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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Two male angels walked into the cafe and sat down at a table in the far corner. "this is the place that the new Archangel works" one said laughing to the other."hey if were lucky maybe the Archangel herself will serve us" the other sneered."hey Demon get us your best wine and make it choppy" the first angel said slamming his fist on the table. "honestly how could an angel like her become Archangel it a joke"
Vincent, again interrupted from getting to his apartment, spun around shocked as he heard the front door open and close again. At first, he assumed it was Spooks, back from his trip to the convenience store, but when the intense headache started, he knew he was completely and utterly mistaken. Walking over to the bar, Vincent rolled his eyes. "Of course, right away, sirs." He called out, the last word a tad bit sarcastic. Walking in to the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of the 1995 Chteau Margaux, a wine originally saved for special occasions.

Ah, damn it, there goes my good mood he thought bitterly as he made his way back out, grabbing a pair of wine glasses on his way over to the angels.

"Do you need anything else, gentlemen?" He asked, his face forced into a pleasant smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
And who could blame me, he thought, My head feels like it's about to split open.
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"yeh is there an angel by the name of Ase here" asked one of the angels grinning."yeh we'd love if she could serve us" announced the other."She works here doesn't she demon"!
Vincent tilted his head to the side, studying them. "Yes, she works here. She's the assistant manager, actually. Though she hasn't been here in a while." He told them, thinking back on the huge fight they had had, frowning.
"oh assistant manager that's impressive" "oh yeh its defiantly a worthy job for an archangel" the two joked "why would someone as rich as her need a job anyway" the other protested the two laughed hysterically.
Vincent sighed. He knew these men's type, ha had seen a lot of people like them in Hell, and they were starting to piss him off. Not wanting to start anything, he bit back a snappy comeback and smiled pleasantly at them, his eyes burning. "Well, if you two would excuse me, I have to go tend to the bar." He said, bowing his head, and began walking away, intent on seeing of aspirin worked on demons.
With a soft click, the bathroom door opened to reveal Jun, the shade momentarily distracted by his left hand as he continued to test its flexibility. Movement was very limited in his ring and pinky finger, the gash running from the middle of his palm to the outer edge of his wrist. One thing fortunate was that the bandage felt like a second skin, and Jun's movement was only inhibited by how much pain he wished to bear when using his hand.

It wasn't until he was almost shoulder to shoulder with a familiar figure did he look up. "I fixed it," he announced pleasantly, holding his hand up for the demon to see. Then noticing the tightness in the demon's jaw he asked, "Something the matter?"
Looking down at the shade, Vincent smiled and was surprised to find the smile genuine. "That's great, Jun." He said, studying his friends hand. "Just be careful not to use it to much, or it wont heal properly."

When he heard Jun's question, he sighed and rubbed his head. Pointing discreetly at the two newcomers, he murmured, only loud enough fro Jun to hear, "We have company, and it's giving me a right headache, actually," He told him honestly, watching as the two angels spilled some of the expensive wine on the tablecloth, "And not just because they're angels. They are really obnoxious and loud, and they're here looking for Ase. Be careful around them."
His mouth opening in a small 'O' of surprise, Jun craned his head to the side to get a better look down the hall. "There's still sunlight outside, yes?" he asked, noticing the slivers of afternoon light peeking through the curtains. "Could you draw the drapes for me?" Without waiting for an answer Jun slipped into the available sunlight and disappeared.
"S-sure." Vincent replied perplexed, turning to face Jun, only to fin his friend already gone. Wondering what the shade was up to, Vincent did as he was asked, getting weird looks from the duo of angels. "Just letting a little sunlight in!" He told them cheerfully, pulling the maroon curtains open, "Even if this cafè is for monsters, it doesn't mean it has to be dark and dreary in here all the time!"

@Mr Swiftshots
" Oh...I've never seen angels aside from Ase before..." Ellie said amazed. " I can see that all angels really like their wine..." She smiled slyly, hoping to make Vinny and Jun laugh.
"Nope." Vincent chirped, coming up to Ellie after all the curtains were drawn, sitting down next to her, keeping an eye on them, waiting to see what Jun was going to do. "They really like expensive wine!" He chuckled, watching with a wince as the angels spilled some more of his precious 1995.
Ellie smiled patting his head whispering in his ear, " I'll granny bring you some special witch wine thats twice as good," she smiled sweetly.
Vincent threw an arm around her shoulders, grinning at her. "And that, my dear Ellie, is why you are the only true angel in this room."
As a gentle minded shade Jun abhorred violence, avoided it any cost. It was possibly because of this strong emotion that he had gained the ability to simply put others to sleep while bypassing the opportunity to draw blood. Regardless, he also wasn't too keen on the angels' behavior and how they were treating the cafe, which is why, as he drew silently behind one of the pairs, he slipped a knife from the table behind him.

Acting quickly, for the knife was completely visible, Jun lifted the long, thick braid of the angel and sliced it right off.

@Mr Swiftshots
Vincent gasped and stuffed his fist in his mouth, keeping the laughter bubbling up withing him from bursting out and alerting the angels to what was going on. Nudging Ellie, he discreetly gestured to the 'flying' knife with his head, playing it off as a nod. "I didn't think our gentle Junie Juncha Junchi had it in him." He whispered, biting the inside of his cheek.
Ase walked in the door of the cafe and made her way over to the bar."ha ha its true she's here" the angels laughed."hey Archangel bring us another bottle of wine i accidentally spilled this one" the angel teased as he poured the wine out onto the floor. "yes right away sir" Ase replied softly picking up a bottle of wine from over the counter.
Puzzled the angel hadn't noticed, Jun's lips quirked to the side, the action lost upon everyone due to his concealed state. Careful to remain in the sun, he tip toed to the other one and, touching the bottle he was spilling on the floor, eased it gently so the red flow now spilled brightly onto his perfect ivory pants.
"oh it seems i spilled some wine on myself...hurry up with that wine and when your finished with that clean this mess up!" ordered the angel "as you wish" Ase replied. "ha she's completely worthless as an angel let alone an Archangel" they sneered.
Lulu woke, with a start. She looked up, and other horror, saw a ceiling that wasn't hers. She was about to yell for her dad, when she heard a door open somewhere near her. She saw a blue haired woman walk in, a smirk on her face, and clamped her hand over her mouth. Lulu squirmed, and bit down on one of the woman's fingers, but nothing happened. The woman winced, but didn't take her hand away. Suddenly, her hand was in the air, and in an instant, it had connected with the side of Lulus head, with a dull thud. Lulu tried to scream again, but found no noise would penatatre the woman's fingers. Her vision blackening, she m de one last feeble attempt to escapes the woman's grip, but then went limp. The woman tossed Lulu over her shoulder, and walked down a staircase, into a brightly light area, that smelled of coffe.

Seera walked down the stairs, with the human girl slung over her shoulder, just in time to see Jun dissapper and then a knife slice off the angels braid. "Shit, angels." she mumbled under her breath, then walked over to Vincent, and Ellie. "Hey, I just found a human. I think I killed her, but I don't know. Dumpster?"

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