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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"My My My... It seems you've been left out the loop again Jun...." Serathi smiled her voice echoing in his mind. " Poor shade... always on the edge of society....Always alone...Always the freak," She continued her voice turning harsh and cold on the word freak.


(brb sorry >.<)
"I told him I would cut of his dick and feed it to him" Ase replied quietly "can I leave now"

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(My poor shade...)

Startled from his reverie Jun's head shot up, a sound of surprise escaping him as his hands slapped reflexively against the wooden table top. "A...Alone?" he whispered, repeating the distant voice and somehow strangely not questioning its existence. "A freak..." Jun shook his head, the back of his mind tickling and glanced around the room with a puzzled expression.
Vincent looked up when he heard something bang to his left. Seeing Jun with a weird expression on his face, he tilted his head to the side, Ase forgotten for a moment. "Are you okay, buddy?" He asked, his expression worried.
The color in the shade's eyes seemed faded as he turned toward Vincent. "I'm fine," he replied, then with realization noticed the sharp pain in his hand. It seemed he'd forgotten about the wound. "Yes, I'm fine," repeated the shade before his voice dropped to a whisper, murmuring, "it must have been the pain that startled me."
"Poor, poor Jun...More a freak then even a demon, A demon who killed innocent children for sport," Serathi laughed " Yes...The friend you trusted soooo much.... Is nothing more then a murderer,".

Ellie looked up at the sudden thud, worry filling her features, " Jun?..." she walked over to him looking at his wounded hand, " Are you ok?" she asked, looking at him confused.
He's probably just tired. Vincent thought, shrugging internally before giving his friend a small grin, turning back to the task at hand. Looking up at Seera, waiting for her to ask Ase a question.
Eyes widening, Jun pressed the heel of his undamaged hand to one eye, gasping. The voice rang as clear and as sweet as a bell in his head, and yet only insanity pricked his mind. "Kill...Who...Who killed?"
" Well....I guess the old saying's true...The apple doesn't fall far from the tree....How long before he turns on you?....Or worse...." Serathi chided , flashing a image of Ellie in his mind. " How long before he turns on his supposed love..The only one who ever treated you with kindness .. turning her into nothing more then a corpse...." She flashed another image in Jun's mind, this one of Ellie on the ground crippled and far to pale...blood pouring from a unseen wound and Vincent standing over her, blood painting his hands, Ellie's blood.

"Jun..." Ellie repeated getting more worried placing a hand lightly on his shoulder, " Hey...Jun..." she said softly.
Vincent looked over at Jun, just to check if the shade was okay, when he saw Ellie standing next to him, her pretty face riddled with worry. Hurriedly getting up, he walked over to them. Jun was staring out into space, not responding to Ellie's concerned calls. He got over to the table and waved a hand in front of Jun's face.

"Hey, you sure you're alright, buddy?" He asked, looking at Ellie, "What happened, do you know?"
Ellie shook her head, " No... I've been trying to get him to notice me for the past five minutes...but.. It's like he's not here..." she looked back at Jun placing her hand over his injured one lightly, " Jun....please tell us something...." she begged her eyes glittering with the threat of tears.
The shade was murmuring incoherently beneath his breath, a rush of words that no ear could follow, building swiftly in volume. Unresponsive to the demon or the witch, Jun suddenly pressed both hands desperately to his face, eyes screwed shut, speaking madly in gibberish. "Kill, you're going to kill her, don't do it - please, don't kill her," Ellie's corpse flashed before him and then the sight of Vincent, her blood dripping heavily from his hands, down his shirt - "killed, you killed her...!"

When Jun looked up from his hands he saw what his mind told him, and screamed. Feeling as if his very mind was being ripped from him, he lunged at Vincent.
"I'm going to be late" Ase said softly watching the group

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Vincent was just about the shake Jun out of whatever place his mind had wondered off too, seeing Ellie so close to tears making him a bit angry at the shade for ignoring her, when he was suddenly knocked to the ground, by none other than Jun himself, screaming gibberish, his eyes wild. The demon felt his ability to breath leave him on impact with the floorboards, and coughed.

"Woah! What the hell!" Vincent wheezed, shocked, trying regain his breath. He grabbed on to the shade's small form and flipped him over, pinning him to the floor by his hands. "What the hell... is wrong with you?"
"Vinny! Jun!" Ellie called out getting in between the two before the could really hurt each other, " Stop it! stop fighting!" She begged.

" Look at her.... so obvilious the danger around her,....So frail and ready to break..." Serathi egged him on. And look at my idiot of a son...falling for it all like the failure he is...Serathi thought, A edge of disgust in her voice. Now then... Who should I try on next?.... she looked at the Siren standing in the corner next to the, Ugh, angel and smiled, Perfect...She thought to her self slippping easily from Jun's mind to Seera.

@Scattered Ambitions
In response Jun thrashed beneath him, fighting savagely to break free. "You killed them! All of them!" Jun shouted up at him, and there was anguish beneath the words. "All of those people," the shade nails dug into the surface of Vincent's hands, piercing, "were killed by your hands!"

The palm of his left hand blossomed into fresh pain, and not knowing whether it was the agony or the voice suddenly slipping from him, but just like that Jun felt the rage and the madness disappear. With blessed relief that was near overwhelming, Jun let out a shuddering sigh before realizing Vincent's hand still touched his own. "Vincent, my blood!" the shade cried, alarmed, ripping his hand away and noticing, with fright, Ellie just inches away. "Get her away from me!"
The demon fell backwards, gripping his sizzling hand, gasping, looking at Jun with shocked eyes. Reaching up and grabbing the hem of Ellie's dress with his good hand, he yanked her backwards, causing her to trip, falling, fortunately, in the opposite direction of the horrified shade.

You killed them, He had screamed, Vincent realized with a start, staring at Jun, his mouth moving as if where saying something, but no coherent words would come out. "I.. I..." Looking down at his hand again, Vincent noticed with some sense of relief that only a few drops of Jun's blood had made it's way on to his skin. It burned, yes, but the demon couldn't think clearly right now.

Killed by your hands!

"Y-you..." Vincent looked from Jun to Ellie, his eyes wide.
" Vinny?.." Ellie crawled over to Vinny reaching out to take his hand , " Let me see maybe I-" she had barely brushed her fingertips against his hand when he jumped pulling his hand away from her in a swift graceful move. Ellie looked at him confused and hurt, "Vinny?..." she repeated quieter and more timid.
"I'm sorry." The shade sounded broken as he backed away from the two, scrambling, eyes large in his face. The wood hissed as blood continued to drop from the wound and he pressed his palm desperately against him, struggling to stop the bleeding, wanting to put as much distance between them. "Vincent, Ellie, I don't - I don't know what happened."
"Don't touch it." Vincent said without looking at her, his voice now cold and devoid of emotion. "You'll get poisoned." Vincent pressed his damaged hand to his chest, shielding it from her view, not wanting to take the chance of her accidentally touching it again.

Inside, Vincent's mind was reeling. What had just happened? How could Jun know about... What would the rest of the room think? Would they believe him? Was it even safe for him to stay at the cafè any longer? Looking up, his crimson eyes connected with Jun's frightened, (pale blue?) ones, one question persisting in his mind, above all the others.

"How did you know?"
Spooks woke up in a coffin and he chucked internally. 'This thing can't hold me!' He thought as he tried to phase out of the coffin only to find himself unable to. He tried to push against the lid with his hand and... "Wait...when did I have a hand?' He asked in a high voice as he flexed his dainty fingers. "Am I alive?"
" It must be hard...Being the only sensible one all the time, always cleaning up everyone else's ...Why should you have to sit back and watch that idiot run the cafe into the ground..." Serathi sighed, " You could run this cafe... Ten times better then Vincent ever could... And you could get rid of that annoying weakling of a witch..." She smiled placing a image of Seera running the cafe, happy, wealthy ,living the life of luxury.

"Eh?... Vinny... W-what are you talking about...?" Ellie asked laughing nervously, "I-if this is a joke...I'll make sure to hex you until next year..." she joked uneasily crawling slowly back to him tears running down her face.
Still unsettled by the events Jun stopped his retreat backwards and raised his eyes to Vincent. Usually a generous honey, the color of his irises were now a dull yellow (Almost xD ).

"I felt someone speaking to me," he said, his voice hollow, "She was there for a moment, and when she spoke, it felt like I lost control. There was...such anger, such hatred, it was overwhelming. I saw," his gaze rested on Ellie, and a touch of madness entered his face as he remembered the images, "you." He swallowed dryly, not trusting himself to admit the truth and maintain his sanity at the same time. "Both of you, I saw both of you. There was so much blood."

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