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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Oh boy. Vincent grimaced, this was going to be awkward.

"Ase, you when you quit we put out flyers for someone to fill you position. Assistant manager is an important job, you know," He told her softly, patting her back a little, "And it's already been filled."

There, better to let her know bluntly, then dragging it out and giving her false hope. Vincent stepped back, watching her for a reaction.
Akira slipped out of the cafe feeling awkward being there during all this and also guilty for taking the girls place when it seems like she and vincent used to be really close. She sat down on a bench nearby and contemplated going on the run again or giving in to her father and Alexander as she was just dragging all these people into her problems if she stayed but she was tired of running.
Ase felt her heart break as she processed what she had just been told. "I see...." Ase looked up at Vincent smiling "I understand" Ase let Vincent go before walking over to the duo of witches.

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Having backed away from the small reunion, Jun found himself standing beside Akira, the new assistant manager in question. When he felt her slip outside the back door, he watched after her, sympathetic. Whatever changes would take place in the cafe was not his responsibility, and the shade followed after the fairy to check on her.

"Blue is, sad, I presume?" Jun asked, stating the obvious as he stepped outside and settled beside Akira.
Akira ran her hands through her own hair as it turned pink in embarrassment. "I'm only going to cause all of you trouble, Besides its obvious they used to be close. I don't belong here at all. I'm tired of Running Jun, I was thinking.." Her hair turned blue again "I was thinking of giving up, going back and marrying Alexander. I mean whats the point? Why am I even running?! Its not going to change ANYTHING."
"At a bar..." Ase smiled "we were going out for three years before we split up but we're together again now aren't we Maria"

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"Would you be happy though?" The question hung in the air before them as Jun watched the display of emotion sweep across her face - or, more accurately, her hair. He spoke slowly, giving himself enough time to find the correct words. "If you returned to Alexander and followed through with your Father's wishes, would you be content with your decision?"

Ah, this was a delicate conversation he was having. It was like a painting - one mishap, a faulty swipe there, adding too much of one color to another - and he would ruin any hope of trying to comfort her. Seized by intuition, he rested a hand atop her head, the action gentle and reassuring. "Have some patience," he murmured, the strands like silk beneath his fingers. "To your surprise, you'll find yourself eventually accepted by everyone. You saw how easily Vincent, Ellie and Mazus took to you."

Hoping she'd understand, Jun concluded, "I accept you as well, and if you left," his voice softened further, eyes skimming over the colored locks fondly, "I wouldn't be able to see what other colors your hair was capable of."

"And Maria is a great kisser and even better at..." Ase was cut off by Maria.

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Akira looked up at Jun her hair turning purple with red and pink streaks. She leaned into the touch on her head "Thanks Jun" she leaned against his chest hugging him "I just don't want to see any of you hurt. I don't want to be a bother either."

(I'm going in for a shower brb asap)
Ellie smiled at the two of them, Their good for each other, she thought looking at Vinny. " Can you stay for a cup of tea?" she asked smiling. " Sure," Maria smiled taking a seat at the bar.
It took everything within him not to pull back in that instant, stiffening visibly. Swept within the moment, Jun hadn't even thought of what his actions entailed when he'd rested his hand atop her.

Regardless, seeing how both actions and words seem to comfort Akira, Jun pushed aside any internal struggle and remained where he was. He felt only slightly guilty when he returned his hand back into his lap, sighing internally with relief. As the typical saying went, "It's not you, it's me.", Jun found himself relating heavily to the line, because for his sake, it was entirely true. With the exception of Ellie almost bowling him over in nothing but a shirt a few hours ago, Jun had hardly made contact with another.

...At least from what he could remember. Then the memories of that fated. drunken night returned to him, which would have otherwise remained foggy to his mind if Vincent hadn't audibly listed the events of that evening.

Jun's face burned, unbidden.
(I'm back) Akira smiled, she was happy to have met Jun, her hair turned Yellow bright as the sun. She hadn't even realized she voiced that she was happy to have met him.
After having tea and exchanging a few stories Maria stood up taking Ase's hand in hers, " It's been fun but, I have a mountain of paper work to do," she smiled. " I'll be back later, please don't have any babies while were gone," she winked leading Ase out of the cafe.

Ellie pouted looking at Vinny, " Why does everybody think your gonna get me pregnant?" she laughed taking his hand.
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Vincent looked down at her, shocked, before barking out a laugh. He shook his head and kissed her on the cheek, still chuckling. "I've never heard of male demons getting pregnant before, Ellie, maybe they just misread something in a book." he giggled.

(I totally know or at least I hope that you meant, "Gonna get me pregnant, but the typo was just to funny not to do something with.)
( Ik I didn't see it at first but when i did I was like " Omg, thanks brain" xD )

Ellie blushed brightly squeaking, " N-no! I know that! I-I-I meant me!" she giggled hugging Vinny.
(Btw I have to go out tomorrow I'll inform everyone when I get back tomorrow I'm also only going to be online for 1-3 more hours tonight then I'm off to bed)
Ellie woke up on her bed gasping, she couldn't remember how she got home but she suspected Vinny had a part in it. Trying to sit up she flinched when a sharp pain hit her left arm. looking over she sucked in a deep breath seeing a shallow cut up her forearm. " How did?..." she looked over her arm and paled. Meredith's sword was laying up against the wall across from her bed and the blade was coated dark red like blood, Her blood. Working fast she bandaged her arm making sure she wouldn't bleed out, deducting the worst she would get is a scar. " It's ok,' she sighed as she got dressed in a long sleeved shirt to hide the bandages and jeans. As she left her room she looked over to the sword and the diary and walked over to them turning the sword invisible after washing of the blood. She held the diary close, waving goodbye at her grandmother as she left for the cafe.
Spooks woke up in a fancy purple bed. She was confused, she didn't know where she was. She sat up on her bed and looked around. The room seemed very familiar to her despite not knowing about it. "Where...am I?"

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Prince Graeme was walking down the street and was going to a cafe he heard about from his parents. He was running out of contracts so he figured he could relax at this cafe and maybe pick up a contract or two. He figured if he was going to do nothing he might as well do so somewhere he would feel comfortable. He knew he could go anywhere since nobody notices him being a shapeshifter but he figured he would get more contracts this way. As he walked through the front door of the cafe he took a deep breath and smiled. This is going to be a lovely place to hang out in. Smells nice, looks nice, and I'm sure the people running the place are nice too. He looked around and took a seat in the back corner of the cafe and ordered a small piece of pumpkin pie. When it arrived he took a bite and smiled again, this was some of the best pie he has had in quite a while.
Vincent emerged from the stairwell, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He couldn't remember going to bed last night, again, but he felt refreshed and happy, the worried of the day before now long gone.

He walked over to the bar with a smile, remembering Ase and Maria, and how both he and Ellie had made their peace with them. A lingering doubt made itself present in his mind, but he pushed it away. He was in a good mood today, and thinking about such things would just ruin it completely.

The demon was just about to push the button on the coffee machine, to start it up, when a huge yawn overcame him. He stretched his arms over his head, hearing his back pop with a satisfied groan. Just as he was about to lower his arms and go back to the coffee, he froze, arms still in the air and his mouth open.

There was somebody sitting in the far end corner of the room.

It was hard to make them out with only one eye open, so he lowered his arms and regained his composure before walking slowly over to the man.

"Well, good morning, sir," He called in a happy chirp, greeting him, "Welcome to Magic Brew Cafè, I must say, you're here early." He smiled.

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