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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Hm...So.. This is what it feels like to truely be in this world..." Serathi laughed, the cruel sound echoing across the room. She rested her cold eyes on Hamon, and a vicious smile spread across Vincents face. " Hamon~...." She said singsongly walking slowly over to the other demon, " You seem to be sorely mistaken you over grown lightning bug, I staked my claim on this plane long ago," she chided standing in front of Hamon, leaning close so their faces were only inches apart.

Ase slid backwards Lang the ground lightning arching from her sword. "Chicken is that the best an Archdemon can come up with"

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Serathi glanced at the angel, narrowing her eyes sending her flying crashing her body against the wall across from her. " Be quiet and let the adults talk you mangy lapdog," she snapped, her blood red eyes, bright with fury. " I'll have a chance with you soon enough...".
Ase coughed up some blood before falling down onto her knees. "your both Archdemons that should out rank me" Akira coughed getting up "but you are in a regular demons body and you are in the body of a human girl" Ase stood raising her sword "not to mention your both just possessing the bodys" Ase's sword began to glow "that puts me on par with both of you"
Serathi stared coldly at the arch angel then walked over to her, gripping her neck with one hand, lifting her in the air effortlessly, keep a tight hold on it to the point she was almost suffocating the angel, " 500 hundred years...." she simply said tightening her grip on Ase, " you over cocky birds kept me locked in the cell.... for 500 YEARS!!" she screamed tightening her grip even more. " If I have half a mind to rip your wings off you and throw you to the Hellhounds for lunch!!" she glared at Ase her eyes two red circles of rage.
"That would be true...if it weren't for a few things." Hamon grinned maniacally. "First mistake you made was letting this fight go on." She said. "The longer I'm here, the more I burn out the essence of your little friend." She suddenly appeared behind ase and drove her spear through her wing. "Another is assuming that this is a normal body..." Wings made of lightning sprouted from her back. "Why don't you leave Serafti? I can handle this."
(your a spectator shut up! ..jk..jk @Cryobionic )

Ase felt her wings being pierced she grit her teeth as she began to feel the affects of the demons grips.a white circle began to form on the ground around Ase.

Excalibur began to glow brighter as the circle appeared.
Serathi glared at at Hamon daring her to get in between her and the angel, she raised her free hand punching Ase in the chest, the sound of breaking ribs echoing across the room, " I can't kill you no....that would interfere with my bigger plans, but...." Serathi smiled cruelly throwing the angel across the room again at the discarded coffin, " I can leave you in a unmeasurable amount of pain and make you wish for death,"
"No you don't Ase." Hamon said as she forcefully ripped out the spear from her wing and struck it against the circle, shattering it. "Can't have you doing that~" She said as lightning channeled onto Ase. "Scream for me."
Ase sat up in the coffin lightning arcing from her armor. after a few seconds she coughed up more blood."i wish for death every day anyway" Ase replied coughing. "i am the third master of Excalibur!" Ase muttered through gritted teeth."I wont fall here not now, not after i worked so hard!" she coughed."and if i do die" Ase said smiling. " i don't have to worry about anyone missing me" Ase stood up as Excalibur started shining like a star. "i'll finish you off first Serathi" she coughed "yeh that will do, that will get my fathers attention" Ase laughed blood filling her mouth as she did so.
Serathi gazed bored at her, "It this really what classifies as a archangel now a days?" She asked yawning at Ase " Empty promises and big words?". She sighed in frustration, " I was hoping to keep you alive a little bit longer So Vincent could watch all of his loved ones die in front of him.... but I guess i'll have to make due without one," She sighed taking A step towards the angel when A sheering pain shot through her borrowed body, " W-wha?! H-he's pulling me out!?" she screamed in confusion gripping her shoulders as Vincent's body crumpled to his knees, turning back to his somewhat human form, " Damn you, you pathetic weakling of a son," she strained gritting her teeth. " Damn you all!!!!!!" she screamed one finally time before Vincent regained control.
"i guess you'll have to do Hamon" Ase said raising her sword "that spear will get me bonus points" she said smiling as the circle began to form again. Ase's red hair began to raise into the air flowing like fire her eyes filled with blood lust. @Metaphysics
The circle at Ases feet began to shine brightly shooting a beam of light upwards shattering the other circles. Ase raised her sword up into the air as the ground around her began to crack as the circle grew. "then i'll just banish you here and now"
"Go ahead and try, not like you could do anything." She said as she punched her face with a fist covered in lightning and sent her flying. (Reallly sleepy)
"thats where your wrong" Ase shouted as she ran at the demon "Banishing shift" she swung Excalibur sending an arch of light towards her. the light began cutting everything in its path.
Vincent fell forward, the comfort of the cold, stone slabs embracing his forehead with a bang. Beads of sweat were running down his face, staining the floor, and he was breathing roughly. He had watched it all, unable to do anything. He had watched as Serathi forced his hands around Ase's neck and he had been unable to control it as his voice was used to hack down upon the angel.

Then, finally, and for the first time in his life, after what seemed like hours of fighting, he had been able to rip her control away from him, throwing her out of his mind and taking back his body.

Vincent's hands balled into fists, and he wanted to scream. He could feel his sanity cracking in tact with the girl, Hamon's, electricity. He needed to get out of here, fast, or he would loose it completely. The only problem was that he could't move, his body was too exhausted, to strained after being possessed by Serathi, his inner battle with her having left his mind feeling ripped, violated.

Sprawled on the floor, deep down in the crypt, the sounds of a battle happening over his head, he doubted anybody would find them. He wanted to give up, to just curl into a ball and let the darkness that had been growing in his mind take him away.

But then, Ellie's smiling face came floating into his thoughts, like a single light in the shadows. Her face was quickly followed by Jun's, then Seera's, Mrs. Morse's and even silly old Mrs. Cromwell's warty face.

Vincent lifted his head from the floor, his eyes shining with resolve. He wouldn't give in. He couldn't, not with the threat his mother was posing to his friends. He wouldn't just lay down and let them fight this battle alone. Stumbling to his feet, his mind now clearer than it had been for weeks, he forced himself to walk towards the crypt's stairwell, briefly noticing tha Jun was gone, away from the fight between the Archangel and the Archdemon. He must have escaped while Vincent was out of contol. He would let Ase fight this one on her own, the angel seemed to be wanting that, he had to get back to the Cafè to plan out his defenses.
Hamon disappeared from the path of her blade and reappeared behind Vincent, her arm was pulled back and gathering lightning. "Hello Vincent." (Gonna wrap this up before I sleep)
Ase spun towards the demon impaling her " the body of Christ compels you" she screamed as Excalibur shone. @Metaphysics
Vincent closed his eyes as he felt her form appear behind him. Feeling the cackling sparks of electricity in the back of his neck, he did the only sensible thing he could do not to get fried.

To weak to actually attack the Archdemon, and knowing that even if he did kill her, Spooks would probably be lost forever, he dropped to his knees and kicked her legs from under her, making her fall to the floor with a crash, her lightning shooting out of her hand and hitting the roof, leaving a permanent black stain on the stones.

Not bothering with any witty remarks or cheeky comebacks, he stood up and began walking slowly towards the staircase again.
"he'll be happy now wont he, he'll be proud , proud of me." she muttered as she lifted the sword up inside her.

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