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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"What do you mean, Ellie?" Vincent asked, looking down at her. The girl was really, really drunk. The demon resisted the urge to chuckle. He scanned to room while he waited for her answer, and seeing Akira cleaning up one of the recently vacated tables, he waved her over with a grin.
Akira bounded over giving a small wave. "Well looks like someone had a lot of fun" She said smirking at Ellie. She turned to Vincent "Anyway You probably wanna know what happened while you were gone. Things went well, It was a very peaceful day." Her smirk seemed to widen "Soooo, how was the Ball. Also if I had known it had alcohol I would've asked you guys to sneak some back for me"
"The ball was fun," Vincent said with a smile, trying to keep Ellie from toppling over, "We learned a lot, but I don't really think we''re aristocratic people."
The two Magic Fairies Akira created appeared from Ellie's Dress and helped hold her up right. Akira smiled softly at Ellie "Is there any place my Creations could take her to for her to sleep? Because I doubt she'd make it home."
Cryobionic said:
"It's good to see you again friend!" Vincent exclaimed, grabbing her in a hug, "How have you been, Eve? Job's been good, I hope?" The demon grinned at her and reached under the counter to grab a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, knowing that the coffee wouldn't do it for him anyway. "You want one? On the house, and who's your friend here?" Vincent really hadn't seen Eve in a long time, and if he was being honest with himself he had missed his old friend's harsh exterior and crude humor a lot.
@Horizon King
“Weel, th' demon certainly seemed tae hae enjoyed his ‘quality time’ wi' mah client,” responded Eve as she took the glass from Vincent’s hand. Of handily, Eve added, “Och, th' loon ur raither fa'en ower thaur was askin' me abit yer shop.”

“Ah, 'at hid spot,” Eve gaily said as she chugged the glass of whiskey.

Observing the action between Vincent and Ellinor, Eve smirked and said, “Best be cannie vincent, ur nam th' bairn efter me.”

You know that I know that you know:

Well, the demon certainly seemed to have enjoyed his ‘quality time’ with my client. Oh, the boy or rather fallen over there was asking me about your shop. Best be careful Vincent, or name the kid after me
Vincent sighed. "Look, sweetheart," He murmured into her ear, wrapping his arms around her small frame, "You don't have to be Meredith, you just have to be Ellie." He patted her head a little before continuing, "Nobody but Ellie. And you won't be alone, okay?" Looking at Akira he smiled wryly, the situation making Ellie share information he really didn't want everybody in the cafè to hear. He didn't know if they could trust the fairy yet, and he certainly wasn't sure about that 'fallen' angel in the corner.

"Let's get you to bed, hm? Let you sleep off that alcohol?"
Leading Ellie to the stairs, he continued reassuring her, "Nobody is expecting you to do or be anything," He told her, helping the girl up the stairs, sending a pleading look over at the new trainee to help him. Ellie was wobbling dangerously on the steps and clinging on to him so hard he was afraid he might miss a step and send them both toppling over down the stairs, "And you can do it. You're the best witch I know."
"Not as good as Sofie! or even Maria!" she argued then looked down pouting, " When we were little Maria used to pull up my dress and say that a lady should wear frilly ones..." she pouted.
Akira sent her two fairies made of magic to lift up Ellie and carry her to her bed. Akira grabbed Vincents Arm and led him to the counter making him a cup of coffee "Don't worry my Fairies got it covered. Why don't you just relax? It's been a long night, You're probably tired from the ball."
Vincent looked at Akira, his eyes filled with gratitude as he sat down on a barstool grasped the offered cup of coffee. He grabbed the bottle of whiskey that still sat on the bar and poured a generous amount into the black liquid. Not the most tasteful way of doing it, but he really didn't care. "Thanks, I was afraid I would fall and break our necks there for a second," He told her, taking a sip of his drink. "So, how's your first day at Magic Brew been treating you?" He asked, leaning his back against the counter.

"And, you," He said, pointing at Eve, "Don't be ridiculous."
Akira smiled "I love it here. Kind of wish I could just live in this cafe instead of..." She trailed off sighing sadly. "Never mind" She started cleaning the cups
Vincent's eyes narrowed over the cup. Lowering it he looked at his waitress, and began to think, her disheveled appearance this morning, which he had chalked up to her just not being a morning person, her insistence that she was fine...

"Instead of where, Akira?"
"Is Vincent...?"

The words died on his lips as Jun appeared into the main cafe. Slightly surprised to find it full of new faces - a girl smoking casually by the bar side, a boy with a velvet pair of wings musing by the window, and another hanging on the said demon's sleeve - Jun reminded himself that he needed to get out more.

If he could stop being so accident prone and wasn't self-appointing himself to take care of a child, Jun made it a promise never to hole up in a room for long periods of time, again.

And yet there were so many people, Vincent already addressing the blonde woman in the corner, that Jun merely slipped into a seat at the counter and waited patiently. When the girl hanging onto Vincent's sleeve released him to attend a line of cups, rag at the ready, Jun found himself staring too long, wondering if he recognized the girl. He had never met those who worked in the kitchen but by the way she carried herself around the room with familiarity, he could only assume she was an employee at the cafe.

Akira's hair turned pink in embarrassment "Just forget about it Vincent." Her mind trailed off into memories she'd rather forget and her hair turned blue in sadness.
Vincent blinked as her hair changed. He was no expert in the magicks of fairies, but he was pretty sure he had never seen something like that before. Deciding he was too tired to argue with the girl right now, he let it go, but made a mental note to bring it up at a later date.

Sending a a small wave over at Jun, who was currently busy being jumped on by Ellie, wait, where did she come from? He leaned back in his seat. His clogs brain was whirring seventy three miles a second, and he was beginning to get frustrated. He would have to talk to someone other than Ellie about their plans for the hunters soon, or he would explode. The only problem was that he wasn't sure who else he could fully trust yet.
Eve was a very observant person, given enough time, she could notice the slights change in person's demeanor. Now, being long time friends with Vincent, Eve could read him like a book; the signs his body was giving off meant that something was bothering him. "Somethin' wrang, Vincent," Eve questioned with concern in her voice.

What she meant: Something wrong, Vincent?
Barking out a bitter laugh, Vincent looked up at the blonde mage, "You could say that," He muttered, a wry smile playing on his lips. He could talk to Eve, he decided, she was trustworthy, wasn't she? Had she not had his back that one time in Transylvania?

Taking a deep breath through his nose and letting it out through his mouth he shook his head. "There's just so much piling up right now, and there's so many things to keep track of. I don't really know what to do." He admitted, honestly, looking up at her, waiting for a reaction.

(Great, now you've got me reading everything I write in a Scottish accent. xD )
Jun had just barely managed to keep his mouth from dropping as he watched the girl's hair seep into a deep blue, when he felt something slam into his back, the air near leaving him. Something tickled the side of his cheek and he immediately felt the blood rush to his face. Struggling within the arms that held him, Jun recognized the flash of light, sea blue hair.

"Ellie!" he cried, startled. He was completely baffled by her manner. These actions were something she usually held reserved for Vincent, and though he well enjoyed her company, he'd never seen her like this before. And what was with the nickname? "Junie Jun...?" he trailed off. And why did it sound vaguely familiar?
(the funniest thing i have ever seen is a Scottish man and Irish man having a verbal fight it almost killed me xD )
Akira noticed Jun when Ellie came out she walked up to them and raised an eyebrow at Ellie "I thought we sent you off to bed" she sent an apologetic look to Jun "She got drunk at the ball"

She called over her two fairies made of magic and had them gently Take Ellie back to bed. "Shes going to have one nasty hangover, sorry about that."

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