grin, showing off his teeth, before dropping it abruptly and turning to the fallen. "I think I wanna get out of there now."

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Maria sighed glaring around at the people around her at the ball. She hated these things, she kept telling the Coven not to send her, but of course, they kept sending her. " Hey! Hey! Maria! Look some faerie traded me this vial of pixie dust for a lock of my hair!" A girl smiled running up to Maria her hair wiggling around in excitement. " Estelle..... I told you not to make any deals with the fairies..." Maria sighed her voice tinged with annoyance. Then there was the other problem the Coven had dumped on her. Estelle Bernet, her so called 'student' had been sent from the head office to shadow while she dealt with Vincent's resistance. The only reason she had taken on the young witch was because she had lost a bet with the Coven master of Paris. She had regretted the bet since day one. Estelle pouted tucking the vial in a safe place, " Come on~! You can at least try and act like you wanna be here!" Estelle whined. Maria glared at her and Estelle shrunk away, " Your angel girlfriend will still be there when this is over," Estelle muttered under her breath causing Maria to turn bright red in embarrassment " Estelle!!" she yelled running as Estelle laughed running away from Maria.
Akira and Alexander entered the Ball room on either side of Akira's father. Akira's crown shimmered in the light all Fairies stopped chattering and turned all bowing low to the Royals. Her father place his hand on her shoulder "I Thank you all for coming, today is a day of celebration as it is not only my daughter's birthday, but to celebrate her engagement to Prince Alexander. So laugh, drink, dance, enjoy the Ball. For this is a joyous day!" The Fairies cheered and Akira's father handed her over to Alexander who walked down the stairs with her hanging on his arm. They started to mingle and greet different Royals and commoners alike, While Akira's father talked to the kings and queens attending.
"Fuck. I guess I have to wait then." She stepped back into the kitchen, and relayed the bad news to her siblings. She then stepped out, and poured herself a glass of wine. "So, Oliver, why are you here?"
"Can I have a glass?" Oliver asked distractedly, leaning back on the wall before propping his feet up, "I just came here to deliver a message, really. But they tricked me and now I'm stuck. It turned out that I was delivering a message and a package." The imp pouted a little, looking down at his claws with a sigh.
Maria stopped and glared at Akira and Alexander, " What's that dumbass doing," She murmured looking at Akira. noticing she wasn't being chased anymore Estelle looked back and saw what Maria was looking at, " Who are they? Your friends?" She asked Maria who was looking as Akira laughed at something a faerie with green hair had said. " No..." she replied turning away, " Far from it, come on were going," she said walking toward the exit, " But the ball just-" Estelle began but stopped when she saw the glared Maria gave her, " Now." she said with finality in her voice. Estelle pouted grumbling as they left the ball.
Akira smiled as music started up she grabbed Alexander's hands "Alex! lets dance" He chuckled as she pulling him along behind her to the center of the room. "Do you still even remember how to?" he teased "Then again did you ever really know? I remember getting a lot of sore toes because of you" Akira glared her hair turning red. "jerk"
Alexander chuckled "mmm, I guess I am, but I am your jerk" Akira rolled her eyes "Now little bird try not to step on my feet this time" He pulled her close and they started to dance, spinning and twirling gracefully around the floor.
Seera raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Your underage, aren't you? You look about fourteen."

At that moment, Lulu woke up. She still had flower petals and remnants of the pot stuck in her hair from her eariler fight. She stood up and stretched, then stepped out of the room, trying to mentally prepare herself for what she might see.
"Oh that," Oliver giggled, "I forgot, I just look kinda young." He waved his hand dismissively, and propped himself up a little further, making his shoes bump into the bar and light up, "I'm really very old. Well, not Buckley old, of course he's ancient, but old enough to have a glass of wine, at least." He laughed, cracking his neck a little before freezing. He sniffed the air a little, and frowned. "Why do I smell a human?"
"Um, ok then." She poured a glass, and handed it to him. "Here, enjoy." She quickly spun towards the sound of a door shutting, and sighed. "Because there is one." She hopped up, and grabbing the girls hand, led her over to where they were sitting.

Lulu started when the woman grabbed her, but let herself be led along. When she reached the table, and saw the boy, she squeaked, and cowered behind the blue haired woman.
Oliver took a sip of the wine, a little surprised that Seera had actually gone along with it. Most people didn't. "Why's there a human here? I thought this place was for the supernatural, are you going to cook her?" He asked, leaning over to get a better look at her, "It doesn't look like there's much meat on her." He giggled, waving at the girl.
Maria slammed open the door of the cafe, causing the bell to ring in distress Estelle fast behind her. Her face was set in a calm fury as she walked over to the bar, " I want to see Vincent right now," she said calmly tapping her finger against the bar sparks flying off her. Estelle looked around she hair wiggling nervously as she took in her surroundings.
(was getting food) Once the dance ended Akira and Alexander headed to the refreshments, When they got there Akira noticed someone she knew and cared for dearly, someone who was like an older brother to her "Luke!" Luke captain of the guards turned around smiling at her he sent a glare Alexander's way "Akira, I thought you left, why are you back here? Did he capture you again?" Alexander looked shocked at Luke "You were the one who helped her escape" Luke nodded. Akira shot Alexander a glare "And YOU are not telling my father.. got it Alexander?" Alexander sighed and nodded not wanting to anger Akira. Luke ruffled Akira's hair "Luke!" she whined fixing it. "so what happened while you were out there?" Akira smiled and started to talk on and on about the Cafe about Vincent and the others.

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