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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Hearing Spook's voice rising on the other side of the door, Jun's knocking only grew more insistent and when it didn't seem like he would be answered any time soon, he set his hand to the door knob. Feeling it give beneath his finger tips, the shade pushed open the door and found the girl in the middle of the room, the intense look of shock causing immediate concern.

"Hey - Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, kneeling beside her and, after a moment's hesitation, taking her shoulders and giving them a slight shake. "Spooks, it's me. Jun."
Ellie smiled up at Vinny, aside from the chaos that Maria caused, she was actually having a lot of fun. She was just about suggest they try recruiting the fairies when a older blonde hair witch walked up to Vinny whispering in his ear, " The Head Coven Master wishes to speak with you two in her office," she said before walking away.
Looking at Ellie, Vincent's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "The Head Coven Master wants to speak to us?" He said, but it came out more like a question. Offering Ellie his arm again, he got up from his seat and looked around. "Um, where exactly is her office?"
" I know," Ellie smiled leading him out of the ballroom and down a long corrider, the walls covered with portraits of important and influencial witches through out time. Ellie cast her eyes on one randomly stopping in her tracks staring up at it. She had long flowing cerulean hair the same shade as Ellie's tied up in a ponytail so it stopped at her back. She was wearing beautiful gold armor with inticate swirls and runes placed on it and one top of her head was a small tiara. Her face was set like she was about to ride off into battle but her light blue eyes still shined with kindness. "Is this?..." She breathed.
When Ellie suddenly stopped walking, Vincent nearly stumbled forward. Catching himself, he looked up to see what had gotten the young witch's attention. He followed her gaze up to the portrait and smiled when he saw the confident, kind woman depicted in it. Ellie had her eyes.

"It must be, mustn't it?" He murmured, running his fingers over Ellie's arm, "She looks a lot like you."
Ellie kept staring up at the portait for a few more seconds before speaking again, " When I was little, I used to have these dreams that I was a princess, it never changed i was the same princess, the scenaros would change but i was always her, sometimes I would be in these diplomatic meetings or other times on the battle field. Anyway i remeber this one dream i had, I had just finished a battle and i turned around to thank someone behind me when i felt a sharp pain in my chest. I felt cold and weak, and just when i thought i was gonna die, I wake up" Ellie said keeping her eyes on the painting. " My mom thought it was childish dreaming and told me to ignore it...".
"Her name was Lady Meredith the Forgotten." Vincent mused, staring up at the portrait, his eyes narrowed, and speculating, "That's what he said in the letter, wasn't it? The Forgotten Lady. He didn't mean that she was forgotten as a person, but that her deeds and bloodline was forgotten," Looking up at the depiction of Ellie's ancestor, he shuddered.

An image of Ellie standing on a battleground, her short hair rippling around her shoulders as she looked down upon her enemy, a sword in one hand and a staff in the other, flashed through his mind, and he smiled a little. But then, the image changed to Ellie lying on the ground, a golden arrow piercing her heart, her eyes wide and filled with the hurt of betrayal as she looked up at Ase, the angel standing over her with a victorious look in her eye.

Vincent tried to force it out of his mind, but the worrying impact of his thoughts lingered, making him think further on it. Ase had already betrayed them, the angles were turning their backs on the people, he and Ellie were going to be forced to take up arms against the growing threat of the hunters...

History is repeating itself.

Blinking and shaking off the thoughts, Vincent pulled Ellie a little closer. "We should leave for the Coven Master's office." He muttered absentmindedly, still a little shaken, "We wouldn't want to make a bad impression by being late."
Ellie nodded taking Vinny's arm again leading him to a dark oak door at the end of the hall. Just before Ellie knocked on it a voice rang out behind it, "It's open," The Coven Master called.
Well, that's certainly impressive, Vincent thought as he laughed nervously. Truth be told, he was a little scared. Had the witch changer her mind? All sorts of different scenarios ran through his mind as he and Ellie opened the door, and stepped inside.
The Head smiled brightly at the two as they entered her office. " Ah, Elinor and Vincent?" she smiled closing the door behind them, " Y-yes mam," Ellie blushed causing the Head the laugh, " So soft spoken, the exact opposite of your mother," she smiled kindly, turning to Vinny, " And your mother is the whole reason Elinor and I are hear correct?"
"I-I'm..." Vincent breath caught in his throat and his eyes went wide. He looked at Ellie, then back to the Head, shocked. "How did you know?" He finally asked softly, a small, worried frown making it's way on to his face.
Dnaleri017 said:
Mazus looked up from his book and noticed the human. He didn't know this Vincent and he wasn't comfortable talking to the human but knew he had to learn as much about this place as he could before he did something that attracted too much attention. He got up and walked to the stranger before speaking. "Hello, I'm Mazus, I'm an angel and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about... everything." He stood there with a puzzled look realizing he had no idea what to start with.
Hearing the boy’s question, Eve’s small smile had dropped. ‘Just when I thought I could see a good friend of mine, I have to become a fucking tourist guide for his shop,’ she though as her usual expressionless face appeared.

“Weel loon, if ye cooldn’t guess, thes wee café haur attracts an' feeds aw things 'at gang bump in th' nicht,” Eve deadpanned as her hand gestured towards all the occupants inside the café: devils, zombies, androids, demons, elves, drow, etc.

What Eve is saying without the thick accent: Well boy, if you couldn’t guess, this little café here attracts and feeds all things that go bump in the night.
" Don't worry Elinor didn't tell a single soul you didn't want to know," The head smiled, holding up her hand, " A single touch, and I can see all of someones memories, I'm sorry for the invasion of privacy, I had to know I could trust you both,although.. I never thought you two would be a son of a Archdemon, and the reincarnate of The Great Forgotten Lady," The Head smiled getting up from her chair walking to the two of them.
The demon smiled despite the situation, the fact that this powerful witch was on their side, and obviously didn't care that he was the spawn on their enemy, was just so... cool, he couldn't help himself. As the Head walked up to them, his whole demeanor changed and all of his worries about the situation dispersed, making him morph back into his normal, friendly bartender self.

Giving the Head one of his signature smiles, he held out his hand, as he would have any other friend, "I'm afraid we haven't been properly introduced, Ma'am," He told her, "Vincent Buckley, it's an honor to meet you."

He knew the introduction was pointless, as the witch obviously already knew both of them, but he really didn't care.
The Head smiled taking his hand, " Sofia Bernet...but since we are friends i'll allow you both to call me Sofie," she smiled. " Now then, it seems your 'resistance' is still lacking in support, the Hunters of financial backing from very powerful human companies who can't see the danger of summoning a Archdemon," She explained sitting on the edge of her desk.
"Yes," Vincent nodded, he had expected as much, "We have made some progress in trying to gain supporters for out cause tonight, and I'm about sixty percent sure we've got the vampires on our side." He said, looking at Ellie with a smile, "And... The owner of our Cafè, also have our backs." He added as an afterthought, "Though, we don't know who he is, nobody does, but I know we can trust him."

As Vincent spoke, he began gesturing with his hands, something he only did when he was getting deeply enthusiastic about something. The lint from his suit jacket had began clogging up his wounds the second he had put it on, but he was to excited to really notice the itchiness.

"We also have the support of Magic Brew's regulars, should we need it. They aren't all very... conflict prone people, but their hearts are in the right places, and they would all fight for the cause of saving the city, should it come to it."
Sofia smiled at them kindly, " I can help you with gaining support, but that wasn't what I wanted you here for," she smiled walking behind her desk pulling a book of a bookshelf. It looked worn and very old. " This diary has been protected by magic for many years, It belonged to Meredith, maybe you could find some help in it, Sofia smiled handing the diary to Ellie, " T-thank you very much," Ellie smiled holding the book closely to her heart.
Vincent looked at the old book curiously, not really sure how an old book would help them in their fight against the hunters, but he shrugged it off. Never underestimate the power of knowledge, I guess.
" And.." Sofia smiled making a sword appear, it looked like the one in the portrait of Meredith. " This was Merediths sword, the same one she used in her final battle against your mother,"Sofia smiled at Vinny handing it to him, " It should be with it's rightful owner,".
Vincent placed his palm against the blade, feeling the magic in it vibrate through his hand. The sword itself was a wonder to behold, the hilt was golden, with the pommel containing what Vincent assumed was pure tanzanite, the stone sparkling in the light from Madame Bernet's desk lamp, making it reflect spots of blue onto his face.

Holding the sword out with his right hand, he could tell that it was beautifully balanced, even after centuries of sleeping, and studying it closer, he could make out the words carved in stunning cursive into the silvery surface of the fuller. Et lux in tenebris tuis splendebit uia gloriae.

Vincent blinket as he read it, his heart filling with a sense of hope he hadn't felt in a long time, before handing the sword, hilt first to Ellie. "You're right, Madame Bernet," the Demon smiled, as Ellie took the blade, "It should go to it's rightful owner."
"It means, Your Magic shall shine through the darkness, and light your way to glory." Vincent translated, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's latin, by the way, and I think that's a very uplifting message, don't you?"
"You now have your ancestors book and her sword," Vincent murmured softly, a hint of concern underlying his voice, "How do you feel, Ellie?" He asked, honestly curious. Ellie hadn't said much since they entered the office, and Vincent was a little worried what the shock of finding out all this new information about herself would do to the poor girl. Ellie was standing next to him, in the middle of the room, clutching the book and sword to her chest like it was her life line. Vincent put an arm around her waist, to try and give her some kind of comfort.

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