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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Thinking back to the realization he had had in the crypt, Vincent just shrugged, smiling a little, before going back to telling her what he wanted to do. "I think i'm going to start with the customers, most of them like me well enough and I know that most of them are sick and tired of looking over their shoulders all the time. I think, that if I can get a few of them in on opposing the hunters, more will come. And then we can start taking out the bases."

Realizing he was now rambling he blushed a little. "I'm sorry, I had a lot of time to think it over on the way here."
Ellie giggled hugging Vinny tightly pressing her body to his, " I don't mind, I love when you get so passionate about stuff..." she smiled looking up Vinny again, " Vincent..." she looked up at him her voice containing something more then all the other times she had ever said his name, something deeper.
(Officially Worried.)

"Hm?" He looked down at her, curiously, "Are you okay?" He asked worried, noticing the change in her voice. Maybe she hasn't recovered fully from the spell.
Vincent's eyes widened and his body stiffened, not having expected this at all. After a second he began returning the kiss, his head tilting down and his eyes closing, wrapping one hand around the back of her neck.

Pulling away after a few seconds, he smiled at her, running his thumb over her cheek, "What was that for, hm?"
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Ellie smiled warmly at him, "because for all we know...the world could end tomorrow, and in case it does I don't wanna have any regrets," Ellie smiled kissing him again more passionately. " Is... That wrong?" Ellie asked shyly looking up at Vinny, her eyes a nervous shade of blue.
"Not at all." Vincent said, wrapping his arms around her small form, running his fingers through her cerulean locks, smiling softly.
Vincent looked into her eyes and grinned.


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Ellie stirred opening her eyes slowly, rubbing them to get the sleep from her eyes. She turned over in bed poking Vinny's cheek lightly. He looks like a kid when he sleeps...she thought smiling.
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Vincent rolled over on his stomach, yawning before stretching out on the bed like a cat, curling his fingers. Looking to the side, he expected to see his attic window, but found himself staring into a pair blue eyes looking at him amusedly. He froze, before remembering the the events of the day before. A small grin crept it's way onto his face.

"Hey you."
"We have to get going soon, you know? The cafè isn't going to run itself." He murmured softly, hugging her to him, noticing the clock on Ellie's nightstand. They had an hour. "And we also have to find out where Jun went, and I have to start talking to people and-" His sentence was broken off by another yawn, "And I need to figure out what to do with the human girl."
"Mmm," she yawned rolling out of bed, grabbing a scattered shirt on her floor slipping it on. " I'm gonna brush my teeth.." she yawned standing up " There's another bathroom right next to door to the right if you wanna freshen up," Ellie yawned exiting her bed room leaving the door cracked open.
Vincent sat up, his body still aching a little from the crypt, but surprisingly he felt refreshed and rested. He rubbed sleep out of his eyes before grabbing his jeans and slipping them on, thinking about all the things he would have to get done today. The Cafè had been closed for too long and he felt a bit guilty, even though it mostly wasn't his fault. He would have to apologize to the customers tonight, then.

With that in mind he began looking around for his shirt, pretty sure he had thrown it over here somewhere.
Ellie came back a few minutes later still yawning, wearing a simple black woven sweater dress, her hair tied up in a messy bun. She was holding Vinny's shirt, giving it back to him. " i think that this belongs to you," she smiled kissing his cheek.
Vincent gave her a dimpled smile. "Yeah, thanks!" Pulling the shirt over his head, he took her hand, walking towards the door. "We better get going." He chuckled, "I hope the cafè isn't trashed or something, we did leave a human girl in there after all."
Hamon stumbled through the cafe's doors and fell to the floor.. Her eyes weren't amber like yesterday but a light purple color.

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Ellie smiled unlocking the cafe's doors walking inside, turning on the lights she went about cleaning up any piled up dust, wiping down the tables and the bar. " Hey! Girl who's name I still don't know! If your still here, please give me a sign!!" she yelled.

@Scattered Ambitions
" Hmm? I'm sorry were not open ye- Hey!" Ellie looked up as a random girl wobbled into the cafe, then proceeded to pass out. " What is with everyone and passing out?" she asked herself as she helped the girl up and into a chair. " Are you ok? Do you need me to call someone?" she asked watching the girl with worried eyes.

(I don't really feel like using Seera right now, and Lulu needs some character development, so Seera's at home, sick.)

Lulu woke up, yet again. It seemed like she was doing this a lot lately. Shelooked down, to see that she was tied up. It wasn't surprising, in fact she had expected this to happen. What she had not expected however, was the gag in her mouth. It wasn't just something she could spit out either, it was tied around her head. She heard one of the people from the night befores voice, and something else, but she couldn't make out what it was. She hopped up on to her legs, and shakily hopping, made her way to the door. She slammed into it with her shoulder, then fell down on to the floor. "Uf! Uph ih duf!" Her words were incohearent, as the gag was still in place.
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