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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Akira smiled at Ellie "you look beautiful Ellie and if I may" she walked closer and added a light amount of sparkles to Ellie's dress Making it shine beautifully she then conjured what looked like a crystal necklace and hooked it Around Ellie's neck. She smiled and gave Ellie a quick careful hug "goodluck and have fun"
After Ase had fished washing herself two female angels began fitting a new dress on her.after a while of fiddling with the dress They let her go get her makeup and hair done.after a couple of hours she met her father at the main door where photographers began to take many photos.
Ellie blushed hugging the fairy back tightly, " Thank you Akira," she smiled. Ellie looked up as Vinny came down the stairs and she swore her heart stopped for a few seconds. " Y-y-y-y-you l-look really n-n-nice," she stuttered out her face bright red.
Akira conjured up two little minature fairies made of her own magic and had them blend in to follow Vincent and Ellie whispering one command before she sent them off to the two "Protect them" then the Fairies made of magic Asorbed into the sparkles On Ellie's dress unnoticed.
Looking up from trying not to scratch his arms of, he grinned at Ellie, the itchiness and the general idea of breathing forgotten for a moment. She looked beautiful, radiant even. He had thought her dress looked pretty before, but he wasn't even sure the dress itself could could compare to the girl now standing before him.

And he wished he had the courage to tell her that.

"You look beautiful, Ellie." He told her, holding out his arm for her to take. It would be a pain, he knew, but right now he didn't care.

"Nah," Vincent lied, giving her a dimpled smile while leading her out of the cafè and into the alleyway, kicking the door closed behind them, "Where exactly is this event held?"
" The Head's castle," Ellie whispered a few words and before they could blink they were standing in front of a castle that looked like it came straight from a fairy tale. Their were many different types of creatures standing in front of the castle talking, or walking inside, all of them dressed as fancy as Ellie and Vinny. "Ellinor!" a voice called out before Maria hugged Ellie in a death grip. " You look so pretty! Your in Noire's dress!" Maria squealed. " M-maria...calm down people are looking.." Ellie chided her softly.
Vincent, who was still trying to gather his composure from being so abruptly whisked away, chuckled at Maria's manhandling of Ellie. The young pink haired witch looked quite pretty, he though, as he began looking around. Not as stunningly beautiful as Ellie, but pretty.

There were a lot of people here, he thought while looking around curiously, obviously this was a much bigger event than he had first thought. He saw some sharply dressed, dangerous looking vampires, a pair of stunningly, shining fairies and, to his dismay, a trio of elegantly, green clad elves, just to name a few.
"Oh, Vincent, you showed up," Maria looked up at Vincent for the first time smiling at him. "Come on now, we can't stand out here all night," Maria smiled twirling to the castle. " Sorry about her, she's been like that ever since we were kids," Ellie sighed " Besides I'm not that pretty," she sighed.
Shaking his head at Maria's enthusiastic behavior, Vincent once again offered Ellie his arm, looking at her a bit shocked when he heard what she said. Shaking his head, he began following the pink haired witch.

"No, you're not pretty, you're beautiful." He said, his voice firm. "Utterly Beautiful."
Ellie looked up Vinny surprise on her face, Th-thank you...." she smiled taking his arm again smiling bashfully. " You ready?" she smiled up at him.
"Nope!" Vincent replied lightheartedly, "But that's not going to matter at all, I imagine." He joked, trying to relieve some of the tension he knew they both felt, and with that, the two of them walked inside the castle, Vincent gulping nervously.
shortly after the photos were taken the two appeared in front of the castle."try not to disappoint me Ase" her father whispered into her ear. Ase nodded subtly stiffening as she heard his voice.Ase looked around taking in the sight, not much had changed since the last ball.She felt her heart rate rise as she spotted Vincent and Ellie speaking to Maria. 'i cant afford to make any mistakes now' she thought to herself .As Ase she took her fathers hand the two began making there way towards the main door.
As they entered the castle, Ellie looked up at the walls smiling. Covering all of the wall's were pictures of all of the past and present Coven Masters from all over the world. Her gaze fell on one of a beautiful young girl with striking white hair and sharp blue eyes. It was easy to tell that the witch in the photo and Ellie were related from similar face shapes and their shared eye color. " Mother," she whispered under her breath staring at portrait. Maria stood next to Vincent smiling at Ellie as she stared at the portrait. " it's amazing how much she looks like Noire sometimes," Maria smiled glancing at Vincent.
Looking at the picture of Ellie's mother, Vincent couldn't help but agree. They did look quite a lot a like. Though, Ellie's mother had a kind of coldness in her eyes, one that was depicted even in the photograph. Ellie didn't have that.

"Yeah, they look... alike." He finally said, lamely.
"What do you mean?" Vincent asked confused, still studying the picture of Ellie's mother, his face curious, if a but awed by everything around them.
Slightly taken aback by her bluntness, Vincent's eyes narrowed. "I don't believe that's any of your business." He replied, a tad cold.
Maria glared at him, "If it has to do with Ellinor it is my business," she replied just as cold. " You don't remember how broken she was after her parent's do you? I don't want her to go through that pain again, so if your just stringing her along for your pleasure, then back out now," Maria warned.
Ase's father began Socializing with the other guests leaving Ase to to the same. Ase spotted the group of familiar faces and began walking towards them but she stopped herself halfway thinking that they wouldn't want her to ruin there night.
"If I didn't care about her, I wouldn't have risked my life to save her!" Vincent snapped, finally getting fed up with her attitude. Then he paused noticing they had drawn a quite a lot of attention from the other guests and sighed a little. He ran a hand through his hair, deflating. "Look, let's just forget about it. I'm not going to argue with you over this, not here anyway." He said, gesturing to the large, glamorous room.
Maria glared at Vincent the looked at Ellie who was staring to two of them with confused eyes. "This isn't over, but if you so much as make her frown, I will not only end your little " resistance's" alliance with the Coven will not only be over, I will make it my life's mission to make you Enemy number 1 to every witch around the world," Maria threatened walking over to talk to a group fairies.

Ellie came over to Vinny a look of confusion on her face, "What happened?" she asked looking at him.

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