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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"I think it's intriguing," Jun called up to her, watching Akira alight back to the floor. "Much more interesting than my own." As he spoke, a hand stole up to roll a strand of his own, the light blonde highlights stolen of color beneath the shadows.

Remembering a certain ghost then, Jun's dark gold eyes widened as he pushed himself up from the counter top. "There's someone I need to check on," he said, apologetic, while pushing the dozing kitten back towards Akira. "If you'll excuse me for a moment."

He excused himself with a smile before heading toward the back of the hall where he'd left Spooks.
Akira watched Jun leave worry and curiosity etched on her face, She sat petting her cat thinking of Jun her hair having gone Purple with Pink and Red streaks through it.
Cryobionic said:
"No." Vincent deadpanned. "Wait, yes," the demon pulled at his hair in frustration, "I can't think straight! What the hell is wrong with me? My apartment is in the attic."
With that, he turned around, heading for the comfort of his home. He felt dizzy, and a little sick. He exited the kitchen in a hurry, and just when he was about to turn towards they stairs, he collided into something hard. Wait, scratch that, someone hard.

Looking up confused, rubbing his head, he found that fallen angel guy Eve had been talking about, looking at him with an expression Vincent couldn't deduce.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that, man." He said sheepishly, "I'm not.. I'm just to clumsy for my own good sometimes."

"It's okay demon, I presume you are Vincent yes? I must ask you if there is anything I can do. I've been cast out of heaven by a renegade angel and have no reason to ally myself to them anymore. I don't know how to properly act on earth and so I feel the only option I have left is help with the cafe or matters to deal with the cafe in any way." Mazus stared at Vincent, he was not used to taking orders from a demon but he figured it would have to do for the time being.
Vincent stared right back. This was an odd situation, and he was uncomfortable, but his 'good guy instincts' kicked in and he sighed. Looking into the pleading eyes of the fallen angel, he forced himself to calm down from his little tantrum in the kitchen and counted to ten in his head.

Reaching out his hand with a small smile, he nodded thoughtfully. "Vincent Buckley. Let's get the introductions out of the way, and I'll see what I can do to help."
Cryobionic said:
Vincent stared right back. This was an odd situation, and he was uncomfortable, but his 'good guy instincts' kicked in and he sighed. Looking into the pleading eyes of the fallen angel, he forced himself to calm down from his little tantrum in the kitchen and counted to ten in his head.
Reaching out his hand with a small smile, he nodded thoughtfully. "Vincent Buckley. Let's get the introductions out of the way, and I'll see what I can do to help."
Mazus looked at his hand for a moment and shook it, "I am Mazus. Good to meet you Mr.Buckley." Mazus stood silent awaiting Vincent to reply. He couldn't help but feel a pang of pain knowing he was taking orders from a demon, but in the end he felt it was the right choice.
Running a hand through his hair, Vincent thought quickly. "Tell me, Mazus, what can you do?" He asked, curiously. If the fallen angel wanted to help them, he would let him. "Can you clean, or take care of customers? Can you fight?"

Biting the inside of his cheek in thought, Vincent got an idea. They had had a few problems with rowdy customers lately, first that werewolf pack that almost killed Ellie, and then those stupid angels. Maybe they could benefit from some added security. Vincent scanned the fallen, the boy looked strong enough. He wouldn't suggest it before he had heard what he had to say, though.
(I am. :) )

Standing before the door he'd left Spooks in earlier, Jun found himself hesitating on the other side, not quite touching the handle. When he had left her, Jun knew he had shut it firmly behind him, hearing the bolt slide home. But as he approached Jun had found the door slightly ajar.

All attempts to peek inside were halted almost instantly, the sliver of space proving far too narrow to spot anything.

Stomach churning, Jun finally pushed open the door.

Spooks was gone, the only evidence of her ever being present in the room noted by the small impression on the bed.
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There was an unnatural chill to the room and Jun, stunned by the disappearance, only then looked up to find one of the windows completely shattered, glass shards winking in the moonlight.

With a gasp, he started forward, meaning to inspect the damage, when the distinct sound of a car ignition caught his attention. Conscious of the slivers of glass, the shade made it just in time to stick his head out and watch the red tail lights of a car flare to life. As if spotted, the vehicle launched forward, tires squealing against the tar painted roads. Undoubtedly, Spooks was in the car as Jun felt the ghost's signal fade further and further into a silence until it was nothing more than the smallest of sounds, like a shout being thrown across a chasm to the other side, as the vehicle disappeared around a corner.

Caught between panic and indecision, he flew out of the room. It was impossible to catch up with the car now, for flight was beyond him and despite being agile under some circumstances, it did not necessarily mean he was the most physically gifted. He needed help, and fast. Holding onto the signal as desperately as he could Jun burst inside a room, spotting Ellie curled on top of one of the beds, fast asleep. Under normal conditions, he would have apologized for the rude entrance but there was little time, and he went to the sleeping witch and shook her urgently awake.

@Elfia Nightwing
Akira still sat at the counter thinking of Jun when the door to the Cafe opened. In walked Alexander a prince of one of the many fairy kingdoms. Akira shot up out of her chair catching his attention "Get the hell out" she ground out through gritted teeth. Alexander walked up to her and grabbed her arm "You're coming back with me. You're my fiancee I own you! You cannot run away like that Princess" He spat her title like poison. Akira screeched her hair changing rapidly in fright "LET GO! I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK AND I AM NOT MARRYING YOU!"
Vincent started and looked around, the screams of his newest employee reaching his ears making him run towards the sounds of conflict after an apologetic look directed at Mazus.

Reaching Akira's table, he came to a halt, not really managing to make sense of what he was seeing. A man had his new trainee in an iron grip, screaming at her about how she was a 'princess' and how she was going to marry him and all sorts of nonsensical things. Clearly this man was out of his mind. With a sigh, Vincent decided to speak up, playing on the mans crazy delusions on hopes of reasoning with him.

"Sir! Kindly refrain from manhandling my waitress! that is no way to treat a lady, and especially not a... princess!"
Alexander glared at Vincent "She is my betrothed, she's MY property. I can handle her however I like, Her father gave me permission to. Hes furious at her for running away from their kingdom. I am furious for her running away from ME" He shifted his grip to her hair "Who are you anyways?! Who the hell do you think you are? I am a prince you should be bowing to me and holding your tounge. You have no right to speak to me that way!" Akira struggled to get her hair free looking at Vincent in apology and pleading.
Ellie woke up when she heard screaming downstairs, "hmm?.." She yawned getting on her feet leaving Vinny's appartment. As she waled downstairs she could hear the voices more clearly and she identified one as Akira's. Growing worried for her new friend she walked faster flinching as she saw the man gripping Akira's hair going on and on about how she was his 'property'. "Let her go! She's not some piece of funiture!" She yelled standing by Vinny.
"Well, you might be a prince, but I am the owner of this cafè." Vincent told him this half truth camly, but his eyes were murderous, "You are in my home, harassing one of my employees and I will not bow down to some frilly scumbag in my own establishment!"

Vincent grabbed the mans free hand, and pressed down hard on the skin between his thumb and index finger, making the faux prince bow over in pain, loosening his grip on Akira, giving Vincent just enough time to grab her and push her behind him.

"Now leave!" He sneered, trying to hide his surprise at the fact that that move had actually worked. He had read about the different pressure points, but he had never really expected it to be so effective. Huh.
Alexander sneered "I will come back for you, you're highness. You can't continue running forever." and he motioned for his guards and walked out the door. Akira was shaking like a leaf and when he finally left fell to her knees apologizing to the others. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" her hair was blue out of sadness but flickering every once in awhile out of fear still lingering.
"It's not your fault..." Ellie comforted her kneeling down next to her rubbong her back gently. " why didn't you tell us?... We could have helped..".
Akira stared at the ground "I thought you guys would make me go back or treat me differently. I also was afraid someone would overhear and he'd somehow find out... oh god.. he found me" She clinged to Ellie "He found me!" He hair started wildly flickering again in panic and fear "Please don't make me go back.. please please!" her eyes filled with tears.
Ase woke up to see Marie sprawled out on top of her smiling.she brushed some hair away from Erika's face."hey wake up" she said softly to the witch as she did so.

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Ellie hugged her smiling," Were gonna make you go anywhere you don't to...your our friend Akira,and we won't that dirtbag prince lay a finger on you," she said smiling reassuringly.
Vincent glared at the retreating form of the man, seething. How dare he?

Then, catching himself, he took a deep breath, this was all just too much at once. He needed air. Looking behind him he saw Ellie on her knees, comforting Akira, whose hair was now a deep shade of blue, and he sighed, running a hand though his own strands of blue. Mazus was still waiting for him to find him a job and Eve was waiting for him to tell her about what had been going on.

That could wait.

"We won't make you go back, Akira." Vincent agreed softly, also kneeling down so that he could be at eye level with the girls, "Not if you don't want to."
Maria yawned streching out rubbing sleep from her eyes, her normally well groomed hair was messy going everywhich way making her look younger. "Ase?..." She yawned quizzically.

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