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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Cryobionic said:
Barking out a bitter laugh, Vincent looked up at the blonde mage, "You could say that," He muttered, a wry smile playing on his lips. He could talk to Eve, he decided, she was trustworthy, wasn't she? Had she not had his back that one time in Transylvania?
Taking a deep breath through his nose and letting it out through his mouth he shook his head. "There's just so much piling up right now, and there's so many things to keep track of. I don't really know what to do." He admitted, honestly, looking up at her, waiting for a reaction.

(Great, now you've got me reading everything I write in a Scottish accent. xD )
"Weel, aam a specialist in fixin' people's problems," Eve said with a glint of pride. "Lay it a body me."

In plain English: Well, I'm a specialist in fixing people's problems. Lay it on me.

(You know you like it).
Looking up at the Scottish woman, Vincent contemplated his options. He could tell her everything, down to the very last detail, which would make him feel a lot better, and risk her shooting him on the spot, or he could say nothing, and face her wrath.

He was probably overdoing it slightly.

Making up his mind, Vincent got up from his seat and grabbed his whiskey-coffee concoction. Taking her gently by the shoulder with his free hand, he led her into the kitchen, away from the curious ears of the other customers. He sat her down in Seera's chair, and began talking.

"Well," He started, picking at a loose string on his arm, "The thing is... A lot has changed since you've been gone. The hunters have become much more bold, and we've uncovered a plot that involved summoning a demoness named Serathi, and Ase has turned against us and the rest of the angels are doing nothing!"

He watched her for a reaction, but then changed his mind and kept on speaking, "And I decided a little while ago that I couldn't sit down just doing nothing, waiting for my next friend to die, so I kind of... started a... rebellion."

He looked up at her again, biting the inside of his cheek.
Released from the shackled embrace, Jun turned just in time to notice the flush in Ellie's own face, a hint of something acrid wafting on her breath. His stomach clenched in reflex. Ah, he knew that smell.

"Ellie, were you out drinking?" he asked her softly, then noticing she only wore a shirt that hit her at the knees, leaving the rest of her dainty legs bare, Jun's eyes turned upward, face aglow once more. "And where are your pants...?"
Akira knowing Ellie wouldn't go peacefully decided to use her gifts to sing Ellie to sleep. She formed a harp and sung softly while strumming. Her songs always used to put the children at the orphanage to sleep quickly.

(*Realized my post went up the same time as thistles* Also when it comes to Ellie, I officially love her xD She seems like a super interesting person also... I'm crushing on Jun so bad O.o )
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Cryobionic said:
Looking up at the Scottish woman, Vincent contemplated his options. He could tell her everything, down to the very last detail, which would make him feel a lot better, and risk her shooting him on the spot, or he could say nothing, and face her wrath.
He was probably overdoing it slightly.

Making up his mind, Vincent got up from his seat and grabbed his whiskey-coffee concoction. Taking her gently by the shoulder with his free hand, he led her into the kitchen, away from the curious ears of the other customers. He sat her down in Seera's chair, and began talking.

"Well," He started, picking at a loose string on his arm, "The thing is... A lot has changed since you've been gone. The hunters have become much more bold, and we've uncovered a plot that involved summoning a demoness named Serathi, and Ase has turned against us and the rest of the angels are doing nothing!"

He watched her for a reaction, but then changed his mind and kept on speaking, "And I decided a little while ago that I couldn't sit down just doing nothing, waiting for my next friend to die, so I kind of... started a... rebellion."

He looked up at her again, biting the inside of his cheek.
Eve took a minute to register what Vincent had just said. "Ye...started... a... rebellion," She said with emphasis on every word. " Wi' it me, a prood scottish citizen!" Cried Eve.

Without me, a proud Scottish citizen.
Akira smiled softly her hair changing to a soft yellow in happiness. She had her creations gently carry Ellie off to bed.
Uncertain of what had just happened, Jun gave an equally uncertain, though well intended, wave in Ellie's direction as the dozing witch was taken away by...

His brow furrowed. What exactly had carried Ellie away? He glanced at the girl at the counter top, her hair morphing into a buttery yellow as his eyes rested on her. "Did you do that?" he asked, pointing in the direction of the hall. "What were those?"
"You weren't here!" Vincent defended, before continuing his story. Now that he had begun telling her about everything that had been going on, he found it really hard to stop, "And tonight, Ellie and I went to the Witch's ball on the invitation of a friend of Ellie's, who's apparently hot shit, excuse my french, and we got the support of the witches, but I 'accidentally' spilled champagne all over her dress and I low key called her poor. I don't know what will happen should she decide to go against us as well,"

Vincent took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "And then, we may have gotten the support of the Vampires, the fairies and the werewolves. They're all going to show up here come Wednesday, and I really don't know how to convince them to joining our cause, because I'm not some kind of war genius, and I'm not aristocratic or rich or anything like that! They are going to come here, and I'm going to convince them of teaming up with the hunters, because they would rather do that than follow a bartender with some deluded idea of starting a rebellion!"

He knew he was rambling like crazy now, but all his worries came pouring out of his mouth at once, and he could do nothing to stop them. Every single worry came to light, and he felt himself getting redder in the face and he was gesturing wildly with his arms.

"I don't know what to do, Eve!"
Akira smiled "Yeah, They are my creations. Its a type of magic us fairies have" She created a little Kitten that patted up to Jun and nuzzled his arm and climbed up unto his shoulders. Akira's hair turned Pink in embarrassment 'He'll probably think I'm lame, Jeez way to Impress a guy Akira' she thought
A figure crept quietly into Spook's room and looked at her before scooping her up and climbing out the window, slamming it shut and accidentally breaking it causing a loud noise.

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Stunned only momentarily, Jun found himself quietly entertained by the kitten's realness, stroking its fur and marveling at how convincing it felt beneath his hand.

"Illusions then?" he wondered aloud, then picked the kitten off his shoulders and held it in front of his face. "Or is it...She...He...?" He groped for the right words - hard to tell with cats when their bellies were entirely covered in fluff. "Real? Are they real?" he finished, setting the animal back to its paws.
Mazus stood up and walked around the cafe just pacing and listening to the commotion around him. He really didn't seem to have any purpose so he just wandered. He took out his dagger and stared at it wondering what he would do with it now that he isn't being commanded by the angels. He decided to wait for this Vincent that Eve was talking about and see if he had any ideas since he had no other choice in the matter as far as he could tell. "I will find the brother who did this to me, and I will exact justice..." @Cryobionic
Akira smiled "Its a she, And its.. complicated... They are real in the sense you can touch them and they do have emotions and thoughts but at the same time they don't usually retain memories and can easily dissapear like illusions do."

Akira continued "They also have a mental link with me, I do feel pain inflicted upon them if I don't carefully create them"
Cryobionic said:
"You weren't here!" Vincent defended, before continuing his story. Now that he had begun telling her about everything that had been going on, he found it really hard to stop, "And tonight, Ellie and I went to the Witch's ball on the invitation of a friend of Ellie's, who's apparently hot shit, excuse my french, and we got the support of the witches, but I 'accidentally' spilled champagne all over her dress and I low key called her poor. I don't know what will happen should she decide to go against us as well,"
Vincent took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "And then, we may have gotten the support of the Vampires, the fairies and the werewolves. They're all going to show up here come Wednesday, and I really don't know how to convince them to joining our cause, because I'm not some kind of war genius, and I'm not aristocratic or rich or anything like that! They are going to come here, and I'm going to convince them of teaming up with the hunters, because they would rather do that than follow a bartender with some deluded idea of starting a rebellion!"

He knew he was rambling like crazy now, but all his worries came pouring out of his mouth at once, and he could do nothing to stop them. Every single worry came to light, and he felt himself getting redder in the face and he was gesturing wildly with his arms.

"I don't know what to do, Eve!"
"Calm doon, Vincent- panickin' will solve naethin'," Eve stated in her usual professional voice. "By th' way, dae ye hae a mair secretife spot tae discuses thes matter." Years of experience had told her to never discuss important matter in public.

You know what will happen: Calm down, Vincent-panicking will slove nothing. By the way, do we have a more secretive spot to discuss these matters.
"No." Vincent deadpanned. "Wait, yes," the demon pulled at his hair in frustration, "I can't think straight! What the hell is wrong with me? My apartment is in the attic."

With that, he turned around, heading for the comfort of his home. He felt dizzy, and a little sick. He exited the kitchen in a hurry, and just when he was about to turn towards they stairs, he collided into something hard. Wait, scratch that, someone hard.

Looking up confused, rubbing his head, he found that fallen angel guy Eve had been talking about, looking at him with an expression Vincent couldn't deduce.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that, man." He said sheepishly, "I'm not.. I'm just to clumsy for my own good sometimes."

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Mindful of her last words, Jun unconsciously curled a protective arm about the bundle of fur. Within minutes she began to purr, the sound traveling up his arm in soft waves.

"Quite powerful," the shade commented, addressing the girl's power as he tapped the kitten's ear lightly, " though with potentially dangerous repercussions." Jun tore his attention away from the animal, now gazing at the girl. "I'm Jun, by the way. Don't ask me how, but it seems I've been adopted into this cafe." His hand entered light then as he extended it in greeting, disappearing before her eyes.
Akira smiled at Jun. "I'm Akira, A trainee here at the Cafe" She stared at the hand that dissapeared "You're a shade aren't you? I've heard about your Kind." She walked around out of the light so she could properly shake his hand without it dissapearing. "It truly is a pleasure to meet you"
Following Vincent to the attic, Eve looked the fallen she had previously talked to and said, "If you want redemption then come join us in the attic, we have a lot to talk about."
A mild mannered smile appeared then, Jun appreciating her consideration. In response, he altered his hand as she swept around to greet him, fingers reappearing beneath an awning of shelves as he took the weight of her hand within his own.

"So you're new then," he replied, the response more of an observation than a question. His hand slipped from hers to gesture toward Akira's hair "A fairy of some sort? I've never seen anyone's hair change like that before."
Akira nodded "Yes I'm a fairy" her wings unfolded one black the other white she lifted off the ground slightly hair still pink in embarrassment "My Hair changes to my emotions, it can be a bit of a pain."

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