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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Last to follow was the shade, pulling himself up agilely through the dense bramble to rest beside his companions. Sap clung to his hands, which he rubbed against his pants legs with dismay. Noting the bareness of his wrists, he pulled out a small handkerchief, stark white and just a shade lighter than his skin, and tied it around his left one.

"In case you need to find me," he murmured, rolling his hand around to let the cloth flip flop back and forth. As any piece of shelter, the building no doubt provided the coverage he needed to remain visible to the others, but there might be an instance where he did not necessarily want to be seen. With a calculating gaze, the shade tried to mark which windows remained curtained while others had the curtains flung open, introducing sunlight.

A movement on the rooftop caught his attention and he just managed to look up in time to watch as a hand pulled down a small panel closed. No doubt it was used as a lookout but it also meant an entrance as well.

Jun reconsidered the idea. Based on what they were dealing with, it would be silly to leave any entrance unguarded. He looked further and found a balcony extending into the tree line, just a couple yards from where they were situated. There was a slight gap, possibly the length of a full grown man, but the jump was manageable. If they had all been human, it might have caused a few issues.

Luckily, none of them were, and he turned to his companions to point out his findings. "We can either enter through there or there," he said, pointing out both locations, "though I'm sure there will be guards at both ends."
"We're aiming for the balcony," Vincent called down, softly as to not draw unwanted attention, "So, do you wanna climb up, or do you just want to stand down there all day?" The demon grinned at the shade, shaking the rope a little.

From their position on the branch, Vincent could see the souls of at least two guards outside on the balcony, as well as someone inside. It was tricky, though, and he wished he could see Spooks, but sadly, that soul had been lost the moment Spooks had become a ghost, and it didn't really rectify once the ghost had been trapped in that demon's body.

Looking up at the prince, he pointed at the balcony, "Do you think you can jump that far, once I take out the guards?" He asked, genuinely this time. Vincent didn't know anything about the man, except for the fact that he was a pompous, unlikable brat, so he figured it would be best to make sure. He didn't think his friends would like it very much, should the prince pummel to his death just because he forgot to ask about the mans bounce.

Unzipping his bag again, Vincent reached in and rummaged around a little, finally emerging with two cans of special, gourmet dog food he had nicked from the kitchen. The cans were usually reserved for the more wealthy werewolves that visited the Cafè, but the demon figured Seera wouldn't mind if he used them for other purposes. Carefully aiming a little over the floating, blue orb he saw on the balcony, Vincent let his ammo fly. And his aim was true.
Alexander nodded "Thats a piece of cake." Akira groaned "Dammit Alexander, are you trying to make me hungry?" Alexander turned his head and stuck his tounge out at her she stuck hers out right back.
Having dropped back to the ground in order to switch trees Jun called up softly through the canopy, "Would you like to see who gets there first?" He took hold of what rope he could touch and gave it a teasing shake, to catch the group's attention before starting off, winding through the forest. The outstretched balcony was not too far from where he stood, but knowing he would have to make up for lost time, Jun skidded to a halt before starting upwards.

Hands and feet worked together in tricky unison, the branches not similar in space or height as he weaved through the branches. At one point the shade found himself stretching on his tippy toes to reach the branch above his hand, barely catching it in time as his calf threatened to collapse into painful spasms of a charley horse. He paused halfway up, not thinking the climb would take this long, and looked for the others.

Now that he thought about it, it didn't seem the brightest idea to tempt ones who found flight as natural as breathing or a demon who approached any good challenge with a smile.

And with that being said, Jun hoped he hadn't made the mistake of giving away their position. By some stroke of luck he had managed not to disturb the trees, and he hoped the others took the same precaution as they made their way over.
Akira and Alexander smirked at eachother Alexander dissapeared into the shadows. Akira turned into a bird made of crystal that had an illusion on it to make it look real and flew to Jun, Alexander appeared behind Jun. Only Akira disturbed the trees but since to others she looks like a bird no one payed it any mind.
Rolling his eyes with a smile, Vincent took off after them. He might not be able to do any unexpected transformations, or cool disappearing acts, but he did know some tricks. Positioning himself on the branch, he swung the bag over his shoulder, securing it, before leaping out of the tree, grabbing onto the adjacent branch with his hands. After hanging there for a second, the demon swung his body until he got just enough speed to swing over to the next tree. It was effective, quick, but most importantly silent.

This was fun, he hadn't had the chance to exercise this in years. He could faintly remember swinging like this over some city once, but that was years ago, and when he thought more about it, he suddenly didn't really feel like remembering that event after all.

Vincent kept up his little monkey leaps and twists until he caught up with the bird, giving her a cheeky grin before continuing onward. As he swung at the next tree, he accidentally missed the intended branch, and ended up hugging the trunk, his boots fortunately finding steady ground in the thick bark. The only problem was that two of his stitches had ripped in the process. Vincent cursed silently, should more of the thread rip loose, this could potentially pose a problem if he wasn't more careful.

So, being forced to slow down, he was the last one to arrive at the tree nearest the balcony, perching himself on a branch next to Jun and, after giving him a playful grin, watched in fascination as Akira's bird form landed gracefully on the bark.
Akira untransformed then she nearly fell over only for Alexander to catch her "Still haven't perfected it I see as it still disorientates you." Akira nodded, "Not like I had any real chance to lately" she stated coldly to him. He sighed and they both just fell silent
The muscles in his body went rigid for a moment as Akira's precarious landing managed to disturb the branch and send it wavering beneath the sudden weight. He threw his eyes toward their entrance but the glass doors were drawn over by a curtain. There was a fluttering movement from the other side and suddenly they were drawn apart to reveal a pair of hunch backed figures.

Thankfully the leaves were dense enough to cover the small party but when Jun recognized what they were, he drew back further, careful not to make a sound.

Dark hackles raised in suspicion and eyes burning like coals stoked in a well bred fire, the pair of hell hounds stalked their way into the open. They made any half starved, rabid-infested dog seem like a lamb in comparison. Jun felt his breath catch, fighting not to move as he ignored the sudden pressure enter his chest. One of the canines bent to sniff at something, its soot-laced foot leaving a black mark across the metal surface as it turned the container over and caused what looked like a glob of brown pudding to pool onto the floor.

It was one of the jars Vincent had tossed over earlier.
As Vincent watched his friends face pale, and his eyes go wide, he narrowed his eyes towards the balcony. At first he couldn't see anything, but then the door swung open and he could instantly feel the hairs on his neck stand on end. He smelled them before he saw them. It was faint, but unmistakable. From his position in the tree, his vision was obscured by Akira's shoulder and a large branch sticking out of trunk behind him, but his nose could instantly pick up that old, familiar scent of blood breath and that scent that only occurred when you accidentally left your socks to close to the fire-pit. It was barely noticeable, almost concealed by the forestry smells, but it was there, and Vincent could recognize it anywhere. Hell Hounds.

Their need to stay as silent and still as possible had just doubled. The demon wanted to turn to his friends and warn them, of so many things, but if he knew that if he did that, he would immediately alert the beasts keen senses to their presence, and he knew for a fact that they would have no problem with leaping over the balcony fencing, and straight into the tree.

Or unleash one of their long, disgusting tongues and grab one of them.

As slowly and quietly as he could, he reached over and softly grabbed Akira's shoulder, bringing one finger to his lips in the universal language for keep your mouth shut. He hoped the urgency in his eyes would make her understand the danger of the situation.

(sorry was showering) Akira realized by the Look in Vincents eyes something was up. She nodded with a confused look on her face. She nudged Alexander in the side and did the same thing Vincent did. Alexander already knew what was wrong however, he knew the same time Vincent did because of his connection to the shadows. Each shadow was his eyes and ears.

Alexander sent a message by mind to Akira 'There is hellhounds, we need a distraction' Akira thought for a moment 'My creations could' Alexander shook his head, to anyone else it'd look like they were having a staring contest 'Thats too Dangerous Akira!' Akira held back a sigh 'What other choice do we have? It'll be fine.' Alexander glared 'As soon as we get inside you will get rid of your creations.' Akira nodded hesitantly 'IF they are no longer needed' Alexander glare deepened and Akira glared back. Finally Alexander motioned for her to do it, Akira made a group of birds and squirrels out of magic and sent them out to distract the Hellhounds
Ellie sighed sitting on a random log. Maria was next to her checking her nails," Well i'm offically bored," maria sighed kicking a rock. Ellie smiled at her but kept quiet. As if reading her mind,Maria reached over and gripped Ellies hand reassuringly. "He'll be fine," she murmured to Ellie causing her to look down. " I hope so..." She responded gripping Marias hand back.
Strung tight with fear Jun started at the sudden flash of wings, both feathers and song filling the air as a variety of birds burst from Akira's hands. Some launched skyward, breaking past the bramble, while others dove below the canopy to glide alongside their ground born companions, one squirrel nearly falling in Jun's hair. Commanded by one mind, the small group broke right, heading northeast - away from the small party that remained in the trees and away from the comrades they had left behind at the mansion's entrance.

The hounds' responded with immediate alacrity, deep throated snarls rippling within their chests as they shot forward. Heedless of the white railing, they launched over the small barrier and off the side of the mansion, mad cries filling the air as they gave chase. It was in that moment of blessed relief, as Jun released all the air from his lungs, that he realized any other decision would have drawn death for the small party. They waited until they could no longer hear the breaking of wings or the wild howls that near drowned Akira's magic.

Then, holding out his hand that told the others to remain where they were, Jun inched forward on the bridge of wood, hands held out slightly on either side for balance. Out from under the cover of branches, he stepped into broad day light as he neared the end of the branch. Taking a tight breath, Jun gauged the distance then leapt. Soaring past the small rail the shade cleared the gap with room to spare, a tuft of cloud signalling the landing. Whoever had allowed the hell hounds entrance onto the veranda had carelessly left the door open. Jun took a quick glance inside, eyes adjusting to the gloomy interior, then he stepped back to call the group over.

There was little response from the cover of trees that hid his companions, and remembering himself, Jun squeezed himself into the tightest of corners to obtain the required shade. Silently, he waved again, this time visible, motioning that the coast was clear.
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Akira and Alexander quickly leaped over. Alexander glared at her "Once we are far enough inside you get rid of them before any damage can be done to you" he growled out low. Akira rolled her eyes. Alexander grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her close "Listen to me for once you idiot, stop being so stubborn and reckless, if those things get destroyed you could end up severely injured or worse. I know I'm not keen on seeing you bleed out and I'm sure the others are not either" he whispered in an angry hush, he let her go and sighed rubbing his temples
Vincent jumped after the others, easily landing on the outside of the fence, before jumping over it with a grin. Giving Akira a thumbs up, he stuck his head inside the open glass doors, taking in the darkness.

"One would think people who own a place as grand as this would at least think to dust it once in a while." He commented softly, running a finger over a particularly dusty part of a table standing on the inside of the doors, leaving a spotless, dark stripe.
Having switched from light to dark...and light to dark once more, Jun was left rubbing the stars from his eyes as he followed after the others. "Where would they be holding her?" he wondered, careful to speak soft enough so his voice didn't carry over the expansive room. Unlike their last escapade to save Spooks, in which they had only needed to travel down to find her, this room contained two floors, a pair of staircases spiraling in opposite directions on one side of the wall. There were also steps that led to an additional floor, as Jun had noted earlier on the roof top. And who knew if there was a basement in the manor as well.

Jun clutched the rail to steady himself from the dizzying thought and asked distractedly, "Shouldn't Mazus and Graeme have made it inside by now?"

"Whoa," Mia said to herself as she digested the information given to her by Caeli Stilla. The abilities shown by all the members of Vincent's group put her in awe- Vincent's acrobatics were near perfect; Akria's transformation was magnificent; etc.
" I spy with my little eye, something that is.....green" maria smiled.Ellie rolled her eyes " Is it a tree? Like your last four?" She asked lamely. " yep!" Maria smiled laughing. "
Stepping into the manor, after making sure the only souls he could find were in the first floor of the building, Vincent motioned for the two fairies to follow him before making his way over to Jun. Taking a deep breath in through his nose, he had to press the palm of his hand against his face to hold in a sneeze. He wasn't kidding when he had said it was dusty in here.

Watching as Akira and the prince made their way inside, he began looking around the room, his eyes going slightly darker than usual. There was a cluster of eighteen small, blue orbs downstairs, telling him that there were cultists or some other humans right beneath their feet, on the first floor.

"Step carefully." He whispered, giving his companions a warning glance, , "Do any of you have an idea of where to find Spooks? Prince, your soldiers, did they give you any idea of where she might be located inside the manor?"
Alexander shook his head "They weren't positive your little friend is here, its just they found the exact same car and felt a strong amount of magic here. My Apologies they couldn't have been more of a help to you." He had Akira's hand clasped within his own. Akira sighed and winced as she felt one of her creations destroyed a bite mark appearing on her ankle blood trickling down it. Alexander shot her a sharp glare, Akira glared back "Until we are further in I cannot dismiss them or else we'll get caught because those hellhounds will be back here shortly after." she whispered angrily.
Cryobionic said:
Stepping into the manor, after making sure the only souls he could find were in the first floor of the building, Vincent motioned for the two fairies to follow him before making his way over to Jun. Taking a deep breath in through his nose, he had to press the palm of his hand against his face to hold in a sneeze. He wasn't kidding when he had said it was dusty in here.
Watching as Akira and the prince made their way inside, he began looking around the room, his eyes going slightly darker than usual. There was a cluster of eighteen small, blue orbs downstairs, telling him that there were cultists or some other humans right beneath their feet, on the first floor.

"Step carefully." He whispered, giving his companions a warning glance, , "Do any of you have an idea of where to find Spooks? Prince, your soldiers, did they give you any idea of where she might be located inside the manor?"
Graeme came uo to Vincent and trew his cultist hood off, "good news and bad news, good news Mazus is waiting near the room I found Spooks in, bad news if you know hellhounds as well as me, which you should since you're a demon, distractions won't work casue of their tracking skills and focus. More good news they're targeted on you and me, I heard the cultists have a crossroad demon target "the shapeshifter merc and demon helper" so you and I gotta lead them away." Graeme took a liquid out of his pocket and splashed it on his face as well as Vincent's which burned for a minute. "Now that we can see them as clear as day, we gotta go Vince."

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[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]" I spy with my little eye, something that is.....green" maria smiled.Ellie rolled her eyes " Is it a tree? Like your last four?" She asked lamely. " yep!" Maria smiled laughing. "

"Are you two going to keep that up for much longer" Ase said laying down in the grass.

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Maria stuck out her tongue, " We can't go much else besides," she looked over at Alexanders soldiers standing stiffly in position ready for an attack. " Prince Bat shit crazy's army isn't the most entertaining of company," Maria smiled getting up laying down next to Ase in the grass. Ellie snickered quietly before staring up at the sky, Vinny, Spooks, please be ok, she thought to herself frowning slightly.
"What." Vincent deadpanned. As the liquid his his face, he flinched, before blinking at the shapeshifter. He had come out of literally no where, and Vincent hadn't even noticed his soul among the rest of the cultists downstairs. Was he loosing his touch?

Quickly shaking his head to clear it, he nodded sharply at Graeme, this was no time to be doubting his eyesight. "What do you suggest we do?"

Cryobionic said:
"What." Vincent deadpanned. As the liquid his his face, he flinched, before blinking at the shapeshifter. He had come out of literally no where, and Vincent hadn't even noticed his soul among the rest of the cultists downstairs. Was he loosing his touch?
Quickly shaking his head to clear it, he nodded sharply at Graeme, this was no time to be doubting his eyesight. "What do you suggest we do?"

"Well knowing Akira and that idiot Alexander they're trying to distract the hellhounds, you tell them to stop and catch up with me in the forest." Graeme threw away the cultiat outfit and crashed through a nearby window sprinting into the forest with a hellhound already on his trail chasing him through the forest.

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