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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" S-solanum?..." Ellie tilted her head in confusion " I-i'll get your coffee sir..."she smiled walking to the bar, brewing a fresh pot.
Henry merely sat there as he pulled out his computer. Though he was on break there was no reason to cease his studies. He typed away at superhuman speed documenting his recent findings on recent super-novas originating from the Andromeda galaxy.
"And that's basically the gist of it, Mr. Allan." Vincent explained, balancing a heavy shopping basket on his hip, smiling slightly at the Aswang.

After he and Ellie had gotten to the Cafè, he had remembered their failed attempts at shopping, and realized that they were now seriously lacking in everything. Cursing himself for being such an airhead, he had headed out to the nearby grocery store.

However, while walking there, he had noticed that the entrance to the underground was no longer open, and that any signs of the explosion had disappeared. Deciding to take the offhand chance that the market might be open for business again, he had punched in the code to the manhole, and sure enough, the market was once again bustling with all kinds of different creatures, completely cleaned up, not a piece of rubble so be seen.

After getting everything they needed at the Cafè, the list still crumpled in his back pocket of his jeans, reminding him that he really needed to wash those, he had headed over to the Reptile Ingredients stall to chat a little with his old friend.

He had learned that a team of witches had been by, focusing their magics into securing the entrance once again, and adding extra sealing charms free of charge. The rubble and fire had been cleaned and put out by the shop keepers. After Mr. Allan had been satisfied in wowing the demon with his thrilling stories, he had asked Vincent about how life had been for him during the past week, and the aforementioned demon had gotten a brilliant idea.

Knowing that Mr. Allan was not only a great source for hearing rumors, but also an excellent person to tell them to, Vincent had begun telling his old friend about how the Magic Brew Cafè was a great place to be for anybody who was sick and tired of the Monster Hunters, and that a certain blue haired demon was willing to lend an ear to anybody who needed it.

"Have I not told you repeatedly to call me Edward?" Mr. Allan scolded gently, before a mischievous smile made it's way across his deformed face, "But don't you worry yourself none, my boy, I'll have the rumor out and going in an hour, and by tonight, nobody will know where it first started."

Vincent thanked the man, promising him a free cup of any hot beverage of his choice the next time he came to the Cafè, and began heading home, sending one last grin in the direction of the kind, old man.

(I'm back, by the way. Sorry for the long post.)
Ellie smiled bringing the man his coffee and french fries smiling at him. " if you need anything don't be afraid to get my attention, I'm Ellie by the way," she smiled to the man walking over to help her other costumers.
"Thank you, Ellie!" Henry said not turning from his monitor, "before you go, you wouldn't happen to be educated in George Ritchey's 1917 Andromeda supernova study would you?"
" A-Andromeda?..." she asked even more confused tilting her head. " I-I know about the greek princess but not about a supernova one,"Ellie admitted sheepishly, looking away.
Accepting the girl's quietness as a child's natural defense mechanism to avoid strangers, Jun returned to working on the cake. While picking through the layers to remove the strawberries and save them for last, the distinct sound of typing caught his attention and he turned in his seat to face the latest customer.

The very first thing he noticed was the man's incredibly upright posture, his spine a near perfect line. It was unlike Jun to approach others unfamiliar to him but the shade wondered what could be the cause of his fixed concentration. When the customer raised his head, posing a question to Ellie, Jun felt himself lean forward in his seat.

The string of words, though perfect English, sounded like an entirely different language. Super-what?
"I'll go and put this on." Spooks said as she left for the bathroom to put on the uniform. She soon returned wearing it. "Perfect fit!"

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"That's fine, Ellie. Now you may attend to the other patrons" Henry said briefly smiling to her before going back to his computer while periodically taking sips from his coffee and eating a French fry or two.
"Honey I'm hoooome!" Vincent called out in a overdramatic, highpitched chirp as he entered the Cafè. Heaving the heavy basked through the door, he slammed it shut with a swift kick of his right foot. Dragging the massive thing all the way here had been quite a challenge, but after finding the right technique for it, which involved literally dragging it after him, it had been all good.

"Guess what, Ellie, the underground market has opened again, Isn't that great? Now we don't have to make due with stupid human food after all!"

Carrying the basket over the floor, he was just about to enter the kitchen to start unloading, when a familiar head of blonde locks caught his eye.

Almost dropping the basket in surprise, he turned and stared at the owner of those locks his crimson eyes going wide. Sitting at the bar, eating a piece of what looked to be strawberry shortcake, was none other than-

Ellie smiled at the man turning to see Spooks in her new uniform, " Ah! It looks so cute on you spooks!" she smiled hugging the girl tightly.

Ellie smiled turning to Vinny hugging him from behind nuzzling her face in his back, "Welcome home~," she smiled happily at him.
Jun's attention was drawn from the customer to the latest arrival, the figure all too familiar. He hopped off his seat, cake momentarily forgotten, and not knowing whether to hug the man in relief or simply stop before him with a smile, Jun landed somewhere in the middle. With the help of a chair leg, his foot managed to catch the wood and the shade was sent flying forward...

...landing right into Ellie.
Vincent could do nothing more than watch as the two of them toppled over, landing on the floor with a heavy thump, the basket restricting his reflexes considerably. Biting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at them, he placed the basket on the bar, right next to a customer typing furiously on his computer.

Vincent looked at him briefly, making a mental note to chat with this newcomer as soon as he was finished with unloading the supplies.

He held both his hands down to the fallen pair in an offer to help them up, and laughed. "If I had known you two would be so excited to see me, I would have come earlier." He teased, his eyes dancing with mirth.
Chagrined, Jun took the lowered hand..

He apologized to Ellie, picking up the tray he'd accidentally knocked from her hands as he returned to his feet. "I didn't mean to get carried away," he apologized, handing it back to her.

Grateful for Vincent's safe return, and everyone else's - the child at the table now eying the strawberries on his plate with interest - he simply said with genuine sincerity, "It's good to see you're back."

(Jeebus, sorry for the sappiness. -_- )
"Oh you have nooooooooooooo idea." Spooks said as she recovered from the hug.. " Hi Vince..."

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Grinning and grabbing Jun in a tight hug, Vincent patted his head. "It's all good, man. It's good to see you unharmed too."

Letting go of of Jun, he turned around to pick up the basket, but froze when he heard the now all to familiar sound of Hamon's voice from behind him. Turning around slowly, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu, but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why.

"What in the fifth circle off hell..."

Trying to convince himself that it was just his mind playing a trick on him, he turned fully, staring into the face of the Archdemon that had almost been responsible for killing both himself and Jun. And she was wearing a Magic Brew waitress uniform.

Convinced that he had now officially lost his marbles, Vincent blinked and shook his head slowly, resisting the urge to rub at his eyes.
Ase made her way home after turning in her report on the mission."Ase your late AGAIN" her father shouted at her."i was on a mission father" she replied quietly looking up at him. "You dare lie to me again" her father said hitting her with a punch. "no father its true i fought an Archdeamon" she protested. "lies all lies" he shouted punching her again."father" Ase replied sheepishly."Ase your an abomination a scar of the heavens" he roared hitting her multiple times.After a while Ase returned to her room and passed out.


"Ase go forth and seek out a weapon from the vaults, this weapon will be your partner for the rest of your life." came a voice from the sky. Ase stood quietly in front

of a big heavy holy metal gate ,it opened slowly allowing Ase entrance,upon entering holy weapons of all kinds lined the walls as far as the eye could see."wow" Ase said in awe of the vault she had just entered. Ase tried many weapons and spent many hours navigating the halls. Ase stopped at the end of the vast vault when she heard a voice call her name "hello" she said turning to see if anyone was there."why have you come here Ase" the voice echoed through the vault."i came here to get a weapon" she said trying to find the source of the voice. "yes but why are you working so hard." the voice said again. "i'm working hard so i can become an Archangel and stop the hunters" she replied quickly. "tell me Ase what does your heart desire" the voice asked now louder. "huh what kind of question is that" she asked moving towards a gold display case. "what does your heart desire" the voice repeated louder once again."i guess it desires approval." she replied standing at the beautifully decorated display case now."approval from whom" the voice asked. "from anyone" she replied looking into the display case."you have approval from your friends" the sword replied. "i don't want to be a burden on my friends" she replied opening the case "very well, i the holy sword Excalibur accept you as my master" light enveloped the room as the sword spoke "i Ase Akira accept responsibility over holy sword Excalibur" both Ase and Excalibur glowed brightly before dimming "our contract has been sealed" they both boomed simultaneously.
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"Uhh..." Spooks said as she watched Vince react to her presence. "Do you want me to explain or do you want someone else to?" She asked him hesitantly.
"Uhmm...can I keep sleeping here? I haven't really got a home and..." She asked slowly and bashfully as she looked at the ground. "...Well...I haven't got anything at all.."
(Eep, sorry, sorry, this is what happens when you don't sleep)

Vincent looked from Ellie to 'Spooks' with narrowed eyes, skeptic. Hugging the basket to his chest, he nodded.

"I guess so. But i'm warning you that if you're having us all on, and you really are Hamon, i'm going to have no qualms of ripping out you throat." He finally told the girl, his head tilting to the side. "If you'll excuse me, I have a whole moths worth of stuff to put away." And with that, the demon disappeared into the kitchen, intent on thinking over their newest situation.

(Again, sorry i'm late.)
Ellie smiled at Spooks encouragingly before going to kitchen to get started on filling orders, " You don't think that's really Spooks do you?..." she asked breaking the silence.

( Its fine bro :) )
Reaching into the basket, Vincent pulled out the bag of bat whiskers, opened the cupboard, grabbed a nearly empty jar and began pouring them into it. As he did so, he turned to Ellie, lost in thought. "I don't know. It certainly feels like him. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I mean, this girl tried to kill us. Brutally too, I might add, so to find her here, serving coffee and asking if she can still sleep here is... mind boggling, you see."

Placing the now full jar back into the cupboard, he grabbed the jar next to it, marked as tongue of dog, and wrinkles his nose a little at the smell when he opened it. Repeating the same possess, he continued, "I'll let her stay here, don't worry. But I'm keeping an eye on her until I can be one hundred percent certain it's really Spooks."
The two angels from before entered the cafe and sat down making a ruckus. "bring us the best wine you have" they ordered banging the table.

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