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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"No...Vincent found her outside in the alley one night, and decided to keep her. Some demon killed her parents, so she had no where to stay, so she's staying here." Seera jumped as the door slammed, and a pink haired girl walked in, angry. She walked over to the bar, where the girl was sitting, Lulu clinging to her. "Um, Vincent is upstairs right now. But I'll see what I can do to help. What do you need?"

Lulu peered out from behind Seera at the other girl, who's hair was moving. She reached out, tentatively, and touched a strand of hair, before pulling her hand back.
"So what's your name then?" Oliver asked, curiously. He didn't think he had ever tried talking to a human before. Sure, some of them had screamed at him, but that was a different matter all together. He stared at the girl, intrigued. She didn't smell nearly as bad as the bigger ones.
Estelle smiled at the human her hair reaching out to touch her palm. Maria sighed " His assistant manager is out right now being all lovey dovey to a psychopath prince who has the witches leader under lock down! I need to speak to Vincent now!" she said her again her voice raising in distress flames appearing on her dress and skin.
Seera nodded. "Well, be my guest to go up to his room and talk to him, but if he trys to kill you, I'm not going to help."

Lulu jumped a bit, and scurried away from the girl, over to the table where the imp was sitting. Quietly, she repiled. 'My name's Lulu. What are you?"
Oliver giggled at the humans strange behavior and took another sip of his wine, smiling as the taste of fermented grape juice spread over his tongue. "I'm an imp, see I have horns and stuff, ain't that cool?" He said, pointing to his head, his tail swishing behind him. "I've never met a human before," He added, leaning forward, his yellow eyes locking with hers, "Isn't it boring?"
Maria stood up and snapped her fingers, her dress changing into a business suit as she turned around and pointed a finger at Estelle, " Be good or I'm turning you into a billy goat again," she hissed walking upstairs to Vincents room. Estelle stuck out her tongue when Maria turned around, " Don't ride your broom in the house Estelle, don't freeze humans Estelle, stop giving my number out to strangers Estelle," she muttered walking over to the human girl and the Imp. " I've never met a imp before... My dad said there really annoying," Estelle smirked walking over to the human girl her hair wiggling happily, " I'm Estelle," she smiled at the girl.
After awhile the doors to the ballroom burst open and in flew some fairies, others pulled off cloaks from the crowd, they started attacking the guards. A woman in a long dark purple dress walked in. Akira's father scowled "You are not welcome here Shadae! Why are you here?!" He pulled out his sword. Luke and Alexander stood infront of Akira as the woman walked towards her "I just came to see the dear child I helped create." she said a twisted smirk on her face. Akira's father walked up infront of Akira. Shadae scowled and drew a sword from the fallen body of one of the guests "Do you really want to do this my dear king?"

Akira's father glared and held his sword infront of him. Shadae laughed and sped at him they started fighting. Luke and Alexander started backing Akira up closer to the exit. "Alex? Luke? What is going on? We can't leave father we must help him! Who is that woman?!" Alexander sighed "It'll be fine Akira, your father is strong but we must get you out of here."

Akira shook her head "No we can't! We can't leave him!" She cried, her father's voice resounded behind her "Akira! Go just go, get out of he-" he was interrupted/

They heard a pained cry and a wicked laugh they turned to see Akira's father lifeless on the floor the Woman standing over him a cruel smile on her face.

Akira shook her head in disbeleif trying to get to her father "NO! NO FATHER! OPEN YOUR EYES! PLEASE! FATHER!" tears streamed down her face "No! no...father..."

The woman walked up her dark dress pooling behind her the blood of Akira's father dripping off her blade, Alexander and Luke kept Akira behind them stopping her from running forward. The woman spoke "Only we can protect you Princess, your father was weak. Your mother was weak. But you, you're different. Hate us but let us protect you, take your rightful place on the throne and cast this land into darkness. This land in your birthright, only you are strong enough to be worthy of us. Your father made a mistake releasing us when he himself wasn't worthy! You are OURS! We MADE YOU because your wretch of a mother could not bear children, You belong to US!" The captain of the guard Luke glared at the woman "Akira don't do anything don't ask any questions just listen to me and run. I'll be right behind you."

Akira looked up at him she knew he was lieing, he didn't expect to make it Luke rushed forward blocking the woman swords clashed "ALEXANDER GET HER OUT OF HERE! BOTH OF YOU RUN!" Alexander grabbed Akira's hand, they turned and fled running as fast as they could, Akira's heart pounding, her legs shaking, Soldiers dieing around them. They got to the Portal room and Alexander closed the doors quickly. He went over and set the navigation to where the portal would go: The Cafe, he grabbed Akira and pushed her through to safety then wiped the location barely making it through in time himself.

Akira sat crying holding her Knees, Alexander sighed and picked her up in a princess carry gently and walked across the street into the cafe.
"That's cause we are." Oliver countered snidely, before draining his glass, "We can be really, really fucking annoying if we want to be." The imp jumped off the counter and landed with a thump on the floor, the impact making his shoes flash. He giggled. "But I've heard that young witches are a really big fire hazard."
Graeme walked into the cafe dressed in a white suit and black undershirt, black pants, pointed dress shoes, and a single red rose on the suit with his usual messy blonde hair. "Alright, I'm going to do some research at the ball so I'll see you all later" taking a gold key he tossed it and went through the portal. Upon entering he went directly to the castle library and began reading.

Mazus stood beside Oliver. "You ready to go?"

@Regal Windstar @Cryobionic

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Estelle perked up her hair wiggling excitedly" Why yes! I was born and raised in Paris!" Estelle smiled turning to the imp, " Hey! I've only started six fires and half of them barely left a scorch mark!" she laughed. Maria reached the top of the stairs and proceeded to bang on the door to Vincent's apartment, " Vincent Buckley you've got five minutes to unlock this door before I burn it down!!" she yelled banging louder.
Lulu's eye's widened. "F-fires? You've started fires?" In the kitchen, a loud bang was heard, along of with whoosh of a flame, and a bit of screaming. In a moment, Ari and Niko came running out, their clothing and hair smoldering.
Alexander opened the door to the Cafe and stepped inside holding a sobbing Akira, she clung to his shirt weakly pounding her one fist on his chest "I could have saved him, you jerk, you jerk! Why... why did they come there? Who were they? What is going on? Please..tell me this is all a nightmare..please" she kept sobbing her voice begging for answers, Alexander just held her tight.
Estelle waved off Lulu's panicked look, " Relax, I've started floods too," she comforted. She looked up when she saw the two Fairies enter the cafe, " Oh! Your Maria's 'not friends!'" she gasped.
Graeme returned to the cafe through a portal and was about to speak till he noticed Akira. "I'm assuming I missed something really big at the ball..." Graeme looked at Alexander. "What happened?"

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Vincent gritted his teeth into the towel he had stuffed in his mouth as he forced the needle through his skin. Beads of sweat was running down his forehead, and he could feel the thread strumming on his nerves as he pulled it through the newly opened hole. He reached over to the coffee table and took a swig of his glass of whiskey, the alcohol managing to numb the pain somewhat. He was just about to get to work on the tenth one when someone started banging on the door, making him nearly jump out of his skin.

The demon cursed loudly and stood up, the thread and needle still dangling from his arm, and went over to the door, unlocking it.

"This better be fucking important." He growled, his red eyes glowing in fury.


As everything was happening around him, Oliver could do nothing but watch wide eyed. So much chaos. The imp began rocking from side to side, before looking up at Mazus. "Yeah, I think it's best if I get out of here."
Alexander brought Akira to a chair sitting her down. "Her father the king.. was..." Alexander shook his head and Akira started sobbing harder holding onto Alexander harder. @Dnaleri017
RegalWindstar said:
Alexander brought Akira to a chair sitting her down. "Her father the king.. was..." Alexander shook his head and Akira started sobbing harder holding onto Alexander harder. @Dnaleri017
Graeme walked past Alexander and Akira and whispered to Alexander "Let's put our rivalry behind for a while and kill whoever did this. Meet me at my families manor when you have the chance." Graeme threw a black key and went through the portal quietly.

Mazus placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder and they appeared in his apartment. "We've had our fair share of chaos. Let us rest."

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Maria glared at him, " Your fucking 'assistant manager' is the problem, I can't even begin to count how many Coven violations her fiance has committed and yet she still keeps associating with him! I get doing crazy stuff for the name of love but she's taking it to a whole new level, I've tried helping, you've tried helping, I need to know that your little operation will go off with out a hitch and that girl is a flight risk!" Maria sighed crossing her arms in annoyance, " And when her lover kidnaps the leader of the witches I don't have many options!"

Estelle smiled, " You saw a dead body?" she asked extremely interested, " Cool," she smiled her hair wiggling with excitement.
Vincent grabbed her arm, unintentionally getting blood on her outfit, and pulled her inside, kicking the door shut behind them. He walked into the living room again, and sat down, holding the bottle of whiskey out to her. "Tell me what's happened. This is all new to me, the only thing I know is that she's too infatuated with the asshole to see reason. Oh, and if you're squeamish, you might wanna look away."


Oliver looked around, disoriented. "Hey, not that I don't like traveling like this and all, but could you maybe warn me the next time?" He asked, sitting down on the floor. His ears were still ringing from all the screaming, and the female fairies cries for her father was still fresh in his mind.
(Estelle is in the room?) Alexander glared at the girl "It is not cool you little witch!" It wasn't Alexander who spoke however it was Akira "I saw my own FATHER DIE BEFORE MY EYES! I already had my mother die and now my father and you think that is COOL? You little.." Her whole body started crackling with dark energy her eyes glowing her voice echoing darkly. Alexander quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back to his chest. covering her eyes leaning down and whispering to her something Estelle couldn't hear. (I'll delete this part if I'm super wrong about Estelle's location >.<)
Cryobionic said:
Vincent gritted his teeth into the towel he had stuffed in his mouth as he forced the needle through his skin. Beads of sweat was running down his forehead, and he could feel the thread strumming on his nerves as he pulled it through the newly opened hole. He reached over to the coffee table and took a swig of his glass of whiskey, the alcohol managing to numb the pain somewhat. He was just about to get to work on the tenth one when someone started banging on the door, making him nearly jump out of his skin.
The demon cursed loudly and stood up, the thread and needle still dangling from his arm, and went over to the door, unlocking it.

"This better be fucking important." He growled, his red eyes glowing in fury.


As everything was happening around him, Oliver could do nothing but watch wide eyed. So much chaos. The imp began rocking from side to side, before looking up at Mazus. "Yeah, I think it's best if I get out of here."
Mazus nodded at Oliver. "As you wish friend." Mazus pointed straight at rhe door. "If you go that way for 6 blocks you'll see the cafe if you'd rather walk here or there."

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Maria looked at him blankly, " I've seen someone ripped in half, nothing phases me anymore," she sighed taking the bottle chugging the bottle, " That bastard Alexander has Madame Bernet locked up somewhere and has a shape shifter in her place," she sighed sitting down. " And then the Coven sends me her granddaughter, keeping that a secret from her has been a nightmare,".

Estelle tilted her head, " So? People die every day," she said simply as if it was a simple math problem. " Ellie's parents were killed right in front of her, Noire was barely recognizable cause she was beaten so badly, Maria's parents were killed before she could even open her eyes, her dad used the last of his strength to crawl to her to hold her one last time," Estelle looking at Akira, " Bad things happen to everyone it doesn't make you special, doesn't really mean you should be treated special, you cry a little pick yourself up and move on," she finished her hair laying limply.
(Don't forget Graeme wants Alexander to meet him at his manor when he can @Regal Windstar )

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Alexander held Akira tighter and covered her ears glaring at the rude girl "Miss it would not be wise for you to keep speaking like this, I don't know who raised you I don't know where you are from but when someone ...passes you need time to get over it, others should be polite enough not to be so blunt and rude as you are being right now. Its a fresh emotional wound. If you don't realize Akira is now an orphan and will have to step up and take the throne and run a whole kingdom. She had in one night her last remaining parent stripped from her on her birthday. She also is confused, scared with many questions."

(I honest to god Despise Estelle, she is such a B***ch. I seriously hate her guts, I think she needs to go get a damn heart right now shes being rude and insensitive.)

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