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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

The panic having swallowed whatever remaining nausea remained, Jun shuffled reluctantly to the side, making room for Vincent. "Do you remember Ellie's story from yesterday?" he said quietly, and there was an odd touch of bitterness to the shade as he spoke. "There, look." He tilted his head to the floor, signaling for him to look down at his feet.

"It doesn't last long," Jun continued, scanning over parts of the destroyed panels, "but my blood does that." He sighed, the sound heavy. "No wonder why the Hunters were after me..."
" Ya know...My parent's were killed by bad people to... I was about your age to...I remember I cried everyday because I missed them so much... I missed my dad letting me sit on his shoulders if I was good when we went shopping...I missed my mom and me playing dress up on days she wasn't busy with work... but most of all I guess I missed the way they would hold me really really tight when ever i felt scared or lonely..." Ellie smiled sadly looking down.
"Oh..sorry" Lulu mumbled a bit, before thinking. I wonder if it was that demon...the one downstairs...

(Sorry my posts are so short I'm watching anime and posting when I stop so I cant think what to post because Im thinking about my show"
The demon looked down at the floorboards and suppressed a gasp. He looked back up at Jun, thinking hard. "I see." He muttered. Standing up from his crouched position, he walked the short distance to the bathroom cupboard. Opening the door he reached inside, grabbing the med kit he knew was inside.

Carrying the orange box over to Jun, he put it down on the floor. "We can talk about what your blood does later, okay? But right now, you're hurt and bleeding and we have to fix that." Reaching in to the box, he pulled out a roll of bandages.

"I don't know what good cleaning your wound would do, as your blood seems to dissolve anything that could have come in contact with it, but this is a special kind of bandage that Ellie enchanted for us about six months ago," He explained, holding it up, "The enchantment should work on your hand." He added, holding out the roll to Jun, smiling slightly.
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"Actually it was Vincent that helped me when my parents first died... My grandma liked coming to his cafe so I would often tag along, hehe... I remember he would always poke my cheeks, and tease me..but when ever I got sad and missed my parents he would pat my head, telling me 'everything's gonna ok..'" Ellie smiled fondly."I know... you probably don't trust us...but please let me help you... because I understand what it feels like when you loose someone important you," Ellie smiled offering her hand to the girl.
Jun took the roll gingerly from the demon, careful not to touch him with bloodstained fingers. "Seems like Ellie has been a saving grace to this cafe since her arrival," he commented softly, starting to peel the towel from the wound. He grimaced, sucking a sharp breath as the edges of the tough fabric clung stubbornly to parts of his skin. It was a delicate process that included Jun screwing his eyes shut and biting back a curse, but eventually he was able to remove it.

He glanced at the roll before his expression turned sullen. "Alcohol. Not," he added, stressing quickly, "to drink." He stood to his feet and hovered the damaged hand over the sink. "To clean." Mindful of Vincent's comment about the blood, he added, "It'll at least clean the outer edges of the wound. I don't want to risk anything, if I can."
Lulu looked up, and thought for a moment, before taking her hand. "Your right, I don't trust you, but I have no where to go, and no one I know, even just a little bit, so I have to be here, I guess. If that makes any sense." She reached up to wipe her tears away from her eye, when her hand hit a tiny piece of glass embedded in her skin, right below here eye. She shrieked, tears welling up again.
Vincent chuckled, unable to help himself. "Yeah, she's certainly helped us out a lot, and the whole cafè is in her debt, really." He grinned up at Jun, watching as he delicately cleaned his wound. "Was that your first time having alcohol?" He asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Do you remember anything?"
"Wait!" Ellie said calming pulling the girl to her " Just a second..." she mused pulling the glass from where it was lodged in her skin checking for more glass or wounds. When she passed Ellies inspection, Ellie reached inside her pocket and pulled out a bandaid putting it right below her. "There , that should help," she smiled warmly.
(Haha, Jun asked for alcohol to clean the wound but I'll roll with it. :) )

As he steadied himself against the counter top, Jun placed his free hand against his brow, eyes moving across the surface as he tried to recall last night. "I know my preference for milk tea has weakened," he said after a moment, smiling wryly. "But other than that, no, I don't." He shook his head, then stopped, partially because of the beginnings of a headache and partially because of sudden premonition, a sinking feeling beginning in his stomach.

"Why? Did something happen last night?"
(Woops. Sorry.)

Reaching back into the orange med box, Vincent pulled out a small bottle of rubbing alcohol, holding it out to the shade. "This is going to hurt like a bitch." He warned, before answering his second question.

"Nothing particularly exciting, no. You tried to juggle our porcelain, almost cried because you didn't have a nickname, you kissed me and the promptly fell asleep." He recounted, ticking off each thing on his fingers innocently, concealing a smirk.
Ellie froze in the doorway all her drunken antics coming back to her " Oh god, how embarrassing!" she squeaked covering her face blushing from ear to ear.
At each item listed, Jun's face fell into further shock. There was near horror on his expression at the mentioning of the kiss. Ashamed, Jun outstretched his hand, not looking as he bent his head in an act of penance. "Poor," was his only reply.

(No worries!)
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Placing the rubbing alcohol in Jun's outstretched hand, not sure if that was what he wanted or not, Vincent chuckled. "Don't worry about that, man. Everybody does and says stupid stuff the first time they're drunk! And the twentieth for that matter. Actually, people do stupid things when they're drunk regardless of how many times it's happened before. I woke up on a rooftop today." Vincent informed him, making sure Ellie could hear him from behind the door. He had heard her squeak from outside.
Though in pain, Jun wasn't deaf, and that was confirmed by the indignant cry that came from the other side of the door. Clutching the bottle, Jun said to Vincent, "You don't want to be here for this. I'd rather handle this," a lie straight between his teeth, for this surely was going to hurt, "than who's outside."
(@thistle I'm laughing so hard right now)

Vincent jumped at Ellie's loud screech, banging his head against the door handle. Quickly nodding at his friend, he got up and opened the door. "Just call for me of you need anything, okay?" He added lamely before walking out of the bathroom, facing Ellie's wrath head on. I am a brave Demon.
" VINCENT BUCKLEY!!!!! OF ALL THE STUPID STUNTS YOU'VE PULLED THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE DUMBEST YET!!!!! HOW DOES SOMEONE WAKE UP ON A ROOF?!?!?!" Ellie screamed so loud, all of the neighbors could probably hear, her face bright red from anger. " Do you have any idea how worried sick I was about you last night!?!?!".
Vincent backed away from the screaming witch, his hands held up in surrender. I am a cowardly Demon.

"I... I got pretty drunk off of the moonshine... And you remember how angry I got!" Vincent defended, hoping the angry girl wouldn't swallow him whole. "And it's been a week since I last fed, so I went out to... relieve some of my rage!"
(I am by no means perfect in my writing, but I swear I've never made a mistake that bad in a while.)

Jun waited until Vincent left before steeling himself against the sink. Teeth clenched, Jun lifted the bottle and watched the liquid stream out in a clear waterfall. It was just before the alcohol hit the wound that Jun realized with vivid clarity that this was a very bad idea.

Behind the door that Vincent and Ellie stood in front of, a cry of anguish ensued, some scuffing of a foot following shortly after. Luckily, it was nothing compared to the volume outside and Jun, managing to collect himself, took up the bandage and began to dress the freshly cleaned wound, gasping.
Ellie moved toward Vinny slowly cornering him in a corner. She moved closer pressing her face in his shoulder, "I was really worried....." she whimpered considerably softer, her whole body shaking as she sniffled, crying softly in his shoulder.
Vincent was confused. He had never seen Ellie acting like this before. She was usually so calm and collected. Shaking his head he wrapped his arms around her petite form and let her cry on him. "I-I'm sorry?" He said, his words coming out as a question, the demon not really understanding why she was suddenly so worried about him. This had happened plenty of times before, "I'll tell you where I'm going the next time, okay? I promise." He added, patting her back a little.

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