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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"I just got threatened, is all." Vincent said, his face blank. What the hell did just happen? Vincent thought to himself, a bit shocked. Offering Ellie his arm again, he smiled at her reassuringly, "We got to the bottom of it though. Anyways, what does one do at an event like this, hm? I guess we have to mingle, don't we?"
" Make small talk, dance, be charming," Ellie smiled " You need to gain followers right? So be charming old you," Ellie smiled taking his arm again.
That's actually easier said than done, Vincent thought to himself, closing his eyes.

As they neared the two vampires he had seen outside earlier, he smiled at them pleasantly, dimples and all. "Hello, sirs, Vincent Buckley." He said, holding out his hand for them to shake, as he would if he introduced himself to a customer at Magic Brew. Ellie had said to be himself, so he would try the best way he knew how, by pretending to chat with customers. "How are you this evening?"

The vampires seemed confused at first, not exactly sure what to make of this bold, blue haired man. The tallest of them came forward, hesitantly grabbing his hand, shaking it slowly.

"I am Elijah Laureate," He said, his voice heavily accented, Vincent tried to place the accent, but failed, "I am quite... confounded as to why you are speaking with me, but I do appreciate the... feeling?" The man was clearly having a bit of trouble choosing the correct words to use, but Vincent didn't blame him, or try to correct him.

"It's nice to meet you!" Vincent replied honestly, giving his hand a firm shake before he let go, causing the vampire's eyes to widen slightly, "I was just looking for somebody to chat with, actually. There doesn't have to be a reason for seeking great company, right?" He smiled, lying through his teeth. When the vampire smiled slightly, Vincent resisted the urge to grin at Ellie, this doesn't seem too hard after all!
Ellie smiled reassuringly at him, " And you are?" One of the vampires asked Ellie causing her to flinch " E-Elinor Morse," she answered causing the vampires eyes to widen, "You wouldn't happen to be related to Noire Morse would you?" Elijah asked her, his smile brooding when she nodded. " I knew it! Only A Morse would have those kind of blue eyes," he smiled at her. Ellie smiled kindly at them, gripping Vinny's arm a bit tighter unintentionally.
Ase made her way over to the bar,she ordered a glass of holy wine. she waited patiently for the glass to come while she looked around at everyone having fun.
Mazus walked into the cafe and stood near the entrance. He was new to the area and he wanted to relax when he heard of this place. He looked around and waited not knowing how this place worked, being a recently fallen angel he was still new to this whole "being on earth and learning their ways" deal. @anyone
The pain suddenly shooting up his arm cause him to flinch, but he played it off as a nod of agreement. "You have us at a disatvantage, sir," Vincent smiled kindly at the vampire who had yet to introduce himself. Holding out his hand again, the mans crimson eyes met Vincen's, and held them for a moment. The demon resisted the urge to look away, keeping his smile.

"I am Zedkiel." The vampire finally said, finally averting his eyes, his voice stern and raspy. Vincent noted that he did not have an accent like Laureate did, and if he had one, Vincent did not catch it, "My last name has been forgotten, I'm afraid."

The vampire gripped Vincent's hand hard, and the demon was sure he could feel a crack. He fought the urge to wince.

"Oh, Do not take my friends harshness to heart!" The tall one said, lightly, clapping Vincent on the shoulder, almost sending him sprawling to the floor. Vampires have super strength, I'd almost forgotten. "He can be a little rough around the... corners? But he means well. Now tell me, young witch, how are your mother nowadays?"
Ellie looked down, " She...my mother was killed by the hunters,..." Ellie looked down frowning. Elijah looked shocked, " Oh my, I had no idea..." he gasped " I'm so sorry for your loss, your mother was a amazing witch," he smiled at her squeezing her shoulder lightly.
Mazus decided that nobody had noticed him and he went to sit at a table alone and clenched his fists. He sensed a demon close to him and refrained himself from attempting to retaliate. He knew he was "programmed" to kill demons but this was a place made to safeguard monsters, no matter what they were. He silently sat there and took out a small book. He enjoyed the story that was contained within it's pages so he continued to read it still attempting to ignore the demon he sensed.
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Maria looked at the angel sitting at the bar and walked over to her catching the bartenders attention, " Witches brew please," she smiled sitting down next to the angel.
Vincent looked down at the witch on his arm, frowning sympathetically. It really wasn't fair that she had to be reminded of her mother so much when this night was supposed to be fun. Looking up at the two vampires again, he replaced to frown with a smile, hoping to convince them.

"So, Mr. Laureate, Mr. Zedkiel, how are you doing tonight? It's quite the party, huh?" He asked, mostly to change the subject, not wanting Ellie to be uncomfortable. Luckily, Laureate seemed to take the hint, focusing his blood red eyes back at Vincent.

"Oh, It's simply lovely." The vampire exclaimed with a happy sigh, and Vincent chuckled a little, liking the mans personality more and more, "They don't serve blood, of course, but we really didn't... foresee, anything else,?" he explained, gesturing to the bar.

Vincent followed his arm, looking at the small bar set up in the corner and his breath caught in his throat. Ase was sitting there, looking over the room, quietly sipping a glass of wine. Nudging Ellie with his elbow, he nodded his head towards the angel discreetly.
Ase turned to the witch and smiled "Marie, how have you been" she asked drinking her wine. she lay back into the chair awaiting a response.
" Horrible, I've had to deal with some extremely rude people," she sighed taking a sip. " If he hurts Elinor...." Maria gripped her glass tightly so it almost shattered.
"And how about you two?"

Deciding to just ignore the angel for now, Vincent turned back to the vampire, smiling once more. "Oh, we're doing quite well!" He said, running his fingers over Ellies arm to calm her down, "We only just got here though, so we haven't had the chance to try out the bar yet, though I doubt they have any soul residue, unless they have their own team of demons to get it for them, of course," He joked, grinning when Laureate burst out laughing. He noticed that Zedkiel was trying to hide his smile, and almost snickered.

"So what do you do, if I may ask?"
Ase looked over at the couple and sighed "my fear is that he'll get her pregnant" Ase replied drinking more of her wine "imagine Elinor having to raise a kid at her age its despicable!"
Eve suffice it to say wasn’t in a good mood: her previous client had been brutally tortured and murdered right in front of her eyes. Well, she wasn’t going to shed any tears for that bigoted man (served him right for not listening to her about demons ) but her paycheck for the day had died alongside the man’s mangled corpse. Luckily for Eve, the demon was very susceptible to holy water.

‘You lose some and win some,’ she kept trying to say to herself. Entering the alleyway which held her favorite store: Magic Brew Cafe, the smell of faintly sweet objects entered her nostrils. Opening the door, with a bona fide smile, Eve said in her thick Scottish accent, “Vincent, ye in haur.”
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots](were not in the cafe atm)

(I know that much at least, so for now I'll just continue watching Supernatural until I'm spoken to xD )
Maria looked at her shocked, " A baby! With him?!" she exclaimed shattering her glass," Of course any child Elinor has I'll love and know it'll be the sweetest thing ever, but if it's half of HIM i don't know what I'll do!" Maria exclaimed frantically shaking.
"what if she has twins or triplets!" Ase said downing the rest of her wine,signaling for another, "or worse what if he leaves her after she gives birth!" Ase exclaimed.
[QUOTE="Horizon King]Eve suffice it to say wasn’t in a good mood: her previous client had been brutally tortured and murdered right in front of her eyes. Well, she wasn’t going to shed any tears for that bigoted man (served him right for not listening to her about demons ) but her paycheck for the day had died alongside the man’s mangled corpse. Luckily for Eve, the demon was very susceptible to holy water.
‘You lose some and win some,’ she kept trying to say to herself. Entering the alleyway which held her favorite store: Magic Brew Cafe, the smell of faintly sweet objects entered her nostrils. Opening the door, with a bona fide smile, Eve said in her thick Scottish accent, “Vincent, ye in haur.”

Mazus looked up from his book and noticed the human. He didn't know this Vincent and he wasn't comfortable talking to the human but knew he had to learn as much about this place as he could before he did something that attracted too much attention. He got up and walked to the stranger before speaking. "Hello, I'm Mazus, I'm an angel and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about... everything." He stood there with a puzzled look realizing he had no idea what to start with.

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