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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Hey." One of the cultists in the crypt said as he stopped and turned his attention to the coffin. "The girl is making a real ruckus out of he coffin." Another shook his head. "Don't mind her, this is what we need for a sacrifice remember? A lost soul and a body without one in union." He added. "Pay her no heed, we must get back to our ritual."
The bell above the door rang as the trio entered the old shop, and Vincent couldn't help but breathe in deeply through his nose, enjoying the smells of times of old, mysterious ingredients and plant-life. He always loved coming here, and it was a pity, he thought, that he had been visiting the shop less and less over the course of the year. Absentmindedly taking Ellie's hand his, he looked around, taking in everything that had changed since his last visit.
"Y-yeah.." Ellie looked down opening the door to the store, being greeted by the scent of flowers, incense and old books. " Sorry if it's a mess... I haven't had a chance to clean up lately..." Ellie blushed walking up a flight of twisting stairs to the second floor of the shop, where she and her grandmother lived. " Granny! we're here!" Ellie called out. " In your room Ellinor, just finishing up the circle," her grandmother called back. " Ah, right this way," she instructed leading them to the second to last door.
There was so much to see that Jun almost turned a full circle where he stood. Thankfully, he'd remembered to rest his umbrella at the entrance. "May I come to visit this place, Ellie?" he asked, breathless with wonder. "If that's alright with your Grandmother." Before he forgot himself, Jun hurried after the pair, barely avoiding a stack of books set haphazardly to the side.
Vincent followed Ellie up the spiraling staircase, looking around as he went. He had been here many times before, but never on the second floor. It was interesting, seeing where Ellie spent her free time. When he heard Mrs. Morse call out to them, he smiled fondly.
" Hmm? O-oh I don't mind.." Ellie quickly stuttered flushing, What's wrong with me?... He's still Jun..she scolded herself gripping Vinny's hand bit tighter. As she opened her bed room door, the first thing that stood out was how it was built. It no longer looked like they were in the old little shop but instead in A treefort the first level obivously where the bedroom part of the room was, A large canopy against one of walls, the bed cluttered with books. Everywhere you looked there were flower's or soil or some type of gardening tool. The second floor, accessible by a small ladder against the ledge was covered with bookshelves, each one full to the brink with different types of books, from ancient magical tomes, to recently published gardening tip books. In the middle of the room stood Mrs.Morse in the middle of a giant white circle decorated with intricate writing in a language that would look like gibberish to anyone but a witch.

" Right on time, " Mrs. Morse smiled coming over to the group cupping Vincent's cheeks with her hands smiling bright, " My new grandson," she teased smiling. "Granny!" Ellie protested turning bright red.
As they entered Ellie's bedroom, Vincent couldn't help but look around in awe. It was obvious that a witch lived here, that was for sure. Breathing in the musky smell of book and loosing himself in the sweet scent of the many different flowers spread all across the room, Vincent nearly jumped when two frail, warm hands cupped his face. Hearing what the owner of the hands had to say to him, he had to try to force away a blush, his cheeks surely looking quite similar to the sun ripe tomato plant perched in the windowsill.

"Ah... Um... It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Morse, how are you doing?" He stammered out, trying to save face.
" I'll be better when you find your ghost friend," she smiled sweetly at him letting him go turning to Ellie her kind smile shifting to one of worry, "are you still want to do this spell Ellinor?.. There are other ways..." Ellie shook her head, "they take to much time," Ellie responded walking to the circle as her grandmother walked out of the room, not before giving Jun a warm smile.

Ellie sighed tying her hair up as she stepped inside the circle, " Alright, I'm about to start the spell, but before I do I need you guys to promise me something, no matter how much it looks like it's hurting me, no matter what happens, d not cross into the circle," Ellie warned looking at the two sternly.
" It's not hurt so much as putting stress...Vinny please, I need to remain concentrated during this spell," Ellie looked at him her eyes pleading, " It's for Spooks,".
Vincent was not happy with the situation, but shut up and sat down in a nearby, squishy chair, a dismayed look on his face. Jun came up and sat on the armrest, and the demon could see the worried look on the shade's face. Leaning back, he prepare himself for what would surely be both an awe inspiring and horrible thing to witness.

It's for Spooky, he thought, trying to convince himself that those words meant anything right now.
Ellie took a deep breath opening her eyes slowly starting a chant in a old forgoten language, As she chanted the circle began to glow a bright white. As she got further and further into the chant, beads of sweat started appearing on her face as her legs began wobbling slightly yet she continued. Finally she finish the chant the circle a bright almost blinding light by now when suddenly a flurry of pictures appeared in front of them, of a coffin and the inside it showing a girl banging on it trying to get out, next it showed a group of people chanting around a fire, finally it showed a crypt a few miles outside of the city. The light died off in a flash leaving Ellie laying in circle on her side, gasping.
Vincent sprung up from his char, having almost ripped out the stuffing in the chair watching Ellie struggle to do the spell. He was just about to run to the fallen witch, when her warning rang out in his head. Hesitantly walking around the circle , he came as close to her as he dared, and crouched down, watching her anxiously. "Ellie?" He asked softly, looking up at Jun, who had yet to move, then back at her. "Ellie, are you okay?"
She nodded weakly struggling to sit up her knees " Spell...more physically draining...then I...Predicted...."she gasped out crawling out of the circle.
The moment Ellie's body was halfway out of the circle, Vincent grabbed her and pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her protectively. Standing up, he carried her over to the squishy armchair and plopped her down into it, still watching her ever move like a hawk. It had scared him more than he would like to admit to see her collapse like that, and inside his head he was having a raging battle against his own instincts, his rational side telling him she was fine and to quit acting like such a pussy, while his instincts demanded he protect her from everything in the room especially Jun, another male. He had no idea where these feelings were coming from, but he settled for something in the middle, trying to satisfy both sides.

Taking her hands gently, he gently squeezed them, getting her attention. "We were able to see where Spooks is held." Vincent told her, his voice soft, "But I don't know exactly where. There was a girl in a coffin, banging on the lid, and a bunch of people around her chanting.I didn't actually see Spooks, though."
" Spooks, forced in girl..." Ellie gasped out " Human...cult...crypts...outside.....city...." she explained leaning against the armrest of the chair weakly.
"Okay," Vincent started, getting up from his crouched position in front of the chair, and started pacing. "I know where the crypt is, Jun and I can make our way there while you get some rest, it's pretty far away from the city and you're in no shape to be walking that distance right now. Do you want me to fetch your grandmother?"
when Ase regained consciousness she made her way to the bathroom and washed her face ,she stared at herself in the mirror for a while before leaving for a meeting. When Ase reached the hall of the archangels she entered and took her seat at the round table.once all the other archangels had taken there seats the meeting began. "We are launching an attack on the hunters....today" one boomed "Ase you will be sent to a crypt outside the town your accustomed to. any objections Ase" he boomed again."no sir i'll leave right away" she replied quietly. With that Ase left for the crypt.
Spooks continued banging against the door when he suddenly felt movement. It was like he was being dragged towards something. He could hear the chanting grow louder and the crackling of a huge fire increase. "No...please...anyone help..." He cried out.
Vincent and Jun stepped off the bus. It had taken them about ten minutes to get to the outskirts of the city, and the walk to the old crypt would take twenty.

They had left Ellie's after making sure the witch was alright, Vincent having run to get Mrs. Morse even after Ellie had reassured him that she was okay. Mrs. Morse had began kindly caring for Ellie with tea and soothing words,, guaranteeing the two worried friends that she would be just fine after resting for a while before gently shooing them off, reminding them that they had another, more important matter to deal with and Vincent had reluctantly agreed.

Squinting his eyes, Vincent wished he had brought his sunglasses. Even in the early hours of dawn, the sun was giving one last fight before going down, effectively blinding the duo with it's rays as they began walking in the direction of the crypt.

Vincent had been there once before. When he had first come to this city he had used the first year to explore and familiarize himself with the environment, stumbling upon the old, unused graveyard with the crypt towering ominously over the old, forgotten graves. And even though he tried to think of a reason for Spooks being kidnapped and taken here, in the body of a girl no less, he could not. Deciding to apply a different tactic, and alleviate the silence as the walked, he turned to Jun, who was barely visible now that the sun was shining it's last light, bathing them both in a dull, red glow.

"Do you have any clues as to why they would take Spooks out here?"

Ase appeared a few meters from the main entrance to the crypt.As she reached the crypt a group of five guards drew their swords and readied themselves. "leave now or we'll kill you" one of the guards shouted. Ase continued on her path as she did a guard ran at her,"Excalibur lend me your strength" Ase said quietly, suddenly a bright light shone from Ase's armband and a sword began to form in her hand.the guard went to take a slash at Ase, With a swift movement Ace sliced his sword in two with Excalibur, the top half of the mans sword spun in the air before being embedded in the stone ground. "may god have mercy on your soul" Ace muttered softly before bringing Excalibur down on the man splitting him in two diagonally, his corpse began to glow a white light before disappearing, Ase looked up at the remaining four guards. Two of the guards bolted at her but before they reached her Ase had split them in two with ease. the last two guards began to back away slowly from Ace.Ace swung her sword in the air and an arc of light split the two in half. Ase began to descend into the crypt.
To think...my only child fraternizing with lower races so easily....serathi thought bitterly. After she had failed in manipulating the sirento her will ,she left bouncing to a mind she knew she could manipulate even in this weakened form, Vincent's. He always as control..she smiled coldly as she explored his memories. It had been a few hundred years since they last saw each other, she was slightly curious to see how he spent them. Hmm...so he is involved with that witch....she thought, as she watched a memory of him kissing Ellie after rescuing her.I wonder how I could use this... She smirked then chuckled when A idea popped in her head. Yes...yes.... That would work out wonderfully... I'll make sure to break Vincent to the point behond repair, she smiled with twisted glee.

( wow.. I think i'm having way to much fun being a evil demon mommy xD )
(Thanks for taking care of him! @Cryobionic )

Jun scrunched his brow, concentrating as he twirled the parasol slowly, a methodical movement. Wordless, he started in one direction, halted, and then in the other. "It's faint," he murmured and began forward, pushing open the gates. They screeched in protest, rusted metal heaving against the dirt as they were shouldered open. Nearing the crypt, he touched it instinctively with one hand and suddenly the signal was much stronger.

"They're in here." He paused for a moment, staring at the crumbled masonry as if he could see through it. "Far, far down there," he said with emphasis.

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