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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Well then I have another person to knock some sense into, Alexander is a royal screwup if you ask me, the kid has no... ANYTHING! But I'm glad you found someone you care about. As for me, well if you remember my habits I'm probably going to end up flirting with someone and not even realize it. Graeme chuckled and smiled. He was glad Akira had found someone she actually cared for and now he felt even more determined to get rid of this Alexander guy. If things come to the worst and Alexander finds the place I'll take your place and simply shapeshift, I'll be able to fake death before any form of "marriage" and he will never know what happened since he is too stupid to understand how us shapeshifters work. (Sorry I didn't reply, internet got cut out last night) @RegalWindstar
Ellie turned to Vinny as he called out her name. Seeing the shock on his faceshe walked over to him laying a hand on his arm, " Vinny? What's wrong? is everything ok?" she looked up at him with worry in her blue eyes.
Looking over at the witch as she walked towards him, Vincent blinked to clear the shock. He didn't say anything, however, and just pointed towards the shattered pieces of glass on the floor in front of the window.

"When was the last time you saw Spooks?" He asked, after he heard Ellie gasp at the sight of the scene, "Because I haven't seen her since..." If he was being honest with himself, he really couldn't remember when he last had seen the former ghost, and guilt started spreading from his stomach, taking over his thoughts. Turning a wide eyed, crimson stare in the direction of Ellie, he waited for a response.
" B-before we went to the ball...." she looked down disappointed in herself, once was one thing but twice? How could she have not have noticed her friend was gone twice?! " Vinny... D-do you Serathi?..." She looked up at the demon panic in her eyes.
Eve had disappeared to plan for the rebellion (won’t be seeing her for a while).

Mia was getting restless- her mother had been away from a long while. Now, this sadly wasn’t a rare occurrence in their household. Her mother could be gone for weeks or months at a time with only the barest details given to why.

Mia’s patience for these ‘disappearances’ were getting paper thin; especially, when she had a cake ready for her mother’s birthday. She had decided then and there that she would find out where her mother had gone off to and the reason for her ‘disappearances.’ Putting on her outdoor outfit (made up of black long socks, black Chelsea boots, blue shirt, brownish overcoat, and brown fedora), Mia started her search by looking at her mother’s last known position: Magic Brew Café.

Her mother apparently loved that particular café as she kept telling her about it. Looking at it from afar,it looked any other café( if a bit displaced in the dirty and abandoned alleyway). However, to Mia’s sensitive noise, she could pick up that supernatural beings occupied it. Steeling her resolve, Mia turned the door knob to enter the interior of little café.
"Do I think it's a possibility that she may have possessed someone to break into the cafè and kidnap Spooks?" He leaned on the doorframe, contemplating it,

"No," He finally said, shaking his head, "No, I don't think so. You gave her quite a punch when you threw her out of your head the last time, and I don't think she would try something this big again so soon." Hesitating, the demon got an idea. It was absurd, but not totally out of the question, "Of course, we mustn't exclude any possibility, but I think it's much more realistic that... the members of the cult that summoned Hamon in the first place have tracked her down."

Then, he paused thinking harder, and he was nearly certain that Ellie could hear his brow furrowing, "Though, those cult freaks were human, and humans can't even see the Cafè..." He trailed off again, looking at Ellie with lost eyes.
" B-but.. I thought Ase killed them all," Ellie turned toward the cafe when she heard the door open, " A costumers here,"she looked at Vinny. " I'll go greet them," she smiled walking to the cafe," Welcome to...Magic Brew?" she finished up looking at the little girl stating in front of the door,she seemed familiar some how even though Ellie was sure she had never seen the half elf child before. Smiling the kneeled down so she was eye level with the little girl "Are you ok? Do you need help?" she smiled kindly.
@Dnaleri017 (its okay xD ) Akira smiled at Graeme "if we're talking about habits then you're gonna end up bailing me out of trouble alot. Ah it had been so much fun pranking mother and father as kids. And The look on Marie's face when I pranked her, she quit the very next day and we had to get a new maid. I was still pranking even after I lost contact with you.. well until mother passed."
Looking at all the different species in the cafe installed both awe and fear inside Mia. This was her first time meeting others without her mother being beside her.

Looking at the kind lady that greeted her, Mia smiled and said, "I'm looking for," she gave Ellie a picture of Eve, "my mom."
" Oh! Evey, she left a little while ago but she'll be back in a bit, the manager of this place is really good friends with her, I can take you to him," she smiled, standing up holding out her hand for the little girl, " My names Ellie by the way,"she smiled.
(Also I've been using bases from deviantart, (I feel too lazy to actually draw the bodies xD ) and making art of Akira, & Alexander, I plan on making Akira & Jun pics too. if I finish them and post them somewhere do you guys want me to link them?)
Vincent, who was still leaning on the door frame to Spooks room, jumped when Ellie's voice suddenly came out of nowhere. He had been too busy thinking about how to handle the current situation, how to get Spooks back, to really take notice of the world around him. If he was being honest with himself, he hadn't even noticed that Ellie had left.

Now, looking down at the small person clinging to Ellie's hand, he raised an eyebrow at the witch's words. I didn't even know Eve had a kid, he thought, before smiling at the blonde, blue eyed girl.

"Eve's daughter, hm?" He murmured, taking in the girl. She was cute, but so were every other kid he had come across, and she held her self confidently in a slightly precocious way, making him chuckle a little. "What's your name, then, doll?"
" Your mom never got you a doll?" Ellie asked surprised her eyes. Well this is Eve were talking about, she thought to her self before materializing a stuffed kitten for Mia, " this is a doll," she smiled handing the toy to the little girl.
"Whoa," Mia said as she took the stuffed kitten with interest clearly burning in her eyes. "Mom's away from home due to work most of time," Mia uttered with glum in her voice before hugging the toy.
" I know it's hard, but your mom's working hard to beat the bad guys and help people," she smiled " And I know she probably loves you very very much and wishes she could be home with you," Ellie smiled at Mia reassuringly.
Vincent decided to excuse himself quietly from the conversation, before he got dragged into it. He had more important things to figure out right now. Mainly where Spooks had gone, but also who had broken into the Cafè, and why he hadn't noticed.

Walking back out into the main area, he decided to ask Mazus for help. The fallen had proven himself to be an ok dude, and with him not knowing if the current situation was a dire one or not, he really didn't have much of a choice in who he confided in.

"Hey, Mazus, could you come over here for a second?" He called, picking an empty table in the far left corner that he knew was great for avoiding the curious ears of the other patrons. It was a bit secluded, but that was exactly what he wanted.

Sitting down at the table, he began picking at his stitches, waiting for the fallen angel to arrive.
Cryobionic said:
Vincent decided to excuse himself quietly from the conversation, before he got dragged into it. He had more important things to figure out right now. Mainly where Spooks had gone, but also who had broken into the Cafè, and why he hadn't noticed.
Walking back out into the main area, he decided to ask Mazus for help. The fallen had proven himself to be an ok dude, and with him not knowing if the current situation was a dire one or not, he really didn't have much of a choice in who he confided in.

"Hey, Mazus, could you come over here for a second?" He called, picking an empty table in the far left corner that he knew was great for avoiding the curious ears of the other patrons. It was a bit secluded, but that was exactly what he wanted.

Sitting down at the table, he began picking at his stitches, waiting for the fallen angel to arrive.
Mazus appeared behind Vincent with a brown satchel around his shoulder with a strong smell of incense. You called Vincent? Mazus had a large scratch along his cheek and bruises all over his body, his shirt was ripped to shreds and he had what seemed to be a bloody nose.
"I did, yeah." Vincent said awkward, scratching the back of his head while gesturing for Mazus to sit. "He have a bit of an issue, you see."

The demon crossed his arms on the table an leaned over them once the fallen angel was seated. "Look, you seem like a decent enough fellow, so I'm going to ask a favor of you," Vincent paused, watching the fallens face for a reaction.

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" Oh," Ellie smiled "Well, I know a really good cake recipe, but i don't know if i can make it my self," she sighed in fake defeat. " Maybe you could help me?" she smiled at Mia.

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