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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Alexander looked like he was torn between who to strangle first Mazus or Oliver. "Mazus, Imp, Mazus, Imp, Mazus AUGH!" Akira giggled smiling softly and walked up putting her hand on Alexander's arm which instantly started to calm him "It was just a harmless little prank Alex calm down" He relaxed and looked her way to see her soft smile, his eyes softened and he ended up smiling back at her. "I still let my temper get the best of me don't I little bird?" He said jokingly. "Owch a jab at yourself jeez Alex, but yeah you do. I dunno you might be worse than before" She teased him. He lightly pushed her "Hey!" he was holding back laughter while trying to look offended. Akira's smile widened.

@Cryobionic @Dnaleri017
Oliver made gagging noises at them, "Geez, get a room you two." He muttered, before walking over to Mazus, stretching his arms over his head, yawning. "Hey, big guy, what are we supposed to do now? I mean, we got in here, and I delivered my message and Q-tip over there is better, so what do we do?" He asked, beginning to get bored.

Sure, the buzzer had been fun, but that sure wouldn't work again, and now that Alexander had his calming princess at his side, it wouldn't work trying to get him riled up again. Plus, Oliver was getting bored of him. Absentmindedly kicking at one of the dead cultists, he wondered how life would be from now on, and where he would stay. That was something he honestly hadn't really thought about yet.


Cryobionic said:
Oliver made gagging noises at them, "Geez, get a room you two." He muttered, before walking over to Mazus, stretching his arms over his head, yawning. "Hey, big guy, what are we supposed to do now? I mean, we got in here, and I delivered my message and Q-tip over there is better, so what do we do?" He asked, beginning to get bored.
Sure, the buzzer had been fun, but that sure wouldn't work again, and now that Alexander had his calming princess at his side, it wouldn't work trying to get him riled up again. Plus, Oliver was getting bored of him. Absentmindedly kicking at one of the dead cultists, he wondered how life would be from now on, and where he would stay. That was something he honestly hadn't really thought about yet.


Mazus read his mind from being in direct contact with him. "You can stay with me at my apartment. As for what to do, we wait for master Vincent and Prince Graeme to return."

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The imp flinched away violently, glaring at him, "Don't do that! Don't you know anything about personal space?" He snapped, a low, inhuman growl emitting from his chest, making his teeth rattle. Oliver paused and looked down, surprised. "Either I'm really hungry, or that was an actual animal noise. That was freaky."

The he began thinking about his options, or lack there off, really. He could always sleep on the streets or in a tree somewhere, but then again, that would heighten the risk of being killed by those pesky human hunters he had heard so much about. He was sure that Buckley would let him sleep in his cafè, but that just seemed so... servantly.

Biting the inside of his cheek, he looked up at the fallen angel and held out his left hand, nodding slowly, "Only temporary, though."
Cryobionic said:
The imp flinched away violently, glaring at him, "Don't do that! Don't you know anything about personal space?" He snapped, a low, inhuman growl emitting from his chest, making his teeth rattle. Oliver paused and looked down, surprised. "Either I'm really hungry, or that was an actual animal noise. That was freaky."
The he began thinking about his options, or lack there off, really. He could always sleep on the streets or in a tree somewhere, but then again, that would heighten the risk of being killed by those pesky human hunters he had heard so much about. He was sure that Buckley would let him sleep in his cafè, but that just seemed so... servantly.

Biting the inside of his cheek, he looked up at the fallen angel and held out his left hand, nodding slowly, "Only temporary, though."
Mazus shook his hand and nodded. "As you wish Oliver." Mazus looked around, "I wonder what is taking Vincent and the Prince so long."

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"We found her!"

Vincent had kicked the door down, and was standing there, panting. His arms were bleeding profusely, and he was paler than normal, but he was smiling. "We found Spooks!"

Graeme had stayed with her, the poor girl being confused and lost, while he had run off to find the others. he had just heard the end of Mazus' sentence when he had burst in, but now he was taking in the room. The Prince was on the floor, with Akira standing over him, while the fallen and the Imp, who was covered in blood and had only half a hoodie on, were in the middle and Jun of to the side surrounded by blood. There was pieces of wood and glass everywhere.

"...What happened here?" He asked, wide eyed.

(time to finish this mission up, don't y'all think?)
(I agree *waits to hug spooks* I missed Spooks, shes a sweetiepie of a character.) Alexander sighed in annoyance "Shouldn't we get your friend out of here and worry about what happened here LATER?"

Vincent ignored the prince, but he couldn't help but notice that the Imp slapped him on the back with the palm of his hand, and that the man in question flinched violently. He shrugged it off. "Come on, then, let's go home, I think Graeme has already started moving towards the exit with Spooks." He gave the room a tired smile, motioning for them to follow him.
Alexander grabbed Akira's hand and kept her close in case there was anymore enemies around the place while they Followed Vincent. Akira kept looking back at Jun once in awhile which made Alexander's grip tighten.

@Cryobionic @thistle
Graeme looked back with Spooks beside him noticing the rest of them "I hope you have a plan to get us through the barrier. My magic ain't strong enough and we're running low on time." Mazus stayed in the rear taling his dagger from Jun so he could protect the group from behind.

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As they reached the alleyway, Vincent felt ready to collapse. Their daring escape from the manor had not been an easy one, as the Uriel had not been happy with them leaving with her sister, and had been foiled at every way. The group had made it out of the wards, surprisingly, thanks to the Imp, who the demon had learned was named Oliver. He had taken each of their hands and guided them through the barrier, explaining that imps weren't considered a threat at all most of the time.

Vincent could see that, he remembered the imps as being more of an annoyance than a threat while at home. They were useful, but irritating.

When they had gotten outside, however, they had been faced with yet another problem. In her anger, the fire demon had turned the grounds outside to lava. not a problem for Vincent or Oliver, as they were accustomed to the heat and could easily step on the many stones still sticking out of the fiery liquid, but for everybody else it was a death sentence.

Then, surprisingly, Mazus had come up with the idea that they fly, and had unfolded his grayish wings, followed closely by Akira and the prince. The prince had carried Graeme, refusing to even entertain the idea of flying Jun over, a task left to the fallen angel, and they had flown, leaving Vincent and Oliver to make their way over alone.

It took about ten minutes.

Of constant chatter.


By the time they had made it to the forest trail, Vincent had been quite ready to pull out the gun he had gotten from Graeme, and shoot the little imp in the head just to get him to shut up. He now knew more about Velcro shoes than he ever wanted to.

Vincent snapped back to the present as he nearly avoided stepping in dog crap, before snickering to himself as he thought of the looks the group had gotten from the humans while making their way back. It had been quite humorous, really. Beaten, bloody burned people, some with wings and some with horns. He was quite sure he had even seen an old lady faint.

As they arrived at the front door to the cafe, Vincent put his hand on the doorknob with a small sigh of contentment, and smiled when he heard the familiar ringing sound of the bell as he opened the door, and stepped inside.

(There. Deal.)
Akira sat down at the Bar counter Alexander walked over "The ball will be in an hour, I'll go get your dress so you can get ready. I'll be back soon Akira" he kissed her on the forehead and walked right past Vincent out the door. He opened his wings and flew off.
Ellie looked up as she heard the bell chime as the door opened, " Sorry were clo-" she began looking as her friends entered the cafe. They looked like they had just been to hell and back but none of that mattered now. Ellie smiled warmly at them as tears flowed down her cheeks, she hadn't realized how scared and worried she was that her friends were gone forever. " Welcome back," she smiled her voice thick from tears and happiness.
Graeme walked into the cafe after being called out by one if his mother's messengers. "Told you Akira, I have been "formally invited to the ball celebrating princess Akira and prince Alexander's soon to be marrige" which we both know will not happen as long as good ol' Prince Graeme has a beating heart." Graeme chuckled, "I guess I get to dress up again after all these years."

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Vincent walked over to he bar, running his hand over the smooth surface before dropping his bag on the floor with a thud. He took a deep breath, relishing in the familiar smells of the cafe. His cafe. "It's good to be back," He murmured to nobody in particular, collapsing into a chair, laying his head on the cold counter top, content with staying there for the next hour or so.


Oliver walked inside last, looking around curiously. So this was the cafe he had heard so much about. It wasn't as big as he had expected, but he had to admit that it was cozy in it's own way. He looked around at all the tables and booths, and watched Vincent fall into a chair with a small giggle. When he heard the tearful welcome, he frowned and glanced around looking for the person who had spoke. When he saw her, his eyebrows shot up to his hairline. Cerulean hair, freaky eyes, the same facial features...

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?"
"Eh?" Ellie looked at the imp wiping tears from her eyes " Dead?..." she repeated confused. Maybe he means Meredith,she thought shaking her head, " Sorry I think you have me confused," she smiled.
Akira sighed standing up "Graeme I don't think my father would like seeing you at the ball, Ever since he changed ever since mother passed my father doesn't want me to see any of my old friends anymore. Hes been afraid they'd influence me to "act out" because we did all get in trouble alot together. Besides, I'll be safe with Alexander.. we made a deal and you must remember how he used to be do you not? I know hes still truly in there. I know it!"
Vincent lifted his forehead of the counter, his ears twitching. Lookin at Akira, he frowned confused, "I'm sorry, but what's this about a ball?"


"Maybe..." Oliver muttered, staring at the girl for another moment. This was strange. There was only one way to find out for sure though, so without further ado, he danced up to her, his tail twitching, before reaching out a hand "I'm Oliver."
Akira turned to Vincent "I made a deal with Alexander for his soldiers help, I'd go to my engagement party which is also my birthday ball with him that my father set up at our palace in exchange for his help. Alexander has gone to get my dress for me already. The ball is in an hour." @Cryobionic
RegalWindstar said:
Akira sighed standing up "Graeme I don't think my father would like seeing you at the ball, Ever since he changed ever since mother passed my father doesn't want me to see any of my old friends anymore. Hes been afraid they'd influence me to "act out" because we did all get in trouble alot together. Besides, I'll be safe with Alexander.. we made a deal and you must remember how he used to be do you not? I know hes still truly in there. I know it!"
"Nonetheless I'm sure my mother wants me to go. I need to do some "research" anyway so I doubt I'll actually be in the ballroom."

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"Absolutely not." Vincent deadpanned, looking at the fairly like she was crazy, and to be honest, he was beginning to doubt her sanity, "Have you forgotten what happened when he found you here, Akira?" The demon asked sharply, "Have you gone out of your mind?"


"You sure?" Oliver couldn't help but ask, looking her over again with narrowed eyes. Her hand certainly felt alive enough, and those tears wouldn't come from a dead person. "You're absolutely, one hundred percent, undeniably sure that your name is Ellie, and not Meredith?"
Ellie flinched when he called her Meredith, she looked down and smiled sheepishly," I guess...In a way I'm Meredith....Her incarnate to be exact..How did you know my ancestor?"she asked Oliver smiling nervously.
"Honestly I agree with Vince but unlike him I'm not gonna stop you. As for me I have to go get ready for a ball." Graeme held up the invite and left the cafe.

Mazus stood beside Akira "As your guardian I will be there if I sense injuries from you. I shall stay or join if you wish."

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