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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Looking over at his companions, Vincent shrugged and gestured to the Graeme shaped hole in the window, "Well, that kind of ruins our stealth plan, huh?"

Knowing the trio had heard everything that the shapeshifter had said, Vincent smiled at them before running out after Graeme, the only difference was that he used the balcony door. There would be no need for dramatics, and his friends were already compromised, because there was no way the cultists hadn't heard that crash.

Jumping as he came to the balcony, Vincent landed in a crouch on the railing before jumping towards the tree they had come from. Grabbing a hold of it with his hands, he swung to the next, trying to catch up with the shapeshifter.

A loud snarling from below alerted him that he was being followed by the other hellhound, and when he dared a glance down, he could see the three headed beast clearly. It's four red eyes following his every movements, while it's mouth snapped at him, showing two impressive sets of deadly teeth and scorching hot drool.

Just as he was about to jump to the next tree, the beast began backing away, and for a moment Vincent felt relieved. That was until, to the demons great displeasure, the hound began running straight for the tree, lowering it's massive body to the ground as it did so, before jumping and sprinting right up the trunk, it's eyes focused solely on the blue haired demon, the bark of the tree cracking under it's sharp claws.

Vincent kicked the beast in one of it's faces, causing it to fall back and land on the forest floor with a crash, but the dogs saliva had made contact with his skin, and he yelped, feeling it sizzle painfully under the hem of his pant leg.

Quickly sliding his bag off his shoulders, he zipped it open, searching for something, anything, to get him out of the situation, his hands digging frantically around the insides of the thing. As he did so, he could see the hound back up again, snarling at him from the ground.

This was not good.
" Hmm? did you guys hear that?" Ellie looked up upon hearing what soundly like a large thud near them. " Yeah," Maria narrowed her eyes getting up from laying down next to Ase, " Let's go check it out," she said producing a large ball of flames in her hand as she, Ellie and Ase walked toward the noise.

Water, tape, healing potion... there was nothing in here he could use! Vincent tugged his bag with him and climbed further up the tree, just managing to avoid the beasts snapping jaws as it made another attempt at getting him. Watching the hound fall back down the trunk, leaving large, deep claw marks in the bark, the demon continued searching.

There had to be something! Looking up frantically, trying to see if Graeme was anywhere near him, he caught a glimpse of something moving towards them between the trees.

Something pink.

Vincent felt his body go cold and the blood drain from his face. A strangled sound escaped his lips and he sent as he recognized the soul of Ellie. His Ellie.

Sending another swift kick in the direction of the beast, nimbly avoiding getting his foot bitten off, he raised himself up fully on the branch and screamed.

Cryobionic said:
Water, tape, healing potion... there was nothing in here he could use! Vincent tugged his bag with him and climbed further up the tree, just managing to avoid the beasts snapping jaws as it made another attempt at getting him. Watching the hound fall back down the trunk, leaving large, deep claw marks in the bark, the demon continued searching.
There had to be something! Looking up frantically, trying to see if Graeme was anywhere near him, he caught a glimpse of something moving towards them between the trees.

Something pink.

Vincent felt his body go cold and the blood drain from his face. A strangled sound escaped his lips and he sent as he recognized the soul of Ellie. His Ellie.

Sending another swift kick in the direction of the beast, nimbly avoiding getting his foot bitten off, he raised himself up fully on the branch and screamed.

Graeme ran back hearing someone yell run and dodged the hellhound dropping black salt in its face. "Vince! Get over here!" He noticed Ellie and jumped into the trees grabbing Vincent and dashing toward Ellie. "Since you decided to show up keep running and get on the ground, I got plenty of tricks to slow them down, but you gotta stay in front of me because some of them can and will injure or kill Vince!"

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Ellie looked up at Graeme and nodded grabbing Maria's hand running in the direction he told her to. " Elinor! Where are we going?!" Maria screamed in surprise. " No idea!" Ellie responded running faster.
Graeme took out a revolver and looked back a few times while shooting at the hounds. "Hunt me once, shame on you. Hunt me twice, shame on me. Hunt me three times! Dogs gonna get put down!"

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For a heartbeat Jun considered following after the two as he recalled their narrow escape from before with the hounds. Although reluctant to leave them behind, he would have to trust Graeme and Vincents' decision. With a look of resolve, Jun checked over the wooden balcony and saw the ring of blue light that Vincent had spotted earlier. Remarkably, the sound of Graeme's exit had not drawn any attention to the room.

In fact, the entire place felt abandoned. There were no cloaked figures charging up the stairway or coming across the hall. Motioning for the fairies to follow, he stepped silently down the steps, hesitant, expecting to see something. But there was nothing but the faint, ebbing glow of the lamps placed in a perfect circle. The light from the orbs caused a tingling sensation in his hands and feet, sending the small hairs on the back of his neck to raise. Inexplicably, he felt himself drawn to the nearest one, hand outstretched slightly.

There was a signal from the eerie light, something familiar, something he had come across before...

He wrenched his hand back before it could touch the glass, as if stung. When he looked back up his expression was remorseful, staring up into the glass, eyes wide with emotion. "There are souls in here," he whispered, turning to the fairies, his voice broken, "they're planning to use souls for this ritual." Jun shook his head, forcing himself to remain calm. "Come on. We have to find her before..."

The words died on his lips like a hush, unable to finish, and turning from the blue globe, Jun started down a winding corridor.
Alexander picked up Akira and followed Jun. Akira was hoping everything would turn out fine but it just seemed like things were getting worse and worse.
thistle said:
For a heartbeat Jun considered following after the two as he recalled their narrow escape from before with the hounds. Although reluctant to leave them behind, he would have to trust Graeme and Vincents' decision. With a look of resolve, Jun checked over the wooden balcony and saw the ring of blue light that Vincent had spotted earlier. Remarkably, the sound of Graeme's exit had not drawn any attention to the room.
In fact, the entire place felt abandoned. There were no cloaked figures charging up the stairway or coming across the hall. Motioning for the fairies to follow, he stepped silently down the steps, hesitant, expecting to see something. But there was nothing but the faint, ebbing glow of the lamps placed in a perfect circle. The light from the orbs caused a tingling sensation in his hands and feet, sending the small hairs on the back of his neck to raise. Inexplicably, he felt himself drawn to the nearest one, hand outstretched slightly.

There was a signal from the eerie light, something familiar, something he had come across before...

He wrenched his hand back before it could touch the glass, as if stung. When he looked back up his expression was remorseful, staring up into the glass, eyes wide with emotion. "There are souls in here," he whispered, turning to the fairies, his voice broken, "they're planning to use souls for this ritual." Jun shook his head, forcing himself to remain calm. "Come on. We have to find her before..."

The words died on his lips like a hush, unable to finish, and turning from the blue globe, Jun started down a winding corridor.
Mazus showed up in front of Jun. "Yes, they're using souls so if you want to save the one soul that matters at this very moment you'll leave this room to me. Down the stairs and third door on the right is where Spooks is." Mazus turned to the lamps and gave Jun his dagger, "Dont lose it, now go get Spooks for us all."

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"You can't kill them," Vincent shouted, finally finding a steel cable and pulled it out of his bag. The beast was getting closer and closer to his feet now, and he would have to improvise to save his life, "They're hounds of hell, if you kill them, they'll just regenerate!"

Hoping the shapeshifter had heard him, he only took a second to look at the cable, relieved he had packed it, before he tied the end of it into a loop and crouched down, his red eyes wide.

The hound crouched down again and growled, sending tremors through the demons body. It glared up at him, it's eyes filled with hunger and determination. This, Vincent knew, would be his only chance of eliminating at least one of the threats. As the beast began sprinting towards his tree, he tightened his grip on the wire, his eyes narrowing. If he messed this up, he would die.

The beast jumped and sprinted up the tree, it's eyes wild and it's mouths gaping. Vincent lurched forward, throwing the loop of the cable around it's necks, taking only a moment to appreciate his own measuring skills, before jumping down in the other side of the branch, holding tightly on to the cable.

As he fell, he could hear the satisfying yelp from his right, as the beast was dragged upwards by it's necks, it's head smashing together with a sickening crack.

He landed on the forest floor and quickly ran around the trunk of the tree, securing the cable with a sturdy knot. It was hard, as the weight of the hound pulled against him, making some of the stitches on his arms stretch out and rip, but he managed it. Stepping back, and allowing himself a moment to admire his work, he couldn't help but smirk at the dangling dog, kicking and whining, trying to get loose. It wouldn't kill it, and it wouldn't hold it for very long, but it was all he needed.

With one last glance at the beast, Vincent turned around and sped off in the direction he had seen Greame go, but not before giving into the temptation of flipping the thing off.

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Ellie sighed collasping on the forest floor gasping for air. Maria sighed leaning against a tree. " Well, that was...horrid," Maria gasped out looking around, " shit," she muttered. she couldn't place where they were at the moment, " Oh no..." Ellie looked down " Were lost," Maria finished kicking a tree.

Ellie looked up and sighed in frustration, " It's no use, I can't get a baring of where we are," Ellie groaned sitting on a log, Maria sighed giving a tree one final frustrated kick, " Great, just great!" she said raking a hand through her hair, letting it loose from the bun it was in. " Our best bet is the stay put and hope someone finds us," Ellie said pulling her knees to her chest. Maria sighed in defeat before going to sit down next to Ellie when suddenly a wide smile spread across her face, " I spy with my little eye..." she began causing Ellie to groan louder.
After running for about ten minutes, and not seeing any sign of the shapeshifter, Vincent stopped and leaned against a tree. This was hopeless. He even tried calling Graeme's name a few times, but to no avail.

Sighing, and running a bloody hand over his face, unintentionally smearing it in red, he wondered if Ellie had gotten away in time. He hoped so. He also began to worry that maybe the shapeshifter had fallen to the hell hound, and that thought made him frown. He didn't know the man, but from what he had seen of him, he was a very kind person, and Vincent would really hate for him to have died.

Deciding, then, that standing here was useless, he began making his way back to the manor. If he couldn't be of any help out here, he could maybe offer his assistance to his friends inside. They would surely need it.
Cryobionic said:
After running for about ten minutes, and not seeing any sign of the shapeshifter, Vincent stopped and leaned against a tree. This was hopeless. He even tried calling Graeme's name a few times, but to no avail.
Sighing, and running a bloody hand over his face, unintentionally smearing it in red, he wondered if Ellie had gotten away in time. He hoped so. He also began to worry that maybe the shapeshifter had fallen to the hell hound, and that thought made him frown. He didn't know the man, but from what he had seen of him, he was a very kind person, and Vincent would really hate for him to have died.

Deciding, then, that standing here was useless, he began making his way back to the manor. If he couldn't be of any help out here, he could maybe offer his assistance to his friends inside. They would surely need it.
Graeme ran up to the manor and threw a spell at the ground behind Vincent. Jumping over it he tackled Vincent and said "Wait for a moment." A huge explosion happened and the hellhound was gone. "Don't doubt my ability to kill things please Vince. I did my homework on them." Graeme stood up and brushed himself off then lended Vincent a hand. "Now then, lets go kill a cult and save spooks my good friend."

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" Maria Jeannette Thorn! If you say a tree one more time I am walking deeper into the forest without you!" Ellie laughed her back against Maria's. Ellie could feel Maria laugh through her back and soon they were in peaceful quietness. " Remember when Noire dumped us in the middle of the Alps for training?" Maria laughed. " I remember we had the huddle together to make sure we didn't get hypothermia," Ellie responded looking up when she heard the explosion. She and Maria looked at one another and got up, " Well at least we know where to go now.." Maria sighed walking with Ellie to were the smoke was pouring into the sky.
Vincent was just about to rip out the insides of who ever had tackled him to the ground, the explosion nearly sending him into fight or flight mode, when he heard the shapeshifter speak. Getting up, ignoring the hand, he dusted himself of, sending him a pointed look. "Don't do that," He hissed, looking down at his arms. He had braced himself with his elbows to try and keep the damage minimal, but two more stitches had ripped out. He had sixteen left, "They can't be killed, I told you that, the only thing that'll happen is that it'll respawn in hell, and be sent back again, I did my homework too."

Sighing, he realized how short he was being with the shapeshifter, and slumped a little, "Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you. Just... Did you see if Ellie got away?" He couldn't very well tell him the reason for his outburst. Seeing the beast blowing up like that, really disturbed him.
" Vincent! Graeme!" Maria called out followed by Ellie, she looked at the spot were the hell hound had blown up and raised a eyebrow. " Soo..I'm guessing the hell hounds gone?" she asked as Ellie looked away from the explosion site her face a little green.
Cryobionic said:
Vincent was just about to rip out the insides of who ever had tackled him to the ground, the explosion nearly sending him into fight or flight mode, when he heard the shapeshifter speak. Getting up, ignoring the hand, he dusted himself of, sending him a pointed look. "Don't do that," He hissed, looking down at his arms. He had braced himself with his elbows to try and keep the damage minimal, but two more stitches had ripped out. He had sixteen left, "They can't be killed, I told you that, the only thing that'll happen is that it'll respawn in hell, and be sent back again, I did my homework too."
Sighing, he realized how short he was being with the shapeshifter, and slumped a little, "Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you. Just... Did you see if Ellie got away?" He couldn't very well tell him the reason for his outburst. Seeing the beast blowing up like that, really disturbed him.
"Actually you can kill them, I don't have the resources though. Plus that was actually a banishment spell to a pocket dimension I made for them. It's devil trapped and black salt infused. Nothing goes in or out without my permission. Also Ellie is fine, in fact that explosion probably told her where we are." Graeme took out a comb and stroked it through his hair changing it's color from brown to blonde. "Now then, lets get moving and save Spooks Vince."

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Seeing the young witch coming towards them, Vincent couldn't help but let his face stretch into a large grin. He was so relieved to see her unharmed, that he actually felt his spirits lift. "Yeah, Mr. Explosion Gadget here took care of it." He said, pointing a thumb at the shapeshifter, shaking his head bemusedly.
"Hey, if I wouldn't have tackled you into the ground you'd be stuck in a pocket dimension full of hellhounds, some of which still want you and me dead." Graeme threw the comb into his satchel. "Besides, I thought I did pretty damn good."

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Maria laughed looking up at the mansion, " So this is where there keeping your friend?" Maria asked whistling, " I need to get kidnapped.." she smiled. Ellie moved quietly next to Vinny gripping his hand tightly, her hand shaking lightly. She looked up at Vinny, " Are you ok?" she asked him quietly.
Vincent snorted and punched the man in the shoulder lightly, "Yeah, yeah you're amazing." He rolled his eyes with a fond smile, before looking down at Ellie, his expression softening. He appreciated her concern, and truth be told, he wasn't really sure how he was doing. He had just seen a creature of hell blow up. Was he supposed to feel happy? Or sad? It confused him to no end, and he didn't really know what to answer the witch.

"It doesn't matter. We have to go help the others find Spooks." He told her after a moment of hesitation.
" Yeah..." Ellie looked down " Vinny, I feel a demonic presence here...and it's not from you or Spooks," she admitted " I don't like it...".
"What do you mean?" He asked, raising an eyebrow before putting his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. He hadn't felt anything, asides from the hounds, and he didn't think he would be able to sense Spooks around even if she was standing right behind him. But then again, he wasn't a witch. "What do you feel?"
So caught up within his thoughts the shade nearly barreled head first into a dimly recognizable figure, catching himself just in time. Hearing the slightly impassive tone of speech and spotting the upward branch of feathering that rose above the silhouette's shoulders, Jun recognized Mazus with a start.

"Where did you...?" The question was cut short as, already unprepared for the fallen's sudden appearance, Jun felt the cool press of metal forced into his palms, deepening his shock when he recognized it to be a slim handled dagger. The metal winked in the dim light as he turned it over in his hand, carefully.

There was hardly any time to wonder when or even how Mazus had gotten through. If anything, Jun should have felt relieved to find another companion, and berating himself silently for the inconsideration, he took off. Just as the others before he would have to trust him.

With a curt nod and keeping the directions in mind, the party soon found the mentioned staircase. Jun had barely taken the first step down when he felt something whiz overhead. The wall exploded behind him in the next instant, making him stumble backwards as splintered wood and pieces of ceramic rained down on the party. Senses addled and legs wavering beneath him, Jun just managed to duck to the side as another bright shaft of light was fired at them.

"They found us...!" he coughed against the well of fresh dust. Peering through the debris and hearing the sound of boots pounding their way, Jun searched for Akira, who was huddled against an open window. "Find the others!" he told her, hoping he didn't sound as panicked as he felt. "Get away from here and find the others!" Before she could protest, he shoved her suddenly out the window, praying desperately she remembered to open her wings.
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]" Yeah..." Ellie looked down " Vinny, I feel a demonic presence here...and it's not from you or Spooks," she admitted " I don't like it...".

"I agree with Ellie, they summoned hellhounds to get us. They have someone from hell working as their leader, obviously related to Spooks somehow. This demon is strong and smart. We should be weary about our next moves." Graeme frowned "Not looking good for us right now."

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