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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" I can't tell much now but you've probably seen what Ellie can do, Now imagine that with a hundred people," Maria pulled out a white envelope, " Here, this is a invitation to our annual Coven's Ball, if your interested in our help please come" Maria smiled standing up " Oh, and please bring Ellinor with you, it's been so long since I've seen her in a ball gown," Maria smiled walking out of the cafe.

Ellies eyes widened in surprise, " I-It's just...I miss you Ase, I miss our chat's and and I miss you hiding under the bar to avoid paper work and i miss the way you would always joke around and make everyone laugh," Ellie rambled on, by the time she had finished tears were rolling down her face " I- I miss my best friend!" Ellie cried wiping her eyes.
"Best friend" Ase repeated quietly. "I shouldn't have come here" she said looking at the door. "Ellie it's best you forget about me" she said sheepily.

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"Ase!" Ellie ran after her sobbing hugging the angel, " Ase! Please don't leave again! We can help you! Please let us help you!!" she cried sobbing.
Spooks looked on with clenched fists. Sparks danced around her hands before dissipating. She didn't want to harm anyone by going with the flow of her emotions.
The demon watched her leave, groaning internally. He glanced down at the fancy envelope with a frown. A ball! Why did it have to be a ball! Balls meant fancy clothes, fancy clothes meant no short sleeves and no short sleeves meant itchy stuff in his wounds.

Sighing he stood up and went back to the bar, putting the envelope in his back pocket. It would at least mean that he could gather the support of the higher ups, and judging by the elegant scrawl he had seen on the envelope, and by Thorn's company, it wasn't hard to come to the conclusion that there would be prestigious people present at the event.

Lost in thoughts about witches and fancy clothing, he didn't quite watch where he was going and managed to clumsily stumble right into Ase. Looking up at her, surprised, he frowned.

"Sorry about that." He apologized coldly, before stepping around her, determined to get back to his post at the bar.
Ellie looked at Vinny confused as he walked away from Ase. "Ase please...I can help you to make up..." Ellie whimpered hugging Ase tighter, " Please..don't leave again.." she whined.
"I don't need help I'm fine, I promise" she replied as a tear began to form in her eye.

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" Then look me in the eyes! look me in the eyes and say you don't wanna be my friend and you don't want my help!" Ellie let her go glaring at Ase, tears still running down her face.
"I.i.i'm ok really" Ase said beginning to cry now. "You don't want to be friends with someone like me anyway"

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Ellie looked at Ase "I wanna help you Ase...but i can't if you won't let me," Ellie walked away looking over her shoulder one last time, " Have fun with your angel friends, Archangel," she said the last word with hurt walking towards the bar.
Spooks went back to waiting on tables. No use being idle when she could work, especially since the work would allow her to eavesdrop better.
Spooks was startled from the sudden hug before she hugged back. "It's alright, it's going to be alright Ellie." She gently said.
"Best friend" she muttered to her self before leaving. "Do you really what to be accepted that badly?" Excalibur asked from her armband. "I don't want to be a burden" Ase replied laying against the wall of the alleyway. "Ah I see" the band replied. "There better off without me" she replied "are you sure this is what you want" the band asked

"I can't answer that"

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Kazuichi gritt his teeth as he walked into the allyway with Karasu on his shoulder. "Hey you fight me!" He yelled to her pointing Karasu looked at him and Kazuichi said. "She's pissing me off with how she talks!" Karasu gave him a good luck peak and flew to the top of the allyway to watch. "Come on let's go!"

@Mr Swiftshots
Ase looked over at the boy and sighed "i'm going to be late please leave me alone" she said quietly before turning away.
Serathi smiled " It must hurt...being betrayed by a friend like that," she smiled flashing a image of Ase in her mind causing Ellie to flinch. " You know...there is a way to make the hurt go away," Serathi smiled.

Ellie flinched hearing the voice in her head. who is that? she thought backing away from Spooks." I-I think i'm ok..I should get back to work," Ellie smiled nervously.
Kazuichi gritt his teeth again. "That look don't act like you didn't have a god damn choice!" He kicked the pole next to him bending it. "Just like her your trying to do everything yourself. But your only hurting the people you care about more. Turning your back doesn't fix anything it just hurts them more dumbass!" He walked over and grabbed her by her shirt collor. "Don't you see your not alone you actually have friends you have a choice so you have no right to sit here and feel sorry for yourself!"
"Here you go ladies! Enjoy yourselves." Vincent handed the fairies another round of drinks, a plesant smile on his face, but inside he was weary. Ase had just left, which was good, because that meant he could begin working on adding his regulars to his list of people on their side, but when he saw Ellie in tears, running over to the girl claiming to be Spooks, he froze.

Had he done something wrong? Was he coming off as unapproachable? Frowning Vincent began brewing more coffee, handling the poor machine a little harder than he needed to.
"Kill the angel," Serathi smiled " It's easy... With your powers you could easily kill her," she encouraged.

"No!" Ellie screamed gripping her head panting whimpering.
"you don't know me" she replied calmly. "now please let me go, i'm going to be late" Ase's armband began to glow dimly as Excalibur spoke to her

"Ase he's right your pushing everyone away". "I am doing this for there sake" she said aloud. to Kazuichi as it would seem as though she was speaking to herself.

"Ase are you sure that this is what you want" Excalibur asked "i can't answer that"
Seeing Ellie scream and claw at her head had Vincent dropping everything he was holding, including a rather expensive bottle of honey water, and he was across the room in a heartbeat. "Ellie? What's wrong?!" Grabbing her by the shoulders, he squeezed her to him, "Ellie?"

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