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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Vincent narrowed his eyes and stood up, having had quite enough of the angels bullying. Grabbing Ase gently by the arm, he guided her into the kitchen. "There is a fine line between being a good host and and having to tolerate harassment," He told her, taking the new bottle of 1963 Croft from her hand and placing it on the nearby table. "And in this cafè, we do not tolerate bullying."

Vincent rummaged thought the cupboards, eventually emerging with a bottle of what looked to be an expensive wine. "I'm sure Seera won't mind if I borrow some of her 'special wine'" He smirked, thinking back on the customer he had affectionately nicknamed the mayonnaise man in his head.

"You stay in here, okay? I'll be right back." With that, he excited the kitchen, making his way over to the shouting pair of angles, a pleasant smile on his face, before he could get to them though, he ran into Seera, carrying the human girl, looking extremely proud of herself.
Gods, for celestial beings these angels were terribly dense. Jun was still even holding the severed braid of the first angel in the air.

Frowning at their hopelessness, Jun unbound the hair with nimble fingers and showered the strands onto the angels' table, parts of it falling onto the being closest him. Without waiting for a reaction he turned and went behind the counter to Ase, the angel uncharacteristically quiet. He was sheltered from view as Jun favored a corner and reappeared, concern in his expression.

"Why are you listening to them?" he asked, not understanding. Vincent had reappeared then and he moved to the side, not knowing the demon's intentions.

@Mr Swiftshots
Seera looked at him, an inquisitive look on her face. "Did you hear me? Do you want me to throw her in the dumpster? Even if she's not dead, being in there will kill her, becuase the garbage truck will come and crush her."
Vincent looked at the kid, hanging limply over the sirens shoulder. A part of him said just kill her an be done with it, but another, stronger part of him didn't want to. At all. Cursing his softer side, Vincent sighed. "Just... roll her up in a rug or something. Then, if she waked up, she won't be able to cause trouble and we can decide what to do with her then. If she doesn't wake up, we'll throw her in the dumpster." He told her, before holding up the bottle. "Is this the trick wine by the way?"
"that's none of your concern" Ase said quietly watching Vincent." Ase where you at that stupid cafe again" she muttered under her breath."i'm leaving" Ase said getting up slowly.
"We don't have any spare rugs, but fine." Quietly, she said "what's happened to you? And yes, that is the special wine." She then walked away, and finding a length of rope, tied the girl up and threw her in to a bathtub. "There ya go
Vincent narrowed his eyes at her comment, but didn't say anything. Is it a bad thing that I don't want to unnecessarily kill a child? He thought to himself. He had never intentionally murdered kids after the elf incident, and he intended to keep it that way. Shrugging off her question, he went over to the two angels.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, Ase is currently unavailable, so you'll just have to make due with me. Here's your new bottle." Vincent said nicely, pouring the red liquid into their glasses, stopping when they were half full. I don't really know what this stuff is going to do to them, but I've always loved a mystery.

Leaving the bottle on their table, Vincent made his way over to Ellie and Jun, sitting back to watch the show. A small grin on his face.
Seera walked out, satisfied with the job she had done. She went over to sit by Vincent and the others, eager to watch the angels. "Ya know Vinny, I put some of your moonshine in there. I sure hope they like it!"
"Oh dear." Vincent chuckled, remembering that one time Ase had ingested the strong alcohol fondly, "This is going to be quite she show, isn't it? I wish we had some snacks."

@Mr Swiftshots
Dismayed by Ase's reaction, Jun touched her wrist lightly as Vincent joined them, hoping it would stop her. "Won't you like to see what Vincent has planned?" He side eyed the blue haired demon, who seemed delighted by himself. "Seems like it'll be an entertaining show," he encouraged, looking back at Ase.
Ellie sighed leaning against the bar, "I guess it's ok since their so mean to Ase," she pouted, " Their lucky my Feet for Hands hex won't be ready for another month..."
"I'm leaving" Ase repeated quietly she placed a letter on the table Vincent's name was on the front of it written in red ink. On closer inspection it was clearly a letter of resignation.Ase began heading for the back door.

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Vincent sighed and picked up the letter, not bothering opening it. Walking over to Ase he held up the letter. "What brought this on?" He asked, his narrowed red eyes connecting with her brown (?) ones, daring her to lie to him and ignoring the choking sounds from the angels table.
(Redish brown I guess) "I have responsibilities as an archangel I don't have time for this" she said softly turning the knob if the door.

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He knew this was one affair that didn't involve him, and getting up from his seat, Jun escorted the pair of angels out. They seemed too occupied with sucking air down their windpipes that they didn't notice the shade fade in and out of existence, his words following the same pattern. "I see your wine...a bit strong...the sto...ext door might have...water for you."
"So you're just going to throw away four years of friendship over a new title?" Vincent asked, his voice cold and his face hard as stone. The letter of resignation was crumpled in his fist, his knuckles turning white.
"Friendship" Ase muttered under her breath."goodbye" with that Ase opened the door

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"Leave me alone please" Ase said softly. "I want to leave now" she said quietly looking down.

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