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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Ellie's eyes widen in surprise, "Spooks!? B-but Vinny told me t-that they used you to summon a greater demon!" Ellie gasped " Are you ok?! is the demon still with you?!" Ellie bombarded him with questions. She looked up when she heard the loud thud from the bathroom. "Well... At least I found the human girl..." she muttered.
"Excalibur did something.. I can't feel Hamon." she said.. "And now I feel very weird, being resurrected as a girl is strange even for me."

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She hesitated before nodding. "...It's going to be weird, being alive again." she started to cry.. "I don't know how to deal with this."

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Ellie hugged Spooks tightly stroking the girls hair soothingly. " It's gonna be ok, I promise it's gonna be ok," Ellie smiled letting her cry.

When Spooks had calmed down enough that Ellie trusted she wouldn't do anything stupid, she walked over to the room where the loud thud from earlier had come from. She opened the door to find the human girl tied up and gagged looking at her with large eyes. Seera..She concluded, kneeling down taking the gag off the girls mouth. " So, when am i gonna learn your name, I can't keep calling you human girl ya know," Ellie asked calmly.

@Scattered Ambitions
" That you won't run away and cause trouble tonight, This place is gonna be full of people like me and Vincent and some of them would love to eat a little girl like you,"Ellie explained completely serious.
Ellie smiled cheerfully standing up, " Good, now do you want something to eat?" she asked calling out to Spooks " Hey Spooks! Are you hungry?" she asked untying Lucinda, giving her a look that said No running away.
Spooks suddenly froze.. "I-I can eat again." she realized. "I can do things again! Cake please!"

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" Alright... and for you?" Ellie looked at Lucinda again walking to the kitchen.

Ellie shrugged entering the kitchen pulling out all the ingredients she needed for a basic strawberry shortcake. Half a hour later she walked out with a cake placing it on the bar. " One cake ready to go," she smiled cutting a piece for Spooks.
The bell at the corner of the door chimed lightly as Jun entered the cafe. He barely had the patience to upright the newly tattered umbrella against the entrance before hurrying to Ellie, more than relieved to see a familiar face. The shade took no notice of his disheveled state - pale blonde hair unruly and standing up on the left part of his skull, revealing which side he'd favored the previous night, shirt lightly dusted with dirt and in partial disarray.

"Ellie - Ellie, I found this!" Reaching inside his jacket pocket, he placed a crumbled piece of paper on the desk before her, smoothing it out to reveal lines of indiscernible script scrawled across the top. He spoke quickly, sounding anxious. "It was left at the site of the crypt. It must have been the incantation they used for Spooks and - " He cut himself off, remembering, and turned pained eyes to the witch. "I'm sorry, I left. I couldn't... Have they made it back yet? Spooks? Vincent? I saw Ase there too." A trembling hand ran up through his locks, stiffening up the other side of his hair before it flattened back down. He exhaled, the sound more defeated than anything. "I can't believe I left them..."

Overwhelmed, he didn't notice the child sitting idle at the counter top, or the arch demon munching contently on her cake. Then he raised his eyes.

"E - Ellie...?"


@Scattered Ambitions
Ellie smiled taking Jun's hands with her smiling " Jun calm down, Vinny's fine he just went to get supplies, and spooks,...." she flicked her eyes to the girl happily eating cake. " A better question is where have you been?! Vinny was worried sick about you!" she chided slightly pouting. " What if you had been taken by the hunters!"
" Do you want more Spooks?" Ellie smiled cutting another piece handing it to her and cutting one more piece holding it out for Jun, " I'm no Seera, but it won't kill you,' she joked smiling.
Jun flinched at the repercussion, knowing he deserved it. "I walked as far as I could before resting in an abandoned shed," he replied, trying not to appear too ashamed. It was like getting a scolding from an older sister, except many times worse seeing that the consequences would have been potentially dire. "I just made it back this morning."

When Ellie held out the cake in offer, he took it before setting it aside, untouched, instead staring wide eyed at the girl who had near obliterated everyone the previous night. "Spooks, what happened? Why are you still in that form? I thought Vincent rescued you."
"I think...this is what I am now...I'm mostly me but there are some parts from the original..." She said as she daintily took a bit of the cake with her fork. "I'm alive again. This...this is strange but...I think I like it..." She added with a small smile. "Thank you for coming to my rescue, I think you knocking me away from the ritual is allowing me to be like this..."
Ellie smiled at the two, putting the cake away when no one else wanted any. " Hey spooks, i hope this new body doesn't affect your waiting skills!" she smiled grabbing her uniform and a new girls uniform Spooks, guessing roughly on the size.
"Vincent's doing, not mine," he corrected her gently. Admittedly, Jun found the situation terribly confusing, feeling as if a child had stuffed his head into a box and shaken it till his eyes crossed - even more so when he felt his cheeks go inexplicably warm at the girl's delicate behavior. Coughing to force back down the color, Jun approached Spooks, and held up a nonthreatening hand, half raised in her direction.

"Do you mind if I check to see if she's still there?" he asked, waiting patiently. There was a small smile when he heard Ellie's comment before looking back at Spooks.
Spooks nodded. "Go ahead Jun. And it better not have, I need the job in order to sustain myself now." She told Ellie as she gently held the uniform. (Jun won't find Hamon in her.)
Ellie smiled brightly throwing the waitress uniform at Spooks, " I hope not, It looks like it's only me and you tonight and i'm gonna have to spend most of the time in the kitchen cooking since Seera got sick," she laughed then looked at Jun eyeing him up and down. " Hmm..."She murmured to herself.
Henry entered the Café and simply sat at the counter. He had grown weary of his constant grind, the humans he was forced to work with were incompetent and he himself was treated like search engine and was only summoned for rudimentary questions. Though not entirely organic he still contained synthetic organs including dopamine. This meant he could still enjoy food and he intended to this Café as place to exert such freedom.
(Agreed, since he can only sense other spectral beings.)

Acknowledging her consent with a nod, the shade approached her and rested a light hand on the girl's shoulders.

A moment later, his fingers lifted away.

Knowing that his senses were more acute when in direct contact, Jun was surprised to find nothing of the Archdemon's presence. "Odd..." he murmured, bemused. Hamon wasn't there, that was very true, but at the same time as Spooks had mentioned herself, the ghost's presence wasn't all completely there either. "Seems you are correct," he said, turning in his seat to finally face the piece of confectionery that Ellie had given him earlier. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the child staring at him.

"Yes?" he said to her, uncertainty in the question.

@Scattered Ambitions
"Yes Madam, I would be interested in procuring 10oz. of your finest liquidated coffea canephor and basket of chopped solanum tuberosum" he said giving a gleeful smile at the waitress.

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