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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

His explanation sounded to familiar that Vincent felt all the air leave his lungs. It can't be. It's impossible! She's locked up, she can't have... But even his brain struggled to deny it, he knew in his heart it was true. This all struck too close to home for it not to be.

"I think..." Vincent began slowly, standing up shakily, glancing down at Ellie for a split second, his heart aching as he saw the scared expression on her face. He walked over to Jun, he held out his good hand to him, offering to help him up, "That we have a lot of important things to discuss." He looked up at Seera, thinking. She wasn't involved in this, and he didn't want to weigh down her carefree, happy life with this information. "Just the three of us."

(OH the irony. HAH.)
"I'm late" Ase said looking down at the ground. "I'm leaving" she ripped the sheets that restricted her and stood up "good bye" she said softly walking towards the front entrance.

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(Sorry for the bad timing, but I'll be back in about an hour!)

Jun barely managed to take the outstretched hand and start to his feet when he stumbled, almost collapsing back to the floor. "I'm sorry," he apologized in a strained voice, boneless and terribly exhausted, "but may I rest in the adjacent room?" At the look of concern he smiled wanly, a bit of himself resurfacing from the expression "I'll join you when I can."
"Yeah, that's okay. I understand you must be exhausted from that experience, we'll be upstairs in my apartment." Vincent murmured, helping his friend walk over to the room, before returning, holding his good hand out to Ellie, hiding his injured one behind his back. "Come on," He said, helping her up, "let's go answer your questions." A strained smile gracing his lips.
"...Ok..." Ellie murmured quietly looking down gripping Vinny's hand tightly, as if he would slip through her fingers if she let go.
Unlocking the door to his apartment, he led her inside, closing the door behind them. He left it unlocked, though, so that when Jun had recovered he could join them. Walking into the living room, Vincent gave Ellie's hand a squeeze and gestured for her to sit down on the couch, doing the same after a quick trip to the kitchen to fetch his favorite bottle of bourbon, having a feeling he was going to need it.

Sitting down on the couch next to her, he tucked his feet under himself and leaned back. Taking a shot of liquid courage, he tipped his glass to Ellie.

Ellie's head buzzed around painfully. She had so many questions, but so little time it felt like. She gripped her hand to stop it from shaking, " How many?" she simply asked.
The demon sighed and bit his lip. Of course would start with the hard question. Looking down at his glass to avoid seeing her eyes, he told her, honestly, "I lost count."
Vincent squeezed his eyes shut as the memories came rushing back to him like a stampede off angry bulls.

On the outskirts of a small town in Scotland, by the woodland area, tracking a scent that had made itself known to him two hours earlier...

The scent became stronger, mixed with the smell of pine and tree sap, running through the woods now, trying to find the owner of that sweet smelling soul, making a game out of it. Laughing as he ran, chasing it now. He could hear it's footsteps, unnaturally light as it tried running from him. It's soul was white, the ultimate sign of true purity, nothing bad had ever touched this creatures soul, but he wanted it. He
needed it.

It was screaming now, in a language the demon could not understand, trying to desperately escape. It was all for naught, the demon thought, it's face stretched in to an unnatural smile, relishing the feelings of fear and panic emanating from it. He was playing with his food now, enjoying scaring it into running away, tiring out it's short, pathetic little legs.

The creature soon collapsed, it's breath coming in short gasps. It was now the demon attacked, it's crimson eyes shining as he threw himself over the creature.

The blood, the taste of the soul... the little screams...

Vincent drew a shaky breath as he snapped back from the past, a single tear escaping his eye.

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Ase walked out the door and vanished. when she arrived home her father was waiting at the bottom of the stairs "your late Ase" he said in a stern tone."im sorry father" Ase replied softly. "your a disgrace to the family name" her father yelled "i know" Ase said trying to make eye contact."you were at the cafe again weren't you" her father boomed looking down on her. "i went to resign father" she said sheepishly. Ase's father smacked her with the back of his hand , she fell to the ground banging her head as she did so."Don't lie to me" he shouted down at her. "im not father" she said quietly as she began to get dizzy. Ase couched up blood as her father kicked her in the gut. "get out of my sight" he yelled. Ase began to crawl towards her room. "You are a disgrace!" he yelled once again before leaving.

Ase's armband flashed dimly before she passed out on the third step of the stairs.
Ellie looked down quiet then leaned her head against Vinny's shoulder, " I wanna know about Serathi....What kind of mother was she?...Did you have any siblings?..." Ellie asked holding his hand tightly.
"You wanna know about..." The absurdity of Ellie's sentence actually managed to lift the mood somewhat and Vincent cracked a small smile. He leaned over and kissing the top of her head before sitting back, adjusting himself to a more comfortable position on the couch. "To start of, I don't have any siblings," Vincent said, then thought about it, "That I know off. Who knows what that woman's been up too. For all I know, Jun might actually be a long lost brother!" Vincent chuckled wryly at his own joke, before continuing, "No, but in all honesty, I don't think I have any siblings."

Taking a swig of his drink, he wondered how to begin explaining how growing up with Serathi had been like. "I don't remember much about my childhood," Vincent told her, moving his glass around in a circular motion, watching the light brown liquid swirl around inside, "But it wasn't very pleasant. I was born a runt when she wanted a warrior, always the weakling, and not good enough. I think that may be one of the reasons I went rogue, actually."
" Oh... I think... my mother was the same way....not in the wanting to take over the world sense, more in the wanting more then you could do sense..... My mom was the youngest witch to ever become Coven Master....She was only 18, I remember growing up and everyone looking at me with such big hopes, my mom especially," Ellie paused gripping Vinny's hand again. " By the time I was five my mother had made sure I had memorized the family spell book front to back, then there were latin lessons, charms and hexes, elemental practice, first aid practice, sometimes if we finished up everything mother planned out, she would make me write out ancient spell 500 times each, it was suffocating.... At times... I felt so stressed out I thought i would pop, I'd stop eating for days, stay up for days at a time without sleep cramming, I remember thinking ' I can't fail... I have to show everyone I'm just as good as mother...'" Ellie sighed smiling bitterly letting out a cold laugh, " I never told anyone before but, when they died, A part of me was really, really happy, it felt like I was free, like i could do whatever I wanted,".
"I know how that feels," Vincent told her, squeezing her hand, "Mother used to enter my head and manipulate me to do all sorts of nasty stuff, you see, so I can sympathize with the way you felt about your mum when she died, because I felt sort of the same when Serathi got locked away." Vincent chugged down the rest of his glass and sat it down on the glass coffee table, opting from drinking it straight out of the bottle instead. "I know it doesn't compare to what you went through, what with your mum forcing you to do that kind of stuff, but it's kind of similar, I think."
Ellie look at Vinny for a few seconds before taking the bottle, chugging a big gulp, handing it back, cuddling next to him pulling her legs into her chest so she looked even smaller. " Vinny...I want you to make me a promise, no more secrets, I won't hide anything from you, if you don't hide anything from me...I'm not a little girl anymore I can stand on my own two feet, and I need you to trust that I'll be ok," Ellie pleaded, her eyes extraordinarily clear, shining a multitude of different colors.
Vincent's eyebrows shot up to his hairline when Ellie snatched the bottle. He though about saying something, but decided against it. Finding out that the man you're in love with used to be a monster would probably take it's toll on anyone.

"I... I promise I won't hide anything from you anymore." Vincent said after a moment of silence, taking another big sip of the bottle. "I only wish Jun was here to hear all of this. I hate repeating some of these things, and he's bound to have some of the same questions as you." he added as an afterthought, thinking about his spectral friend.
Vincent handed her the bourbon, nodding. "Yeah, it must have been. The way he described it and the way he looked afterwards. That's her specialty, you know? She loves getting inside the minds of people and fucking with them, as I said, she used to do it so me when I was nothing more than a kid. Though why she choose Jun is anyone's guess."
"Because he's a shade...." Ellie gasped, " Maybe she's too weak right now to try and get inside the mind of anyone not her descendant or at least not expecting it....What if she's trying to build back up her power..." Ellie thought out loud, taking another swig from the bottle " But why?...."
"To finish what she started, of course." Vincent said giving her a wry smile. "That reminds me, we should probably tell everybody in the cafè about the threat of Serathi, even if the threat isn't very big right now. And I wonder if Spooks..." the demon trailed off, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Oh my god." He whispered, before jumping out of the couch, startling Ellie, making her spill some of the bourbon on the pillows, "Spooks! He left for sugar this morning!"

(@Metaphysics Sorry it took so long, had to wrap up some stuff. xD )
"I don't know! What time is it?" Vincent asked urgently, his voice laced with panic, looking around for that wall clock he never bothered hanging up.
(Dang. Sorry for arriving late.)

The muffled exclamation above stirred Jun awake, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes clear of the fog. It only took a moment for him to recall the events and his face fell. By his side, his hand began to throb now that he was fully awake, and stepping off the bed somewhat unsteadily he to the bathroom to retrieve the orange box Vincent had shown him earlier. When he arrived though he stopped short, seeing a small bundle in the bathtub. Peeking closer, he recognized it to be the form of a child.

@Scattered Ambitions

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