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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

thistle said:
So caught up within his thoughts the shade nearly barreled head first into a dimly recognizable figure, catching himself just in time. Hearing the slightly impassive tone of speech and spotting the upward branch of feathering that rose above the silhouette's shoulders, Jun recognized Mazus with a start.
"Where did you...?" The question was cut short as, already unprepared for the fallen's sudden appearance, Jun felt the cool press of metal forced into his palms, deepening his shock when he recognized it to be a slim handled dagger. The metal winked in the dim light as he turned it over in his hand, carefully.

There was hardly any time to wonder when or even how Mazus had gotten through. If anything, Jun should have felt relieved to find another companion, and berating himself silently for the inconsideration, he took off. Just as the others before he would have to trust him.

With a curt nod and keeping the directions in mind, the party soon found the mentioned staircase. Jun had barely taken the first step down when he felt something whiz overhead. The wall exploded behind him in the next instant, making him stumble backwards as splintered wood and pieces of ceramic rained down on the party. Senses addled and legs wavering beneath him, Jun just managed to duck to the side as another bright shaft of light was fired at them.

"They found us...!" he coughed against the well of fresh dust. Peering through the debris and hearing the sound of boots pounding their way, Jun searched for Akira, who was huddled against an open window. "Find the others!" he told her, hoping he didn't sound as panicked as he felt. "Get away from here and find the others!" Before she could protest, he shoved her suddenly out the window, praying desperately she remembered to open her wings.
Mazus said one more thing to Jun through telepathy (since he has weird ass angel powers) "That dagger kills anything that exists, one solid stab to a vital area and they die. Even I can die to my own blade, that's why you can't lose it." Maxus returned to working on releasing the souls and sent another message to Vincent. "Trouble, get here fast, Graeme knows where I'm at."

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Vincent jumped at the voice entered his head, and had to fight the urge to push it out. It was Mazus, not Serathi. Shaking his head a little, to get rid of the nasty feelings and memories that brought up, he turned to the group as a whole. "Mazus says he need help," He told them, pointing a finger at his head, then at Graeme, "And that you know where he's at." Though, why the fallen could't just tell him in the first place, after already going through the trouble of entering his mind, he didn't know. He made a mental note to ask him to never do that again.
Cryobionic said:
Vincent jumped at the voice entered his head, and had to fight the urge to push it out. It was Mazus, not Serathi. Shaking his head a little, to get rid of the nasty feelings and memories that brought up, he turned to the group as a whole. "Mazus says he need help," He told them, pointing a finger at his head, then at Graeme, "And that you know where he's at." Though, why the fallen could't just tell him in the first place, after already going through the trouble of entering his mind, he didn't know. He made a mental note to ask him to never do that again.
Graeme rushed into the mansion, "if he needs help that's not good, hurry up we gotta go in there fast." Graeme took out a revolver and readied it. "Vince do not ever jump in front of me for any reason whatsoever when I have this gun out. If you get shot you can't use any of your demon powers. Engraved the bullets with deviltraps. Just a fair warning." Graeme tossed a knife into the ground beside him. "If you recognize that blade you know it kills demons with ease, figured you could use it since I just so happen to know how to get them."

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Ellie let go of Vinny's hand electricity filling it a few seconds later, Maria's filled with fire, " Alright, lead the way then!" Maria smiled brightly.
Looking down at the blade in disgust, he shook his head before turning to Ellie. "You take it, I don't want anything to do with... that." He sneered, feeling it's magic vibrate through the air and up his spine, causing him to shudder slightly. Without saying anything else, he took off after the shapeshifter, wondering what on earth possessed him to throw a demon killing blade in the direction of a demon. Deciding to just fight with what he already had, he tightened his hold on his bag, hoping that Ellie wouldn't have to use the blade.
Ellie looked at the blade her stomach lurching in disgust. " How did Meredith do this?...All this fighting?..." she asked her self following everyone else.
Akira quickly took off in search of the others her eyes frantically scanning around her as she flew. She'd never done it with non-fairys before but she hoped sending a mental messege out would work, She targeted Vincent. 'Vincent, I don't know if you can hear me but Jun, Alexander they need help! They found us! Please Vincent please help!'
Noticing nobody picked up the blade he spoke a quick spell and snapped his fingers causing the blade to be in his hand the next second. "Alright, I guess I'll keep the "scary death tools" to myself. Mercenary work is tough when it ain't solo." Graeme went down a hall and to a flight of spiral stairs. He could hear battle and knew what he would have to do. "Hey Vince, I need you to do something. Ellie too if you're willing to help. I need to be teleported behind the enemy and not be detected. They haven't seen me yet but it still going to cause problems if I cant stealth behind them. Think you can do that?"

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Stopping in front of the shapeshifter, Vincent raised an eyebrow. "I'm a demon, but I'm not powerful, magic or anything like that and I certainly do not have any cool teleportation powers, you know." He said tartly, stepping to the side and gesturing to the two witches behind him with a grin, "But they probably do."
Ellie nodded biting her thumb causing a light stream of blood. She drew a symbol of the back of Graeme's hand muttering a incantation, soon before their very eyes Graeme turned invisible before their eyes. " There, you should be unnoticeable as long as the symbol stays on your hand," Ellie said blankly, her eye's unreadable.
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]Ellie nodded biting her thumb causing a light stream of blood. She drew a symbol of the back of Graeme's hand muttering a incantation, soon before their very eyes Graeme turned invisible before their eyes. " There, you should be unnoticeable as long as the symbol stays on your hand," Ellie said blankly, her eye's unreadable.

Graeme twitched at the blood coming to contact with his skin. "Thanks Ellie, down these stairs two floors is where Spooks is at." Graeme went down the steps quietly and took out his revolver.

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His eyes stung against the fire and ash as Jun narrowly missed being sliced by the broad sword, its wielder cursing beneath the hood as the metal buried itself into the wooden pillar behind him. Acting quickly the shade jumped forward and reached inside the dark cowl to place his palm against the face inside. In an instant the figure slumped, a breath clouding against his fingers, but it left little time for recovery as two other hooded figures appeared through the smoke, one hurling bolts of light while the other unsheathed the sword at his hip.

There was too much chaos going on for Jun to completely take note of Alexander's whereabouts, but when he chanced a glance upward, he could see his companion fending off the figures on the opposite side of the staircase. In one swift movement, the fairy grabbed the sleeve and collar of one of the men, and with a quick, jerking motion, tossed him over his hip and into the floor. Jun saw his opponent go still but then caught little else as he stepped swiftly to the side, a sword carving through the air where his foot had been seconds ago.

The dagger was there, tucked away in the side of his boot, but he refused to use it, remembering the fallen's words. Jun would rely on his agility before drawing the weapon. Determined, he feinted right and slipped past the sword wielder to take out the mage, the heavy text collapsing from the pale fingers as Jun withdrew his hand.

Then he whirled around to face the second enemy - but just a second too late. The sword came down, and Jun's expression grew slack as he felt the edge bite through clothing and then skin to slice right across his shoulder. Catching flesh, the hooded figure swept low, dragging the sharp edge down but instead of splitting him across the chest, Jun managed to spin away on his heel. The momentum forced the sword in the opposite direction, severing all the way to his elbow before Jun finally broke free, lurching backwards.

His arm went frighteningly numb, Jun unable to feel his fingers, but before he could wonder of its use or not, he cupped a free hand beneath the open injury, practically blinded with pain. Intent on finishing him off, the man swept his blade over head and brought it down, just as Jun, whose palm was now full of fresh blood, flung his hand towards the man.

With a grim expression Jun watched the pool disappear into the hood, and with a terrible cry, the figure fell to his knees, hands clawing at his face while Jun heaved himself out of the path of the falling sword.
While watching Graeme disappear, Vincent felt something prodding at his mind again, and frowned. Hesitantly lowering his mental shields, in case it was Mazus again, he closed his eyes and focused on being ready to force the presence out again, should it not be.

It wasn't.

"... Jun, Alexander they need help! They found us..." It was faint, but when he managed to make it out the sound of Akira's voice, his eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat. Looking around, he decided to leave the girls where they were, figuring they would be safe enough, and after what he had just witnessed, they could turn themselves invisible if need be.

Tightening the hold on his ever present bag, he took off running in the direction of the stairs, intent on finding the trio before it was too late.
Maria sighed taking Ellie into one of the spare rooms to wait out the fighting, " Hey, you ok?" she asked Ellie softly worry etched on her face. " I..Don't know...I just...It just feels useless sometimes you know?... All the fighting, all the bloodshed," Ellie slid down to the floor burying her face in her knees,"I'm sick of it..." she murmured, her voice thick like she was holding back tears.
Uria looked up from her tea. "Intruders? Hmm...I'll let the maids handle it." With that the maid next to her nodded and disappeared in a burst of flames. She took another sip from her cup and sighed. The maids started to patrol the manor and it's grounds, making sure to check every suspicious activity.
Maria looked up and covered Ellie with her body placing a finger on her mouth to stay quiet. She heard footsteps just outside the door of the room and flinched when it suddenly burst into flames pulling Ellie away from the flames, " Shit!" she cursed blocking Ellie with her body. " Who are you!?" she yelled at the figure.

"Intruders. Come quietly and you shan't be harmed. Resist..." The maid's arm turned into a blade of searing lava. "And we sear off your limbs...please resist." She said.

Maria glared at the girl, " Who are you working for?" she asked standing up slowly holding up her hands, Ellie doing the stay saying quiet. " Uria," she said quietly then looked at the maid, " You work for Uria right?" she asked looking at the maid , Maria looking at her surprised.
"Yes I do...has someone been freeing the wicked souls?" She said. "Kindly explain yourselves before I choose to take action." She added as spikes slowly grew from the blade.
Mazus showed up behind Marie and Ellie and grabbed them both with each arm. "All the souls are free, you're welcome servant of Uria." As he finished his sentence he, as well as Marie and Ellie whom he was holding, appeared in the cafe. "Please stay," Mazus looked at Ellie, "For Vincent's sake. He doesn't want you hurt."

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Ellie blushed brightly " Why did you do that?! I was close to figuring out were Spooks was!" Ellie yelled at Mazus, yanking her arm from his grip.
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]Ellie blushed brightly " Why did you do that?! I was close to figuring out were Spooks was!" Ellie yelled at Mazus, yanking her arm from his grip.

"Graeme, Vincent, and the others know Spooks location. They are currently working to free your friend. I've been sensing all sorts of dark presences and I know Vincent cherishes you. I vow I shall garentee his safe return." Mazus let go of Marie as well, "I must go now to ensure that I fulfil my vow I've just made to you Ellie."

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