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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Alexander smiled and called to Graeme "Graeme" he tossed the dagger to him "I don't need it" his eyes darkened "I have other ways, ones I perfected to protect the princess myself"
Graeme caught the blade with ease and ignored Alexander sheathing the blade in one of his many holsters. He waved and stormed up the street a ways before stopping and shapeshifting a few times to get ready for what he would soon be doing.

(I'm loving the fact that everyone has temporarily forgot about Mazus the angel. I also love the fact that Vincent hasn't remembered that Mazus would be a great person to send to get Spooks since the only thing that can permanently kill him is the weapon in his pocket)
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]( *raises hand* What's going on right now :/ )

(Preparing to save Spooks and Graeme is pissed about Alexander being so close to Akira let alone being here in the first place)
Akira immedietly looked to Alexander "I want you to send out the soldiers to search for spooks, send a creation with each one we can use to communicate with eachother" She turned to the soldiers "You are not to engage the enemy should you see them without backup. Inform us immediately" Alexander quickly created a bunch of hawks "You'll go in groups of two" Akira nodded agreeing with Alexander "We'll stay here planning our attack and keeping an eye on all of you."

Once the soldiers left Alexander crossed his arms smirking "You know you wouldn't have agreed to the ball if you didn't still like me" Akira glared at him "In your dreams, you've changed way too much and we can never go back Alexander" He pouted his eyes darkening. "Right you've fallen in love with that guy your staying with haven't you? What was his name again?" he sneered. Akira stepped up closer to Alexander "IF you DARE touch him I will rip out your organs and FORCE FEED them TO YOU!"

Alexander brought his face closer to hers to where their noses were almost touching "If you don't still have feelings for me little bird than why does your hair still turn purple with pink and red around me? I doubt he knows as much about you as I do, I doubt he knows all your colors or what they mean." Akira scowled and pushed him away turning around crossing her arms "He'll get to know them"

Alexander smiled cruelly "I wonder how Little Jun will feel about you accompanying me, The one you used to be and still are in love with. You didn't deny it the second time either. You're slipping up Princess" Akira growled turning around and slapping him across the face "Shut the hell up you arrogant worm! You are NOTHING compared to Jun. I wish I never had fallen for you!" Alexander stepped close to her quickly, grabbed her arm and pulled her forward kissing her. After what felt like forever he let her go, Akira stood not saying anything for the longest time until "You F*cking BASTARD!" Her cheeks were pink and her hair was flickering between Angry, Embarrassed and love.
"What's going on with me?" Spooks whispered. She was suddenly embraced in a comforting hug. "It's alright sis..." She heard before she gave in to the hug. The voice sounded familiar to her. "Uria?" She asked as she turned her head to face her sister. "No...I don't know who you are...but I do...what's going on with me?" She added. Uria let her go. "Come with me." She said as she exited the room with Spooks in tow.

"So, basically what's happening is that with you informally ousting Hamon from her position and subjugating her, you've become a mix of who she is and who you are." She said as she lead her down the hall. "Right now your personality and memories are fusing together into one very confused Archdemon." She added. "And that's causing you some pain and plenty of confusion before eventually you have to decide who you want to be." She led her to a garden of sorts where there was a table with food. "So, do you know who I am?" She asked.

Spooks hesitated for a few moments. "You are Uria, Archdemon of Flames and...my sister." She finally said causing Uria to smile. "Let's eat then, you must be starving."
Alexander pulled out a map and enchanted it to show the location of each soldier "Anyway we have work to do, don't we little bird?" Akira glared at the back of his head trying so hard to burn holes in it. Eventually she just sighed and walked up to the map observing the soldiers, Alexander leaned over her his breath on her neck. "Ever heard of personal space?" Akira scowled.

Alexander smirked "Yes I have, and I do find myself quite liking yours."

Akira rolled her eyes. She noticed a signal on the map from one of the Soldiers. She and Alexander went over to their hawk and spoke through it to the soldiers hawk

Alexander: "what is it?"

Soldier: "Your highness I think I've found her."

Akira: "I'll get Vincent and the others

@Metaphysics @Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing @Dnaleri017 @thistle @Mr Swiftshots
RegalWindstar said:
Alexander pulled out a map and enchanted it to show the location of each soldier "Anyway we have work to do, don't we little bird?" Akira glared at the back of his head trying so hard to burn holes in it. Eventually she just sighed and walked up to the map observing the soldiers, Alexander leaned over her his breath on her neck. "Ever heard of personal space?" Akira scowled.
Alexander smirked "Yes I have, and I do find myself quite liking yours."

Akira rolled her eyes. She noticed a signal on the map from one of the Soldiers. She and Alexander went over to their hawk and spoke through it to the soldiers hawk

Alexander: "what is it?"

Soldier: "Your highness I think I've found her."

Akira: "I'll get Vincent and the others

@Metaphysics @Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing @Dnaleri017 @thistle @Mr Swiftshots
(Graeme is outside trying to ignore Alexander and Mazus has to be summoned by you, Vincent, or Ellie otherwise he won't answer)
Akira Summoned Mazus and Quickly went outside for Graeme "Hey!" she shouted to get his attention "we think we've found spooks, get in here."
Graeme followed into the cafe keeping beside the door spinning his silver dagger on his finger and listening to what Akira had to say. Mazus shortly appeared behind Alexander and spoke, Who might this be miss Akira? He is not a threat to you is he? Graeme answered Mazus before Akira could and replied, Don't bother Mazus, neither Akira nor me care to talk about him so ignore him. Mazus still stood behind Alexander staring at the back of his head trying to decipher what Graeme meant.
Alexander went to find Vincent, Ellie and Maria in the Cafe while he talked to his soldiers Via Hawk
Akira growled and decided to explain to Mazus. "Hes someone I used to love who got twisted turned cruel and cold, Manipulates my father and I'm forced to be betrothed to him. But hes here helping out.. though I did strike a deal but that doesn't matter right now. We think we've found spooks. A soldier reported in."

Alexander walked in "Ah..what was your name again? Ah it doesn't matter a soldier reported in he thinks he found your little friend spooks."
Alexander just gave a funny look her direction and took off to find Vincent. Meanwhile Akira seen Ellie and motioned her over. "The customers can wait, we'll have to close up. Spooks needs us but we don't want anyone butting in when its not their buissness. I doubt you want to involve the customers. Where is vincent?"
Akira nodded at Ellie "Can you take me there? We need to get him here as soon as possible. However I would not feel comfortable sending only you or sending anyone alone really. I don't know the dangers of your city but from how you all act it seems more dangerous than the castle ever was."
Akira looked at Ellie surprised "really? I honestly should have expected that but.. I didn't. Who wouldn't live close to their business?" she said smiling fond of the idea
Vincent swung the bag over his shoulder, feeling his stitches tug in his skin uncomfortably as he did so, before walking over to the door.

He had snuck upstairs away from the commotion, and away from the temptation of sucker punching Alexander in the face, to pack for the trip to the manor. With this being the third time they had had to go on a rescue mission, he thought he ought to prepare a little extra this time. It wasn't much, just some rope, healing potions, stamina potions, scissors, bandages, thread, needles, water and moonshine. It really wasn't much.

Opening the door to see Ellie standing outside surprised him a little. He had honestly expected it to be Akira, or even Mazus.

A soft smile took over his stresses features at the sight of the witch, though, and he let her in. "Yeah, sorry about just leaving you down there." He said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

(Why did Ellie look at Akira suspiciously?)
Akira turned to the others "Okay now that Ellie is handling getting Vincent here, where is Jun?" Alexander gave a scowl at Jun's name "Who needs him?" Akira decided to just ignore that comment @thistle
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The shade, watching the events unfold before him, had remained placidly at the table, trying to think of a solution on his own. When he had finally thought of a possible plan and rose to offer up his idea, they had been swiftly silenced, out spoken in both volume and out beat by those with more...animated personalities.

One, in particular, including the male fairy he now shared the room with. Unfortunately.

The man, Alexander, hadn't taken notice of Jem because of the shade's choosing to remain within sunlight. But hearing the smug little quip encouraged Jun to appear then, slipping out from his seat and perching on one of the chairs before the counter top.

He faced Alexander, head tilted calmly to the side. "I'm not to keen on others using my name when I've yet to introduce myself to them."
Graeme: Well Jun welcome. Mazus: Akira, what do you need me to do... Mazus stood and watched everyone waiting for an order from Akira.

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Alexander smirked "Oh so this is your new boyfriend little bird? Nice to finally meet you, you do Realize you'll never win Akira from me right? I'll always hold a place in her heart. I am her first love afterall." as Akira entered the room her eye twitched and she blushed her hair turning pink "Hes not... My boyfriend." She sound dissapointed. "Also" her hair turned red in anger "What do you mean by WIN?! I am not some sort of PRIZE! Moron!"

Akira turned to Adress Mazus "Please shut Alexander up" she said in annoyance only half joking. "Anyway once Vincent is here, we'll have to make a plan of attack to save Spooks. The Soldiers are already scouting out the place and are awaiting our arrival. Alexander and I shall be the distraction while the rest of you go in and get spooks out." Alexander smirked and looked ready to say something. Akira tensed up ready to smack him.

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