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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"That's what he said to me too, when he wanted to rip out my tongue and use it in a ritual," Oliver sing-songed before rolling backwards and getting to his feet, sending the boy- Jun, a grin. As Mazus began his holy, angel healing, the Imp couldn't help but recoil a little and scrunch up his freckled nose. "Ew. I don't get how you can stand that," He shuddered before walking away a bit, trying to get rid of the feeling of Him crawling up his spine.

As he walked around the room, absentmindedly dancing with a curtain, he noticed something odd. The explosion had blown inward, yes, but there was still a balcony door intact, and when he went to inspect it, he could distinctly make out someone trying to beat his way through the wards. Tilting his head curiously, he opened the door and gave a little wave, his eyes going wide in wonder before narrowing dangerously, filling with a mischievous glint.

"Hi there, sir, would you like to enter our fine establishment?"

As Oliver scampered off, Jun noticing him touch a nearby curtain with passing fondness, he felt an unexpected warmth travel down the length of his injured arm. If anything, the touch of the divine power tickled, but it was pleasant enough and the shade remained still until Mazus had finished.

When he finally pulled away, Jun gave an experimental roll to his shoulder, at first hesitant, but after noting the absence of pain, he gave a full shrug. Mazus's touch had done the trick. If there was anything remaining of the vivid wound that had ran down his arm, it was marked by slightly fatigued muscles, as if he'd overworked the ones in his shoulder and tricep.

He gave his companion a grateful smile before pushing himself to his feet, flexing his fingers to test them. After wavering for half a breath, Jun recovered, and though ghastly pale, he felt much better than he did seconds ago. "Thank you," he said, relief awash on his expression.
@Cryobionic Alexander glared at the creature, Akira behind him "I go to find Akira and when I come back we can't get in who decided to put up damn WARDS?!" Akira grabbed his arm and stepped forward "Is there any possible way you could get us inside sir? Our friends are in there we need to get to them." she spoke softly to the imp
Reaching out, Oliver grabbed a hold of the females arm and yanked her inside, giggling as his arm made contact with the seal. "'Course, anything for you, dumpling," He replied once she was inside, winking at her.

He turned back to the man still on the balcony, and smirked, "Though, your ugly friend here, might be a problem," he joked, scrunching up his nose dramatically. After that stuff with Jun and the blood and pain-causing, he was really craving just messing with someone, and the fairy was just reeking dark energy.
Akira held back a giggle at that jab at Alexander, from the other side he shot her a glare. Akira rolled her eyes at him "Maybe we should just leave him out there" She joked right back to the imp "He can be quite the grouchy pants nowadays" Alexander's glare deepened "Akira..." Akira giggled "See?" Alexander kept glaring Akira sighed "Can you atleast please try to get him in here? He'll pout if hes left behind" Alexander looked offended "I am a prince I do not pout!" Akira smirked rolling her eyes "Oh really then that time you had to go on that hunt with your own father and I when you wanted to stay with your mother didn't happen?" Alexander shot her another glare "Princess, please kindly shut up." Akira burst out in laughter
Cryobionic said:
"Nah, it's okay. It's not like I don't have other hoodies." Oliver lied through his teeth, shrugging with a small grin. Truth be told, now that he couldn't go home anymore, he didn't really have anything. He could just picture his colleagues laughing their asses off as they spoke.
Tilting his head slightly at the boys next questions, he considered what to tell him. The white haired young man obviously knew Buckley, at least to some degree, and that would mean that the Order had bound him to this guy too. It was a stupid situation to be in altogether.

"Well, I came here with a message for Vincent Buckley," He offered hesitantly, not really sure how much information he should give away, "From the Brimstone Order. They're a pretty big deal where I come from."

Oliver pulled his feet up under him, crossing them while unintentionally making his shoes light up, their lights reflecting off his face as he stared at them. That lifted his spirits considerably, especially when he noticed that they were still completely unharmed and looked just as cool as they had done when he had first gotten them earlier today, and just as if someone had flipped a switch inside of his head, his whole demeanor changed. Looking up at the boy with an unnaturally large grin plastered on his face, he let out a small giggle, banging his foot against the floor making his shoes light up again, properly managing to distract him.

"Now, is that cool or what? I don't know why they only sell these to children, the lady at the store wasn't exactly willing to share any information after I nicked them from her, but they really should think of expanding their market to bigger footed people. They would make a fortune!"

Then, grabbing the boys good hand he squeezed it lightly, his eyes shining with sudden and unexpected amusement. "I'm Oliver, by the way! Nice to meet you." He giggled, his eye twitching slightly.

Blinking, Vincent looked at the spot Mazus had just been in, before looking up at the approaching Graeme, his eyes wide. "What do you mean they have demons with them?" He asked, looking over the shapeshifters shoulder, taking notice of the smoke rising from the staircase being him with a small, strained halfsmile.

He was sick of this entire ordeal, and he wanted to go home. His arms were burning, and he was desperately craving something to eat.

Shaking his head, he chased those thoughts away, trying to keep his focus on their current objective. To find Spooks, and bring her back. Find Spooks, and bring her back.

"I... There's the prince, who I know is in here, I saw him briefly, and Jun who I honestly have no idea where is, but Mazus seemed pretty convinced about it before he disappeared, and some Imp who suddenly showed up in here at the same time Mazus did. I don't know who he is."

Graeme stood up and caught himself on a wall before brushing himself off. "Well downstairs was a decoy, a fake Spooks. We gotta go upstairs and get to the others now if we can." Graeme gave Vincent his pistol with deviltrap engraved bullets. "Also as much as you hate my anti-demon weapons you're gonna need to use one unless that satchel of yours has a cannon. Tje demons they got aren't much but they're enough to make me fall back as quick as I did."

Mazus stood over Jun "Do you still have my dagger? I need it back if you do please." @Regal Windstar

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Tapping his lower lip, the imp looked up at the sealing, seemingly deep in thought. "I don't think it would be wise of me to let him in. I would actually have to touch him to do that, you know, and I don't think a prince would want to be contaminated by a lowly imp." He quipped, his yellow eyes filled with mirth. Sticking his tongue out at the man, he added, "And this imp doesn't want to be contaminated by a royal tinkerbell reject either."

With that, he jumped up and crossed his legs mid air, letting his tail balance his body weight so it looked like he was levitating. Then he sat back to enjoy the show.


Vincent accepted the gun with a sigh, feeling the weight of the firearm press down on his palm. "Deviltrap, huh?" He murmured, cocking the gun before pointing it at the ground, "I hope we don't actually have to use this."

He didn't want to kill anybody, and truth be told, he didn't even want to hurt them either, but he looked up at Graeme with hard eyes, nodding sharply. "Let's go."


Alexander's eyes looked murderous "TINKERBELL REJECT?! HOW DARE YOU!" he started throwing powerful dark magic at the ward over and over in a rage. Akira looked to the imp "Seriously you just had to provoke him didn't you? Hes going to attract a lot of unwanted attention!" She groaned putting her face in her hands

Cryobionic said:
Tapping his lower lip, the imp looked up at the sealing, seemingly deep in thought. "I don't think it would be wise of me to let him in. I would actually have to touch him to do that, you know, and I don't think a prince would want to be contaminated by a lowly imp." He quipped, his yellow eyes filled with mirth. Sticking his tongue out at the man, he added, "And this imp doesn't want to be contaminated by a royal tinkerbell reject either."
With that, he jumped up and crossed his legs mid air, letting his tail balance his body weight so it looked like he was levitating. Then he sat back to enjoy the show.


Vincent accepted the gun with a sigh, feeling the weight of the firearm press down on his palm. "Deviltrap, huh?" He murmured, cocking the gun before pointing it at the ground, "I hope we don't actually have to use this."

He didn't want to kill anybody, and truth be told, he didn't even want to hurt them either, but he looked up at Graeme with hard eyes, nodding sharply. "Let's go."


Graeme followed Vincent limping at first until picking up speed to keep pace with him. "All you gotta do is hit them where the bullet will stay and unless they dig it out they are stuck in place." Graeme held onto his knife. "If they get too close I stab them with this and kapoot they're dead."

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Dnaleri017 said:
Graeme stood up and caught himself on a wall before brushing himself off. "Well downstairs was a decoy, a fake Spooks. We gotta go upstairs and get to the others now if we can." Graeme gave Vincent his pistol with deviltrap engraved bullets. "Also as much as you hate my anti-demon weapons you're gonna need to use one unless that satchel of yours has a cannon. Tje demons they got aren't much but they're enough to make me fall back as quick as I did."
Mazus stood over Jun "Do you still have my dagger? I need it back if you do please." @Regal Windstar

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(Woops tagged the wrong person xD ) @thistle

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The imp fell to the floor, howling in crazed laughter, his shoes lighting up on impact. Ah, this was what he lived for! Oliver's laughter was eventually reduced to giggles, and he used his arms to support himself, looking up at the girl while wiping tears from his eyes, "Ooh maaan," He wheezed out between snorts, "Is he always like this? Life with you guys are going to be a lot less dull, in that case!"

He glanced up at the man, crawling over so that his nose was just close enough to the magic seal to that he could feel his face start to tingle. "Look, big guy, I'm not going to help you if you continue acting like a brat. I'm supposed to be the kid here, right?" He giggled, his tail snapping behind him, "By the way, what do you think throwing a temper tantrum and wasting all of your magic will accomplish, huh? I may look like one of the lost boys from peter pan, but don't think I wont come out there and kick you in the nuts if you don't stop, and then you'll really have something to scream about."


Vincent speed walked up the stairs, his adrenaline pumping. He had thought he had felt paranoid before, but that was nothing compared to actually pursuing the enemy with a loaded gun. The worst thing was that he could feel the magic of the weapon pulsating up his arms, making his already burning wounds throb and constrict in protest.

He turned the corner, his eyes searching for any kind of movement, tuning out Graeme's footsteps behind him and focusing in on anything else that might be hiding in the shadows. As he drew closer into the corridor, he suddenly jumped back as he saw a shape move just five meters ahead, and he raised his weapon, ready to fire. He squinted his eyes, wanting to see just what it was before he did so, and what he saw nearly made him cry out.


Alexander growled at the imp. Akira walked up a bit closer "Alexander Behave!" Alexander's head snapped to her his fists clenching but he stopped attacking the seal. Akira sighed rubbing her temples "If you get him in here.. oh I just realized I do not know your name.. anyways you'll probably want to hide behind me, hes got quite the temper."

"You don't say," Oliver drawled sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at the man, "But, you're forgetting the fact that he can't get in here without me. And if he thinks for a second that I'm going to let him in here when it's obvious that he's a danger to me, and my white haired buddy over there, he's got another thing coming."

Oliver looked down at his nails, picking a little dirt from them. "Besides, as I already said, I don't wanna touch him, I hear ulgy's contagious, and I don't wanna catch anything that might mess up my beautiful features."

With that, he spun around and got up to face the girl, ignoring the insulted protests that erupted behind him. "I'm Oliver, devilishly handsome prankster, at your service!" He quipped, mock bowing with a giggle.
Akira giggled and bowed to Oliver "Akira, Princess on the run. Mr.Ugly over there is my Fiance, Mind you I don't wanna marry him but my father wants me to... which is why I've been running." she said all of that a smirk on her face. She had to hold back laughter when she heard Alexander groan with a "Not you too!"

Akira's eyes then lit up "Did you say 'White haired buddy' Do you mean Jun? A shade with beautiful white hair, a wonderful personality?" She didn't even realize she sighed a content sigh thinking of Jun. Alexander growled glaring Akira's direction.

Alexander spoke "Listen Imp, If you get me through I won't kill you and I will TRY not to kill Jun."

RegalWindstar said:
Akira giggled and bowed to Oliver "Akira, Princess on the run. Mr.Ugly over there is my Fiance, Mind you I don't wanna marry him but my father wants me to... which is why I've been running." she said all of that a smirk on her face. She had to hold back laughter when she heard Alexander groan with a "Not you too!"
Akira's eyes then lit up "Did you say 'White haired buddy' Do you mean Jun? A shade with beautiful white hair, a wonderful personality?" She didn't even realize she sighed a content sigh thinking of Jun. Alexander growled glaring Akira's direction.

Alexander spoke "Listen Imp, If you get me through I won't kill you and I will TRY not to kill Jun."

Mazus replied "If you don't mind me butting in if I remember correctly. Alexander, you promised not to kill Jun if she goes with you to her father's ball. I wouldn't break that promise if I were you." Mazus glared with an almost evil tone "Because if she makes any complaints, I as her guardian will kill you before you realize it." Smiling Mazus added one more thing. "Now then, we should wait for Vincent and Graeme so we can plan our next move."

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@Dnaleri017 @Cryobionic Alexander groaned in frustration. Akira laughed and smiled at Mazus "Thanks Mazus" Then her face went to one of worry "Do you have any clue where Graeme and Alexander are? Or if they are alright?"
"Well, this just got interesting. I had no idea I was standing in the presence of real royalty!" Oliver gushed over dramatically, grabbing his cheeks while looking at her with a starstruck expression, "What an honor it is, my lady!"

Then, loosing his facade, he thrust a thumb over his shoulder, in the direction of Jun. "Oh, he's beautiful allright," He told her, before adopting a sickeningly sweet, over the top simpering tone, clasping his hands together while looking up at her with pouting lips, "Oh his eyes! They're like gems, have you noticed? And his hair? Oh I could just die happy if I could run my fingers through those cloud colored locks! And not to mention his- Hey, how come you haven't noticed the target of your affection sitting in the corner over there? Ack, never mind, just don't touch the blood when you embrace him."

Rolling his eyes, he turned back to the prince outside, tutting. "Very well, I'll get you inside, stop freaking out I was only joking, geez." Oliver walked back over to the balcony doors, reached out and grabbed the mans arm, hard, before yanking him inside, making sure his tail tripped him, sending the pompous ass head over foot, crashing to the floor.

"There, now you can never say I haven't done anything nice for you."
RegalWindstar said:
@Dnaleri017 @Cryobionic Alexander groaned in frustration. Akira laughed and smiled at Mazus "Thanks Mazus" Then her face went to one of worry "Do you have any clue where Graeme and Alexander are? Or if they are alright?"
"I can feel Graeme and Vincent's souls heading our way. Though Vincent's has been stressing even more the further he moves along." Mazus stood beside Akira absent mindedly. "I shall heal everyone's wounds now so that we may move right away when they arrive."

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(I love Oliver xD hes awesome *hugs Oliver, my new best friend definetly xD ) Akira giggled at Oliver's Antics while rolling her eyes "You say we'll make it interesting, oh no I think your the one who will make life very very Interesting Oliver. Do you know how many times i've wanted to do something like that to Alexander?" She smirked when she heard Alexander give a disbelieving little whine. She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

She smiled at Mazus "10 bucks says Graeme got into a lot of trouble, it is Graeme afterall"

@Cryobionic @Dnaleri017
Oliver stuffed his hand in his pocket, and nimbly managed to slip on the trick buzzer he knew was in there, the one he had stolen from this wonderful store he had discovered while searching for them manor.

He didn't really thing the man would fall for it, but it was worth a try. So, with his master plan in mind, he began walking over to Alexander and crouched down beside him, titling his head curiously. "I'm Oliver." He deadpanned, holding out his hand for the fallen prince.
Alexander scowled but held out his hand to shake Oliver's hand "I'm Prince Alexander, I'm afraid to say it is not a pleasure to meet you."


(Alexander hates being made a fool of especially infront of Akira)
Mazus watched Oliver intensely. When he planted those images into his mind he happened to pick up a slight sense of humor and started holding back a giggle.

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When Alexander's hand touched Oliver's he quickly brought his hand back in shock. "What..." Akira burst out into laughter at his reaction. Alexander's face morphed into a deep scowl and he looked ready to murder the imp. (Jeez Alexander loosen up man!) @Cryobionic
Mazus chuckled at the sight. "Seems you're not as clever as you thought Alexander"

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"Oh boy! I can't believe you actually fell for that, Tink!" Oliver fell backwards, convulsing in laughter, the pressure of not having executed any pranks leaving his mind, making him feel a little light headed. He tried to collect himself, but when he straightened and saw the look on Alexanders face, he broke into giggles again.

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