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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Of course I'm mad!" She snapped " That asshole prince has the Head Coven Master locked up and is playing the entire Coven for fools!" She glared at Alexander " and theres nothing i can," she whispered quietly looking down clenching her fists.
"I see" Ase said looking down a Marie's fist " why don't you inform the coven"

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"We'll figure something out don't worry" Ase smiled griping her hand tighter.

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It took about twenty minutes to reach the outskirts of the manor.

Vincent could feel his heart beat in his throat in anticipation of what was coming, and as he and the others crouched down in the forest area just fifty meters from the front door, he realized that they had never really remembered to come up with an attack plan. Did they storm the house? No... that would only end in bloodshed. They didn't know what protections were set out around the building. Where they going to go stealthy? That certainly seemed like the best idea. Vincent's hand clutched around a piece of bark sticking out of the tree he was hiding behind before turning around to face the group. Somebody needed to take charge, and he wasn't sure he was the right person to do so.

as he was looking at the faces of his friends, and thinking about how scared Spooks must surely be, locked behind those manor walls, his face began to harden. They would save her, and they would do it together. With that in mind, he began to talk, placing the bag he had brought on the forest floor, zipping it open.

"Graeme, you can shapeshift," He began, handing the man three healing potions, just in case, "I want you to take out the first cultist you see, steal his clothing and shift into him. Can you do that?"

Vincent turned to Mazus without waiting for a reply, "Mazus, you're our sword. You take out any and all cultist that may be able to stop us from reaching Spooks, while I, Jun and Akira sneak inside."

(Sorry for not being here for a while, something quite personal happened, but I hope this makes up for it.)

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"So, tell me, why do you still stay with those people?" Uria asked her as a maid served teas. "Surely there must be a reason." She added while looking at her interestingly.Spooks looked at her in confusion. "It's just my home, I have no place to stay..." She said. "You're welcome here, you know that, would you still stay there?". Spooks was silent for a few moments before nodding. "I see...so either work, loyalty...or love."

Spooks looked away to hide her face. "L-loyalty, definitely..." She said after a while. Uria smiled at Spooks. 'I see...I take it he doesn't know?" It took a few minutes for her to respond. "..She...and she's taken..." "Ah...I'm sorry I ask-" A giant fist made of lightning crushed he table. "IT WASN'T YOUR PLACE TO ASK!" Spooks shouted at her before taking a deep breath. "I-I'm sorry, I...I just want to go..." She said before turning to leave the garden. "You're always welcome here...and remember, we're demons, we have to give in to our greed eventually." Uria said making Spooks take a short pause before continuing on and getting lost in the manor.
Cryobionic said:
It took about twenty minutes to reach the outskirts of the manor.
Vincent could feel his heart beat in his throat in anticipation of what was coming, and as he and the others crouched down in the forest area just fifty meters from the front door, he realized that they had never really remembered to come up with an attack plan. Did they storm the house? No... that would only end in bloodshed. They didn't know what protections were set out around the building. Where they going to go stealthy? That certainly seemed like the best idea. Vincent's hand clutched around a piece of bark sticking out of the tree he was hiding behind before turning around to face the group. Somebody needed to take charge, and he wasn't sure he was the right person to do so.

as he was looking at the faces of his friends, and thinking about how scared Spooks must surely be, locked behind those manor walls, his face began to harden. They would save her, and they would do it together. With that in mind, he began to talk, placing the bag he had brought on the forest floor, zipping it open.

"Graeme, you can shapeshift," He began, handing the man three healing potions, just in case, "I want you to take out the first cultist you see, steal his clothing and shift into him. Can you do that?"

Vincent turned to Mazus without waiting for a reply, "Mazus, you're our sword. You take out any and all cultist that may be able to stop us from reaching Spooks, while I, Jun and Akira sneak inside."

(Sorry for not being here for a while, something quite personal happened, but I hope this makes up for it.)

Graeme nodded and went in without another word sneaking through the halls and around the corners until he came up to a cultist and slit his throat swiftly and silently. He dragged the man into a closet and took his clothes shifting into him. Hey Mazus, you're with me, the closet had an extra set of cultist clothes. Everyone else be on guard, especially you Vincent. If they have any information on us they might have devil traps set up which will make you useless if you're not careful. Graeme dragged Mazus into the manor and disappeared out of sight as fast as he appeared. The sooner this was finished the sooner Graeme could figure out a plan to deal with Alexander and get Mazus's help with that spell on Akira.
@Cryobionic Alexander looked at Vincent "My Soldiers will stay out here and make sure no one escapes. But if Akira is going in I'm going with her. I don't trust any of you to be able to protect her."
"What should I do Vincent ?" Ase asked tapping him on the shoulder "and what about Marie ?"

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Vincent raised an eyebrow at the prince, "You know what I'm thinking, I'm sure," He said coldly, before turning his back to him. This was about rescuing their friend, and he couldn't afford to waste any time or energy on pointless bickering. The demon turned to Ellie, his eyes going soft for a moment. "You should stay out here, with the soldiers. You, Maria and Ase should be able to assist them in fighting off any oncoming assaults from within. Once they realize they've been infiltrated, they will start sending out all the people they can spare to scout for you."

He didn't say this to scare her, but if his years of tutoring under the most insane war demon in hell had taught him anything, he knew his words might help prepare her for what would come.

Giving Ellie a small smile, he motioned for Akira and Jun to follow him, and began making his way along the edge of the forest, letting the trees conceal him, and hopefully, his companions.

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"What if they revived the demon inside spooks already can you handle her?" Ase asked quietly so that the soil sets couldn't hear

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The demon felt the piney smell of the forest rush into his nostrils as he took a deep breath, before looking back at the angel, having barely caught her question, "Don't worry," He said, patting his bag with a small grin, "I have a plan."
Mia was alone in the cafe as Vincent and his 'friends' left to rescue Spooks. Boredom was a given as she had nothing to do. "I should watch them," Mia said to herself, Caeli Stilla jiggled a bit as if it was agreeing with her. Turning towards the blob, Mia chanted: "Transforment, videntibus oculis desuper." Caeli Stilla suddenly started morphing into a bird like beings. After the transformation was done, it took off from the ground and flew into the skies form one of the open windows.
After nodding sharply at Ellie, Vincent began making his way along the trees that was growing just on the outskirts of the manor. From where he was, he could see that the forest grew quite close to the back of the building, almost towering over the many balconies shadowing the back yard.

That's our way in, he thought to himself with a small grin as the three of them hurried along the mossy floor. Turning around, he smirked at the prince, raising an eyebrow at him. "I hope you can climb." He whispered, before continuing towards their newfound destination.

With Mazus and Graeme causing a distraction on the lower floors, and Ellie, Maria and Ase keeping the front doors occupied, it would give them the perfect opportunity to slip quietly in thought the balcony doors and grab Spooks. He was almost certain she would be in the second level, because after seeing how the cultist treated the archdemon when they had summoned her back in the crypts, Vincent figured Hamon herself would have to be of some importance. And these types of manors always had the most luxurious rooms in the second or third level. At least... he hoped his hunch was correct.

Alexander scowled "I can do more than climb, I can fly. He and Akira unfolded their wings, Akira smirked "Why climb if you can fly?" Alexander nudged her in the ribs a softness coming to his eyes "Great minds think alike eh?". Akira Smiled at him "I dunno I think maybe you stole it from my mind" she teased. Alexander suppressed the laughter threatening to burst out of him. Akira looked Genuinely happy. Alexander's amusement washed his eyes once again hardening. Akira's face fell in disappointment she turned to Vincent "What if spooks isn't here?"

Alexander huffed "I doubt our soldiers would be wrong."
Vincent stared at him, his eyes narrowing, "Don't you think that, what with our method of discretion, having two glowing people with butterfly wings making their way towards the manor, would be a little, oh, I don't know, counterproductive? Come on, prince, you're supposed to be the big protector here."

Vincent couldn't help the malice that seeped into his hushed whispers, and he only felt slightly bad about it. He really didn't like this guy, and him having planted himself into their small rescue party, had only been an obstacle so far. He had specifically chosen Jun, because of his already built in stealth, and Akira, because of the distractions she could cause with her magic. This prince was an unknown factor, and the demon didn't like it. Not one bit.

"You'll be shot down before even reaching half way up the balcony, both of you."

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Akira looked offended at the Butterfly part. Alexander chuckled at her expression then turned to Vincent "True, I did not think of that. I do advise you to watch your tone with me however. Please do remember your friends are with MY soldiers. Your in no position to take risks with me." Alexander sighed in frustration "Akira however always was a horrible climber" Akira slapped Alexander on the arm "Hey! I wasn't as bad as you were." Alexander raised his eyebrow "But I actually improved" Akira huffed and crossed her arms turning away from him "Jerk."
Vincent turned away to hide his glare and grabbed the rough bark on the trunk of the tree before jumping, and sprinting up the wood like a monkey. He may not have fancy fairy wings or magic, but knew some tricks too. As he climbed, he could feel the stitches on his arms pull at his skin, not used to supporting these kinds of actions at all. The demon hoped they would hold until he made his way up to the branch, should the tear open now, it would ruin the entire plan.

When he got to the branch, he flipped over and straddled it it, leaning back against the trunk with a sigh before inspecting his arms. They looked fine, fortunately, asides from a thin stream of blood running from a small part on his left arm, where his skin had given out. Deciding to ignore it, he remembered what the prince had said about Akira's inability at climbing, and began rummaging through his bag, finally producing the rope.

Vincent tied it securely to the branch before throwing it down to the group, smiling cheekily. "Just walk up the trunk!" He called softly, not wanting to alert the cultists, or anyone nearby, of their presence.


Akira smiled up at Vincent and gave the rope a light uncertain tug before climbing up with it. Alexander climbed the tree after she got up and they waited for Jun. Akira gave Vincent a hug "Thanks"
"Don't mention it," Vincent smiled into her shoulder, giving her a light squeeze. From where he was sitting, he could see the windows of the manor over her shoulder, but fortunately they themselves were concealed by the leaves growing from the numerous branches in the tree.
Akira looked to Vincent "So we have no idea what lies in there do we?" she was nervous. "Vincent... what..what if we are too late, what if they've done something to spooks? Who would even want to kidnap spooks?!"
Putting a reassuring hand on her head, Vincent looked into her eyes, his own crimson ones serious, "Look, we're going to get Spooks back, one way or the other. If they've done something, we'll just have to undo it!" He smiled at her, mischievously, "Besides, I have a backup plan. So, you don't need to worry, okay?"

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