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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" Oh, um.." Ellie looked down nervously, being the daughter of a Cover master you just couldn't just say you were a waitress. " I-I..."
"Oh, I manage and run a small cafè for people such as ourselves." Vincent said absentmindedly, noticing the tension building between the two girls at the bar, shrugging it off as being a girl thing, he went back to the conversation, focusing. "It's called Magic Brew, actually. It's quite popular, and I'm not saying that to brag, mind you, it just is."

Laureate nodded with a chuckle, "You are a humble man, Mr. Vincent. I have heard of your cafè, but Zedkiel here told me about the place, he said it was 'unsatisfactory', I am not quite sure what that means, but I have wanted to see it for myself."

Vincent raised an eyebrow at the man in question, smirking slightly. Zedkiel even had the good grace to look a little embarrassed, before schooling his expression back to the blank, uncaring facade he held so tightly too.

"You should, we would love to have you visit us!" Vincent told Laureate with a smile, "The best thing about it, I think, is that it's completely hidden from humans, and by extension, hunters."

Grinning, and knowing this was his opening to discuss said hunters, Vincent waited for the man to respond.
Ase rested her head on the table as Marie did "knowing Elinor she probably hasn't taken a pregnancy test" Ase sighed. the bar tender handed her a new glass of wine.
"i'd say more than once!" Ase muttered drinking her wine."and from what she told me i don't think they used protection... fucking demons"
Laureate sighed, " These hunters, have been so how you say... Loud lately, I heard the kidnaped a whole group of witches, the angels did nothing but watch from heaven," He sighed frustrated.
Feeling Ellie's hand grip around his arm again, Vincent nodded. "Yes, that came to my attention as well. They have really been a nuisance." As he didn't want to reveal his plans to early in the game, he added, "How have the vampires been dealing with the attacks?"

Laureate sighed and looked over at his friend. "We are trying, but truth be told, our numbers are... going down fast. In this city at least." The man looked at the both of them, his eyes filled with hopelessness.

Vincent took this as a sign, and dove in for the kill, "We may be able to help each other out," he said with a lowered voice, eyeing Ase at the bar, "You two come over to Magic Brew on, let's say, Wednesday at twelve AM, and we'll talk there."

Knowing, by the look on both vampires faces, that he had peaked their curiosity, he straightened, his voice going back to normal. "We'll talk to you two later, okay? My date and I have to go mingle!" With that, he led Ellie away, a victorious smile lingering on his face.
" You did good," Ellie smiled at Vinny.

Maria tched conjuring up a flute of champagne, " I'm ending this," she muttered walking over to Vincent and Ellie smiling brightly, " You two seem to be having a lovely time," she smiled handing the flute to Vincent conjuring up one for her and Ellie, " A toast? to good relations," she smiled at Vincent.
Never drink a witches brew, Vincent smiled at Maria as he took the offered glass, remembering the words his mother had drilled into his head so many centuries ago, it was high up there with never trust a witch, and angels are scum, but he remembered it clearly. Looking down into his glass, and then up at Maria and Ellie, he grinned.

"To good relations!"
Maria and Ellie took a sip. Maria looked at Vincent smiling, " Vincent, You arn't going to drink?" she asked sweetly, " It's a special brand that you can only get in Paris, I brought it back with me when I finished my studies," Maria smiled. " It's quite rude to refuse a drink," she said a bit louder getting a few other guests attention.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I was just a little distracted" Vincent said, just about managing to hide a frown, the witch was being way to obvious. Smiling pleasantly, he lifted the glass to his lips. A nearby waiter came by then, providing Vincent with the distraction he needed, swaying to the side slightly, the waiter walked right into his right shoulder, making him fumble with the glass, loose his grip on the thin stem and sending it flying forward. Right into Marie.

"Oh my! I am so sorry!" He exclaimed, lifting a hand to his mouth in shock, "I am so clumsy sometimes!"

A couldn't resist adding in one last disguised jab, "And I hear that champagne is so terribly hard to wash of polyester! I really am sorry, Marie."

( O.o )

Ase stared over at the group trying her hardest not to laugh. She returned to her drink as she waited to see what happened next

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Maria glared at Vincent looking outraged. " You...You demon!! You're stringing her along and using her for your own gain!!" she screamed, " Have you ever thought what if she got pregnant you despicable man!!!"

Ellie choked on her champagne at the pregnant part looking at Maria, "What?" she asked.
Vincent, noticing that they were gaining a lot of attention, almost every eye in the room was trained on them, decided to use this in his favor, taking her pregnancy comment in a stride. "Marie, where is this animosity coming from? You invited us here remember?" Looking around the room, he put on a crestfallen expression, handing Marie a paper towel from one of the waiters, "I thought you wanted us here, and instead you decide to make rude comments about our personal life?"

Vincent looked up at Ellie, his eyes wide and shocked, "I thought Ellie was your friend?"

Now that he had the crowd mostly on his side, he looked back at the soaked witch, wondering what else she could come up with.
Maria glared at him, " I have animosity... from the fact that you are playing my closest friend, have you even told her that you love her? But you've already slept with her?" Maria asked raising her eyebrow.

"Maria,"Ellie looked at her sternly, " We arn't kids anymore, who i'm involved with, if i'm pregnant, WHICH I'm not is none of your business, there is this wonderful invention called birth control," Ellie told her taking Vinny's arm leading them away, leaving Maria standing alone.
"Sorry for spilling champagne all over your friend." Vincent told her once they were alone. The were seated by one of the many tables set out, and the demon was starting to feel a little guilty. "I'm not playing with you, by the way." He added as an afterthought.
Ase turned back to the bartender and ordered Maria a drink. She sighed laying back in the chair 'that demon sure has away with the crowd huh' she thought to herself waiting for Maria

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" You've never said it," Ellie said suddenly looking down, " You call me beautiful and kind and all these wonderful things," Ellie looked at him, " But you never say the word 'Love', i knew...when we agreed and you explained it would hard but....I just didn't think this hard," Ellie looked down again.

Maria sat down at the taking the drink Ase ordered for her downing it.
"Didn't go so well huh" Ase said drinking her wine ordering a new one for Marie

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Ase laughed quietly at the witch "I think Ellie's lying there's no way she's on birth control she's to care free!" Ase finished her drink and ordered a new one for the two of them

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"You sure drink a lot when your upset huh" Ase said signalling the bartender. "Any way how have you been are you in a relationship?"

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