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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Getting to his feet, lifting the witch up bridal style, Vincent walked out of the kitchen and towards the stairs, shielding her slightly from view and ignoring the stares from the customers.

Opening his apartment door was tricky with his arms full of witch, but he managed to somehow shove the key into the door and turn it, opening the door with a quick manouver of his right shoe. Once he got in, he looked down at her, smiling. "Couch or bed?"
"Right." Vincent nodded, and walked towards his bedroom, hoping Ellie was to tired to take note of the messy floor and the strewn about books lying everywhere. Setting her down softly on top of the bedsheets, he looked around distractedly, he tried to think what else he could do for her, feeling that this wasn't really enough. She had just singlehandedly fought of Serathi, after all. Getting an idea he grinned at her.

"You wait here, I'm just going to go make you a cup of milk tea, okay? Then I have to get back to work."

With that, he ran out of the room and towards the kitchen.
"O-ok," she said softly looking around the room. So this is his room,she thought smiling at all of the books lying around. Picking one up randomly she smiled and started reading.
Mixing together the tea at the speed of light, he soon had it ready. Closing the cupboards, he carried the large cup back to his room, smiling as he saw Ellie sitting there, on his bed reading Under The Dome.

"Here's your tea." He said, placing it on the nightstand next to an old, framed picture of him and Mr. Allan smiling madly, holding up a pair of newly caught salmon. That picture always made him laugh, and he remembered that day fondly.

"Please rest, okay? I have to get back to the bar, but if you need anything, there's a phone in the living room, and you can just call the cafè, right? The number is written on a piece of paper next to it if you don't know it already."

(Anybody who has read under the dome by Stephen King know it to be a superior work of fiction.)
"O-ok," Ellie smiled noticing a white envelope sticking out of his back pocket, " What's this?" she asked pulling it out opening it before Vinny could protest. Her face paled as she read the invitation "Vinny, You got invited the Coven Ball?!" she squeaked looking at him with wide wonder filled eyes.
"Um, yeah." Vincent said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "I don't know much about it, but I figured it would be a great place to pick up support in our fight against the hunters." Noticing her look, he added, "Is it a big deal or something? I've never really been well versed in the affairs of you witches."
"Big deal!? It's only the single biggest gathering of witches and our Ally's for the year! Anyone who's anyone will be there! Werewolf pack leaders, Vampire cult leaders, Even the Fae King and Queen have been known to show up!" Ellie explained looking down at the invataion, "It's also where Head Coven Leader makes her yearly appearance, if you think i'm powerful, heck she makes me look like a human magician!" Ellie smiled her eyes glittering.
"Aha." Vincent said, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable. He wasn't a fancy guy, evident just by looking around the room, and he really had no idea how to act or hold himself in such events. He didn't even know how to dress for something as apparently big as this ball. "Well, I don't know anything about these types of stuff," He admitted with a wry smile, "And you seem to be really educated about it. You wont object to coming with me, right? I think i'd make a right fool out of myself should I go alone."
Ellie blushed brightly looking down flustered. "I-i-i-i-i wouldn't mind...' she stuttered laying down. " I'm tired, i'm gonna rest for bit," she said suddenly turning away from Vinny.

( I'm gonna go to bed to.gn :3)
"O-ok." Vincent said confused at her sudden change in attitude. "Well... I'm going to go back downstairs, I'm pretty sure those fairies will need a refill soon, so... you call me if you need anything else, okay?" He began walking towards the door, closing it after him, wondering about what could have caused such an odd reaction.

(I'm going to sleep as well. Good night.)
Akira made her way to the cafe she had heard so much about.after avoiding a dangerous looking fight that had broken out, between what seemed to be a beaten up angel and zombie , she entered the cafe and took a seat at the bar. 'This is it my big break I can't blow this' she thought to herself leaning on the table now, trying to look confident waiting to speak to the manager.
Spooks noticed a new person enter the cafe before approaching her. "Welcome to Magic Brew, can I take your order?" She asked the girl at the bar.
Metaphysics said:
Spooks noticed a new person enter the cafe before approaching her. "Welcome to Magic Brew, can I take your order?" She asked the girl at the bar.
The girl sat up straighter "I'm not here to order, Actually I heard there is a new job opening for assistant manager."
"Oh. Well the manager is downstairs at the moment and he might take a while. Are you okay with waiting?" She asked the girl. "I'm Spooks by the way." She introduced herself. "Ex-waiter-waitress."
Metaphysics said:
"Oh. Well the manager is downstairs at the moment and he might take a while. Are you okay with waiting?" She asked the girl. "I'm Spooks by the way." She introduced herself. "Ex-waiter-waitress."
Akira nodded "Yeah I'm okay with Waiting." she then smiled softly "I'm Akira, Fairy and master trickster" She winked and wiggled her finger sending magic at one of the others in the Cafe making their chair float "Ah magic, Isn't it such a wonderful thing? Theres so many pranks you could play with it!"
"As it is, I would appreciate it if you refrained from levitating my customers." Vincent said, coming up behind the fairy. His voice was light, however, as the customer in question, a young goblin female, seemed to enjoy being able to defy gravity. She was giggling madly and rocking her chair back and forth, much to the amusement of her parents.

"Though, that child certainly seems to be having fun, so I'll let it slide," He added with a chuckle, his crimson eyes twinkling with mirth.
Cryobionic said:
"As it is, I would appreciate it if you refrained from levitating my customers." Vincent said, coming up behind the fairy. His voice was light, however, as the customer in question, a young goblin female, seemed to enjoy being able to defy gravity. She was giggling madly and rocking her chair back and forth, much to the amusement of her parents.
"Though, that child certainly seems to be having fun, so I'll let it slide," He added with a chuckle, his crimson eyes twinkling with mirth.
Akira smirked and gently let the child down and conjured her little bunnies made of magic to play with she then turned to Vincent "So your the manager?" She smirked and mumbled low to herself "Hes kind of cute"
Choosing to ignore her badly concealed comment, Vincent walked to the other side of the bar. "I am." He smiled, starting up the electric tea kettle, deciding he might as well have a cup himself, to calm his nerves from the scare of Ellie had given him earlier.

Eyeing the magic bunnies, and smiling at the child's excited squeal of joy, he out his hand in greeting, and grinned. "Vincent Buckley."
Akira smirked at Vincent "I'm Akira Ichika, I heard that your last assistant manager no longer works here and I was interested in the position."
Well, that was bold. Vincent thought to himself, waving his fingers at Spooks, But that could be a good trait, especially in the position of an assistant manager. Turning back to the fairy, he studied her.

She was young, but young didn't always mean inexperienced, he reminded himself. And she seemed to have a certain spark in her eyes that told him she would certainly be interesting to work with. But I cant very well just go hiring someone into an important work position just because of my first impression of her eyes, but truth be told it had been kind of tough making it all work without Ase, and the paperwork were beginning to pile up.

"I see. I can put you on a trial period, for a week, and if you seem to be doing a good job by the end of it, we can discuss a more permanent position." He told her, nodding his head slowly, watching the fairly for a reaction. "If I may ask, what past experiences have you had, job-vise?"
Cryobionic said:
Well, that was bold. Vincent thought to himself, waving his fingers at Spooks, But that could be a good trait, especially in the position of an assistant manager. Turning back to the fairy, he studied her.
She was young, but young didn't always mean inexperienced, he reminded himself. And she seemed to have a certain spark in her eyes that told him she would certainly be interesting to work with. But I cant very well just go hiring someone into an important work position just because of my first impression of her eyes, but truth be told it had been kind of tough making it all work without Ase, and the paperwork were beginning to pile up.

"I see. I can put you on a trial period, for a week, and if you seem to be doing a good job by the end of it, we can discuss a more permanent position." He told her, nodding his head slowly, watching the fairly for a reaction. "If I may ask, what past experiences have you had, job-vise?"
Akira looked a bit surprised but then schooled her expression into a neutral one "Well I used to work at a small time resturant near my home, I got employee of the month multiple times. I also helped out at an orphanage before, I'm pretty good with kids. Though I doubt that'd help the Cafe. I'm good with sorting and I can remember a lot of information for long periods of time. I'm also great at handwriting. If.. any of that helps." She looked pretty embarrassed with that last bit
"It does help. Writing would be a pretty big part of your duties as an assistant manager." Rummaging around the cabinet behind the bar for a cup, he turned to look at her, "Would you like a cup of tea, by the way? I'm making some."

Emerging with two cups, he began blending together some tealeaves, adding a sizable amount of soul residue to his cup. I'm so glad we finally got the shopping done. I can use as much of this as I like now!

With a giddy grin on his face, Vincent began stirring his cup, looking up at Akira expectantly. "Though, I don't know how much your experience with children will help, we don't get many families here, but the fact that you've worked in a restaurant setting previously certainly helps your case a lot."
Cryobionic said:
"It does help. Writing would be a pretty big part of your duties as an assistant manager." Rummaging around the cabinet behind the bar for a cup, he turned to look at her, "Would you like a cup of tea, by the way? I'm making some."
Emerging with two cups, he began blending together some tealeaves, adding a sizable amount of soul residue to his cup. I'm so glad we finally got the shopping done. I can use as much of this as I like now!

With a giddy grin on his face, Vincent began stirring his cup, looking up at Akira expectantly. "Though, I don't know how much your experience with children will help, we don't get many families here, but the fact that you've worked in a restaurant setting previously certainly helps your case a lot."
Akira smiled brightly "I'd love a cup of tea. Also with my magic I am pretty good at entertaining so if your cafe ever needs entertainment I got you covered."

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