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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Akira stood up and went to wait on a table not far from Vincent and Mazus. Her hair shining yellow in happiness over how she got to see Graeme again.
"Sure Ms. Ellie," Mia said with her spirit lifting again. While she failed to find her mother, she'd at least made an actual friend in the form of Ellie.
The door to the entrance opened as Jun let himself inside. To the customers it seemed as if a particularly clever breeze had swept the door handle down, unlocking the bolt and shouldering it open before letting itself inside the cozy room, as Jun remained unseen to everyone in the brightness of the cafe. But seeing as ghouls, banshees, ghosts and other spectral beings seemed to just melt through the walls, the sparse number of customers present in the cafe remained unperturbed.

Having lived in solitude for most of his existence, Jun had found the fairy's company from last night refreshing. While preparing her sleeping arrangements in the living room, he'd gotten to know Akira a little bit more, exchanging tid bits of information on themselves to pass the time in amiable company. Before retiring for the night he had given her blankets and pillows one last inspection, making sure the coverlets weren't too thick for the summer heat and that he'd remembered to give her the pillow without the strange lump on one side. It had been a foreign feeling to have someone else inside the apartment other than himself, and Jun had himself asking of her comfort multiple times before leaving, and then returning to repeat the same question, just to make sure.

An annoyance probably to Akira, but Jun eventually had retired to his room, keeping the door cracked just in case she needed anything. As evening fell, Jun had awakened to find Akira gone, off to tend the cafe as was her new duty, and the shade had remained behind to tidy up the rest of his apartment.

Now here he stood, unfolding the red parasol to appear. There was only one task for him today, and that was to relay Spooks' disappearance. Thankfully he didn't have to search long for the person he was looking for and crossed the room to take a seat by Vincent, Akira and Mazus already present. Pretending to distract himself by tracing the swirls on the table, Jun found the action somewhat rigid as he waited for an opening to speak.
Akira seen Jun and waved at him smiling shyly at him. She went back to waiting the table she was at all the while shooting glances at Jun hoping he wouldn't notice her hair had turned purple with red and pink streaks again, hoping he would never know what that coloring meant.
" Ellie, just Ellie," She smiled leading the little girl to the kitchen picking out all of the ingredients they needed. She looked over to the gathering of Vinny, Akira, Jun and Mazus at one of the tables. Their planing something, she thought to her self as she poured the flour and sugar in to a bowl.
Following Ellie to the kitchen, Mia watched with excitement as Ellie poured the flour and sugar into the bowl.

Then she saw it, Ellie's facial expression changed( One is not the daughter of Eve without picking up some of her skills). 'Something is wrong here,' Mia thought before saying," Ellie, your expression changed, is something wrong?"

(I going to take a shower. So, I can't respond to any posts before I get back).
" Eh? O-oh, It's nothing, I just sometimes get lost in my head," she giggled at the little girl, " Hey Mia, can you get me the milk and eggs please?" she smiled hoping to distract the little girl.
Cryobionic said:
"I did, yeah." Vincent said awkward, scratching the back of his head while gesturing for Mazus to sit. "He have a bit of an issue, you see."
The demon crossed his arms on the table an leaned over them once the fallen angel was seated. "Look, you seem like a decent enough fellow, so I'm going to ask a favor of you," Vincent paused, watching the fallens face for a reaction.

Mazus stood silent listening what to do. As he waited all his injuries healed slowly and he quickly had new clothes on from leaving and returning within a blink of an eye.
"Spooks have gone missing." Vincent told him, watching as Jun came over and sat down. The shade seemed surprised, but the demon didn't blame him. Thinking quickly, he began laying out his thoughts.

"I don't know how or when it happened, but I went to check on her in her room a while ago, and she wasn't there and the window was smashed," He paused again, looking at them both while biting the inside of his cheek. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that this was the second time this had happened, but at least this time he was more calm about it,

"This is concerning, not only because we don't know where she is, or who took her, but also because someone managed to get into the cafè, without any of us, either staff or customers, noticing at all. Someone got past the defensive magicks of the building and snatched her from right under our noses."
Akira looked over in shock and quickly walked over slamming her hands down on the table "Please tell me I heard that wrong!"
By his side Jun couldn't contain the look of shock from entering his face. Seemed like most of them were already aware of the ghost's disappearance. Berating himself silently for not having mentioned anything earlier, Jun added, "She was taken by a car last night. I meant to bring it up before, but so many things were happening that it slipped my mind."
Akira bit her nails, she had an idea to find Spooks but she was sure the others wouldn't approve "I do have an Idea to find her just... just leave it to me." She made her way to the door and out the cafe running off to find Alexander.
'She's lying just..like...mother!' Eve's subconscious blared at her, her once smiling face had been replaced with a expressionless one. "Ms.Ellie, yoor're... haverin'... jist... loch... mammy," Mia slowly uttered with abhor in her tone.

Duh duh duh: Ms.Ellie...you're...lying...just...like...mother.
Ellie looked at the little girl surprised then burst out laughing, " You really are Eve's daughter," she laughed before patting Mia's head, " I'm sorry, your right, the truth is a friend of mine was taken and no one knows where she is.." Ellie smiled sadly getting the milk and eggs.
Akira walked and walked for a long time then finally Alexander showed up "Hello my pretty little bird, are you ready to go willingly back to your cage" He said with a smirk. Akira glared "No, I need your help, a friend a Co-worker has gone missing, kidnapped, I need my father's soldiers or yours to help me." Alexander thought for a moment then spoke "Okay, only if you agree to go to your fathers ball with me after we've found and saved your little friend" Akira grimaced but nodded "Agreed, but lets have that a neutral night, I won't run you won't try to capture me" Alexander nodded "I'll send some soldiers your way go back to the cafe Akira, its not safe out here" Akira turned and left heading back to the Cafe while Alexander went to gather soldiers.
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Mia's expression changed back to normal. "I'm sorry Ellie," she said staring down in shame, "It's just that I dislike when people I trust lie to me."

Tying to find a more meaningful way to apologize for her outburst, she remembered something. "Wait, Ms.Ellie, I think I can help find your missing friend," Mia said as she took out a test tube filled with mercury.
Mazus put two fingers on Vincent's head to get an image of Spooks (since he hasn't seen Spooks before) and left without a single word. As he left Graeme walked up to the entrance of the cafe noticing that Akira left earlier. Akira! Where'd you go!? Graeme thought to himself of the possible outcomes. What if she ran into Alexander? What if she was in trouble? I can't lose her already, I just saw her today since forever! @Cryobionic @RegalWindstar
"Just Ellie," she smiled at the girl looking at the tube of mercury, " How'd you get that?" she asked Mia mixing the cake batter in the bowl.
Mia smiled and said with pride, "This here is my most prized creation and it's always located on my being." Mia tilted the test tube to spill the mercury in the floor, and chanted:

" Surgere meam creaturam."

The mercury suddenly changed its shape into that of a small blob. "Alright," Mia said excitingly before continuing," I'll need something that relates to your friend before I can find them."
Dnaleri017 said:
Mazus put two fingers on Vincent's head to get an image of Spooks (since he hasn't seen Spooks before) and left without a single word. As he left Graeme walked up to the entrance of the cafe noticing that Akira left earlier. Akira! Where'd you go!? Graeme thought to himself of the possible outcomes. What if she ran into Alexander? What if she was in trouble? I can't lose her already, I just saw her today since forever! @Cryobionic @RegalWindstar
@Cryobionic @RegalWindstar
Akira walked back into the cafe and walked up to Vincent and Mazus "I recruited some people to help, they should be here within a few hours" (I got to go out, I'll be back in 1-2 hours)
"Thanks," Mia said as she took hold of Spook's uniform. Allowing the blob of mercury to feel the uniform, Mia chanted:

"Hoc Persona."

The blob seemed to listen to the chanting as it send out multiple tentacles in all directions.

"By the way, Ellie, you should call everyone in the table to come over here," Mia remarked as she looked at the blob of mercury.
" Ellie nodded walking over to the table everyone was at, " Hey guys, I think Mia found a way to figure out where Spooks is," she said sheepishly.
Graeme walked over to Ellie and sat close by. He took out a notebook and started writing furiously while at the same time looking around the cafe darting his vision from each person to an object or area of the cafe. A bead of sweat on his forehead. Well if you would excuse me I have things to do. Possibly a contract or two and maybe even a personal reason. So I'll be back later. Graeme got up and walked out the cafe in somewhat of a rush.

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