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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"I think so, she keeps it in the cupboard next to the oven..." Naoki whispers, keeping an eye on the angels.
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ellie smiled getting the bottle of whine from the cupboard handing it to Vinny, " Here ya go, a special treat for our guest," she winked going back to cleaning.
"Ellie, you go keep them distracted, I'll do the cooking and the washing for the rest of the night." Leon said kindly.

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Ase walked into the cafe and sat at the bar quietly with a cloak on trying to cover her bruised face. "Get me a bottle of moonshine please" Ase said quietly looking down at the table.

The two angels began arguing with each other banging the table and shouting.

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Ellie smiled walking out to the angels, " Hey, is it true? If you rip off a angel's wings they'll become demons?" she asked pestering them with redundant questions.
Kazuichi stood up and walked over to the two making noise. "Hey have some respect for others and keep it down please." He asked the two.
Vincent grabbed the bottle, grinning wickedly at Ellie. With a small nod to Naoki, he exited the kitchen, prepared to cause some trouble. Waiting at the bar until the angels called out for another bottle, he made his way over to them, his face the epitome of innocence.

"Yes gentlemen, I have another bottle at the ready for you. Now this one is special, a very expensive wine that went out of the public eye around 1942, it's affectionately been nicknamed Diabolus aspersis lapidem pila. Luckily for you I was around then and I was smart and saved this one."

Placing the bottle on their table, smiling nicely at their excited faces, he bowed his head and hid a smirk under his respectful facade. Excusing himself, he walked back over to the bar, choosing to ignore Ase, signaling Ellie to fulfill her order.

Grabbing a glass, he began cleaning it with his ever-present, trusty rug, needing something to keep his hands busy while he watched the two troublemaking angels out of the corner of his eye.

I should get an oscar for that performance, he thought to himself, hiding a grin.
"You dare speak to angels like that!" One boomed "you should be grateful that we're patrolling this area" the other shouted.

"Shut up" Ase said quietly from the bar. "How dare you speak to us devine being like that" the angel shouted at Ase."you nothing more than overgrown white chickens" Ase said quietly again "how dare you" he Boomed "we are all powerful angels" the other shouted. "You two are giving me a headache shut up!" Ase shouted standing up "angels like you give us bad names" she boomed.

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" Ase?" Ellie looked up at Ase her eyes wide with so many feelings. "Ase!" Ellie smiled hugging Ase tightly when she noticed the bruises on her face, "Ase...what happened? why are you all bruised up!?"she asked growing worried.
"don't worry about me i'm fine" Ase said smiling down at Ellie. "ah Ase we most sincerely apologize for that." one angel said grinning "why don't you come join us..outside for a chat". "if that's what it takes for you to leave than i shall accompany you.
Upon polishing off the last of his cake Jun listened as guests started to trickle inside, the bell at the door chiming as it announced the entrance of another customer. Wings, both leathery and feathered, batted the air while hooves, claws, and other assortment of feet - or feets, in some cases - shuffled along the floor. Mindful of the banter beginning from the angels to his side, Jun remembered the child then.

If she'd freaked upon meeting only three supernatural creatures, then he could only imagine what her reaction would be now that other beings, wrought only from fairy tales, paraded freely about the cafe.

He slipped from his seat and went over to the girl, and, after a few soft words, encouraged her to do the same, herding the child to the back of the room.

@Scattered Ambitions
"Ase.." Ellied whimpered looking as Ase followed the angels outside. "My, My, Ellinor Morse? What's it been six years?" A girl smiled from a table in the corner. Her strawberry pink straight hair was in a pony tail thrown over her shoulder. She looked like had just came from a buisness meeting with her black pencil skirt and white short sleeved ruffled shirt. She was pretty with large pale pink eyes ,small nose and full lips coated with a light pink gloss. Under her left eye was a beauty mark accentuating her looks. The girl sat up from her table and walked over to Ellie who was staring at her with wide eyes. "Maria...?" she asked softly " Maria Thorn?" she repeated. Maria smiled and hugged Ellie causing her to flinch. "Where's your manager? I need to speak to him on behave of the Coven," Maria explained. "O-oh.. I'll go get him," she whimpered going to find Vinny.
Vincent was watching Ase and the angel duo go at each other with some interest. Truth be told, he was a tad worried about his ex assistant, but his concern for her was overruled by his anger. Her betrayal of not only himself and Jun, but the entire cafè in general was not an easy thing to forgive.

Had this been a year prior, he would have not hesitated to stop her from going outside with her two loud companions, but as of right now, he didn't give a right damn.

Telling himself sternly that the small sting of guilt he felt was just his brain being confused, he went back to filling out an order from a trio of mischievous looking fairies, handing them their moon dew with a small, distracted smile.
When the group reached the alleyway the two angels drew there swords "my my Ase your getting a bit to cocky" ,"yeh for someone as worthless as you to speak to us like that" he was interrupted by Ase "i'm not worthless i am your superior you shall obey me" she boomed. "you were never our superior!" one of the angels shouted running at Ase with his sword. Ase dodged the sword and sent the angel flying back into his friend. "I am way out of your league give up!" she shouted walking towards the two.the angel that had been knocked over pushed his unconscious friend off him and got back on his feet. Ase grabbed him and smashed his face into the wall of the cafe , the force shock the lights and tables,knocking him out cold. Ase reentered the cafe and took her seat at the bar waiting for her drink silently. @Elfia Nightwing
"Vinny...Um... Someone from the Coven is here to see you..." she whimpered fiddling with her dress nervously. She motioned to Maria who had sat down again and was sniffing a cup of tea suspiciously. After telling Vinny she looked at Ase and went behind the bar grabbing her favorite bottle of wine pouring her a glass, " Wanna tell me how you got those bruises now?..." Ellie smiled kindly.
Kazuichi stepped outside for a moment and went to go see the girl's handywork he chuckled. "She's strong." Karasu flew down and landed on his shoulder. Kazuichi looked at him and nodded. "Yeah she's got power I want to fight her but we should wait she seemed to be a bit beaten up. I don't want to be a bully." Karasu cawed and Kazuichi laughed. "Yeah she is like that psycho isn't she." Karasu flew off and Kazuichi went back inside and sat down. Karasu sat in a tree watching the girl.

@Mr Swiftshots
"I don't want you to worry" Ase said quietly smiling at Ellie."so how are things between you and Vincent" Ase asked drinking her wine trying to change the subject.

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Coven? Vincent thought confused. He excused himself from the giggling fairies, and walked over to the table Ellie had indicated. A group of witches were sitting there, staring at him. Ah, coven. Coughing awkwardly, he bowed his head in respectful acknowledgement, real this time, and smiled at the pink haired one, who seemed to be the leader, holding out his hand in greeting.

"Vincent Buckley, my waitress told me you wanted to speak to me?"
Maria stood up grasping Vincent's hand tightly, "Maria Thorn, Coven Master for this cities branch of The Coven," she smiled. Maria motioned for the witches at her table to leave them, when the witches left maria sat back down motioning for Vincent to do the same, "Please sit, we have a lot to talk about," she smiled.

Ellie blushed looking smiling faintly, " G-good," she smiled feeling like bats were fluttering in her stomach, " I-it didn't hurt as much as you said it would," she blushed deeper laughing sheepishly.
Ase began to laugh "wait what really you two did it bwahahaha" Ase returned to her drink " oh that was good one ah god imagine that hahaha" Ase said after finishing her glass " seriously though how are you two doing"

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Sitting down across from her, Vincent wondered what this was about, oh he had his suspicions, but this could just be a regular courtesy call, but he very much doubted that the leader of a witch's coven would be here to discuss the value cakes, and judging from the strong magicks he could feel radiation of her being, he also doubted this was about something minor.

This had to be about something serious, then. Vincent wondered briefly if this was the coven Mr. Allan had told him about, the one that had secured and fixed the underground.

Crossing his stitched arms on the table, he looked at the pink expectantly.
" I've heard a lot about you.... Well respected, powerful and known for your deep hatred of the hunters," Maria smiled taking a sip of her tea, " The Coven and you seem to have that shared hatred," Maria continued " We know about your little resistance, and we want to get in on it," Maria explained.

Ellie smiled "Yeah, it's been hard but we're making it work," she looked up at Ase, "Ase...Y-you know I could always talk to Vinny about maybe..."she began laying her hand over Ase's.
"No you mustn't talk to Vincent!" Ase said pulling her hands away from Ellie."I'm fine don't worry!" She said looking down at the table.after a few moments Ase looked back up at Ellie "wait a second...you were being serious weren't you!" Ase snapped. "Where is he!"

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Vincent's eyes widened slightly, but he kept a straight face. With the support of the witches under his belt, getting other creatures to join in would be a breeze. Keeping his cool, however, he wondered if Mr. Allan had told them, and if so how many others knew. This may not be the first visit he'd get.

Thinking briefly about what to do, leaned forwards slightly, lowering his voice, sending a narrowed glance at Ase. "The angels must not know, they are not to be trusted." He told the witch in a hushed tone before backing away, leaning into his chair. "What can you do to help us?"
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