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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" Then make it in blood!" Ellie yelled at Mazus. " Blood pacts are the most important type of promise to witches, promise me that you won't let anyone or anything hurt Vinny!" Ellie held out her hand coated in her blood.
The maid sighed and tapped the doorway making another door appear. "Great, the wicked souls are free, now they're going to haunt this manor, again, as if they weren't difficult enough to deal with THE FIRST EIGHT TIMES!" She blasted the door into bits. "I've got to tell mistress...Manor, lockdown. Mystically prevent any entry or exit. Sucessful entries are to be kicked out before they can take any action." She commanded before disappearing in a burst of flame.

Spooks was still wandering the manor, completely lost.
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]" Then make it in blood!" Ellie yelled at Mazus. " Blood pacts are the most important type of promise to witches, promise me that you won't let anyone or anything hurt Vinny!" Ellie held out her hand coated in her blood.

Mazus walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife returning to the room. He sliced his hand and held his bleeding fist out letting it drip and repeated his vow. "I vow to return Vincent to you safely under any circumstance required to fulfill this vow." With that he opened his hand and placed the now bloody knife on a table waiting for Ellie's response.

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" I accept the terms of this vow," Ellie finished sealing the contract a small unnoticeable black dot on both her hand and Mazus's " I'm counting on you, Don't betray my trust," she warned walking to a bathroom to clean up.
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]" I accept the terms of this vow," Ellie finished sealing the contract a small unnoticeable black dot on both her hand and Mazus's " I'm counting on you, Don't betray my trust," she warned walking to a bathroom to clean up.

With that response Mazus returned to the Manor as quick as he went to the cafe.

Manor not magically sealed yet- Mazus teleports to Vincent and stays beside him determined to fulfill the vow he made with Ellie.

Manor magically sealed- Mazus removes his grace from his body and hides it in a tree meters away frim the Manor allowing him to slip in undetected but also mortal. He went back to the room Vincent was at and picks up a knife to use until he got his back from Jun.

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Metaphysics said:
(Nope. Manor has been sealed.)
(Hence why I had two scenarios, an angel without grace has zero magic anymore, just a normal human now)

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Ellie sighed sitting on one of the barstools resting her forehead against the cool surface. She hadn't realized how tired she was until after Mazus left and Maria left to report to the Coven. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift off into sleep. In her dream she was holding Merediths sword fighting against a demon with eyes the color of blood, the same as Vinnys. Serathi, she realized with a start. As she blocked one of Serathis attacks she raised the sword to strike her down when she felt a sharp paint hit her. Looking down she saw a hand piercing her chest. The hand pulled back causing Ellie toscream in pain and collaspe from blood loss as her vision turned black. Right before she fully blacked out she saw the owner of the hand walk to Serathi was laughing at Ellie and all the air left her lungs. It was Vinny, he looked at her his void of emotion as she finally sucame to the injury.

Ellie woke up with a start falling back in the barstool, her head hitting the floor but she didn't care she was to shaken up over that dream. No, Vinny wouldn't do that...she thought trying to calm her racing heart. " He wouldn't she kept repeating to herself gripping her hands to keep them from shaking.
Vincent ran into the room where he had last seen the trio, looking around wildly. The left wall was blown in, and smoke and debris where everywhere. Alexander was standing over one of the many cultists strewn about the room, and it didn't look like he was in any immediate danger, so Vincent called on him, "Hey, prince! Where's the rest of the group?"


This was bovine feces.

The small, blue haired Imp made his way through the forest, nimbly avoiding crashing into a low branch sticking out of one of the many trees surrounding him. A frown was prominent on his face, and his tail was snapping angrily behind him. His brand new Velcro shoes were flashing red as he walked, one of the only upsides with being sent on this mission.

He didn't very much care for the human realm in the best of times, the humans were to easily offended and they smelled bad, but being sent here, and expected to work? The boy snorted at the very idea, groaning as his shoulder made contact with a tree, knocking him back a little. And if that wasn't enough, now he was being forced to trek through a forest, a forest, in his brand new awesome shoes. It wasn't fair.

His yellow eyes narrowed when he thought of the stupid sales lady at the shoe store. Was it his fault he didn't have money? Pshh, the way she acted one would be forgiven for thinking she'd never seen someone nick a pair of shoes before, by the way she had screamed. Noticing his horns and tail had really only made it worse.

No, it was safe to say that the imp wasn't having the best of days. As he trekked further along the forest, he could see a large manor growing behind the trees, along with the figure of a man pacing in front of the doors, and one of the first grins on the day began to stretch it's way across his freckled face as he took in the magic surrounding the building, clicking his forked tongue disapprovingly.

"My, my, my... We are afraid of intruders, aren't we?"


Cryobionic said:
Vincent ran into the room where he had last seen the trio, looking around wildly. The left wall was blown in, and smoke and debris where everywhere. Alexander was standing over one of the many cultists strewn about the room, and it didn't look like he was in any immediate danger, so Vincent called on him, "Hey, prince! Where's the rest of the group?"

This was bovine feces.

The small, blue haired Imp made his way through the forest, nimbly avoiding crashing into a low branch sticking out of one of the many trees surrounding him. A frown was prominent on his face, and his tail was snapping angrily behind him. His brand new Velcro shoes were flashing red as he walked, one of the only upsides with being sent on this mission.

He didn't very much care for the human realm in the best of times, the humans were to easily offended and they smelled bad, but being sent here, and expected to work? The boy snorted at the very idea, groaning as his shoulder made contact with a tree, knocking him back a little. And if that wasn't enough, now he was being forced to trek through a forest, a forest, in his brand new awesome shoes. It wasn't fair.

His yellow eyes narrowed when he thought of the stupid sales lady at the shoe store. Was it his fault he didn't have money? Pshh, the way she acted one would be forgiven for thinking she'd never seen someone nick a pair of shoes before, by the way she had screamed. Noticing his horns and tail had really only made it worse.

No, it was safe to say that the imp wasn't having the best of days. As he trekked further along the forest, he could see a large manor growing behind the trees, along with the figure of a man pacing in front of the doors, and one of the first grins on the day began to stretch it's way across his freckled face as he took in the magic surrounding the building, clicking his forked tongue disapprovingly.

"My, my, my... We are afraid of intruders, aren't we?"


Mazus noticed the imp and appeared beside him. "Normal situations would cause me to attack but I have a vow I must fulfill so I need in there." Glancing at the imp he continued, "You're able to dispell this magic in some way... correct?"

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Uria looked up as one of her maids appeared in front of her. "The Manor is on lockdown mistress but I think we should-" 'Make sure nothing get's in or out til this matter is resolved." Uria stood up and crossed the distance between her chair and the barrier. "By my authority as an Archdemon, I declare that this manor and its grounds be protected by my flame, my hell on earth." She intoned as her own archdemonic authority reinforced the barrier. The ground were then turned into searing brimstone and lava.
The boy giggled, "Not exactly, I'm not really good with wards, though... very few of them have ever managed to keep me out." His eyes gleamed for a second, as an idea came to him. An absolutely delicious, chaotic idea. "Listen big guy, I have to deliver a message to one Vincent Buckley, and he's in there. Tall guy, with crazy stitching on his arms, looks like a patchwork reject, You know of him?"

The imp grinned at him while waiting for an answer, proudly showing off his rows of needle sharp teeth. Tilting his head to the side, he did a little dance to amuse himself, laughing.

As the ground around them began to heat up, he simply sat himself down, cross-legged on a nearby stone, never loosing the grin, or breaking eye contact with the man.

Cryobionic said:
The boy giggled, "Not exactly, I'm not really good with wards, though... very few of them have ever managed to keep me out." His eyes gleamed for a second, as an idea came to him. An absolutely delicious, chaotic idea. "Listen big guy, I have to deliver a message to one Vincent Buckley, and he's in there. Tall guy, with crazy stitching on his arms, looks like a patchwork reject, You know of him?"
The imp grinned at him while waiting for an answer, proudly showing off his rows of needle sharp teeth. Tilting his head to the side, he did a little dance to amuse himself, laughing.

As the ground around them began to heat up, he simply sat himself down, cross-legged on a nearby stone, never loosing the grin, or breaking eye contact with the man.

"He is in there and my vow requires me to get to him. Seems we both must get through." Mazus took out his spell tome and found a spell. "This spell can weaken the ward enough for us to get in, but the reagents are difficult to obtain. A hellhound tooth, ent twig, angel's feather, black salt, and an imp's tounge..." Mazus closed the book. "Do you think you can retrieve the tooth and tounge? I have plenty of feathers and black salt and I know where to find an ent." Mazus held a neutral face not wishing to take this imp's tounge for the spell.

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The imp's eyes widened dramatically before he smacked both his hands over his mouth, almost falling of the rock in the process. "You're not getting my tongue!" He informed him loudly, his voice muffled by his hands. "No way, not a chance!" He shook his head form side to side, to emphasize his words.

Lowering his hands a little, his face took on a thoughtful expression. "But..." The imp began hesitantly, staring at the man before suddenly reaching up and breaking off one of his teeth, the sickening sound of it cracking off filling the air. He winced a little.

"I have enough of these to go around," He told him, laughing again, "And it's not like I need them all. Here you go, one Cerberus tooth, ready for use. Please do not use near children, or the elderly." He quipped, flicking the incisor over to him with his thumb, giggling.

Cryobionic said:
The imp's eyes widened dramatically before he smacked both his hands over his mouth, almost falling of the rock in the process. "You're not getting my tongue!" He informed him loudly, his voice muffled by his hands. "No way, not a chance!" He shook his head form side to side, to emphasize his words.
Lowering his hands a little, his face took on a thoughtful expression. "But..." The imp began hesitantly, staring at the man before suddenly reaching up and breaking off one of his teeth, the sickening sound of it cracking off filling the air. He winced a little.

"I have enough of these to go around," He told him, laughing again, "And it's not like I need them all. Here you go, one Cerberus tooth, ready for use. Please do not use near children, or the elderly." He quipped, flicking the incisor over to him with his thumb, giggling.

Catching the tooth he placed it on a flat rock between them. Plucking one of his feathers he spoke again. "I know your not giving up your tounge, that's why I asked if you could obtain one. As for the ent twig I'll return shortly." Saying that Mazus disappeared for several minutes before returning with a twig that gave off a magical aura and placed it with the tooth and wing. "I honestly just forgot but I can replace your tounge. Angel healing powers heal any wound that is not fatal within a few moments." He took out a small pouch of black salt and added it to the pile on the rock.

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"There, we should be safe. Only Lucifer or other Archdemons can affect the barrier." Uria said as she returned to her chair. "Have the other maids double their search efforts, I want these intruders presented to me." She commended before the maid disappeared into flames once more.
"Nu-uh," The imp told him, leaning over to inspect the flat rock, "I don't even know you, how do I know you're not setting up a ritual of some sort to try and exorcise me? Huh?" He knew the man wasn't, of course. What fallen angel would use all that energy on eliminating a simple imp, but he wasn't about to give up his tongue, even if it meant that they wouldn't be able to get in.

The ground was getting hotter by the second, and the sand around them was beginning to bubble. The imp giggled as he was reminded of home. "Would my spit work though? I have no problem with drooling all over your little... setup."
Cryobionic said:
"Nu-uh," The imp told him, leaning over to inspect the flat rock, "I don't even know you, how do I know you're not setting up a ritual of some sort to try and exorcise me? Huh?" He knew the man wasn't, of course. What fallen angel would use all that energy on eliminating a simple imp, but he wasn't about to give up his tongue, even if it meant that they wouldn't be able to get in.
The ground was getting hotter by the second, and the sand around them was beginning to bubble. The imp giggled as he was reminded of home. "Would my spit work though? I have no problem with drooling all over your little... setup."
Mazus shrugged "Might as well try. What other choice do we have?" Mazus held out his hand and took out the spell tome reading the spell and glanced at the imp occasionally.

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The imp was surprised, but shrugged after a second. He didn't know anything about spells or stuff like that, so after a moment of hesitation, he sent a good sized ball of saliva towards the pile, giggling when he heard it land with a satisfying splat. That was fun.

Looking up at the man, now taking him in for the first time, he tilted his head in thought. He was a pretty big guy, certainly a lot taller and wider than the imp himself. He could be a good ally to have in there. Scratching the edge of his left horn, he decided that, yes, he would suit him much better as a friend, rather than an enemy.

"I'm Oliver, by the way," He piped in, standing up on his rock and giving a deep mock bow, his head almost making contact with his knees, his hands pointing straight up.

"Oliver Ocuamal, master trixter and notorious annoying person, at your service, Mr. Tough man."
Cryobionic said:
The imp was surprised, but shrugged after a second. He didn't know anything about spells or stuff like that, so after a moment of hesitation, he sent a good sized ball of saliva towards the pile, giggling when he heard it land with a satisfying splat. That was fun.
Looking up at the man, now taking him in for the first time, he tilted his head in thought. He was a pretty big guy, certainly a lot taller and wider than the imp himself. He could be a good ally to have in there. Scratching the edge of his left horn, he decided that, yes, he would suit him much better as a friend, rather than an enemy.

"I'm Oliver, by the way," He piped in, standing up on his rock and giving a deep mock bow, his head almost making contact with his knees, his hands pointing straight up.

"Oliver Ocuamal, master trixter and notorious annoying person, at your service, Mr. Tough man."
After finishing the spell Mazus replied. "Mazus, angel of Vincent's cafe." Waiting Mazus tapped the barrier a few times. "The ward is stronger, our spell failed... we need an Archdemon to give us access through it now." Mazus searched his spell tome for another spell, "Though there is one other way. We can use an avatar spell, put both our strengths into it and it is a fraction of ourselves. Avatars also are able to bypass any spell that it's real counterpart could not bypass. Again though it would be a fraction of us so it would be much weaker..."

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@Cryobionic Alexander looked over at Vincent "Akira went looking for you guys to get help, Jun and I have been fighting these damned cultists. I don't know the whereabouts of anyone else."

(I gtg out shopping, I'm estimating we'll only take 1-3 hours. If I'm not back within 3 hours... welp It'll be official, I suck at estimating :P )
Oliver reached down and pulled off his shoes before jumping down on the ground, feeling it sink a little under his weight. With a small sigh, he stretched out his toes, enjoying the feeling of the scorching heat radiating up this legs. "Look, I have been properly entertained, and it's been fun watching you do your little science experiment and all, but I have a message to deliver," He informed him, absentmindedly plucking pieces of pine cone and dirt of his new kicks, "And when I said that wards usually don't keep me out, I meant it. Keep these safe for me for a few seconds, will you?"

With that, he handed his precious shoes to the fallen angel Mazus, before grabbing his hand, taking off in the direction of the building, whistling innocently as they passed the barriers. Nobody ever thought to ward against imps, who were considered weaklings by the upper class demons. The wards were almost always designed for the bigger, more powerful creatures. Oliver used this to his advantage and let out a high pitched giggle as he felt the seal wash over him, letting him through. Turning around to face the fallen, he did a little dance, grinning at him cheekily.

"That was unpleasant wasn't it?" He snickered, patting away a stray flame from Mazus' sleeve, before holding his hands out for his shoes.


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