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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Ellie sighed walking into the cafe, wobbling a little bit smiling at Vinny, " Good morning,"she smiled walking to the bar. She turned to where Vinny was facing squeaking in surprise. " H-hello,"she whimpered walking behind the bar.
Cryobionic said:
Vincent emerged from the stairwell, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He couldn't remember going to bed last night, again, but he felt refreshed and happy, the worried of the day before now long gone.
He walked over to the bar with a smile, remembering Ase and Maria, and how both he and Ellie had made their peace with them. A lingering doubt made itself present in his mind, but he pushed it away. He was in a good mood today, and thinking about such things would just ruin it completely.

The demon was just about to push the button on the coffee machine, to start it up, when a huge yawn overcame him. He stretched his arms over his head, hearing his back pop with a satisfied groan. Just as he was about to lower his arms and go back to the coffee, he froze, arms still in the air and his mouth open.

There was somebody sitting in the far end corner of the room.

It was hard to make them out with only one eye open, so he lowered his arms and regained his composure before walking slowly over to the man.

"Well, good morning, sir," He called in a happy chirp, greeting him, "Welcome to Magic Brew Cafè, I must say, you're here early." He smiled.
Prince Graeme looked up from his pie to see a man, Well I heard about this place so I decided to check it out. Besides, this pumpkin pie is to die for! Graeme stood up for a moment and held out his hand before speaking again with a friendly tone. I'm Graeme, Prince Graeme. You can call me PG or Grey for short. I'm a shapeshifter and I'm a mercenary just relaxing at this cafe and to pick up some contracts if I'm lucky. It's nice to meet you sir.
Vincent grasped the mans hand, shaking it happily. "Vincent Buckley, manager of this Cafè." He smiled, looking down at his half eated plate of pie, "I'll be sure to bring your compliments to the chef, Mr. Graeme, and even though I'm not sure any of the staff have any contracts for you, it wouldn't hurt to ask around once the customers start arriving, if you catch my drift."

Letting go of the mans hand, Vincent gave him a small, respectful nod before retreating back to the bar, intent on getting some caffeine into his bloodstream. Turning to Graeme after a few steps, he added, "If you want to chat, you can bring your pastry over to the bar. I'm the talkative type you see." He chuckled.
"Well, I'm not nearly that bad," Vincent defended with a grin, sending a mock glare Ellie's way, "But I do like to talk. Sometimes."
Akira walked into the Cafe waving to Vincent "Hi Vincent" She looked pretty cheerful. She waved to Ellie too "Hi Ellie." She noticed Prince Graeme and thought he was familliar, she couldn't place where she had seen him before.
" Oh! Akira, how was your little sleepover?" Ellie smiled walking out in her uniform. " Doe's Jun have bunny slippers? I feel like he would be the type," Ellie laughed tying her apron.
Graeme picked up his pie and walked over to the bar with Vincent and nodded at the woman who spoke. Well I'm new to the area so it wouldn't hurt to chat some, I have nothing better to do anyway so I might as well get acquainted with everyone. Graeme took another bite of his pie and shivered with delight before turning to see who came in the door and stopped frozen. He looked closer at the girl and realized he knew her. Akira? Is that really you!? @Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing @RegalWindstar
Akira smiled at Ellie laughing when she heard and turned to Graeme her eyes widening when she finally got a closer look "Graeme?! It's... It's been so long. I never expected to see you again."
Vincent shrugged at Ellie, his face the epitome of how should I know? Before pouring himself and Ellie a cup of coffee leaning on the counter to watch the scene unfold.
Yea, we're old friends, It's been forever since I've seen you Akira how has it been, gotten any better I hope? Graeme got up and went over to Akira smiling holding out his arms in a hugging gesture. It's been forever since he met Akira and he was trilled, first a good cafe, then a good pie, then a good owner, now an old friend! Today must have been a wonderful day for him. @Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing @RegalWindstar
Akira moved forward and hugged him "If anything, things did get worse but.. I have Vincent and the others helping me now. I don't know if you heard but my mother did eventually pass, My father forced me into an arranged marriage and I..ran." She chuckled shyly her Hair turning pink. "I missed you, How have you been?" @Dnaleri017
(poor Spooks)

Spooks slowly stood from the bed and looked around the room. She was scared of what was going on with her as objects around her made her see flashes of her memories. "NO! This isn't mine!" she shouted as ran out the door.

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RegalWindstar said:
Akira moved forward and hugged him "If anything, things did get worse but.. I have Vincent and the others helping me now. I don't know if you heard but my mother did eventually pass, My father forced me into an arranged marriage and I..ran." She chuckled shyly her Hair turning pink. "I missed you, How have you been?" @Dnaleri017
I did hear about your mother which was sad, but your father is forcing you to marry?! That is just plain awful! As for me, I've pretty much abandoned the normal family business and went into mercenary work. Plus it gives me a chance to explore the world. Graeme returned the hug and smiled, I really have missed you Akira, it's been far too long. As he finished speaking Mazus appeared beside Vincent and spoke softly only for him to hear, Am I needed for anything Vincent? @RegalWindstar @Cryobionic
Akira smiled at Graeme it looked strained "Whats worse is my betrothed is now on the hunt after me and has even found out I work here. But Mazus" She motioned to Mazus "is my body guard, assigned to me by Vincent."
Ellie smiled at Akira and Grame, " Well, any friend of Akira is a friend of mine," she smiled sipping her coffee happily accidentally showing her bandaged arm unknowingly.
Turning to face the fallen, Vincent gave him a smile. "No, not right now I don't think. Why dont you have yourself a cup of coffee and chat with the rest of us?"

Vincent didn't wait for a reply, he poured the man a cup and handed it to him, taking a sip of his own after he had done so. Looking over at Ellie to give her a smile, his eyes narrowed. "What happened to your arm?" He asked, worried.
" O-oh...I just.. tripped and fell on my way here! luckily I had some bandages with me," she giggled nervously moving closer to him whispering in his ear, "I brought Meredith's diary so we can look at it together," she smiled walking away looking around. "Where's spooks? it's not like her to be late..."
Graeme glanced at Mazus and turned back to Akira, Well I guess you have two bodyguards now, I have no contracts so I'll help, besides we have plenty to catch up on since our absence. Mazus accepted the drink from Vincent and took a sip. If any of you need me simply say my name while holding my trinket, I must look for a spell I need to preform. Mazus handed Akira a small trinket in the shape of a bird's wing and disappeared from sight. He seems to be in a rush, but that doesn't matter too much does it? Graeme sat back down and continued to eat his pie shivering from delight after each bite he took. @Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic @RegalWindstar
Akira smiled and sat down next to Graeme. "You probably have heard stories about my Fiance, Prince Alexander the pompous A**. Possessive, has a bad reputation with girls. Apparently he used to play around." She tucked some of her hair behind her ear "He does treat me like a possession. What was my father thinking?!"
"At first" Akira continued "I did love him, I ignored the rumors about him.. but then when my father started to trust him he changed, he started to twist my father's thoughts poison his mind now he has my father wrapped around his finger and managed to get my father into forcing me to become his Fiancee. I guess he never was the guy I had loved, it was all a lie and now... I have fell for someone else." She smiled softly biting her lip "Hes so sweet... he" her eyes darted to the others realizing Ellie already knew but unsure about Vincent "His name is Jun, he is a shade."

Akira blushed and sent a small glare Ellie's way "aw shut it" her hair turned a very bright bold pink aswell "great now I am practically double blushing!" she screeched
Looking at the two girls banter, Vincent smiled and shook his head. This was such a change from the dreary atmosphere from yesterday that he couldn't help but sigh contentedly. Wednesday would be in two days from now, and he was sort of surprised that he didn't feel the same animosity to the day as he had before, but he guessed it had to do with him actually sleeping and getting some rest.

When he thought about it, he really had been sleeping a lot more while on this plane. Back home, that hadn't really been a necessity, but now that he had become used to it, he really had to rack his brain to find a reason why he would ever have wanted to live without it.

Turning to his left, he was just about to ask Spooks if she also had had the same realization when she had been reanimated as the thunder demon, when he realized that, one, she wasn't there, and two, he hadn't seen her in quite some time.

Frowning slightly, he sent one last look towards the chatting friends, and went to investigate. Walking over to the former ghosts designated room, a space that was previously used as food storage, actually, he knocked on the door softly.

Different scenarios played out in his head as he thought of a reason for Spooks tardiness, but none of them seemed particularly realistic. He didn't think the girl would get a cold or anything, not with the her new demon body anyway.

"Spooks, you in there, friend?" He called, the volume of his voice barely above normal, when he didn't get an answer, he tried again, a little louder, "Spooks? Are you okay?"

Getting the same result, he decided to open the door, decency be damned. He was starting to get a little worried now, as it wasn't like his friend to be so...

His thoughts trailed off as he entered. There was nobody in here. Looking around confused, he frowned again, his eyes searching the room for any sign of Spooks, but aside from some scattered clothing on the floor, he couldn't find anything.

Wait, scratch that, the window was broken. Clutching a hand to his chest in a gesture of frightened shock, Vincent did the only logical thing that came to mind.


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